How to connect database and joomla website on cpanel - joomla

There is a joomla 1.7 website I want to host.I have uploaded the database and the joomla folder to the cpanel.How can i do to connect the database and the joomla folder so that they can be accessed by the public?

You have to add db details like Host name, user name , password, log path, tmp path accordingly in configuration.php in the joomla root folder.


How to Change File Upload Path in Voyager

I have a application created using Laravel and Voyager Admin Panel when I run my application on localhost voyager uploaded image save in project/public/storage but when I deploye my Project to shared hosting voyager files uploading to project/storage/app/public so how can I fix this issue?
Then change your file system as below:
replace the first file ecosystem local to public
and then below down change your public disk URL location to storage/app/public or whatever you want.

Move Magento to WAMP

I am trying to clone a Magento site to wamp and after accessing the local site from Wamp server (localhost) it redirects me to the online version of the site.
I modified web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url from core_config_data table to "localhost/my_local_site", where the local version of the site is saved.
After I add to hosts file and turn offline, the local site is loading the first page (index) but the other pages are not loading.
Do you have any ideas what I should do to make the local version of the site work?
Check the database name and user in etc/local.xml
Change the links in your db at core_config_data to localhost or
whatever name your localhost has.
Delete cache and sessions from the localhost folders.
Hopes it helps

Magento url rewrites to local ip

I've installed Magento CE in my xampp enviroment. Everything works fine except that I'm having problem with vhost and access to the site over the internet. When I type the domain name it resolves from e.g. to in my url field. What am I doing wrong?
That means you didn't update your database with your current domain name. In magento we have a core_config_data table , so there you need to update your current url

Trouble accessing a custom form on magento(multiple website) from url

I created a custom web form for a magento website, on a local server which has only one website setup, i could access the form using the URL but when i upload the module to the server which has multiple website setup, i cannot access the form using the URl ,
for e.g on my local server i could access the form as
but when i upload the module e.g on the server(it has multiple website setup, more than 50 sites ) i could not access the form (gives me a 404 error)
how would i access the module, how would i find out about the url to access the form.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance.
1) clean cache to make sure that module installed (check it in admin or database)
2) check that url rewrites enabled and works (can you access some category or product page without index.php ?)
If your default URL is then to access multiple sub domain you should enable from your domain panel by providing host stetting
Hostname=*, address=, Record Type=A(address)
Also, on your server add sub domain
It will create dev folder in the public_html folder in file manager.
You should copy index.php and .htaccess file in that follows the magento multiple web site steps see the link

How to redirect in Magento?

I am new on Magento. I am facing some problem when open the site in browser.
I am having two sites:
I have download the code and database of I want to upload this code and database on the server of
After download the data base I searched for this and replace with
After that I have import the database file on the server of, When I am trying to open it redirecting on the site
Is there any change needed because it redirects wrong?
You have to change/delete the unsecure_url and secure_url from core_config_data table to be able to access your store on different url
When copying the files onto the new server remember to not copy the contents of var/ directory. That would include the cache which effectively overrides the database.
