Any documentation on Core Audio's public utility classes? - core-audio

I've recently begun learning a lot about core audio, and I'm just not understanding what the public utility classes are and how to use them

several Apple sample projects use these, search for : aurioTouch2 or ConvertFile
these "CoreAudio Utility Classes" include :
Also - there are two very helpful books :
Learning Core Audio by Chris Adamson
Beginning iPhone Games Development published by Apress
in general, these utility classes ease troubleshooting / displaying error msgs
Here is an excerpt from CAStreamBasicDescription.h
// CAStreamBasicDescription
// This is a wrapper class for the AudioStreamBasicDescription struct.
// It adds a number of convenience routines, but otherwise adds nothing
// to the footprint of the original struct.
Strictly speaking you do not need these utilities at all.
If you look at the source code projects available online
for the above Learning CA book, Adamson rolls his own consise replacements as needed.


Writing less and keeping a good performance, is it possible?

These past few days I've been thinking of a way to avoid needing to write a lot of code and still keeping a good performance for a Air desktop game I'm developing, as a hobby.
The game is a sort of vertical shooter, that consist of several entities moving and checking collision. There are plenty of different kind of units. Each frame I have something like:
The simpler approach is to have all different entities to inherit the Entity class, and manually customize them all. This is slow and cumbersome, and hard to maintain. But it's fast, performance wise.
The other approach is to have only one Entity class, and just using some sort of composition to simply add "behaviors". So for example I have a master class with things like types of movements, attacks, etc, and the different entities use them.
The problem with that approach is, calling a function is slow, according to my tests, it is ~3 times slower than just having the code right there (inside execute()).
I'm in a dilemma, I can't find a way to reuse chunks of code to decorate generic Entity instances, and keep a good performance. Seems like I have to use one or the other.
I tried using [Inline], but I've read it's not a stable feature, and I didn't see any noticeable performance improvement, I didn't test it much though.
Any insight is appreciated.
Abstraction through inheritance is a good object oriented pattern, I'd argue that it is not slow or cumbersome to maintain. Separation of concerns would add clarity to classes that inherit your base Entity class; as well, reduce copied code. Interfaces would further abstract concrete types.
ActionScript does not support powerful object oriented language features that you might find in a language like C# - no abstract base class, no partial classes, limited template / generics, limited polymorphism. Composition and decorator patterns would likely force using dynamic classes, which would also slow down the runtime due to type checking.
Perhaps the greater issue is too much business logic in the Entity class. I would think some world container or controller would be responsible for collision detection.
Something you could consider is a physics engine like Box 2D.
There are ports of Box2D built with CrossBridge (formerly Alchemy, FlasCC), which is a C++ compiler for the AVM2, able to run Flash up to 10x faster through lean optimized bytecode that features high performance memory-access opcodes for Flash (known as Domain Memory).
This is how games like Angry Bots or Neverball are made.
Check out Jesse Sternberg's Box2d Flash Alchemy Port + World Construction Kit if using a AS3 physics engine sounds interesting.
There are some common approaches to speeding up the flash in game development. One of them is to avoid using display objects, in favour of simple bitmaps. In this case you have a stage as a bitmap, and keep all your game state in lightweight objects, and then just make a game state snapshot drawn into that stage bitmap data (with copyPixels) periodically (on enter frame, or on timer)
schematically: say you have a game with units
class PseudoSprite {
public var x:uint;
public var y:uint;
public var currentAnimFrame:uint;
protected var snapshotCreator:AbstractSnapshotCreator;
public function makeSnapshot():BitmapData {
return snapshotCreator.createSnapshot(currentAnimFrame);
class Unit extends PseudoSprite {
public var directionAngle:Number = 0;
public var speed:uint = 0;
function Unit() {
snapshotCreator = UnitSnapshotCreator.instance;
public function doStep():void {
x = //count x by speed and direction
y = //count y by speed and direction
class Game {
public var stage:Bitmap;
private var objects:Vector.<PseudoSprite> = new <PseudoSprite>[
new Unit(), new Unit()];
public function step() {
for each (var unit:PseudoSprite in objects) {
//draw unit.snapshot() to the stage bitmap data
so, you can see: you can build whole units (or all game objects) hierarchy using normal OOP, and get some suitable performance..
After some tests, I've found out that I can just do something like:
public var foo:Function;
and then when I create the entity I can: = myCustomFoo;
And then in the main loop I can:;
This is as performant as calling a native member function inside the Entity instance. Warning, don't create a getter to access your function, it becomes a lot slower.

Using Alloy Models

I'm working on a project about the live upgrade of HA applications in SA
Forum middleware.
in Part of my research, I need to make a UML profile for my input upgrade campaign file,
and validate that file regarding some dependency constraints. Now I want to use ALLOY
instead of UML in my work specially since it's more abstract and formal than UML. (of
course UML + OCL will be formal.). Now my question is that, if UML + OCL is formal so
what's the benefit of using the ALLOY?
In general what are the benefits of using Alloy against UML?
As far as I know, there are no tools that let you check your OCL constraints against the UML
model, and generate and visualize valid instances, so if you are planning to do formal analysis of your models + specifications, Alloy might be a better choice. Even if you're not planning to do much of analysis, Alloy's ability to generate and visualize valid instances is greatly helpful in making sure you got your model and specification right.

What does "1" in "D2D1" stands for?

D2D1 is the namespace for Direct2D technology in Win32. However I don't understand the etymology of this name. The D2D part most likely refers to Direct2D, however the last 1 puzzles me...
There are also a lot of classes with "1" as a suffix: IDWriteFactory1, IDWriteFont1, IDWriteTextLayout1, etc. — what is their purpose, and difference from the similar objects without the suffix?
COM interfaces are usually named with increasing numbers to allow for versioning. Once a COM interface has been published publically, COM rules dictate that the interface is not allowed to be changed anymore, or else compatibility with existing code breaks. If new functionality needs to be added, a new interface has to be exposed. Let's take IDWriteFactory1 for example. Today, that is a first release interface. In the future, maybe IDWriteFactory2 will be added that extends IDWriteFactory1 with new methods. Existing code is preserved, since they don't know anything about IDWriteFactory2, but new code could create an IDWriteFactory1 object and query it to see if it supports IDWriteFactory2 and if so then use the newer methods as needed.
The naming of the D2D1 namespace is likely similar. It is probably being used for versioning purposes (Direct2D v1 ?). Maybe there will be a D2D2 (Direct2D v2) namespace added in the future for things that don't fit in the existing Direct2D architecture. Who knows for sure.

Separation of domain and ui layer in a composite

i'm wondering if there is a pattern how to separate the domain logic of a class from the ui responsibilities of the objects in the domain layer.
// Domain classes
interface MachinePart
CalculateX(in, out)
// Where do we put these:
// Draw(Screen) ??
// ShowProperties(View) ??
// ...
class Assembly : MachinePart
CalculateX(in, out)
class Pipe : MachinePart
CalculateX(in, out)
length, diamater...
There is an application that calculates the value X for machines assembled from many machine parts. The assembly is loaded from a file representation and is designed as a composite. Each concrete part class stores some data to implement the CalculateX(in,out) method to simulate behaviour of the whole assembly. The application runs well but without GUI. To increase the usability a GUi should be developed on top of the existing implementation (changes to the existing code are allowed). The GUI should show a schematic graphical representation of the assembly and provide part specific dialogs to edit several parameters.
To achieve these goals the application needs new functionality for each machine part to draw a schematic representation on the screen, show a property dialog and other things not related to the domain of machine simulation. I can think of some different solutions to implement a Draw(Screen) functionality for each part but i am not happy with each of them.
First i could add a Draw(Screen) method to the MachinePart interface but this would mix-up domain code with ui code and i had to add a lot of functionality to each machine part class what makes my domain model hard to read and hard to understand.
Another "simple" solution is to make all parts visitable and implement ui code in visitors but Visitor does not belong to my favorite patterns.
I could derive UI variants from each machine part class to add the UI implementation there but i had to check if each part class is suited for inheritance and had to be careful on changes to the base classes.
My currently favorite design is to create a parallel composite hierarchy where each component stores data to define a machine part, has implementation for UI methods and a factory method which creates instances of the corresponding domain classes, so that i can "convert" a UI assembly to a domain assembly. But there are problems to go back from the created domain hierarchy to the UI hierarchy for showing calculation results in the drawing for example (imagine some parts store some values during the calculation i want to show in the schematic representation after the simluation).
Maybe there are some proven patterns for such problems?
Agree with #Marjin, and to generalise his answer. What you need is Model-View-Controller of which MVP and MVVM are variants. From your comments I think you understand that, but need to understand how to implement the pattern. Without knowing your language & target architecture it's hard to give absolute specifics. Notwithstanding, I'd start with the Observer pattern (link has sample code).
The problem you're dealing with is how to provide observable access from the domain to the UI - without encumbering the domain with UI-specific code. Observer provides a means to do that. It does require domain changes, in particular to enable registration of observers and notification of changes. However there's nothing GUI-specific in that so it stays well encapsulated.
PS: If your app is a typical thin-client web app you'll need to modify the approach. And beware: lots of web app frameworks are advertised as "MVC", but the implementation is architecturally quite different to the Observer pattern.
You can take a look at the model-view-presenter (mvp) and model-view-viewmodel (mvvm) patterns.
Fowler's presentation model includes two sample applications; it also might be of interest to you.
I think that investigating these patterns will give you some ideas on how to continue. Mvvm looks a lot like your current solution; so i'd start there if I were you.
Maybe a View Helper can help. It's not a C++, but a Java EE pattern, but in your case it will definitely separate your domain objects from their presentation details...

Hand Coding a Coded UI Test

I have been working with Coded UI Test(CUIT) feature of VS2010 .
When recording the CodedUI framework generates a lots of hierarchical classes.
I was wondering whether coding(by hand) a CUIT would reduce the code created and would it be as optimized(in searching elements) as generated code??
Also what are the scenarios where a CUIT could be coded by hand?
CUITe (Coded UI Test enhanced) Framework is for people who prefer hand coding.
CUITe is a thin layer developed on top of Microsoft Visual Studio Team Test's Coded UI Test engine which helps reduce code, increases readability and maintainability, while also providing a bunch of cool features for the automation engineer.
CUITe allows you to define a much simpler Object Repository (== UIMap). Each page/window will be defined in a separate class file, and each UI control definition will be just a one liner. You can move common controls to a parent class which increases maintainability. You can also categorize the page/window definition classes into different folders as you deem fit.
I have been working on Coded UI, from my understanding recorded/generated code is too complex and difficult to maintain.
I always use hand coding, which is simple and easy to maintain.
Here is full sample hand coded UI script for Silver-light application
public void SilverlightHANDCODINGTest()
BrowserWindow br = BrowserWindow.Launch(#"http://localhost:1377/SilverlightApplication1TestPage.html");
UITestControl sCustom = new UITestControl(br);
sCustom.TechnologyName = "Web";
sCustom.SearchProperties.Add("ControlType", "Custom");
sCustom.SearchProperties.Add("TagName", "OBJECT");
sCustom.SearchProperties.Add("Type", "application/x-silverlight-2");
sCustom.SearchProperties.Add("TagName", "OBJECT");
// sCustom.DrawHighlight();
SilverlightControl sframe = new SilverlightControl(sCustom);
sframe.TechnologyName = "Silverlight";
sframe.SearchProperties.Add(SilverlightControl.PropertyNames.MaxDepth, "-1");
SilverlightEdit sTextBox = new SilverlightEdit(sCustom);
sTextBox.TechnologyName = "Silverlight";
sTextBox.SetProperty(SilverlightEdit.PropertyNames.Text, "Thank god");
SilverlightButton sButton = new SilverlightButton(sCustom);
sButton.TechnologyName = "Silverlight";
sButton.SearchProperties.Add(SilverlightButton.PropertyNames.DisplayText, "Button");
SilverlightComboBox sComboBox= new SilverlightComboBox(sCustom);
sComboBox.TechnologyName = "Silverlight";
You may hand write less code but its going to likely be less maintainable and more prone to breaking. You can use the partial class to effectively override the search clauses after the code has been generated.
