How to create user with access only to one given folder? - windows

I need to make "sandbox" to run scripts and applications (PHP, Perl, exe files, Ruby, and so on). But interpreters needs to be accesible to run and only one folder can be accessible to be changed. Also it will be great to allow application to be launched with quotas on hard drive. What do I need to use in this case?
I need solution in C#

You could just setup windows Security to allow this, select the folder you wish the user to access to and set permissions on it (right click, properties, security). The problem with this approach is you need to find all other folders and revoke access to them if you don't want the user using them (ie EVERYONE and USERS access).
Alternativly have a peek at the WinJail package which does as you require. (CHROOT/JAIL implimentation for windows).

You might need to create some sort of virtual drive.
Look at this
creating virtual hard Drive
and a csharp library to play with virtual drives
Hope this help

You can set a filesystem filter on all file operations and control them this way, but such wide filter will slowdown operations significantly, especially if checks are done in user mode (via callbacks). You can test our CallbackFilter product, which lets you do the above in C#, but be ready for slowness.


Deciding between GPO and straight registry editing NSIS

I'm writing an NSIS script to upgrade an appliance between versions. The versioning and setup have gotten away from us a bit, as we have many versions in the field, and currently no easy way to upgrade from one version to another. So the first task I have is to write something that they can run on field machines to do everything necessary to bring them to the latest version.
The appliance runs on windows 7. it has 3 users. In the repository for the project there are 4 .msc files that contain group policies to set the appropriate settings for each of these. (computer, non-administrator, admin, appliance)
Is this the right way to go? in trying to power through learning NSIS, it seems easier to write the registry keys directly to HKU /user/... rather than the extra layer of indirection from GPO, given that I'm not doing any sort of distributed system using active directory (which I know approximately nothing about), and just have 3 static users on one static physical machine.
So concise questions:
Which approach makes more sense for my application? GPO files, or direct ntuser.dat editing on the various users.
if GPO makes sense, how do I apply an msc file inside NSIS? double clicking the file works in windows, but then you have the mmc open. oogly. is there a clean way to do it with NSIS?
How does a GPO in the registry under HKCU translate to a system wide policy? it seems to me that what's written to the registry is missing the critical information of which users it applies to (if it applies to a user or group).
Thanks in advance
.msc files usually contain data used by MMC and not policy data, perhaps you mean .adm template files? I don't think you can really apply a .msc file programmatically.
Direct registry editing is probably OK if your application just reads them normally on the other end, otherwise you might need to call gpupdate.
If your policy is stored under Software\Policies then entries in HKLM applies to everyone and entries in HKCU/HKU applies to that user. A normal user cannot change their policy under HKCU because they don't have write access. There is not really a concept of groups when using these keys.

In Windows is any folder alternative to ProgramData?

I'm writing a desktop app and need a folder which...
Exists in Windows 7 and Vista
Is common to all users (for store config data).
Application can save data on it, without Admin privileges (not like "ProgramData").
is standard (I don't want to create another app specific folder in "C:", the Desktop or other place alike.)
"Program Files" is not an option, of course.
Can you suggest an appropriate folder, or better use the Registry?
The recommended way to do this is to create a folder at install time, dedicated to your application, underneath "ProgramData" (i.e. CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA/FOLDERID_ProgramData).
As you already know, the CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA folder is read only for standard users. So your install program needs to give the folder that it creates an ACL that permits the access that you require.
This is the solution that meets all the criteria laid out in your bullet points.
You mention the registry. There is no area of the registry that is shared between all users and yet writeable by standard users. Whilst you can use ACLs to grant more permissive access rights to the registry, it is really not the done thing. Please forget that I even mentioned this possibility!
IF your app is .NET then use CommonApplicationData - you can get the real location by calling GetFolderPath.
EDIT - as per comments:
You need to setup ACL correctly - for sample source code on how to do this see
What about Public User directories? For Example: C:\Users\Public\Libraries or C:\Users\Public\Documents
I've noticed these folder on several of my Windows 7 machines. I'm not sure if it is always there, but might be an option. I was hoping for something like an %appdata% for the Public User, but the closest thing I found was Public\Libraries.
(As a side note, it appears C:\Users\Public\Desktop does require admin to write to.)
what about using %APPDATA%/Company/Product for the directory?

Suggested file location that will be editable by all windows users?

I'm building a product that involves
a windows service caching data on the local machine,
user processes reading that data and writing their own data,
the service in turn writing back that data to a server.
Where should I put the data files for this, such that they'll be shared by all users and read/writable? The software will operate in a corporate environment where desktops are sometimes pretty locked-down, so for instance some users won't have write rights to C:\Program Files.
I don't think C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\ is a good candidate - I think by default only Admins & Power Users have write access here.
I could use each user's Application Data folder, but this would be a bit of a pain as different people could use each machine ... so it'd be simpler if there was just one shared location.
I'm developing in C# .net 2005, but that's probably not too relevant.
Unfortunately you have no real choice. You must (you really must) call SHGetSpecialFolderLocation to get the path to c:\users\public\AppData (which is the name of the folder you linked above, but on Vista and possibly Windows 7)
Then you MUST create your own app folder therein. And then, you MUST, use the security APIs to modify the ACL of the created folder.
There is NO folder on the system with a default ACL that allows multiple non administrator users to read AND write the same files.
c:\users\public\AppData is the closest. Modifying the ACL of a application folder here seems the best approach. Of course, once one has resorted to ACL modification, the folder really could be created anywhere at all. But that could surprise system administrators and result in weired security holes.

How do I update a VB6 app from XP to Vista?

I work on a vb6 application which is having problems with Vista, for the obvious reasons (writing to program files, and other things that are no longer allowed by default).
Where should I store application data or user's saved files?
Do I need priviledges to create folders and files, there, too?
What other common actions will cause problems?
The program has an updater which must download and register files, how do I elevate priviledges when this occurs?
Some of these questions have obvious answers, but I want to get the obvious stuff right.
Depending upon what you are doing, you might be in for a world of pain. There are no hard and fast answers to any of those questions, but from someone who is going through the same issues right now, here's what I know.
1) Where should I store application data or user's saved files?
This depends on what you are wanting to do. If you want them per user, store them in Users/AppData, if you want them for all users, store them in Common/AppData
If SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, -1, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, sTempPath) = 0 Then
sCommonAppdata = Left$(sTempPath, InStr(1, sTempPath, Chr(0)) - 1) & "CompanyName\AppName"
End If
Change that to CSIDL_APPDATA for the Users AppData directory. Note: These map to totally different places on the filesystem for XP and Vista so when you are debugging prepare to look in different places.
2) Do I need priviledges to create folders and files, there, too?
You need Adminsitrator access to write anything in Program Files, if at all possible don't do it! We are currently running into issues that the API's for VB and the standard API's behave differently on files in Program Files.
3) What other common actions will cause problems?
There are lots of hidden gotchas. Just to name a few, you cannot communicate through IPC or Named Pipes to other applications (we have a Service that we were talking to through a Tray Notification Icon and that had to be completely re-written). Anything were you see a UAC notification is very difficult. Also you cannot write to anything in the Registry in LOCAL_MACHINE without Administrator, so you either have to stick to LOCAL_USER or raise credentials (see below).
4) The program has an updater which must download and register files, how do I elevate priviledges (sic) when this occurs?
Good luck with this, I highly recommend that you don't write it in VB6, like I said, the VB6 file api's appear to access files differently from the standard API's. If you need to elevate privileges see this post that someone kindly helped me with.
In the sort term turning off UAC and installing the ActiveX installer server will help. Long term you need to put data and configuration information in the users directory under \users or in \programdata.
In the short run it might not be necessary at all to modify your application, because
Vista comes with a set of compatibility options to allow legacy applications to run. This includes file and registry virtualization, a feature which basically redirects write operations to protected folders such as C:\Program Files to a virtual location only visible for the specific application running in a compatibility mode.
Some more details are mentioned in this article: How To Manage Windows Vista Application Compatibility in Dr. Dobb's.
Karl Peterson wrote a nice article on where to store user data & app data, with a VB6 class that retrieves the location of the special paths for you.

When - and why - should you store data in the Windows Registry?

As a developer, tools that store configuration/options in the registry are the bane of my life. I can't easily track changes to those options, can't easily port them from machine to machine, and it all makes me really yearn for the good old days of .INI files...
When writing my own applications, what - if anything - should I choose to put in the registry rather than in old-fashioned configuration files, and why?
Originally (WIN3) configuration was stored in the WIN.INI file in the windows directory.
Problem: WIN.INI grew too big.
Solution (Win31): individual INI files in the same directory as the program.
Problem: That program may be installed on a network and shared by many people.
Solution(Win311): individual INI files in the user's Window directory.
Problem: Many people may share a windows folder, and it should be read-only anyway.
Solution (Win95): Registry with separate sections for each user.
Problem: Registry grew too big.
Solution (WinXP): Large blocks of individual data moved to user's own Application Data folder.
Problem: Good for large amounts of data, but rather complex for small amounts.
Solution (.NET): small amounts of fixed, read-only data stored in .config (Xml) files in same folder as application, with API to read it. (Read/write or user specific data stays in registry)
Coming at this both from a user perspective and a programmers perspective I would have to say there really isn't a good exceuse to put something in the registry unless it is something like file associations, or machine specific settings.
I come from the school of thought that says that a program should be runnable from wherever it is installed, that the installation should be completely movable within a machine, or even to another machine and not affect the running of it.
Any configurable options, or required dlls etc, if they are not shared should reside in a subdirectory of the installation directory, so that the whole installation is easily moved.
I use a lot of smaller utility like programs, so if it cant be installed on a usb stick and plugged into another machine and just run, then its not for me.
When - You are forced to due to legacy integration or because your customer's sysadmin says "it shall be so" or because you're developing in an older language that makes it more difficult to use XML.
Why - Primarily because the registry is not as portable as copying a config file that is sitting next to the application (and is called almost the same).
If you're using .Net2+ you've got App.Config and User.Config files and you don't need to register DLL's in the registry so stay away from it.
Config files have their own issues (see below), but these can be coded around and you can alter your architecture.
Problem: Applications needed configurable settings.
Solution: Store settings in a file (WIN.INI) in the Windows folder - use section headings to group data (Win3.0).
Problem: WIN.INI file grew too big (and got messy).
Solution: Store settings in INI files in the same folder as the application (Win3.1).
Problem: Need user-specific settings.
Solution: Store user-settings in user-specific INI files in the user's Window directory (Win3.11) or user-specific sections in the application INI file.
Problem: Security - some application settings need to be read-only.
Solution: Registry with security as well as user-specific and machine-wide sections (Win95).
Problem: Registry grew too big.
Solution: User-specific registry moved to user.dat in the user's own "Application Data" folder and only loaded at login (WinNT).
Problem: In large corporate environments you log onto multiple machines and have to set EACH ONE up.
Solution: Differentiate between local (Local Settings) and roaming (Application Data) profiles (WinXP).
Problem: Cannot xcopy deploy or move applications like the rest of .Net.
Solution: APP.CONFIG XML file in same folder as application - , easy to read, easy to manipluate, easy to move, can track if changed (.Net1).
Problem: Still need to store user-specific data in a similar (i.e. xcopy deploy) manner.
Solution: USER.CONFIG XML file in user's local or roaming folder and strongly-typed (.Net2).
Problem: CONFIG files are case-sensitive (not intuitive to humans), require very specific open/close "tags", connection strings cannot be set at run-time, setup projects cannot write settings (as easily as registry), cannot easily determine user.config file and user settings are blown with each new revision installed.
Solution: Use the ITEM member to set connection strings at runtime, write code in an Installer class to change the App.Config during install and use the application settings as defaults if a user setting is not found.
Microsoft policy:
Before windows 95, we used ini files for application data.
In the windows 95 - XP era, we used the registry.
From windows Vista, we use ini files although they are now xml based.
The registry is machine dependent. I have never liked it because its getting to slow and it is almost imposible to find the thing you need. That's why I like simple ini or other setting files. You know where they are (application folder or a user folder) so they are easy portable, and human readable.
Is the world going to end if you store a few window positions and a list of most recently used items in the Windows registry? It's worked okay for me so far.
HKEY-CURRENT-USER is a great place to store trivial user data in small quantities. That's what it's for. It seems silly not to use for its intended purpose just because others have abused it.
Registry reads and writes are threadsafe but files are not. So it depends on whether or not your program is single threaded.
Settings that you want to have available in a user's roaming profile should probably go in the registry, unless you actually want to go to the effort of looking for the user's Application Data folder by hand. :-)
If you are developing a new app and you care about portability you should NEVER store data in windows registry since other OS don't have a (windows) registry (duh note - this may be obvious but gets often overlooked).
If you're only developing for Win platforms ... try to avoid it as much as possible. Config files (possibly encrypted) are a way better solution. There's no gain in storing data into the registry - (isolated storage is a much better solution for example if you're using .NET).
Slightly off-topic, but since I see people concerned about portability, the best approach I've ever used is Qt's QSettings class. It abstracts the storage of the settings (registry on Windows, XML preference file on Mac OS and Ini files on Unix). As a client of the class, I don't have to spend a brain cycle wondering about the registry or anything else, it Just Works (tm).
Personally I have used the registry to store install paths for use by the (un)install scripts. I'm not sure if this is the only possible option, but seemed like a sensible solution. This was for an app that was solely in use on Windows of course.
Usually, if you don't put settings in registry, you use it mostly to get current Windows settings, change file associations, etc.
Now, if you need to detect if your software is already installed, you can make a minimal entry in registry, that's a location you can find back in any config. Or search a folder of given name in Application Data.
If I look at my Document and Settings folder, I see lot of softwares using the Unix dot notation for setting folders:
.jogl_ext (etc.)
and in Application Data, various folders with editor names or software names. Looks like being the current trend, at least among portable applications...
WinMerge uses a slightly different approach, storing data in registry, but offering Import and Export of options in the config dialog.
I believe that Windows Registry was a good idea, but because of great abuse from application developers and standard policies not encouraged/mandated by Microsoft grew into an unmanageable beast. I hate using it for the reasons you've mentioned, there are however some occasions that it makes sense using it:
Leaving a trace of your application after your application has been uninstalled (e.g. remember user's preferences in case the application is installed again)
Share configuration settings between different applications - components
In .NET there really is NOT ever a need.
Here are 2 examples that show how to use Project proerties to do the this.
These examples do this by Windows User Project Properties, but the same could/can be done by Application as well.
More here:
(late to the discussion but) Short Answer: Group Policy.
If your customer's IT department wants to enforce settings related to Windows or the component(s) you're writing or bundling in, such as a link speed, or a custom error message, or a database server to connect to, this is still typically done via Group Policy, which makes its ultimate manifestation as settings stored in the registry. Such policies are enforced from the time Windows starts up or the user logs in.
There are tools to create custom ADMX templates that can map your components' settings to registry locations, and give the administrator a common interface to enforce policies (s)he needs to enforce while showing them only those settings that are meaningful to enforce this way.
