mod-rewrite: url-rewrite in .htaccess does not work - mod-rewrite

I want to rewrite URLs from to
I have already taken a look to, chapter "Moved Document Root"
I opened .htaccess in root directory (which refers to, looked for <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> and included the following code:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/abc/admin/$ /def/admin/ [R]
I tried also:
RewriteRule /abc/admin/ /def/admin/
Both didn't work. What's wrong?

First of all, take shure, that you are allowed to use .htaccess and modRewrite
To take shure:
write some nonsenss in your .htaccess eg asdfasdf as fasdfa
This should exec an Internal Server Error When you get the error, delete the nonsenss .-)
Then try this:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^test-the-world/$ [L]
RewriteRule ^abc/admin/$ /def/admin/ [R,L]
Then open the URI's: -> when successful you go tho ->when successful you go to /def/admin/


Get values from wildcard sub-domain and the url using mod_rewrite

I have tried for many days to solve my need. Try to find in google and read at the stackoverflow, but I stil unable to get my answer.
I need to get the subdomain value including the value behind it.
for example: -> will execute --> will open page
I have tried to use code below:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^((?!www\.)[^.]+)\.domain\.com$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/user\.php$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /user.php?subdomain_value=%1
RewriteRule ^product_([0-9]+).html$ /user.php?process=list_produk&page=$1&subdomain=%1
But it failed. When try to open, it will keep opening the content of
If I removed the code:
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /user.php?subdomain_value=%1
Then, will open the correct page, but the address fail to open the correct page.
so, How can I make all of the .htaccess code work fine? I have think very hard and try all possibilities, including added [L], [NC,L], [L,QSA], but all of them failed.
Please help.

Laravel pretty URL

I'm going crazy here! I'm trying to learn Laravel and pretty URLs just don't work.
I have enabled mod_rewrite from my apache config file, I have set AllowOverride to All in my user config file and I have the following in my .htaccess file in public folder of Laravel installation:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
I enter http://localhost/~user/lara/public/index.php/users it works, but with http://localhost/~user/lara/public/users I get 404 Not Found error
The requested URL /Users/user/Sites/lara/public/index.php/users was not found on this server.
You can see that the redirection works fine, as public/users have turned into public/index.php/users but it says not found, even though when I manually enter public/index.php/users it show me the output.
I have read all the related questions on SO, none of the worked for me!
This is most likely caused by the fact that you are changing the document root during a request. From the looks of your URL (with the ~user segment) you are using mod_userdir or something similar, and what these types of plugins do it allow you to map a given URL prefix to a document root that is not the normal one for the server.
As such, you sometimes run into issues like this where the right .htaccess file is found, but its rewritten URL is against the original document root rather than the modified one and so your index.php file cannot be found (maybe, to be honest I don't really know, this is all conjecture). This is also why going directly to index.php/users works - the problem isn't the setup per se, but the mixing of rewrite rules and the change of the document root.
As such, the fix is to use a RewriteBase line, ad the following to the .htccess file:
RewriteBase /~user/lara/public/

Despite adding QSA to mod_rewrite, $_GET still returning empty variable

UPDATED 2/1/13: This question is really holding me up from getting some work done, so if anyone else has a suggestion, It'd be much appreciated.
I'm trying to make act as
My current .htaccess is this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^notalone/viewpost/([0-9]+)/?$ /viewpost.php?id=$1 [QSA]
Currently, the page loads properly when you visit /notalone/viewpost/5/ but it does not pass $_GET['id']
Things I've Tried:
Adding Options -Multiviews ---> Results in a 404
Using Rewritebase / ---> No effect
RewriteRule ^viewpost/([0-9]+)/?$ /viewpost.php?id=$1 [QSA] ---> No effect
You say viewpost.php is in the notalone folder, but you htaccess assumes it is in the root.
So I think it should be:
Options -MultiViews
RewriteRule ^notalone/viewpost/([0-9]+)/?$ /notalone/viewpost.php?id=$1 [QSA]
(Note that I added the multiviews, because that will be your next issue. The fact that the old url worked was because of multiviews.)

jQuery - Address plugin problem

I've come across a problem which i cant seem to figure out, i use the jQuery address plugin to store history and enable deep linking, and a typical url after a click would look like this:!/page
Problem here is i need rid of the last / so i need it to look like this:!page
I'm using plugin version 1.2 - the latest is 1.4. When i use 1.4 my hashbang #! disappears..
Anyone know why? even so, the updated version produces the same problem.
Reasons to fix this are i use 301 redirects to 'Pretty URL's' if an ?_escaped_fragment_= is requested. So this:!page1
would become:
currently it does this:
here is the .htaccess rewrite:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
# Rewrite current-style URLs of the form 'index.php?url=x'.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [L,QSA]
and here is some relevant PHP i use on page load:
if ($fragment = $_GET['_escaped_fragment_']) {
// OPTION 1: if Google is reqesting an '_escaped_fragment_=' page, then redirect to a clean URL
header("Location: $base/$fragment", 1, 301);
Any help on how to make this situation better is appreciated.. I don't want 'use the HTML5 History API' as ive explored this option already.
This line of code can help!

mod_rewrite positioning and wording

I renamed about 50 pages of my website. I want to make an internal rewrite from the old pages to the new pages. This is the example that Apache gives.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /~quux/
RewriteRule ^foo\.html$ bar.html
I am not sure if I need the rewriteBase /. I have only individual webpages (no subs).
I understand the terms "foo" and "bar" and "quux" are universal words for examples. If I have only one domain on this server, and the rewrite rule will apply to the root directory, do I need to include rewriteBase /, rewriteBase /~quux/, or do I even need rewriteBase?
I assume that when using rewriteBase /~quux/, the actual subdirectory is inserted were /~quux/ is. Even though I don't have subdirectories, is this correct?
Can someone please arrange the correct script illustrated above?
Also, I understand that this script would be placed BEFORE other .htaccess directives, such as non-www to www and index to /. Is this correct?
RewriteEngine on
Options +FollowSymLinks
#rewrite old to new pages internaly
RewriteBase /~quux/
RewriteRule ^foo\.html$ bar.html
#non-www to www
RewriteRule ...
#index to /
RewriteRule ...
If your page is like:
and your .htaccess file is in subdir/, then you need to set it:
RewriteBase /subdir/
This lets you make your rules ignore the subdirectory, so
RewriteRule ^old_index.html$ new_index.html
would redirect subdir/old_index.html to subdir/new_index.html
The positioning of the rules only matter if you are not using the [L] flag after your rules. This modifier tells mod_rewrite to stop rewriting and make the redirect. Not using it will let the rewrite engine do everything it can with your url in one go. So if your url is like this:
It will be converted to
No matter which rule comes first, the one that adds the www. or the one that points to the new pages. But if there is an [L] flag, then it may be done in 2 redirects.
