Non-Apple Issued Code Signing Certificate: Can it Work with Mac OS 10.8 Gatekeeper? - code-signing

Our company develops our application for both Mac OS X and Windows. We have an existing purchased code signing certificate from a non-Apple authority we use to ID our Windows installers. We distribute both our DMGs & MSIs through our own company website.
The code signing guide for Mountain Lion's new Gatekeeper feature seems to imply that a non-Apple issued standard certificate would work, though I could be misinterpreting what "third-party" means in this case:
Note: Apple uses the industry-standard form and format of code signing
certificates. Therefore, if your company already has a third-party
signing identity that you use to sign code on other systems, you can
use it with the OS X codesign command...
Is it possible to use this non-Apple certificate, and if so, how could it be incorporated using the command line "codesign" command?

Cannot take credit for this, but the blunt answer is:
I just spent a good three days converting certificates and searching the internets to find these:

The reason it will not work is: To pass through GateKeeper, you need a code signing certificate which is signed with your Apple Developer ID. This is not the same as a regular code signing certificate issued to your company. Only Apple issues Apple Developer IDs. (Or at least, at the time of this writing.)
This is very confusing because:
The company we bought the code signing certificate from specifically claimed it works with MacOS. But what they meant was we could sign Apple code technically speaking. But passing GateKeeper is different. (Unclear marketing to say the least.)
At this time, there are unclear Apple docs which talk about signing code with 3rd party certificates. Ex:
However, while you can sign the code, it does not pass GateKeeper! Again, this may refer to either internal corporate application use, or it may just be out of date.

Gatekeeper only recognises Apple digital certificates. Windows only recognises Comodo, Verisign and a few other signing authorities. So you need to buy a Comodo (or similar) certificate for Windows and pay $99 per year for the Apple developer program so you can get an Apple certificate as well. It is rather annoying, to say the least.


Sign an electron app on macos using pfx certificate

I have created an electron app. Now I want to sign code for both windows and mac platform. But I have only go daday pfx certificate.I successfully signed code using pfx certificate from go daday in windows platform. So,Can I sign an electron app on macos platform using go daday certificate?
You can sign a macOS app with a GoDaddy code-signing certificate, but it probably won't do what you want. Here's what Apple's developer documentation says (with my emphasis added):
Note: Apple uses the industry-standard form and format of code signing
certificates. Therefore, if your company already has a third-party
signing identity that you use to sign code on other systems, you can
use it with the macOS codesign command. Similarly, if your company is
a certificate issuing authority, contact your IT department to find
out how to get a signing certificate issued by your company. However,
while these valid certificates allow you to sign your code, you can
only distribute through the App Store or through the Developer ID
program when you sign with a certificate issued by Apple.
So, the question is: how is your application going to be distributed to users' computers?
If it's sold through Apple's App Store, you need to become an Apple Developer, get a Mac App Distribution certificate from Apple, and sign the app with that before submitting it to Apple.
If it's distributed outside Apple's App Store (e.g. via web download), then you also need to become an Apple developer, get a Developer ID certificate, and use that to sign it. If you don't sign it with the right kind of certificate, Gatekeeper will prevent users from opening the app unless they go through a special procedure to trust the app.
Either way, you need to join the Apple Developer program, and use an Apple-issued code signing certificate to sign the macOS version of your app.

What happens to Mac applications if the developer's distribution certificate expires?

My "Mac App Distribution" certificate will expire in a couple of weeks. When this happens, will my applications cease to function properly?
This has been asked a lot, except in my situation, my applications are not distributed through the Mac App Store.
Users can still download, install, and run versions of your Mac apps that were signed with your certificate before it expired. However, you’ll need new Developer ID certs to sign updates and create new apps.
Developer ID signatures carry cryptographic timestamps by default.
Signatures with cryptographic timestamps are validated against the
signing time, and signatures made with expired (at signing time)
certificates are invalid.
OS X Code Signing In Depth
Replacing Expired Certificates

What are the implications of codesigning an OS X application with a self-signed certificate?

Apple seems to restrict some OS X APIs (e.g. sandboxing) to applications that are codesigned by a trusted certificate, e.g. one issued to members of the paid Mac Developer program.
How does OS X treat applications that are codesigned with a self-signed (or a development) certificate?
Will those features/APIs be available, and the only difference be that users with the default Gatekeeper settings cannot (easily) launch such an application?
Will they be treated just like unsigned apps in every way (entitlements and sandboxing disabled, warning for Gatekeeper users)?
Or will a self-signed certificate be considered an error, and the app will not launch at all regardless of the user's Gatekeeper settings?
AFAIK, apps that aren't code-signed with a certificate that Gatekeeper accepts, would be treated as unsigned. I don't know about access to specific features and API.
But you can make your self-signed cert acceptable to the Gatekeeper. If you sign your code using certificates that weren't issued by Apple, every machine you want to run that code as signed, would have to (a) have your certificate installed, and (b) have policies set via spctl command that tell the Gatekeeper to allow executing and/or installing code signed by that cert. This part has been tested and verified on Mavericks.
It is more difficult with kernel extensions. I'm still working on that. :-)

Code Sign Windows programs with Apple Certificate?

I'm trying to minimize the cost of code-signing certificates necessary to develop a program for Mac OS X and Windows. As far as I can tell, I can't use a 3rd party certificate to sign my OS X program and have it get past GateKeeper, as indicated here.
Can I go the other way and use an Apple Developer certificate to sign the Windows version of my program?
Also related: Non-Apple Issued Code Signing Certificate: Can it Work with Mac OS 10.8 Gatekeeper?
Had the same idea some time ago. But I don't think it's possible, because the Apple Developer Certificate is verified (signed) by Apple and I don't think that the Apple Root Certificate is installed on average Windows machines.
Hi Joe LTNS I check the status of this question every time my Comodo CS certificate comes up for renewal, because hassle/money vs Apple's
Alas, Apple's CA still not in Windows golden list AFAIK. I checked Apple Software Update under Win10 and its cert issuer is Verisign.
OT Not a cert expert here, but if Apple concocted an intermediate cert that both the CA and Apple could vouch/revoke, not a few Windows devs would pony up for Apple's $100 Dev program for that su-weet 5 year non-MAS codesign cert (and probably dabble in App Store/ios development as a bonus)
Here is a detailed article about it: and more generally about code-signing Windows apps on a Mac. I quote:
Now you need to get a Windows developer certificate. Unfortunately you can't use your Apple certificate (well, actually you can, but it doesn't help because Apple isn't a certificate authority that Windows recognizes). Here is a list of root certificate authorities recognized by Windows.
So this seems to confirm the other answers.

Using existing CA-issued cert to sign OS X application and keep Gatekeeper happy

I build an OSX app which is distributed as a DMG outside of the Mac App Store, and I'd like to continue to have it be that way once Gatekeeper enforcement begins.
From studying code signing documentation, it looks like the recommended approach is to get a "Developer ID" certificate and use that to codesign. However, you must be a registered OSX developer and pay Apple $99 each year. I already have a certificate from a recognized CA, and I would like to use it with codesign. I found documentation on how to do this, but I cannot tell whether Gatekeeper will allow applications signed using certs issued by other CAs, not Apple.
Does anyone know?
Gatekeeper only recognizes apps signed with Developer ID, not just any signature. See this which also explains how to test Gatekeeper functionality under Lion.
The point is that if Apple owns the certificate authority, they can revoke the certificate if your app turns out to be a trojan or something.
