How to install an OpenLDAP service running on non default port? - windows

I have a production LDAP server running on 389 and I want to install another OpenLDAP for test purpose on port 10389.
I am wondering how to install the OpenLDAP daemon as a windows service that will run on another port than 389.
Note: I cannot use the slapd install as I already have this service installed...

Well, I installed NSSM that can run any kind of executable as a service.
I have created a batch file with the appropriate options and now I have Open LDAP running as a service on a non default port.


Installing JBOSS EAP 7.4 on Windows Server – Account and Shutdown problems

I´m trying to install JBOSS EAP 7.4 on Windows Server as a service and I´m having trouble with two issues. All batch files where executed from the command line (cmd.exe) in admin mode.
Installation of Service with local system account
I´m using the service.bat to install it as a service. When checking in the properties of the service for the user context, it says it was installed under a Local Service user.This leads to numerous errors in the startup log, as the service is not allowed to access the file system in R/W mode. Manually setting this to “Local System Account” solves the problem, it runs just fine.
So, how do I configure the installation script that the service will use “Local System Account” or, how can I grant R/W access to this “Local Service”?
The manual states, that you must use the parameter /jbossuser (and password) for the installation. If I don´t, it is not possible to shut down the service via the Windows Services Tool, timeout…
If I add a user to the installation, it can be shutdown. As long as it runs in the “Local Service” context. If I change it to Local System Account, it doesn´t shutdown anymore, timeout…
Beside, this is a productive installation on a virtual server. It will not be possible to have a permanent, dedicated user on such a machine.
How do I configure this correctly?
Current installation params, generated by the service.bat:
"D:\jboss-eap-7.4.6\jboss-eap-7.4\bin\prunsrv.exe" install MyApp
--Description="JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7"
--StartPath="D:\jboss-eap-7.4.6\jboss-eap-7.4\bin" ++StartParams="/c#set#NOPAUSE=Y#&&#standalone.bat#-Djboss.server.base.dir=D:\jboss-eap-7.4.6\jboss-eap-7.4\standalone#--server-config=standalone.xml"
++StopParams="/c jboss-cli.bat --controller=localhost:9990 --connect --user=ABC --password='12345' --command=:shutdown"
Any help is appreciated!

Opscode Chef Server / Workstation force commands from server

Background : Chef Server Version 12 and a Windows workstation SDK 0.10 targeting windows nodes
I've created recipes and bootstrapped local windows servers into the Chef manager and applied recipes so the very basics are all working.
Question : when running the bootstrap commands for a hosted server (e.g azure / aws) I need the command to come from the Chef Server not the workstation.
I had hoped that the knife.rb with the Chef_server_url would force all commands to come from there.
WireShark shows the WinRM connections trying to come from my workstation.
Is there any setting I can implement that forces this in the knife.rb or elsewhere?
I had tried to add the following from searches but they've not been successful :
chef_zero.enabled false
local_mode false
Is this resolved through Chef Provisioning rather than Chef knife commands?
many thanks in advance for any assistance you can give.
"when running the bootstrap commands for a hosted server (e.g azure / aws) I need the command to come from the Chef Server not the workstation." is not correct. Knife commands that manipulate servers go directly from your workstation, and this is how it is supposed to work. The way the bootstrap functions is it starts the cloud machine using the relevant provider API, then connects to the new VM via SSH or WinRM and installs Chef, and then launches chef-client using a configuration file based on your knife settings (this is where chef_server_url comes in).

ProFTPD can't connect after install

Installed Webmin successfully on a Debian system.
Created a virtual server, added some users and a domain.
Installed ProFTPD via Webmin's unused modules.
Added a new user with same named group via System -> Users and Groups.
Tried to connect via ftp using my server's external ip and my new user's credentials.
This should work according to most tutorials but it doesn't.
I'm suspecting some other service handles FTP requests before ProFTPD.
Is there a way to monitor protocol handlers? Could it be something else?
Thanks in advance.
because webmin try start it as deamon, but maybe (like me on archlinux) you need to start it as system service... on root:
systemctl start proftpd.service
If you want to look at the logs error (if there is errors, but if server is not start, it should ne have error...) then use:
journalctl -xe command (as root), or
systemctl --failed , or
systemctl status proftpd.service (all of these commands under root user or sudoers users).
So first of all, check that service is running:
systemctl status
then check the config file of webmin service for proftpd use the correct protocol for call service (systemd for example), and then use correct sentence code for start/stop it. Check also it goes to look at the correct config file of proftpd current install place (depend of your distribution or the way you install it).
proftpd is not installed by webmin, proftpd is installed, then from webmin, you install a module who has to communicate with allready installed application proftpd. If this module is well configured for point on actual proftpd installation and correct call of service, then all will have to works.
(please, if this answer help you, do up vote for my answer, without notation when i help, i can not help more because i'm locked by the system, hope you understand)
Have a look at the server's log, check le ProFTP daemon status, check the firewall

Cannot access sinatra app on AWS Windows from remote machine

I have a simple sinatra app running on an AWS windows instance. Running the application from the localhost works fine (i.e. http://localhost:4567), but I am unable to run it remotely.
My AWS windows instance is available to me from remote as I am able to connect to it using RDP.
After reading some other similar issues, I have already applied the following:
My AWS security group is opened for port 4567 (I actually also opened it for any inbound connection just to see if that will solve the issue - it didn't)
I tried running: ruby my_sinatra_app.rb -o
I tried running: ruby my_sinatra_app.rb -e production
I tried adding to the application itself the following code: set :bind, ''
I am still unable to run the application remotely. Any idea?
I was able to solve my issue, so for the sake of completeness I am publishing the answer.
This wasn't a Sinatra issue, but an AWS issue (maybe not really an issue, more like my misunderstanding). I was under the impression that updating the AWS security group for opening the 4567 port will do the trick.
However, it turns out that I needed also to open the port on the Windows Firewall on my Windows AWS instance. After opening the port on the Windows Firewall I was able to remotely connect to my Sinatra app.

Execute Windows scripts from a remote Rundeck server

I installed the Rundeck server in one Linux machine.
Tomcat is running in a Windows 7 machine.
Now, I want to stop and start the Tomcat service in the Windows machine by creating a job in Rundeck (on the Linux machine).
Is it possible?
Yes, this is possible.
Install Cygwin, including openssh-server to the Windows machine. Generate a public key for the Rundeck server user and add it to the .authorized_hosts file on the Windows machine. Ensure you have port 22 or an alternate port accessible for SSH.
In rundeck, create a new job which fires the Tomcat executable or any commands you prefer for starting/stopping the service.
It may help to prefix the Rundeck job command with some $PATH variables if the connecting user account has trouble locating executables in the Windows/Cygwin environment.
