Can the Neo4j Enterprise Edition Run on Heroku? - heroku

There's really not much more to this question than the title, but I can't seem to find this answer anywhere.
I'm primarily interested in the backup capability of the Enterprise Edition and whether that is accessible when Neo4j is running on Heroku.

The Neo4j Heroku Add On ( is managed by the Neo4j team. This is a developer instance, and it is currently free.
Production instances will be released in upcoming weeks, when Neo4j version 1.8 GA is released.


Sonarqube 5.0 with powerbuilder

Iam using sonarqube 5.0.1 to configure java,.net languages of our company projects I have a simple question whether sonarqube 5.0.1 or any latest version supports the analysis for power builder V12 or lower. Kindly give your suggestion
The simple answer is no. However, this may be something Appeon Corporation (who is negotiating a licence with SAP to take over the development of PowerBuilder) may be interested in in the future.

Can the DataStax OpsCenter be used to monitor a Cassandra community edition cluster?

I am trying to find the answer to this on the datastax website but are not able to do so. Can the Ops Center:
be used with the Cassandra community edition or it is only for Datastax Enterprise users?
I am asking because when I tried to install the Ops Center on my ubuntu which is also a Cassandra node it says that it will drain my Cassandra node and upgrade my installation to version, which does not make sense. I am running Cassandra 2.20. Is it trying to upgrade me to a Datastax Enterprise behind the scenes?
be used with the Cassandra community edition or it is only for
Datastax Enterprise users?
Yes, OpsCenter can be used to monitor OSS C* instances though a few of the advanced features will be grayed out (repair service, backup service, performance service)
Is it trying to upgrade me to a Datastax Enterprise behind the
No, 5.2 is an OpsCenter version not a Cassandra version. OpsCenter will not upgrade your instance without telling you, though it may upgrade / install the datastax-agent which runs on every c* node and reports statistics for OpsCenter.
UPDATE: From OpsCenter 6.0 (newly releaesed) it will support only for enterprise edition

What use as Database for developing vNext + Entity Framework 7 on OSX

I'm trying to set up my environment for developing vNext + Entity Framework 7 on my OSX.
Apparently, there is no provider for MySQL neither PostgreSQL yet. Thus, what can be used as database for developing on OSX?
What you folks have been doing for develop vNext on OSX? Or should I set up a Windows VM?
Any suggestion?
I've got even an open issue on Github on this topic.
We will have a PostgreSQL and/or MySQL provider for EF7 (either delivered by our team or we'll work with a provider writer to help them build it). Work hasn't started on them yet though.
We haven't been focusing on EF7 on Mono at this stage, so there are likely some rough edges. We do have some folks who have successfully used it to connect to a remote SQL Server though.
To date, no RDBMS is supported on OSX for EF7.
Since (LocalDB)\v11.0 doesn't allow remote access and run on OSX/LNX, I've setup a SQLServer2012 Express and SQLServer 2012 Standard Edition hosted on a local Windows VM to establish a remote DB connection from my Visual Studio Code project.
From Visual Studio Code running on OSX, EF7 fails to successfully connect and interact with those local SQL Servers. In this instance, I was using the ASP.NET 5 Music Store example project: GitHub Source
Oh, and with all the SSL requirements, AZURE SQL Server is out of the question as an option.
Microsoft is heading in the right direction, we'll get there, but you're dealing with bleeding edge EF7 at the moment which is a complete reengineering from EF6.

Websphere that comes with RAD

We have some of our Java applications running over WebSphere 5.1 at work. I'm in the process of trying to get my development environment set up.
Thus far I am thinking...
Spring STS
Eclipse Developer tools for WebSphere Application Server version 7.0
WebSphere Application Server 7.0 Developers Edition
I believe Websphere 7.0 should be okay because we are using J2EE 1.3.
I did however manage to get my hands on a trial version of RAD with came shipped with WebSphere Application Server 5.1 however we don't plan to buy a license.
Can anyone give me advice as to whether I will be breaching licensing agreements if I rip out WAS 5.1 which came shipped with RAD? Is the version that came shipped with RAD a developer edition?
If you're concerned about licensing, go ask your manager or team lead. The way IBM handles licensing can vary greatly between products, your company's relationship with IBM and how you initially purchased the product. Someone within your company should know about the license agreement your company has with IBM.
I know that for my current project we can have an instance of WAS running on our local machines for free. Every time we need to setup a new shared environment, like Test or Production, that's when we need to pay for a new license. That may be the same situation for you but that's not something anyone here can really answer.

Bug Tracking for Windows and SVN

I'm working as part of a volunatry team creating an open source product with a permissive license. We are currently using Visual SVN Server/TortoiseSVN for source control and TeamCity for our continuous integration builds.
I would like to add a bug tracking component into the mix that will integrate into SVN. Ideally, I'd like to use FogBugz but we have no budget. So, I need an alternative. The requirements are:
Must be free or have a free version supporting at least 20 developers (we're volunteers!)
Must integrate with VisualSVN Server
Must run on Windows
I prefer Microsoft technology (ASP.Net over PHP; SQL Server over MySQL, etc) because we are a Microsoft shop, we have experience with those tools and already have them installed.
Must be able to work with a geographically distributed team
Must work with Express editions of Visual Studio (the developers don't all have the Pro version so we can't rely on Visual Studio add-ins).
I'd like The Community's recommendations, please, for products that meet all of the above requirements.
[Clarification: our license is very close (though not word-for-word) to the MIT license.]
Trac: It is not a Microsoft technology but will integrate well into SVN. There are not many free bug tracking software's that are free on Microsoft technology.
JIRA is free for open source projects and will run on Windows. Subversion integration is available and provided through a plugin.
Try Bugzilla.
Is free
I do not know if integrates with SVN... but I suppose the answer is YES.
Runs on Windows - you must set up few
components, but it actually runs
prety well on IIS, however
installation is a bit tricky.
Bugzilla is Perl and MySQL. However,
as I said I had installed succesfully
Bugzilla on Windows 2003.
Installation of MySql and Perl does
not take a lot of server resources -
we had those two on our ASP.NET +
MSSQL test server, and no performacne
drop had been observed.
Works with distributed team.
Try InDefero, you can even get the hosted way for free if your project is not that big in size.
