Delete files older than so many days in multiple zips - windows

I need to scan a folder with 200gb of zipped .log logfiles and delete all the files that are over 584 days.
I have found this, and have left a reply in there, but if anyone can help in the meantime then thanks

Using SevenZipSharp. Backup any important data first :)
Make sure to read and change any paths that don't make sense, etc.
$zipFiles = Get-ChildItem D:\zips\ -Filter "*.zip"
$oldDate = (get-date).AddDays(-584)
$zipFiles | % {
$compressor = [SevenZip.SevenZipCompressor]("C:\")
$compressor.ArchiveFormat = "zip"
$extractor = [SevenZip.SevenZipExtractor]($_.FullName)
$object = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[int,string]'
$extractor.ArchiveFileData | %{
if ($_.LastWriteTime -lt $oldDate){
#null index deletes the file
else {


I want to search for values in a Table created with Powershell

So i have the following code to generate the entire Windows Update History:
$Session = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session"
$Searcher = $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$historyCount = $Searcher.GetTotalHistoryCount()
$Searcher.QueryHistory(0, $historyCount) | Select-Object Title, Description, Date,
#{name="Operation"; expression={switch($_.operation){
1 {"Installation"}; 2 {"Uninstallation"}; 3 {"Other"}
My question is how can i search in this table for updates containing KB. So for instance i want to know if the update KB4052623 has been installed. How can i write a simple piece of code to tell me KB4052326 has been found in the output of above code? Thanks in advance.
You need to assign the array returned by QueryHistory to a variable, then loop through that array to get the objects. Probably easiest to use Regex to find the KB numbers.
This code just list the found KB numbers, but you should be able test it as needed. Also, you may want to check the Description for KB numbers as well, it may tell you that it replaces old KB numbers or other important info.
$Session = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session"
$Searcher = $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$historyCount = $Searcher.GetTotalHistoryCount()
$MSUpdateHistory = $Searcher.QueryHistory(0, $historyCount) | Select-Object Title, Description, Date,
#{name="Operation"; expression={switch($_.operation){
1 {"Installation"}; 2 {"Uninstallation"}; 3 {"Other"}
$MSUpdateHistory | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Title -match '(?<KBNum>KB\d+)') {
Write-Host "Found $($Matches.KBNum)"

How save png as jpg without saving the file in dir

I'm using FromFile to get the image out of files, and it has the following error for the png's on the FromFile line:
Exception calling "FromFile" with "1" argument(s): "The given path's
format is not supported."
So, I'm trying to convert the bmp's to jpg, (see convert line above FromFile below) but all the examples I see (that seem usable) are saving the file. I don't want to save the file in the dir. All I need is the image format, so FromFile can use it like this example. I saw ConvertTo-Jpeg, but I don't think this is a standard powershell module, or don't see how to install it.
I saw this link, but I don't think that would leave the image in the format needed by FromFile.
This is my code:
$imageFile2 = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $ImageFullBasePath -Include #("*.bmp","*.jpg","*.png") | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$($pictureName)"} #$imageFile | Select-String -Pattern '$($pictureName)' -AllMatches
Write-Host $imageFile2
if($imageFile2 -Match "png")
$imageFile2 | .\ConvertTo-Jpeg #I don't think this will work with FromFile below
$image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($imageFile2) step
else {
Write-Host "$($imageFile2) does not exist"
And then I put it in excel:
$xlsx = $result | Export-Excel -Path $outFilePath -WorksheetName $errCode -Autosize -AutoFilter -FreezeTopRow -BoldTopRow -PassThru # -ClearSheet can't ClearSheet every time or it clears previous data ###left off
$ws = $xlsx.Workbook.Worksheets[$errCode]
$ws.Dimension.Columns #number of columns
$tempRowCount = $ws.Dimension.Rows #number of rows
#only change width of 3rd column
$ws.Column(3).Width = 100
#Change all row heights
for ($row = 2 ;( $row -le $tempRowCount ); $row++)
#Write-Host $($ws.Dimension.Rows)
#Write-Host $($row)
$ws.Row($row).Height = 150
#place the image in spreadsheet
$drawingName = "$($row.PictureID)_Col3_$($row)" #Name_ColumnIndex_RowIndex
Write-Host $image
$picture = $ws.Drawings.AddPicture("$drawingName",$image)
$picture.SetPosition($row - 1, 0, 3 - 1, 0)
if($ws.Row($row).Height -lt $image.Height * (375/500)) {
$ws.Row($row).Height = $image.Height * (375/500)
if($ws.Column(3).Width -lt $image.Width * (17/120)){
$ws.Column(3).Width = $image.Width * (17/120)
I just wanted to reiterate that FromFile can't be used for a png image. So where Hey Scripting Guy saves the image like this doesn't work:
$image = [drawing.image]::FromFile($imageFile2)
I figured out that the $imageFile2 path has 2 filenames in it. It must be that two met the Get-ChildItem/Where-Object/match criteria. The images look identical, but have similar names, so will be easy to process. After I split the names, it does FromFile ok.

Powershell Performance

i have a Problem with powershell Performance while searching a 40gb log file.
i Need to check if any of 1000 email adresses are included in this 40gb file. This would take 180 hours :D any ideas?
$logFolder = "H:\log.txt"
$adressen= Get-Content H:\Adressen.txt
$ergebnis = #()
foreach ($adr in $adressen){
$suche = Select-String -Path $logFolder -Pattern "\[\(\'from\'\,.*$adr.*\'\)\]" -List
$aktiv= $false
if ($suche){
$aktiv = $true
if ($aktiv -eq $true){
$ergebnis+=$adr + ";Ja"
$ergebnis+=$adr + ";Nein"
$ergebnis |Out-File H:\output.txt
Don't read the file 1000 times.
Build a regexp line with all 1000 addresses (it's gonna be a huge line, but hey, much smaller than 40TB). Like:
$Pattern = "\[\(\'from\'\,.*$( $adressen -join '|' ).*\'\)\]"
Then do your Select-String, and save the result to do an address-by-address search in it. Hopefully, the result will be much smaller than 40Gb, and should be much faster.
As mentioned in the comments, replace
$ergebnis = #()
$ergebnis = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$ergebnis+=$adr + ";Ja"
or respective
This will speed up your script quite a bit.

Windows Script to consolidate files

I have to work with a huge number of text files. I am able to consolidate the files into one single file. But I also have the use of the file name in my work and I would like to have it before the text of the file itself in excel format, preferably the first column should contain the names of files and the columns afterwards can contain the data.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Here's the Powershell script. You might need to modify it a bit to look for specific file extensions as now it's only looking for PS1 files
[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")
$excel = new-Object -comobject Excel.Application
$excel.visible = $false
$workBook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
$sheet = $workBook.Sheets.Item(1)
$sheet.Name = "Files"
$sheet.Range("A1", "B1").Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Range("A1","A2").ColumnWidth = 40
$sheet.Range("B1","B2").ColumnWidth = 100
$sheet.Cells.Item(1,1) = "Filename"
$sheet.cells.Item(1,2) = "Content"
$files = get-childitem C:\PST -recurse | where {$_.extension -eq ".ps1"}
$index = 2
foreach($file in $files)
$sheet.Cells.Item($index,1) = $file.FullName
$sheet.Cells.Item($index,2) = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($file.FullName)
Note: I'm not pretending that it's perfect, you still need to polish it and refactor it, but at least it will give you direction

How to split a huge folder?

We have a folder on Windows that's ... huge. I ran "dir > list.txt". The command lost response after 1.5 hours. The output file is about 200 MB. It shows there're at least 2.8 million files. I know the situation is stupid but let's focus the problem itself. If I have such a folder, how can I split it to some "manageable" sub-folders? Surprisingly all the solutions I have come up with all involve getting all the files in the folder at some point, which is a no-no in my case. Any suggestions?
Thank Keith Hill and Mehrdad. I accepted Keith's answer because that's exactly what I wanted to do but I couldn't quite get PS working quickly.
With Mehrdad's tip, I wrote this little program. It took 7+ hours to move 2.8 million files. So the initial dir command did finish. But somehow it didn't return to console.
namespace SplitHugeFolder
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var destination = args[1];
if (!Directory.Exists(destination))
var di = new DirectoryInfo(args[0]);
var batchCount = int.Parse(args[2]);
int currentBatch = 0;
string targetFolder = GetNewSubfolder(destination);
foreach (var fileInfo in di.EnumerateFiles())
if (currentBatch == batchCount)
Console.WriteLine("New Batch...");
currentBatch = 0;
targetFolder = GetNewSubfolder(destination);
var source = fileInfo.FullName;
var target = Path.Combine(targetFolder, fileInfo.Name);
File.Move(source, target);
private static string GetNewSubfolder(string parent)
string newFolder;
newFolder = Path.Combine(parent, Path.GetRandomFileName());
} while (Directory.Exists(newFolder));
return newFolder;
I use Get-ChildItem to index my whole C: drive every night into c:\filelist.txt. That's about 580,000 files and the resulting file size is ~60MB. Admittedly I'm on Win7 x64 with 8 GB of RAM. That said, you might try something like this:
md c:\newdir
Get-ChildItem C:\hugedir -r |
Foreach -Begin {$i = $j = 0} -Process {
if ($i++ % 100000 -eq 0) {
$dest = "C:\newdir\dir$j"
md $dest
Move-Item $_ $dest
The key is to do the move in a streaming manner. That is, don't collect up all the Get-ChildItem results into a single variable and then proceed. That would require all 2.8 million FileInfos to be in memory at once. Also, if you use the Name parameter on Get-ChildItem it will output a single string containing the file's path relative to the base dir. Even then, perhaps this size will just overwhelm the memory available to you. And no doubt, it will take quite a while to execute. IIRC correctly, my indexing script takes several hours.
If it does work, you should wind up with c:\newdir\dir0 thru dir28 but then again, I haven't tested this script at all so your mileage may vary. BTW this approach assumes that you're huge dir is a pretty flat dir.
Update: Using the Name parameter is almost twice as slow so don't use that parameter.
I found out the GetChildItem is the slowest option when working with many items in a directory.
Look at the results:
Measure-Command { Get-ChildItem C:\Windows -rec | Out-Null }
TotalSeconds : 77,3730275
Measure-Command { listdir C:\Windows | Out-Null }
TotalSeconds : 20,4077132
measure-command { cmd /c dir c:\windows /s /b | out-null }
TotalSeconds : 13,8357157
(with listdir function defined like this:
function listdir($dir) {
foreach ($d in []::GetDirectories($dir)) {
listdir $d
With this in mind, what I would do: I would stay in PowerShell but use more lowlevel approach with .NET methods:
function DoForFirst($directory, $max, $action) {
function go($dir, $options)
foreach ($f in []::EnumerateFiles($dir))
if ($options.Remaining -le 0) { return }
& $action $f
foreach ($d in []::EnumerateDirectories($dir))
if ($options.Remaining -le 0) { return }
go $d $options
go $directory (New-Object PsObject -Property #{Remaining=$max })
doForFirst c:\windows 100 {write-host File: $args }
# I use PsObject to avoid global variables and ref parameters.
To use the code you have to switch to .NET 4.0 runtime -- enumerating methods are new in .NET 4.0.
You can specify any scriptblock as -action parameter, so in your case it would be something like {Move-item -literalPath $args -dest c:\dir }.
Just try to list first 1000 items, I hope it will finish very quickly:
doForFirst c:\yourdirectory 1000 {write-host '.' -nonew }
And of course you can process all items at once, just use
doForFirst c:\yourdirectory ([long]::MaxValue) {move-item ... }
and each item should be processed immediately after it is returned. So the whole list is not read at once and then processed, but it is processed during reading.
How about starting with this:
cmd /c dir /b > list.txt
That should get you a list of all the file names.
If you're doing "dir > list.txt" from a powershell prompt, get-childitem is aliased as "dir". Get-childitem has known issues enumerating large directories, and the object collections it returns can get huge.
