TileMill with non map images - image

I'm building a web app that will use the tiling, zooming, marker and other functionality associated with map applications, however i dont need to use all this Geolocation and other stuff that TileMill requires as my application will be loading medical images not maps. Is it possible to import a custom image into TileMill? If so how? Maybe TileMill is completely unsuited to my specific application, if so could someone suggest an alternative?

Have you had a look at one of these?
PanoJS http://www.dimin.net/software/panojs/
jQuery TileZoom http://labs.webcodingstudio.com/tilegenerator/
Both libraries include scripts to generate all the tiles from the original photos and JavaScript libraries to display these on a web page.

It is doable but Tilemill is probably an overkill what you're looking for.
Simple plugins like the ones mentioned by #thisguyzaphod could do the trick. If you're looking to use featureful state of the art tile zooming, I would go with Leaflet.js it can be specifically used for non-geographic content like this page documents:
You can probably find some other valuable pointers here:
Is Leaflet a good tool for non-map images?
Good luck!


Resources to learn how maps are displayed (Under the hood of Leaflet, OpenLayers etc)

I am interested in learning the foundations of how maps are displayed in GUI, particularly on the web.
Note that I am not talking about the inner workings of GIS, nor which function to call in my javascript to display a Lefalt map. I want to study the underlying principles/concepts/algorithms/architechtures/etc of frameworks such as Leaflet and OpenLayers.
Unfortunately, I found it extremely difficult to find good resources, as when I try to google it I usually end up in an API pages for Leaflet/Openlayers.
Any help will be much appreciated!
Thank you

Codeigniter and Google maps Api V 3

I am looking for some advice from somebody who has used Google maps and Codeigniter. I am new to maps and working on a project that is built with Codeigniter and uses Google Maps. I am wondering whether to incorporate it directly into the project or use a library for it.
I have found a library here - http://biostall.com/codeigniter-google-maps-v3-api-library and have started using it and have found it easy to use for incorporating maps. I am wondering however if anyone else has used it and if so does it have the full functionality of Google Maps.
I know that Google Maps has amazing features and I am a bit anxious to continue with the library and discover later in my project that it doesn't support the functionality I might need. I am going to keep researching it but if anyone has experience with it I would appreciate some advice.
Yes, I've used two different Google Maps libraries for CodeIgniter 2.
I ended up keeping the one you've linked for both projects. It was cleaner to use than the other, less helpers to load and lines to write in order to create a simple map. I don't know what else you're really looking for here. Also, with this library, I only needed to pass two variables into the View... where with the other, the View needed a bit more complex code. Really, there's only two variables that need to be passed into the view... the Map and the JavaScript for the map. If you're clever, you could also combine them into one.
Quote OP:
"I know that Google Maps has amazing features and I am a bit anxious to continue with the library and discover later in my project that it doesn't support the functionality I might need."
So what? If that's your only concern, then don't worry. Switching out something like this is pretty easy. Since it's invoked and configured in your Controller (or it should be), there's relatively little code to change.
(The developer was also very responsive to my support requests, which is saying a lot for a open source project.)

vector animation for web library

just wondering around google and could not find a really convincing method (yet) to make an animation web page using my own vector image. I really love to draw and would like my self to go deeper and making an interactive web page (flashless) using my own vector drawing.
I am already have a good understanding about javascript, html and css so if any of you could suggest a mature and well documented library to use as a base for my project that would be awesome.
Maybe a little pro cons insight using javascript vs css for web animation will also be good for other newbie like me in the future as a consideration before I dip my toe to the sea.
Fabric.js seems to encompass many modern features of browsers using the canvas. Check it out, I know it supports SVG.

Flash type animations but using AJAX?

I am looking for someway to do Flash type movies but with AJAX instead? Flash requires plugins, SEO is difficult and my experience is people tend to stay away from Flash websites unless they are really really good.
Can any provide some insight?
Maybe something like this:
You could try and play with the HTML5 canvas tag...
You could use dynamic refreshing of SVG using Javascript, but you will have your work cut out for you.
Javascript, and lots of it, is one option.
Also, sliverlight 3's new navigation model supports deeplinking for SEO, and is really quite powerful for animations
try some of these
I've been thinking of the same thing, going with javascript rather than flash on some stuff. This works great for small components inside a html website. But to do a whole js site, I'd strongly recommend AGAINST that.
From my experience, the same animation in flash vs javascript... JS is more processor intensive. I don't want to comment on as to which magnitude, but it's noticeable.
Bats also have a funny way of dealing with javascript and ajax content, so don't expect the same result in terms of SEO just because you're not using flash. But because people have used javascript to do content injection/replacement crawlers might be better at searching through the info. There are other ways of dealing with Flash SEO issues. (Gaia framework is not a bad starting point)
Another advantage of not using Flash or Silverlight is that most mobile devices ignore this stuff. However if you're planing on creating a site that acts like flash, the usability across these devices will likely not be consistent.
If you do decide to go this route, it's going to be much like going into a jungle and hacking your way through. Whereas with flash you're likely to be going through a well marked and paved landscape. You can get to the end result either way, but consider how much effort it will take. Flash has internal and community libraries that do all kinds of stuff, with js you'll be writing a lot of your own code and will have beta libraries that might not work well across all browsers.
But on the upside, you'll be a pioneer :)

Create image viewer in ajax or flash?

I've been trying to do more Web development work recently (I currently do other tech stuff, but have some experience with Java, C++, VB, Python, and PHP) and I was asked to create a basic Web site with an image viewer. The site is for an artist and she wants the viewer so users can see thumbnails of her paintings and click them to see a large version.
There are a bunch of existing programs out there (for example, simpleviewer)--most seem to be Flash-based. I want to create my own for various reasons, not least of which is to learn about how to do it. Can anyone give me suggestions/opinions as to what technology to use and how to proceed? Not detailed steps, just pointers in the right direction. (For example, are there existing scripts I could find on the net and then tinker with/modify?) I'm already doing research to figure this out, but advice from savvy programmers will save me some time.
I don't know much about Flash or Ajax, but am willing to learn either (and would eventually like to learn both). I won't be shelling out $700 for Flash Pro right now, so I would need to use something like FlashDevelop if I go that route. Thanks in advance!
You'll want jQuery. jQuery.com
Jquery has tons of useful plugins: jquery plugins page
Start searching! Here's a good one i found searching for "image galley"
Enjoy. Jquery is your friend. Of course this post is biased. So, to give credits to others, you can also look into mootools, YUI, prototype, scriptaculous, etc.
If you are going to go down the flash root definitely look at http://slideshowpro.net/ (you don't need the Flash IDE to customise it - all done via XML settings)
An alternative is via JavaScript. A couple of cool scripts to look at are:
You can scan the images, base64 encode them into a database, then use an < img > tag on your site to point to a PHP page that base64 decodes the images. No real way to watermark them though you could do that before the you load them using GIMP or some similar tool.
