Windows batch file - Concatenate all files in subdirectories - windows

Need to concatenate all of the javascript files in a directory and all of its sub-directories into one file.
Right now I have a very simple command in a batch file that concatenates all of the matching files in one directory into one file:
copy C:\javascripts\*.js concatenated.js
However, this only works for the one directory and not any of its sub-directories. How can I do this same thing and also include all of the matching files in the sub-directories?
Thanks so much!

From the command line you can use
for /r "c:\javascripts" %F in (*.js) do #type "%F" >>concatenated.js
You might want want to first delete any existing concatenated.js before you run the above command.
From a batch file the percents need to be doubled
#echo off
del concatenated.js
for /r "c:\javascripts" %%F in (*.js) do type "%%F" >>concatenated.js
It is a bit more efficient to put parentheses around the entire statement and use a single overwrite redirection instead of append redirection with each iteration. It also eliminates the need to delete the file in the beginning.
>concat.js (for /r "c:\javascripts" %F in (*.js) do #type "%F")
or from batch
#echo off
>concat.js (for /r "c:\javascripts" %%F in (*.js) do type "%%F")

I'm not aware of an approach to do that from a batch file, but you could use a tool like minify
to both combine JavaScript files and also minify them (e.g. by removing comments and unnecessary white space).
There are quite a few similar tools for a variety of programming environments.


Xcopy certain file names only

I've never used the Xcopy feature before and I was wondering if it would be possible to use xcopy to copy only certain files within a directory tree.
For example, suppose I have the following documents:
Now, suppose I have a spreadsheet that tells me which .doc files I need to copy:
Is there a way to base the xcopy on the spreadsheet(or txt document) so I don't copy the files I don't need?
I don't think xcopy can read files to include from a file. But you can create a batch file that does this:
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (documents.txt) do (
copy %%A x:\targetfolder\
Try typing HELP XCOPY at a command prompt and look at the /EXCLUDE parameter. The documentation isn't quite correct, you can put a list of files in a single file, one file name per line, and they will be excluded from the xcopy.

Command line to change file extension of all files under a folders and its subfolders

I am looking for a command line which can change the file extension of all the files that are under a folder and its subfolders. Is there any way to do this?
I tried with ren *.js *.txt but this only changes the file extension of the files under one folder.
I assume by ms-dos you really mean the command prompt on Windows. Not many people still use ms-dos.
The following will run your REN command on each folder within the hierarchy that contains .js files. It is probably a bit more efficient then running REN for each file individually.
for /r %F in (.) do #if exist "%F\*.js" ren "%F\*.js" "*.txt"
Double up the percents (%F becomes %%F) if run within a batch script.
You could try this:
For /R %G in (*.js) do REN "%G" "%~nG.txt"
Note that you'll need to use %% instead of % if running from a batch file.

Win 7: CMD batch file for creating directories based on filenames

I'm working on a CMD line batch file in a Win7 environment that will create directories based upon the filenames listed in a directory.
I am using this code, but the output created is partial and incomplete with only
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /r %%i in (*.wav) do (
set filename1=%%i
set folder1=!filename1:~4,10!
mkdir !folder1!
I have this script saved as a CMD file in text format in the source directory, on a local harddrive, though it is in a subdirectory.
The directory output is partial and broken, with garbled output and the numbers of directories created does not match the number of files, and the created directories seem to nest. I've researched this and can't seem to find a definitive answer.
It's not entirely clear what it is you are trying to accomplish. Are you trying to create a directory within the same directory containing the wav file, just without the .wav extension? If so, you're missing some quotation marks and you're stripping the wrong end of the filename off. If that's what you are trying to accomplish, it can actually be done with a single command, no batch script needed. Type this at the command prompt:
for /r %I in (*.wav) do mkdir "%~pnI"
Of course, if you still want it in a batch script, use %%I and %%~pnI with double percents instead of single. See the last couple of pages of help for for an explanation of how %%~pnI works.

Windows batch copy files from subfolders to one folder

I had tried to make batch script that copies all *.tif files located in D:\images(random named subfolders here) to d:\all.
xcopy D:\Downloads\*.TIF D:\temp\ /s
works, but it copies with all folder tree. I tried to use other keys, but its dont works.
Thanks for help!
FOR is your friend. Read HELP FOR on the /R option and the %~nx variable substitution; and then try this very simple code.
pushd d:\downloads
for /r %%a in (*.tif) do (
echo COPY "%%a" "d:\temp\%%~nxa"
watch carefully the results and then remove the ECHO command.
You will have to refine the code to cope with errors, duplicate names, edge cases, names with reserved characters, race conditions, cosmic events...
Searched files using windows file explorer for e.g. *.gif , I got files in search window, used Edit=>Select All , copy and then pasted to desired folder. This copied all the gif files in all sub directories to single folder.
For large number of files, it sometimes hangs/not responding, but otherwise works ok.
pushd D:\Source
for /r %%a in (*.?*) do (
MOVE "%%a" "D:\Destination folder\%%~nxa"
You can also use the XXCOPY freeware. Works like XCOPY, but when you use a /SG parameter, it flattens the sub-directories. See how to use it here.

Renaming files overwrites part of the filename

I ahve a directory full of files, and I want to rename each of them to have TA_ in front of the original file name. file1.txt should be renamed to TA_file1.txt. What I am getting is TA_e1.txt instead.
ren "c:*.txt" "TA_*.txt" is the command I am trying to use.
The file names are all of various lengths, and no matter what I try, it always overwrites the first 3 characters of my file name....
A simple one liner would be:
for %i IN (*.txt) DO ren "%i" "TA_%i"
This loops over all files (*.txt) and passes their name in the %i variable to the ren command. ren can then use the %i content to expand it with your desired prefix.
The command will only work for files in the current directory. For more complex things you should write a batch file. Come back if you need help with that.
