jquery-ui-map zoom does not automatically adjust down with fewer markers - jquery-ui-map

Conditions: map api v3, jquery ui map, add marker bounds true.
1.When I add markers the zoom properly and automatically adjusts to include all the markers.
However, as I decrease the quantity of makers the zoom does not re-adjust to
include the remaining markers.
Is this a bug, does anyone know of a site where I can test this.
I can provide a url if more information is needed.
Thank you

After each new marker is added, the bounds need to be updated like so:
$('#map_canvas').gmap('addBounds', marker.position);
If you ever need to reset the bounds totally, remove markers, or add a new set of markers, you can do this:
$('#map_canvas').gmap('clear', 'markers');
$('#map_canvas').gmap('set', 'bounds', null);
Hope that helps you next time, or a Googler :)


Scrollspy using Alpinejs and intersect plugin

I have a website I'm working on that utilizes DaisyUI and Alpine.js (with intersect plugin).
In one of my templates I have a stepper with sections of content relating to each step. When you click one of the steps to the stepper, it scrolls you to the related section. That part is easy peasy. The difficulty is getting the step to highlight when you've scrolled to the related content manually. My lack of understanding of the intersection observer is what is throwing me off.
Here is a pen I made as a simple illustration of what I'm trying to do: https://codepen.io/jtomeck/pen/dyeVONz
The pen only shows the use of x-intersect alone. It works-ish, but you'll notice that there are bugs if you make the viewport taller. I'd ideally like the step to only highlight when the content is near the top of the screen, or at least more than halfway above the center of the viewport. I've tried:
Using threshold, but there are bugs since it does not observe the direction (from top of viewport or bottom of viewport) the intersection is happening from, as well as the threshold being defined as a percent creates strange behaviors on different sized screens.
Using margin, but it did not appear to work at all. I believe this is option is the right solution, but I'm struggling to find the proper resources online specific to my problem. I believe the answer will come if I can figure out how to manipulate the margin using enter and leave.
If someone wouldn't mind helping me with this I'd greatly appreciate it. Bonus points if all previous steps can remain highlighted when a new step is reached :). Not a requirement though!
I'd like to request that all answers continue to utilize alpinejs since it is a constraint of the project. Thank you in advance!
TLDR - Can anyone help me figure out how to use alpinejs and its intersect plugin to make the step of a stepper component highlight when the content it relates to reaches a certain position in the viewport (scrollspy effect)?
Update: Updated codepen to use:
x-intersect.margin.10%.0.0.0="shownStep = ' STEP NUMBER ID HERE '"
According to the documentation the expected behavior would be to detect intersection "when the element gets within 10% of the top of the viewport." It does not appear to work any differently than just using x-intersect without the margin added. I'm very curious why margin does seemingly nothing. I'm going to keep looking into it, but I'd very much appreciate any guidance anyone can provide about rootMargin and why the intersect plugin does not seem to be applying it properly.

Rotate element once it is selected flutter

Recently I have created a post about how to rotate a dismissible element once it is swiped. I did get an answer so I decided to rewrite a question.
For example, I have a container with gesturedetector() widget, is it possible to scale it and rotate 5 deg.(duration like 5sec.) once it is tapped or longpress?
You might be interested in an AnimatedContainer which is a container that gradually changes its values over a period of time.
The duration of the transformation is controlled by specifying something like duration: new Duration(seconds:5) in the AnimatedContainer's constructor.
You can also specify additional transformations by for example scaling variables for the AnimatedContainer's width and height properties.
For more information, the flutter docs have a good intro to using AnimatedContainers.

Is there a kind of caching? - SVG (D3) Graph remembers its old position

I'm backend developer for several years but a newbie in frontend issues.
I used "graphviz" (using d3.js) to draw an SVG graph from DOT notation.
Everything is working fine but one thing I don't get in my mind:
If I "open" another (or the same one) graph its starting position is the
same as this from the previous drawn graph even if I completely remove
the whole node content from the dom as follows:
var svg = d3.selectAll("svg");
var otherBelow = svg.selectAll("*");
// svg.remove();
Doing this and checking the page source the nodes below SVG are realy dropped
but drawing the new graph it has exactly the position of the previously
moved graph in "transform" attribute. Doing a work around by resetting the
position bevore solves this problem but then the problem remains for the
"moving on mousedown" capability. Then the graph immediately "jumps" to the old
ones position. But therefor I can't even get an information about somewhere
in the page source. Really the generated page code is 100% the same (with
diff tool) but has a different behaviour. Don't understand how this is possible.
So now my question: Is there a kind of caching? Or is there perhaps the
browser cache used somehow internally? How to fix this?
P.s. if I remove the SVG node itself I get a completely courious behaviour.
Then the newly drawn graph is not movable at all.
This (ugly) workaround does it for me.
// Snipped to render a new graph and reset its position
// #graph -> id of d3-graphviz div-container
document.getElementById('graph').innerHTML = ''
setTimeout(() => {
}, 50)
Explanation/Assumption why this works:
It seems that the deletion of the old graph with .innerHTML = ''and the creation of the new one should not happen in the same rendering phase/at the same time, therefore the timeout function.
The second part of the workaround is to use a new graphivz-instance to render the new graph, therefore the
d3.select(...) within the timeout function.
The graphviz renderer is still present on the element it was created on and has all its data still intact.
Removing the svg and then reuse the renderer is not a valid use case. Nico's answer is probably correct, but there are better ways to do it, but in order to tell you how you should do it instead I would need so see all of your code so I can understand what you really want to do.

How to remove a series from XYChartScrollbar in amCharts v4?

How can a series be removed from the XYChartScrollbar in amCharts v4?
It was added in much the same way as series are added to the chart:
chart.scrollbarX = new am4charts.XYChartScrollbar();
Removing it seems to remove it from the List (chart.scrollbarX.series.length goes from 1 to 0) but it remains on the scrollbar display. I've also tried removeIndex, but no luck there either.
// removes from List, but still displayed
var scrollbarIndex = chart.scrollbarX.series.indexOf(series);
// same result, removed from List but still displayed
I have also tried calling invalidate() and even deepInvalidate() to try to get the scrollbar to refresh but no success.
An example pen is at https://codepen.io/anon/pen/OrQvbw?editors=0011. Clicking on a toggle button adds the series to the chart and scrollbar, but only removes it from the chart.
Removing a series from the scrollbar itself does not seem to remove the series from the scrollbar's chart which itself is a whole other chart with distinct series. Going to look into this more and get back to you.
In the meantime, we can piggy back off of the scrollbar's removeValue method via the series' List's "removed" event, to do the same thing on scrollbarChart. The scrollbarChart's series are all clones of the original chart's series, presuming a series only ever has 1 clone and that that clone is within scrollbarChart, this code seems to do the trick (removed.oldValue is the series we just removed from scrollbarX.series):
chart.scrollbarX.series.events.on("removed", function(removed){
Here's a fork of your demo with that addition:

Does the react-virtualized Masonry component support setting the scrollTop or scrollToIndex values?

I've implemented a Masonry layout that adjusts dynamically to the window size and it all works very well. I calculate its height and width and reset the cell measurements when any outside dimensions change.
I just need to be able to programmatically slide into view a specific item while it is being edited as well as scroll back to top programatically. Is this possible? I've tried to set scrollTop or scrollToIndex but it has no effect (unlike List). I have the feeling that I'm missing something obvious.
Thank you!
Unfortunately, the Masonry component does not currently support a scrollTop prop (other than a partial support required to work with WindowScroller). I would be willing to review a PR adding this functionality, but whether it landed would depend on the complexity. :)
