WP7 ListPicker control in development mode - windows-phone-7

I am using the WP7 ListPicker control to display 7 items on the current form. I set the ItemCountThreshold="7" so all the items display in the current form like a drop down control would work.
This works well.
The problem I am having is that since I need the control to take up the entire Grid so that all the items display correctly and since the control is "brought to front", I can't click on any control positioned below the ListPicker while in development mode. When running the form, everything works. But in development mode, the only way to click on another control below the
ListPicker is to send the ListPicker to back, then work on another control, then bring the ListPicker to front.
Is there anyway around this?
I have to have the ListPicker in front so that when the form runs and the ListPicker is opened, the ListPicker will open over top of the other controls. If the ListPicker is sent to back and the form is run, then when the ListPicker opens, the other controls bleed through the ListPicker.
Is there a property for the ListPicker to open over top of the other controls?

Grabbing Cookies in Web Browser Control - WP7
see this question and try to grab cookies as explained and check their value for your page if they are set or not. I hope I am right


CodingForFun Toolkit Closing popup clears content from textboxes WP8

I am using CodingForFun Toolkit to create a pop up on on Windows phone app page (xaml).
I used the following code example http://developer.nokia.com/community/wiki/Create_simple_overlay_with_UserControl_in_Windows_Phone#?ticket=ST-0e471fde-6d16-4345-8eaf-038344e8f195-a00475e0-92ab-4a0b-9a4e-dccb8fffb737.
My page contains textboxes as I am trying to create a form page that has a link at the bottom (accept terms and conditions) that opens using a popup. But when I close the Popup using the back key on the phone the form content is cleared.
How can I keep the content even after closing the popup?

Windows Phone - Loading/Saving panel

I often need loading panel, which shows an indeterminate progressbar and a textblock in fullscreen mode. I do this with a Grid and just set the visibilty so visible. Instead of copy source code from page to page, I want to re-use it as a control. Is there already an existing control I can use?
Create your own usercontrol is the best way if you want to reuse the control. There are a lot of guides on Google, search for "custom user control silverlight" or something similar.

WinRT Settings Charm. Elements overlayed by on screen keyboard

I'm developing for Windows 8 (WInRT) and have problem with settings charm. Settings popup is based on Microsoft SDK settings charm. Settings panel is Popup. Content is wrapped by ScrollViewer -> Grid -> StackPanel. In StackPanel I have input fields. when I trying to fill last of them on screen keyboard overlaying it and I cant see field and cant scroll to it. Is there any way to see it and to scroll to it automatically?
Seems like the popups on Windows 8 suffer from the same problem as they did on Windows Phone in that when you put a TextBox on one of them - it does not get pushed up together with all the other content as it does when it is not in a popup.
My solution to that would be to not use popup for input fields and instead go for a layout that you can manage yourself.
By default the app has a Frame control at its visual root. You can modify it for example by putting your own UserControl in there (I usually call it AppShell) which has the Frame used by all pages, you can have a layer for popups, log in screens, the extended splash screen etc.
To solve your problem you would need to put your charm's UI inside of such layer instead of in a popup. Then the build-in mechanism that pushes all the UI up when the on-screen keyboard would otherwise obstruct the view of your TextBox should just start working again.
A simpler solution might be to make sure your settings panel popup is parented in your visual tree - e.g. by adding it as a child element to a root grid of your app or page. It turns out that in that case its content does get pushed up when the OSK shows up.
Take a look at this post
It's a popup wrapper (turns user controls into popups) that takes care of the keyboard appearing and adjusts the size of the popup (and thus the user control) accordingly.

How do I enable/disable my Ribbon Buttons in Outlook

I have an Outlook Add-in created with VSTO. Using the Ribbon Designer I have created a tab with three buttons on it. (Environment: Outlook 2010, .NET 4.0, VSTO latest runtime)
When one of the buttons is pressed a modeless dialog is opened. As long as the user is working on this dialog I do not want him to be able to press the button again. So basically I want to gray out the button till the dialog is closed. How can I do this?
For whatever reason, in the button click handler, if I do this.button1.enabled = false; it is just not working. Am I missing something about the way ribbons work.
You need to re-render the control using IRibbonUI.InvalidateControl(controlID) or IRibbonUI.Invalidate(). See MDSN on how to dynamically update the Fluent UI for reference. This is done for performance reasons so that you can change all your Fluent UI settings and then re-render all control changes at once. However, if you are only changing one UI element (as you indicate) this can seem confusing and unnecessary.

LongListSelector in a panorama causes "empty" elements when navigating back

I have a problem with the LongListSelector in a Windows Phone 7 application. I have a list of people in a LongListSelector (databound to a ViewModel) and when I select on of the items, navigate to another page, and then navigates back again, the LongListSelector appears to have none of the bindings refreshed. All the items are visible in the list but they appear to be completely empty.
Any ideas?
You might be hitting a possible bug in the LongListSelector.
Check out the link below:
