AKKA Remoting lookup remote actors fails when hostname is used - remoting

I have been using the AKKA remoting feature. It has been working very well except for one issue. If I try to lookup a remote actor based on its hostname, the lookup fails. However, if I do it based on IP address it works fine. Is there any way to make it work uniformly for both hostname and IP address ?
My application.conf is something like below:
akka {
version = "2.0.2"
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
remote {
transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
netty {
use-passive-connections = off
hostname = ""
port = 8000
From another machine:
actorSystem.actorFor("akka://MyActorSystem#") //**Works**
actorSystem.actorFor("akka://MyActorSystem#hostname.abc.com:8000/user/MyActor") //**Fails**

I have seen this behavior as well. I expected the Akka actor system to pick up the system host name from java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName.
However this does not always seem to work. On the upside, adding the hostname to your application.conf file should produce the correct result, allowing remote connections looked up via context.actorFor("akka://host.domain.com:8000/user/whatever").
Even when the InetAddress call above produces the desired host name string, e.g. as easily checked in the Scala REPL, Akka seems to prefer binding to the IP Address. If you want Akka to bind to the alias automatically on system start you might consider modifying your Config object (set akka.remote.netty.hostname) before passing it to ActorSystem.apply.
Of course the other, perhaps less desirable, option is to simply set the value on each of your deployed nodes.
Hope that helps!


Sharing connection pools between client instances in finagle

Given two or more finagle clients that have different destination names, if those names happen to resolve to the same inet address how to I get finagle to only maintain a single pool of connections to that endpoint?
Overly Simple Sample Code
The below code registers a very simple (and mostly useless) Resolver that always resolves to the same address. In practice this would be more like a many to one relationship (instead of all to one). There's another simple application that starts a server and two clients that both use the resolver to find the address to talk to the server.
// Registered with finagle Resolver via META-INF/services
class SmartResolver extends AbstractResolver {
#Override public String scheme() { return "smart"; }
#Override public Var<Addr> bind(String arg) {
return Vars.newConstVar(Addrs.newBoundAddr(Addresses.newInetAddress(
// assume this is more complicated and maps many names to
// one address
new InetSocketAddress("", 9000)))));
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a server, we record stats so we can see how many connections
// there are
InMemoryStatsReceiver stats = new InMemoryStatsReceiver();
ListeningServer server = Thrift.server()
.serveIface(":9000", (EchoService.ServiceIface) Future::value);
// create a few clients that all connect to a resolved server, the
// resolver ensures that they all are communicating with our server
EchoService.ServiceIface c1 = Thrift.client()
.newIface("smart!c1", EchoService.ServiceIface.class);
EchoService.ServiceIface c2 = Thrift.client()
.newIface("smart!c2", EchoService.ServiceIface.class);
// make sure any lazy connections have been opened
// I'm not sure how to see how many physical connections there are
// incoming to the server, or if it's possible to do this.
assertEquals(1, stats.counter(JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(Arrays.asList("connects"))))
// echo.thrift
service EchoService {
string echo(1: string quack);
All the details
Where I work we have a microservice architecture using finagle and thrift, we use Consul for service discovery. Some of the external systems we interact with are very restrictive about the number and frequency of tcp connections they accept, for this reason some service instances are 'assigned responsibility' for these connections. To make sure that requests that need to use specific connections are sent to the correct service, that service registers a new service name in consul representing the connection it is responsible for. Clients then lookup the service by the connection name instead of the service name.
To make that clearer: Say you have a device-service that opens TCP connections to a configured list of devices, the devices only support a single connection at a time. You might have a few instances of this device-service with some scheme in place to divide the devices between the device-service instances. So instance A connects to devices foo and bar, instance B connects to baz.
You now have another service, say poke-service that needs to talk to specific devices (via the device-service). The way I've solved this issue is to have the device-service instance A register foo and bar, and instance B register baz, all against their own local address. So looking up foo resolves to the address for device-service instance A instead of the more generic cluster of all device-service instances.
The problem I'd like to solve is an optimisation problem, I'd like finagle to recognise that both foo and bar actually resolve to the same address and to reuse all the resources that it allocates and maintains as part of the connection. Additionally if foo and bar get re-assigned to different device-service instances, I'd like everything to just work based on the information in Consul which would reflect this change.

script for connecting to an amazon ec2 instance by public dns

I need to write a script that can start an aws instance by its public dns,
I can start the instance at the moment by using a filter with my instance name, but if I try to filter with the {tag:'Public DNS': my_publicdns} I get an error. Is it even possible to filter by public dns?
my_publicdns = 'ec2-1-2-3-4.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com'
myinstance = 'GA_brian_burroughs'
def start_instance():
inst = conn.get_all_instances(filters={'tag:Name': myinstance})[0].instances[0]
except Exception:
print('Error:', myinstance, 'not found!')
if not inst.state == 'running':
print('Starting', myinstance)
print(myinstance, 'already running or starting up!')
You can not do this.
The EC2 instance does not have a public DNS address assigned until after it is started up. IPv4 addresses are a scarce commodity, so AWS does not permanently assign them. If you stop and start an instance, you may well get a different IPv4 address. Since the AWS public DNS name is based on the IPv4 address, instances do not necessarily retain the same public DNS name when stopped and then started.
I would suggest instead assigning a meaningful tag to your instances that allow you to functionally accomplish what you are trying to accomplish by using the public DNS name.

What is "configuredOnly" used for in ConnectionMultiplexer.GetEndPoints()?

I am using the fantastic StackExchange.Redis library to implement ObjectCache. One of the interface methods to implement in ObjectCache is long GetCount(...) which returns the number of keys in the database. It looks like this can be satisfied by the IServer.DatabaseSize(...) method in StackExchange.Redis.
I plan on fetching the server endpoints from ConnectionMultiplexer.GetEndPoints(), getting an IServer for each endpoint, and then querying the database size for each database I am interested in on each server (ignore size discrepancies for the moment).
Now, ConnectionMultiplexer.GetEndPoints() has an optional parameter called "configuredOnly". What is the consequence of not providing it, versus true, versus false?
In the ConnectionMultiplexer.GetEndPoints() implementation, I see that it returns the EndPoints from the multiplexer configuration if configuredOnly is true, or else returns EndPoints from an array called "serverSnapshot".
As best as I can tell, "serverSnapshot" is populated here, which seems to be populated as servers are connected, or at least are attempted to be connected to.
Does GetEndPoints(true) return all EndPoints that were configured on the ConnectionMultiplexer? Does GetEndPoints() and GetEndPoints(false) return EndPoints that actually are connected/valid? The documentation for the GetEndPoints method with respect to the configuredOnly parameter is sparse, and my subsequent use of the returned EndPoints needs one behavior and not the other.
When configuredOnly is set to true, GetEndPoints() only returns endpoints for the Redis servers explicitly specified in the call to ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(). Alternately when configuredOnly is false, endpoints are returned for every Redis servers in the cluster, whether or not they were specified in the initial ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect() call.
Somewhat strangly, if you use DNS names in the ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect() call, GetEndPoints(false) will return rows for both the DNS name and also the resolved IP address. For example, with a six-node Redis cluster the following code:
ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer("localhost:6379,localhost:6380");
foreach (var endpoint in redis.GetEndPoints(false))
will output
If I had called redis.GetEndPoints(true), only Unspecified/localhost:6379 and Unspecified/localhost:6380 would be returned.

Boost::asio UDP Broadcast with ephemeral port

I'm having trouble with udp broadcast transactions under boost::asio, related to the following code snippet. Since I'm trying to broadcast in this instance, so deviceIP = "". devicePort is a specified management port for my device. I want to use an ephemeral local port, so I would prefer if at all possible not to have to socket.bind() after the connection, and the code supports this for unicast by setting localPort = 0.
boost::asio::ip::address_v4 targetIP = boost::asio::ip::address_v4::from_string(deviceIP);
m_targetEndPoint = boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint(targetIP, devicePort);
m_ioServicePtr = boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service>(new boost::asio::io_service);
m_socketPtr = boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::ip::udp::socket>(new boost::asio::ip::udp::socket(*m_ioServicePtr));
// If no local port is specified, default parameter is 0
// If local port is specified, bind to that port.
if(localPort != 0)
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint(boost::asio::ip::address_v4::any(), localPort);
this->AsyncReceive(); // Register Asynch Recieve callback and buffer
m_socketThread = boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&MyNetworkBase::RunSocketThread, this))); // Start thread running io_service process
No matter what I do in terms of the following settings, the transmit is working fine, and I can use Wireshark to see the response packets coming back from the device as expected. These response packets are also broadcasts, as the device may be on a different subnet to the pc searching for it.
The issues are extremely strange to my mind, but are as follows:
If I specify the local port and set m_forceConnect=false, everything works fine, and my recieve callback fires appropriately.
If I set m_forceConnect = true in the constructor, but pass in a local port of 0, the transmit works fine, but my receive callback never fires. I would assume this is because the 'target' (m_targetEndpoint) is, and since the device has a real IP, the response packet gets filtered out.
(what I actually want) If m_forceConnect = false (and data is transmitted using a send_to call), and local port = 0, therefore taking an ephemeral port, my RX callback immediately fires with an error code 10022, which I believe is an "Invalid Argument" socket error.
Can anyone suggest why I can't use the connection in this manner (not explicitly bound and not explicitly connected)? I obviously don't want to use socket.connect() in this case, as I want to respond to anything I receive. I also don't want to use a predefined port, as I want the user to be able to construct multiple copies of this object without port conflicts.
As some people may have noticed, the overall aim of this is to use the same network-interface base-class to handle both the unicast and broadcast cases. Obviously for the unicast version, I can perfectly happily m_socket->connect() as I know the device's IP, and I receive the responses since they're from the connected IP address, therefore I set m_forceConnect = true, and it all just works.
As all my transmits use send_to, I have also tried to socket.connect(endpoint(ip::addressv4::any(), devicePort), but I get a 'The requested address is not valid in its context' exception when I try it.
I've tried a pretty serious hack:
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint(boost::asio::ip::address_v4::any(), m_socketPtr->local_endpoint().port());
where I extract the initial ephemeral port number and attempt to bind to it, but funnily enough that throws an Invalid Argument exception when I try and bind.
OK, I found a solution to this issue. Under linux it's not necessary, but under windows I discovered that if you are neither binding nor connecting, you must have transmitted something before you make the call to asynch_recieve_from(), the call to which is included within my this->asynch_receive() method.
My solution, make a dummy transmission of an empty string immediately before making the asynch_receive call under windows, so the modified code becomes:
// If no local port is specified, default parameter is 0
// If local port is specified, bind to that port.
if(localPort != 0)
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint(boost::asio::ip::address_v4::any(), localPort);
// A dummy TX is required for the socket to acquire the local port properly under windoze
// Transmitting an empty string works fine for this, but the TX must take place BEFORE the first call to Asynch_receive_from(...)
#ifdef WIN32
m_socketPtr->send_to(boost::asio::buffer("", 0), m_targetEndPoint);
this->AsyncReceive(); // Register Asynch Recieve callback and buffer
m_socketThread = boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&MyNetworkBase::RunSocketThread, this)));
It's a bit of a hack in my book, but it is a lot better than implementing all the requirements to defer the call to the asynch recieve until after the first transmission.

Testing connection to HDFS

In order to test connection to HDFS from a java program, is it sufficient enough to rely on FileSystem.get(configuration) or additional sanity checks should be done to do so?(fo ex: some file-based operations like list,copy,delete)
FileSystem.get(Configuration) creates a DistrubutedFileSystem object, which in turn relies on a DFSClient to talk to the NameNode. Buried deep down in the source (1.0.2 is the version i'm looking through), is a call to create an RPC for the NameNode, which in turn creates a Proxy for the ClientProtocol interface.
When this proxy is created, (org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC.getProxy(Class<? extends VersionedProtocol>, long, InetSocketAddress, UserGroupInformation, Configuration, SocketFactory, int)), a call is made to ensure the server and client both talk the same 'version', so this confirmation affirms that a NameNode is running at the configured address:
VersionedProtocol proxy =
(VersionedProtocol) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
protocol.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { protocol },
new Invoker(protocol, addr, ticket, conf, factory, rpcTimeout));
long serverVersion = proxy.getProtocolVersion(protocol.getName(),
if (serverVersion == clientVersion) {
return proxy;
} else {
throw new VersionMismatch(protocol.getName(), clientVersion,
Of course, whether the NameNode has sufficient datanodes running to perform some actions (such as create / open files) is not reported by this version match check.
