Vectorwise integration Pentaho - reporting

I have a problem regarding the integration of Vectorwise with Pentaho.
The Pentaho was working fine with other databases but integration with Vectorwise gives always the same error.
AdhocWebService.ERROR_0012 - Failed to generate the report preview. Please check the server log for details of the error.
When i checked the error log it said this :
SqlMetadataQueryExec.ERROR_0002 - Query execution failed:
QueryModelMetaData.ERROR_0001 -
!QueryModelMetaData.ERROR_0001_MetadataColumnNotFound! Generated SQL:
Action Sequence execution failed, see details below | Error Time:
Friday, July 27, 2012 1:35:40 PM IST | Session ID: joe | Instance Id:
db143504-d7c1-11e1-b334-355c9beece81 | Action Sequence:
preview.xaction | Execution Stack: EXECUTING ACTION: rule
(MQLRelationalDataComponent) | Action Class:
MQLRelationalDataComponent | Action Desc: rule | Loop Index (1-based):
when i run the same query directly on the Vectorwise server the output is obtained.
Please Help me. Thanx in advance :)


Reporting on Octopus Deployment steps

Is it possible to report on / query the data that is displayed here (red arrows in screen shot below) for individual octopus deployment steps? I have looked at the database schema and their RESTful API but don't see anything. I am trying to generate a report that aggregates time spent for each process across deployments.
The information presented here is calculated from the task log. You can access the task log via the API at /api/{spaceId}/tasks/{taskId}/raw
For example:
| == Success: Step 1: Run a Script ==
01:04:18 Verbose | Run a Script completed
| == Success: Worker ==
01:04:12 Verbose | Octopus Server version: 2022.3.425
01:04:12 Verbose | Environment Information:
-- snip ---
01:04:18 Verbose | Successfully finished Run a Script on a Worker
From the Task Log view:
There is some examples of interacting with the API for tasks in the OctopusDeploy-Api repo, such as this one to get task details.

Sonarqube upload report 403

I have a Sonar analysis job in Jenkins which was working fine. Suddenly last week it started throwing error when uploading the report to Sonarqube server.
11:47:31 06:17:31.409 INFO: Analysis report generated in /var/jenkins_home/workspace/projectdirmasked/sample/.scannerwork/scanner-report
11:47:31 06:17:31.409 DEBUG: Upload report
11:47:31 06:17:31.481 DEBUG: POST 403 | time=72ms
11:47:31 06:17:31.486 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:47:31 06:17:31.486 INFO: EXECUTION FAILURE
11:47:31 06:17:31.486 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:47:31 06:17:31.486 INFO: Total time: 9.877s
11:47:31 06:17:31.621 INFO: Final Memory: 39M/421M
11:47:31 06:17:31.621 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:47:31 06:17:31.621 ERROR: Error during SonarScanner execution
11:47:31 You're not authorized to run analysis. Please contact the project administrator.
The user belongs to the token has admin access. As well execute-analysis permission. And basically the user has assigned all the available permission in Sonarqube. So definitely it is not permission issue on the user.
All other projects using the same token in the same jenkins are able to scan successfully and upload the report.
Version: Enterprise Sonarqube 8.9.6
csharp plugin version: 8.22.0, xml plugin version: 2.2.0 (as I am scanning cs and xml files)
Any leads on this will be helpful!

job execution in SSIS fails

I have one job(report generation) which runs once in day for whole month but its running properly till 24th date of month after that it is giving below error.Pls provide solution asap.
Highlighted the error below For your reference
Executed as user: MMKNDJAVADB\Administrator. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 10.50.4000.0 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. Started: 11:00:00 AM Error: 2016-03-25 11:01:18.53 Code: 0xC0047018 Source: Get DMS Invoice Data SSIS.Pipeline Description: component "ADO NET Source" (16) failed the post-execute phase and returned error code 0x80004002. End Error Error: 2016-03-25 11:01:18.53 Code: 0xC0047018 Source: Get DMS Invoice Data SSIS.Pipeline Description: component "ADO NET Source" (16) failed the post-execute phase and returned error code 0x80004002. End Error Error: 2016-03-25 11:01:59.91 Code: 0xC0047062 Source: Get DMS Cancellation Data ADO NET Source 1 [1] Description: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [HYT00] [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(OdbcHandle hrHandle, RetCode retcode) at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReaderObject(CommandBehavior behavior, String method, Boolean needReader, Object[] methodArguments, SQL_API odbcApiMethod) at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReaderObject(CommandBehavior behavior, String method, Boolean needReader) at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.PreExecute() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostPreExecute(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100 wrapper) End Error Error: 2016-03-25 11:01:59.91 Code: 0xC004701A Source: Get DMS Cancellation Data SSIS.Pipeline Description: component "ADO NET Source 1" (1) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0x80131937. End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0). Started: 11:00:00 AM Finished: 11:02:00 AM Elapsed: 119.532 seconds. The package executed successfully. The step succeeded.
Please specify the timeout in the "Get DMS Invoice Data" in the ADO. NET component - data source of your data. Should help.

TFS lab - Aborting run: The start date cannot occur after the end date

Recently we are working on integrate telerik test case into TFS 2012 BDT workflow.
But when there is failed test in test plan, all test case followed failed test case will be aborted with following error:
"ID" "Date and time" "Message"
23 "09/23/2014 15:50:34" "Error saving the test results: The start date 2014/9/23 15:50:05 cannot occur after the end date 2014/9/23 7:50:34.
Will retry 3 time(s)."
24 "09/23/2014 15:51:05" "Error saving the test results: The start date 2014/9/23 15:50:05 cannot occur after the end date 2014/9/23 7:50:34.
Will retry 2 time(s)."
25 "09/23/2014 15:51:36" "Error saving the test results: The start date 2014/9/23 15:50:05 cannot occur after the end date 2014/9/23 7:50:34.
Will retry 1 time(s)."
26 "09/23/2014 15:52:06" "Error saving the test results: The start date 2014/9/23 15:50:05 cannot occur after the end date 2014/9/23 7:50:34.
Will retry 0 time(s)."
27 "09/23/2014 15:52:06" "Unexpected error occurred. Aborting run: The start date 2014/9/23 15:50:05 cannot occur after the end date 2014/9/23 7:50:34."
If all test cases pass, the issue will not occur.
If we run MSTest UI test even test case failed, no such issue will occur.
TFS version: 2012 RTM.
All TFS Lab are hyper-v VM.
Test controller, build controller are hyper-v VM.
All Build controller, test controller, test agent VM have China Beijing TimeZone setting.
We have tried to change timezone settings to UTC on Test controller, build controller, test agent VM, but the issue still exist.
Also we have checked Host server have china beijing timezone. TFS infrastructure are in domain of company. And time is correctly synced.
Some similar error in post, but we don't have any clue to fix it. Because all time are correctly synced.
Thanks M.Radwan.
We find out that our test agent is 2012 Update 4. But test controller is 2012.
After upgrade test controller to 2012 Update 4, the error is gone.

TFS Corrupted Database Project Odyssee

I have been upgrading to another Visual Studio Version 2013 (Update 3) on another machine dev machine.
I then tried to create a test project in an existing collection. it crashed. Tried it three times then deleted the corrupted projects.
After that I tought. Well I should upgrade to TFS 2013 (Update 3) too. So it tried to Upgrade my existing collections. It failed for the collection with the corrupted project.
So I tought its easy just restore the database. But thats not so easy. And it tells me that I need to restore the configuration db too. In order to do so it says I need to rename the configuration db. But then I cannot start the management tool to restore ?! It freezes.
What would you suggest? I have a backup but I cannot restore it so far. And I do not understand why it tells me that I need to restore the configuration backup too. I always tought that collections are independent.
Here are some addition screenshots:
Upgrade progess problem:
Complete Screenshot:
[2014-08-07 23:30:13Z][Error] TF400744: An error occurred while executing the following script: SetRecoveryModelToSimple.sql. Failed batch starts on the line 1. Statement line: 1. Script line: 1. Error: 5069 ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
As suggested I have run the best practice analyzer.
The upgrade log is actually large. I am posting just the last lines:
"[Info #23:29:51.189]
[Info #23:29:51.189] +-+-+-+-+-| ResultsSqmData |+-+-+-+-+-
[Info #23:29:51.189] Feature: ApplicationTier (1)
[Info #23:29:51.190] Feature: ApplicationTier; previousFailure: False
[Info #23:29:51.192] Error count: 0
[Info #23:29:51.192] Warning count: 0
[Info #23:29:51.192] Overall Result: TotalSuccess (1)
[Info #23:29:51.192] WebSiteData: 9
[Info #23:29:51.192] SqlData: 8
[Info #23:29:51.193] RSData: 0
[Info #23:29:51.193] WSSData: 0
[Info #23:29:51.193] Wizard: UpgradeWizard (4)
[Info #23:29:51.193] TfsConfigData: 8194
[Info #23:29:51.197] serviceLevel: Dev12.M68
[Info #23:29:51.197] Fatal Error Location: 0
[Info #23:29:51.197] Activity = ApplicationTierUpgrade (4)
[Info #23:29:53.053] ResultSqmData.UpdateIssues
[Info #23:29:53.068] no issues
[Error #06:53:08.370] TF400744: An error occurred while executing the following script: SetRecoveryModelToSimple.sql. Failed batch starts on the line 1. Statement line: 1. Script line: 1. Error: 5069 ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
[Info #06:53:08.385] To configure the new features for a team project, follow the steps in
When I try to detatch it this occurs:
TF401219: The team project collection 'XXX' cannot be detached because its version ID is different than the ID for the configuration database. The collection has the following version: Dev12.M62. The Team Foundation Server is at the following version: Dev12.M68.
When I try to restore a backup this occurs:
TF400990: Database Tfs_Configuration exists on SQL instance NUBO-XXX\SqlExpress. Please drop or rename the existing database before the restore operation
First of all keep calm.
I would try to complete the upgrade before trying other options. From what you show seems you have issue at SQL level, could be a permission: check both the TFS service account and the your user.
If you want to rollback, and you used the integrated backup, you have to restore all databases in practice.
