Codeigniter black diamond characters - codeigniter

This is more of a curiosity than actual problem as there is an easy and propably more preferable workaround. When using Codeigniters form validation and when displaying error message the CI user guide gives two ways to set one's own validation messages: through set_message-method and editing the language file which is located in the system folder.
However when editing the language file to contain error messages in my native language (which contains special character liks 'Ä' and 'Ö') the special characters are replaced with a black diamond. When using the set_message-method from form_validation it works without a problem and the characters are encoded with UTF-8 properly.
I am wondering where lies the problem when using the file instead of the method and how to solve it?

It sounds like the file is not saved by your editor as UTF-8. Make sure that it is.


find reason for automatic encoding detection (UTF-8 vs Windows-1252)

I have a CSV with content that is UTF-8 encoded. However, various applications and systems errorneously detect the encoding of the CSV as Windows-1252, which breaks all the special characters in the file (e.g. Umlauts).
I can see that Sublime Text (on Windows) for example also automatically detects the wrong Windows-1252 encoding, when opening the file for the first time, showing garbled text where special characters are supposed to be.
When I choose Reopen with Encoding » UTF-8, everything will look fine, as expected.
Now, to find the source of the error I thought it might help to figure out, why these applications are not automatically detecting the correct encoding in the first place. May be there is a stray character somewhere with the wrong encoding for example.
The CSV in question is actually an automatically generated product export of a Magento 2 installation. Recently the character encodings broke and I am currently trying to figure out what happened - hence my investigation on why this export is detected as Windows-1252.
Is there any reliable way of figuring out why the automatic detection of applications like Sublime Text assume the wrong character encoding?
This is what I did in the end to find out why the file was not detected as UTF-8, i.e. to find the characters that were not encoded in UTF-8. Since PHP is more readily available to me, I decided to simply use the following script, to force convert anything that is not UTF-8 to UTF-8, using the very handy neitanod/forceutf8 library.
$before = file_get_contents('export.csv');
$after = \ForceUTF8\Encoding::toUTF8($before);
file_put_contents('export.fixed.csv', $after);
Then I used a file comparison tool like Beyond Compare to compare the two resulting CSVs, in order to see more easily which characters were not originally encoded in UTF-8.
This in turn showed me that only one particular column of the export was affected. Upon further investigation I found out that the contents of that column were processed in PHP with the following preg_replace:
$value = preg_replace('/([^\pL0-9 -])+/', '', $value);
Using \p in the regular expression had an unknown side effect: all the special characters were converted to another encoding. A quick solution to this is to use the u flag on the regex (see regex pattern modifiers reference). This forces the resulting encoding of this preg_replace to be UTF-8. See also this answer.

Issues with using UTF-8 with PHPMailer

I'm using PHPMailer 5 to send plain text emails from forms. It looks like some users are pasting content from word into the textarea fields and the resulting email comes out with lots of non-readable characters (e.g. “).
I've tried adding $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; and that seems to fix the tests I've done (e.g. bullet lists are now coming through properly).
$mail = new PHPMailer;
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
$mail->ContentType = 'text/plain';
Are there any security issues or other issues that could come up from setting the character set to UTF-8?
You're doing it right. PHPMailer defaults (as does PHP's internal mail function) to the ISO-8859-1 character set because that can be used in the absence of the mbstring PHP extension which is not available by default - and if you don't have that extension, UTF-8 support won't work. Once you switch to using UTF-8, your entire toolchain must also use UTF-8 - your editors, your database, your database connection. You also need to be wary of functions like strlen and substr, which are not UTF-8-safe because they work in bytes, not chars (which may be more than 1 byte long). Whenever one of those things gets it wrong, you'll see the kind of corruption you have. It's a good exercise to stick in some difficult strings to test with (though see my answer about that) to make sure it comes through unscathed.
Unfortunately, MS Word is one of the best examples of how to do UTF-8 badly; it often riddles the text with unnecessary unusual characters, extra control chars etc, so I would advise doing some heavy filtering on your inputs - editors like CKEditor have built-in filters to help deal with Word's issues. That doesn't have anything to do with PHPMailer, it's a just a common problem with dealing with input that has been touched by Word.
The only thing you're doing wrong is using PHPMailer 5.x; current version is 6.x.

Magento translation fails

I have trouble translating the phrase "%s was added to your shopping cart." in magento. This is a message that is called in a php-controller (cartController.php).
I use csv-files for the translation and checked them multiple times for errors (missing quotes, wrong quotes, ...), but the translation still won't work. Translating inline seems also impossible as no option is shown to translate success-messages.
I also checked the store language (which is set to Dutch), locale configuration and via code what language he finds, this all turns out fine, everything is okay.
Does anyone know what next steps I should take to investigate this problem or even better: does anyone know a solution for this problem? I found many threads like this one, but unanswered or without an answer for me.
One more thing: Yes, I cleared my cache and translations ;-).
Try to put translate.csv into your theme folder:
And put your translation there.
Check the encoding of your file Mage_Checkout.csv
Probably you have ANSI or UTF-8, but it should be "UTF-8 without BOM", otherwise Magento has troubles in using the translation file.

Escaping special characters in User Input in IzPack Installer

I have an IzPack installer that takes in a lot of User Inputs and substitutes them in an XML file. This XML file is actually the configuration file for my application.
There is a major problem that I have hit and I cant move on from it.
In the Input fields (in the installer) user can enter any text and also special characters like & # % ' etc. These special characters messes up my XML file as they are no allowed in the XML syntax and needs to be escaped. for example for & one would need &
So far I have been asking the user to do this, as in escape the special characters themselves, but thats now working either.
Is there a way to have this done automatically? I really need a solution fast.
I am using IzPack V 4.1
You should use a proper XML Api (SAX, DOM) to generate the XML file, this will apply the correct encoding automatically. This may look more complicated first but guarantees that a well formed, syntactically correct file is written.
Searching for JAXP should give you a proper starting point.

ruby string encoding

So, I'm trying to do some screen scraping off of a certain site using nokogiri, but the site owners failed to specify the proper encoding of the page in a <meta> tag. The upshot of this is that I'm trying to deal with strings that think they're utf-8, but really aren't.
(If you care, here are the files I was using to test this:
main file:
After doing a lot of searching around (this SO question was particularly useful), I found that calling encode('iso-8859-1', 'utf-8') on that test string "works", in that I get a proper © symbol. The issue now is that there are other characters in some other strings I want that really do not work at being converted to latin encoding (Shōta, for instance, turns into Sh�\x8Dta).
Now, I'm probably going to bother the appropriate webmasters and try and get them to fix their damn encodings, but in the meantime, I'd like to be able to use the bytes that I've got. I'm fairly certain that there is a way, but I just can't for the life of me figure out what it is.
Those pages appear to be correctly encoded as UTF-8. That's how my browser sees them, and when I viewsource them and tell the editor to decode them as UTF-8, they look fine. The only problem I see is that some copyright symbols seem to have been corrupted before (or as) they were added to the content. The o-macron and other non-ASCII letters come through just fine.
I don't know if you're aware of this, but the proper way to notify clients of a page's encoding is through a header. Pages may include that information in <meta> tags, but that's neither required nor expected; browsers typically ignore such tags if the header is present.
Since your pages are XHTML, they could also embed the encoding information in an XML processing instruction, but again, they're not required to. But it als means you could have Nokogiri treat them as XML instead of HTML, in which case I would expect it to use UTF-8 by default. But I'm not familiar with Nokogiri, so I can't be sure. And anyway, the header is still the final authority.
So, the issue is that ANN only specifies encoding via headers, and Nokogiri doesn't receive the headers from the open() function. So, Nokogiri guesses that the page is latin-encoded, and produces strings that we really can't reverse to get back the original characters from.
You can specify the encoding to Nokogiri as the 3rd parameter to Nokogiri::HTML(), which solves the issue I was initially trying to solve. So, I'll accept this answer, even though the more specific question I asked (how to get those non-latin characters out of a latin string) is unanswerable.
