Paperclip attachment column in database is empty - ruby

I have installed paperclip and imagemagick,and implemented the code to my model and view file.
I have a database column named 'picture' and it is empty no matter if i uploaded a picture or not. the picture acctually exists in the/public/system/decks/pictures/000/000/019/medium folder. i can see all of the uploaded pictures there, but i can't show them cause the database is empty.
My model:
class Deck < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :picture
has_attached_file :picture, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }
attr_accessor :picture_file_name
attr_accessor :picture_content_type
attr_accessor :picture_file_size
attr_accessor :picture_updated_at
My view:
<%= form_for #deck,:url => decks_path, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>
<%= f.file_field :slika %>
My migration:
class AddAttachmentPictureToDecks < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :decks, :picture, :attachment
So i get the picture in that folder that i have mentioned before but the picture column in my decks table is empty. I can't get the picture with <%= image_tag #deck.picture.url(:medium) %>, cause my #deck.picture.url holds a /pictures/original/missing.png, my #deck.picture.path and my #deck.picture.picture_file_name also shows nothing.
Thank you.

in the end it looks like i mixed the old syntax and the new one and i couldn't get the fields right in the database. and it looks like the attr_accessors are unneccessary


Saving associated many to many relation in Rails

I looked at related posts but could not get my code working. I have device and project models which are connected thru projects_devices table. My models look like this:
class Device < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :projects, :through => :projects_devices
has_many :projects_devices
accepts_nested_attributes_for :projects_devices, allow_destroy: true
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :devices, :through => :projects_devices
has_many :projects_devices
accepts_nested_attributes_for :projects_devices
class ProjectsDevice < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :device
belongs_to :project
my device controller:
def new
#device =
project_device =
#projects = Project.all
def create
#device = Device.create(device_params)
and my device_param :
def device_params
params.require(:device).permit(:name, :projects_devices_attributes => [:id , project_id: []])
My view:
<%= f.label :Projects_devices %><br>
<%= f.fields_for :projects_devices do |proj| %>
<%=, [], {}, {class: "form-control projects-devices", multiple: "multiple" } ) do %>
<% if (#projects) %>
<% for #project in #projects %>
<%= content_tag(:option,, value: %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I have a many to many association between two models. While creating and editing devices, I should be able to list all the projects available. And select only the ones required. When I save, the projects_devices table should be updated.
I have multiple problems here:
When I save a new device,
a. the projects_devices table has only device_id but not project_id. project_id is null
b. if there are 2 projects and I select only one, even then, two association records are created with only device_id (as mentioned above, project_id is missing). It should create only one association.
When a new device is edited,
a. Project list, list of all projects is empty.
b. I see 2 select boxes are displayed instead of one for projects(there are 2 projects currently).
c. updating the device is not happening.
I checked the params:
"commit"=>"Create Device"}
My rails log shows that my application is inserting only device_id:
SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `projects_devices` (`device_id`) VALUES (980190994)
Can somebody help me figure out the problem
Im not sure, but try this params.
Maybe it helps. :)
def device_params
params.require(:device).permit(:name, :projects_devices_attributes =>[:id, :device_id, :project_id, :_destroy])

Assign categories to a newly created post with Ruby and Padrino

I'm working on my ligthweight Padrino CMS which very much resembles the functionalities of Wordpress. When creating a new post I want to be able to assign them to many of the existing categories. Somehow I can not get my form work.
My models look like that:
Post model
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :account
has_many :categorizations
has_many :categories, :through => :categorizations
accepts_nested_attributes_for :categories
Category model
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :categorizations
has_many :posts, :through => :categorizations
belongs_to :category
Categorization model
class Categorization < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post
belongs_to :category
I have also created a migration for the joint table
class CreateCategorizations < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :categorizations do |t|
t.integer :category_id
t.integer :post_id
def self.down
drop_table :categorizations
And here is the related part of the form
<% fields_for :categories do |c| %>
<fieldset class='control-group <%= error ? 'has-error' : ''%>'>
<%= c.label 'Category title', :class => 'control-label' %>
<div class='controls'>
<%=, :collection => #categories, :fields => [:title, :id], :include_blank => true, :multiple => true, :class => 'form-control input-xlarge input-with-feedback') %>
<span class='help-inline'><%= error ? c.error_message_on(:id) : "Select a category if there is a parent category" %></span>
<% end %>
I don't know what I'm missing but the association is not created. I do not mention categories in the controller during the creation but I do fill up the dropdown with the existing Categories. Somehow I would like to associate them to the new post.
I will greatly appreciate if someone can point me to the right direction with this. The error I get is this:
NoMethodError at /admin/posts/create
undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
file: collection_association.rb location: replace line: 383
The forms POST data contains that:
Variable authenticity_token
Value "c760c21a5d1f85bfc19e179b37d56f67"
category_active_record_relation {"id"=>["2", "3"]}
{"post_name"=>"Test post", "post_type"=>"blogpost", "post_title"=>"Postie", "slug"=>"This is a custom set slug", "post_date"=>"2015-06-30", "post_content"=>"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequtiv", "post_excerpt"=>"Lorem ipsum", "post_status"=>"published", "comment_status"=>"closed", "comment_count"=>"0"}
save_and_continue "Save and continue"
I have managed to answer my own question, the solution was fairly easy, however maybe there is a nicer one, with more magic. Anyway using the CollectionProxy API documentation it became clear that I can assign these categories in the controller.
Just include before the if
params[:category_active_record_relation]['id'].each do |category|
category = Category.find(category)
#post.categories << category
If I would create new categories than I could use the method.
Hope it will help others as well.

Rails Validation of Association IDs

I am building a Rails 4.2.4 app where I have Units and Medics. When I edit each unit I have two spots for the medics, incharge and attendant. I want some way to validate that both the incharge_id and attendant_id are not the same. That way I can't assign myself as both positions on the unit.
Here is what my model and form view looks like.
class Unit < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :attendant, :foreign_key => :attendant_id, :class_name => 'Medic'
belongs_to :incharge, :foreign_key => :incharge_id, :class_name => 'Medic'
belongs_to :unit_status
class Medic < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :units
<%= form_for(#unit) do |f| %>
<%= f.label 'Attendant'%>
<%= f.collection_select(:attendant_id, Medic.order('name ASC'), :id, :name, {}) %>
<%= f.label 'In Charge'%>
<%= f.collection_select(:incharge_id, Medic.order('name ASC'), :id, :name, {}) %>
<%= f.label 'Unit Status'%>
<%= f.collection_select(:unit_status_id, UnitStatus.order("status ASC"), :id, :status, {})%>
<%= f.submit "Update" %>
<% end %>
So in summary if I edit a unit and I accidentally assign the id of "1" to the unit, I want to error out and give some sort of message, "Cannot assign the same medic to both positions". Something like that.
The only thing I can think of, is to somehow filter the params in the controller saying if the params of attendant_id and incharge_id are are == then redirect to the edit_unit_path and display a flash message, "You cannot assign the same medic to both positions".
It seems like it would be better to do validations on the model side instead of stuffing logic in the controller, but I'm not sure how to simultaneous validate the two different columns for uniqueness.
I came up with this on the Unit model.
validate :attendant_and_incharge
def attendant_and_incharge
errors.add(:attendant_id, "can't be the same as the incharge") if attendant_id == incharge_id
This will not allow me to save the same id to the unit model for attendant_id and incharge_id. It fails silently and directs to the units_path. Just need to put some conditional in the controller to redirect to the edit path on failure. (ThumbsUp)

How to implement "change your profile picture" feature (server side)

Im trying to implement a feature on my project, so users can change their profile picture. I'm currently at the point where everything on the front end works (when you hover the mouse over the image it shows camera and when you click it, you can browse through your computer to select an image file) Yet, it doesnt work after that point.
I'm not really sure how to handle server request.
im using routes.rb and controller .rb files to handle backend.
should i use iframe, instead of form tag in html?
You don't need an iFrame. Simple form-for ruby helper will help in this case. I will suggest you to use a file-uploading gem like paperclip.
Create a model for your records:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :default_url => "/images/:style/missing.png"
validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/
(I am supposing the model name to be user)
Create a new migration with generator:
rails generate paperclip user avatar
Update your html form as follow:
<%= form_for #user, :url => users_path, :html => { :multipart => true } do |form| %>
<%= form.file_field :avatar %>
<% end %>
Then do following changes in the controller:
def create
#user = User.create( user_params )
def user_params
To display image anyware on the page use the following helper:
<%= image_tag #user.avatar.url %>
This is the easiest way to handle image uploading at server side in rails. You can read more at the paperclip github page.If you don't want to use a gem then then there is a ruby class FileUtils which can help you in achieving same goal.

how to resolve NoMethodError in ContactsController#index in ROR-4

Please help me to resolve this error and reedit my all pages. Actually i am new to Ruby on Rails and i am using rails version-4 and ruby version-1.9.3.I want to show one form including select options and selected value saved in DB. My errors and code snippets explained below.
undefined method `email_providers=' for #<Class:0x4e68df0>
Extracted source (around line #2):
1 class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
2 self.email_providers = %w[Gmail Yahoo MSN]
3 validates :email_provider, :inclusion => email_providers
4 end
<%= form_for #contact,:url => {:action => "create"} do |f|%>
<%= f.text_field:gmail %>
<%= :email_provider, options_for_select(Contact.email_providers, #contact.email_provider) %>
<%= f.submit "Submit"%>
<% end %>
class ContactsController < ApplicationController
def index
def create
class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
self.email_providers = %w[Gmail Yahoo MSN]
validates :email_provider, :inclusion => email_providers
class CreateContacts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :contacts do |t|
t.string :gmail
t.string :yahoo
t.string :msn
I want to show the 3 content(gmail,yahoo,msn) in option drop down list and while it will be selected and clicked on submit button it will be saved in DB.Please help me to edit the code.Thanks in advance..
self.email_providers = %w[Gmail Yahoo MSN]
validates :email_provider, :inclusion => email_providers
in your Contact model class to:
validates :email_provider, inclusion: {in: EMAIL_PROVIDERS}
and the error should be fixed.
As you can guess, your Contact class doesn't have a self.email_providers= method. So trying to assign a value to it through this method will crash. What I've done is created a constant that can be easily accessed within the class through EMAIL_PROVIDERS and outside the class through Contact::EMAIL_PROVIDERS
