My Visual Studio have a trouble - visual-studio-2010

I don't know what happened with my Visual Studio. What is it? How I can fix it? Problem like that I have just in Visual studio. Other programs working and rendering correct.
If I'll scroll document - VS refreshing and working correct 1 minute, and after happening the same.
Using VS 2010 SP1.

I unchecked this option, and right now working perfect!


Visual studio for mac shows a small unwanted window

Recently i have been experiencing a weird issue with Visual studio for mac.
While doing any development a small window appears out of no where on Visual studio and stays there. And i can't do any code writing until i kill the Visual studio. Or may be i don't know the solution to this problem. I tried searching the internet but could not find any solution to this. I have attached a screenshot of the window below.
If any one has encountered and resolved this issue please help. Because this has become irritating.
This is a known issue and has been fixed.
You can check this link:
This issue is fixed with the Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 1 release.

Visual Studio 2017 15.7 Preview 2 Hangs While Opening Solution

I've been using Visual Studio 2017 15.7 Preview 2 since it was released -- and Preview 1 prior to that. My experience has been pretty good with it.
All of a sudden today, I just can't get into my project any more. When I click the solution open, I get the "Preparing Solution" message and it just hangs there.
If I try clicking anything in Visual Studio, I get the following message but it doesn't really solve anything.
Anyone else is having this issue? Any idea how to fix it? I just can't work on my project because of this issue.
P.S. I've been using the preview version because I wanted to work in ASP.NET Core 2.1 which requires the preview version of Visual Studio 2017.
Found the answer here. In my case, deleting the .vs folder fixed the issue.

Visual Studio 2010 - code coloring inconsistency

In Visual Studio 2010 I've noticed this below shown code coloring inconsistency - anyone who can tell me why the second and last modGlobal are not colored?
I've had this too. Happens sometimes and seems to be a bug. When you try to edit the code a little bit (adding new lines, cut/paste) the color coding will return.
Are you using Visual Studio 2010 SP1? if not try getting SP1 for VS2010, that will probably solve the problem.

Visual Studio 2010 opens wrong file

Visual Studio has a habit of opening the wrong file in my solution - only a small proportion of the time, but several times a day and often enough to be annoying. It can happen when doing any of the following:
Opening a file from solution explorer
Using F7 to switch between aspx and code behind
Right clicking a method and selecting "go to declaration"
Has anyone else experienced this and have any ideas as to what could cause / fix this?
Update: I've finally got round to installing SP1 and it still occurs so I'm back to looking for a solution.
In case it's relevant, I've got both Resharper 5.1 and Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools installed.
Update 2: It looks like Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools was part of the problem, I’ve uninstalled it and have not had issues since.
I uninstalled Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools and it now works.
Have you service pack 1 installed?

is it my Visual Studio 2008 problem or is it Dreamweaver capability?

Oh no....
I just realized it, that the Visual Studio 2008 is getting me confused.
If we compared to the DreamWeaver later version... not the latest one, okay...
That DreavWeaver has a SPLIT View (in between the design and code).
And here, the Visual Studio 2008 also has that capability.
The difference is that... in Visual Studio 2008,
When the user start Clicking the Designer portion, the cursor on Code view doesn't get into focus. Yeah, meanwhile, in DreamWeaver, at the time user click on the designer portion, the mouse pointer is focusing into the code location accordingly....
Uh, oh.... this is getting me tired. Shall I update something into this Visual Studio 2008 version, guys? :(
use Visual Studio 2010 and be happy
