Table Valued Functions in EDMX with Entity Framework 5 / Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

If it possible to use table valued functions in an EDMX with Entity Framework 5 RC / Visual Studio 2010?
I cannot see the option in the EDMX designer, I have a feeling that the designer is in .net 4.5? Are my suspicions correct? Or perhaps in Visual Studio 11?
I'm not really in a position to be able to upgrade our project to .net 4.5 yet, is there another way of using table valued functions (perhaps modifying the edmx by hand?).
This blog post on msdn helps confirm the incompatibility:
Some features are only available when writing an application that
targets .NET 4.5. This includes enum support, spatial data types,
table-valued functions and the performance improvements. If you are
targeting .NET 4.0 you still get all the bug fixes and other minor
However interestingly, this tutorial discuses modifying the EDMX directly to add support for TVF, but it appears to be for a an old beta. The XML intellisense also didn't find the elements discussed in the tutorial, but it might be because it was using a different schema. Unfortunately I've run out of time to try and apply the tutorial to the new EF5 Release candidate, but I'd be interested in knowing if anyone has had any luck.

Unfortunately table valued function support is currently dependent on .NET 4.5 and VS 2012.

I have been using this approach in order to use table-valued functions from EF 4. Basically it includes hand-editing the EDMX file. The downside to that approach is that you need to edit the file manually whenever you update your model.


How to Use Entity Framework 4 with Visual Studio 2013

We have recently upgraded our Visual Studio from 2010 to 2013. With it came EF 6.0, which is incompatible with the code generated from EF 4.
I need to update a table in the model with the latest version from the DB schema. When doing that, both "Update" and "Add" after deletion of the table definition do the following:
Remove all custom code already written for all types in the model, even if they are in separate files than the model;
Generate the new EF 6.0 bindings;
(optionally) Generate the new repository.
Now, that's obviously not the same behavior as in EF 4, which only regenerated the repository and did not touch the custom code.
We are not using NuGet, but referencing the EF library inside the project.
I guess VS 2013 uses a different version of the code generator than VS 2010. How can we revert to the old behavior?
I have tried using NuGet to download EF 4.3.1 and repeat the update model steps (also delete and then recreate), but I am still seeing the old behavior. I think there is a problem with the VS 2013 EF Code Generator.
For me, the following solution worked.
Double-click on your edmx file and open its properties window. Change Code Generation Strategy from T4 to Legacy Object Context. Build your solution. It may cause thousands of errors because you have redeclared functions and properties, so remove all files that weren't there before.

Where is the EDM tool in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Trial?

I just installed VS 2013 Ultimate Trial and I noticed there is no EDM option as shown in the following figure.
According to ADO.NET Blog, the tool should be available out of the box.
From Visual Studio 2013 onwards we will no longer include the extension that enables configuring an "EDM" data source in this way, e.g. if you add an .MDF file to a project you will no longer see the option to create an EF model, and the option of creating an "EDM" data source based on an existing EDMX model as well as the ability to drag and drop to create data-bound controls automatically in WPF application based on those "EDM" data sources are no longer included.
The recommended ways to create an EF model are either creating the classes,manually (Code First) or adding a new "ADO.NET Entity Data Model" using Add New Item.
The recommended way to do data binding against EF models in WPF applications is through use regular object data sources as explained in this walkthrough.

Opening a MVC4 EF5 project created in VS 2012 in 2010

I created a project in the express edition of VS 2012, it was MVC4 using EF5 Model First with enums. I get this error when trying to run the same project now in VS 2010.
Error 1 Error 5: The element 'Schema' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'EnumType' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'Using, Association, ComplexType, EntityType, Function, EntityContainer' in namespace '' as well as any element in namespace '##other'.
It seems VS2010 does not support enums? But I have checked the EF version being used and it is still v5... so I am confused.
Any ideas?
Entity framework will reference 4.4 when you're targeting .NET 4.0 with vs 2010.
The 4.4 comes from the assembly version of EntityFramework.dll when
you install EntityFramework 5.0 into a project that targets .NET
Framework 4.0. This is merely a side effect of how the runtime loads
and binds to assemblies, and in no way reflects the version of the
for more information check There is no such thing as Entity Framework 4.4
Some features are only available when writing an application that
targets .NET 4.5. This includes enum support, spatial data types,
table-valued functions and the performance improvements. If you are
targeting .NET 4.0 you still get all the bug fixes and other minor
For more information check EF5 Release under compatibility section.
I hope this will help to you.

Visual Studio tools for manual Entity Framework modelling

Is there any tooling or support in Visual Studio 2010 for manually creating Entity Framework models?
I'm finding the designer too restrictive in terms of mapping a reasonable complex conceptual model to an efficient and performant storage model and understand that part of this may be due to not all features being supported by the edmx designer in visual studio but have yet to find any support for working with it manually - if anything the lack of xml view on the edmx makes it harder.
I'm also open to suggestions for other ORMs I can look at to replace Entity Framework for use in ASP.NET MVC projects my main requirement being that it be quick and easy to configure.
You might be a good candidate for Code First Entity Framework, it's in CTP5 currently but worth checking out.
Here's a blog post from Scott Guthrie introducing EF Code First.

LINQ to SQL in Visual Studio 2005

I normally run VS 2008 at home and LINQ is built in. At work we are still using VS 2005 and I have the opportunity to start a new project that I would like to use LINQ to SQL.
After doing some searching all I could come up with was the MAY 2006 CTP of LINQ would have to be installed for LINQ to work in VS 2005.
Does someone know the proper add ins or updates I would need to install to use LINQ in VS 2005 (preferably without having to use the CTP mentioned above).
You can reference System.Data.Linq.dll and System.Core.dll, and set your build target for C# 3.0 or the latest VB compiler, but everything else would have to be mapped manually (no designer support in VS2005 in LINQ to SQL RTM).
It's no longer legal to use the May CTP (the beta software).
It's not legal to deploy System.Core.dll (among others) without installing .Net 3.5
The best way to do LINQ in VS2005 is to use LINQBridge for LinqToObjects, and to use simple table adapters or some other data access method to punt your data into objects (for further in-memory querying).
Also note: LinqToObjects expects Func(T) - which are essentially delegate types. LinqToSQL requires Expression(Func(T)) - which are expression trees and much harder to construct without the lambda syntax.
