Deploy Lion app to 10.6 exception - macos

I have an OS X App That builds on Lion (with latest sdk) but deploy set to 10.6 (to be able run on Snow Leo). ARC enabled.
I want's to run app on Show Leopard. Application works well on Lion.
But when I start application in 10.6 I get this exception in console:
NSRLEArray objectAtIndex:effectiveRange: Out of bounds
And nothing more. No stack or whatever. Just this one line.
What I may do to clarify situation ? Problem seems more strange, since in Lion all works good.


Mac OS X exported .app won't run

I am adding functionality to an existing OS X application. I can run the app within Xcode (6.1) just fine. However, when I archive the application, then click "Export...", then select "Export as a Mac Application" (I don't have an account to sign with), then try to run the resulting .app file, I get a problem report saying my app can't be opened because of a problem:
"Check with the developer to make sure MyApp works with this version of OS X. You may need to reinstall the application. Be sure to install any available updates for the application and OS X."
The base SDK of my project is 10.10. The OS X deployment target is also 10.10. My machine is running OS X 10.10. Anyone know what could be going wrong? Is my exporting procedure wrong? Any incite is much appreciated.

Compile for 10.5/10.6 & PPC

I'm needing to compile a C++/C/Objective-C project for 10.5 (ppc, intel)+ however Xcode 4+ (using 4.6) drops support for 10.6 and i believe Xcode 4 completely dropped support for 10.4/ppc. I have read existing StackOverflow and other posts about installing Xcode 3.2.6 on Mountain Lion but i don't want to do this if it's unconfirmed/will break my system..
I've tried virtualising Snow Leopard in a VMware Fusion 5 Pro VM but it doesn't allow me to as it is not a server version.
Besides buying a Snow Leopard Server DVD, how else can i compile my project for 10.4+ (ppc,intel)? I am currently running OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3. Setting the deployment target does not work in my Xcode version, doesn't compile. I've also considered virtualising Lion, however i do not have a backup copy of (my purchased via app store) install dmg/app and i can't seem to find the download in the App Store.
Can anyone suggest what i should do or am i basically left with one option.. Dual boot Snow Leopard?.

Mac application with snow leopard canot run in leopard os

I am working in a mac application with snowleopard.This application is created with leopard os,but this not support in lion due to some external application.So we converted this to snow leopard and work fine .Now the client need to convert this application to leopard version ,for that i am using the xcode 4.2 and lion os and convert the bsec SDK to Mac osx 10.5 and Architecture to 32_bit intel ,but we getting an error "The run destination My Mac 64-bit is not valid for Running the scheme 'AppName'."
How can avoid this error ?
I want to test this application with 10.5 os, but we have only the 10.6 & 10.7 osx,
1)where we get the leopard osx ?
2)Has the Apple issue leopard osx now?
3)Is any problem for instal the leopard os to new MAC system(iMac,Macmini,Macbook)?
I had the same problem a while back, but I'm recalling the solution from memory, as my company dropped 10.5 support meanwhile. The details might be a little bit off, but it should get you going in the right direction:
Grab the latest version of Xcode 3 from the Apple Website
Install it on a Mac. (Make sure you removed the Developer directory if this Mac had another version of Xcode already installed).
Under /Developer, locate the 10.5.sdk directory. Move this directory to a save place (outside of /Developer).
Install Xcode 4.2.
Look where Xcode 4.2 installed its sdk's. Put your previously saved 10.5.sdk directory next to it.
Restart Xcode. There should be 10.5 SDK option in the SDK drop down menu now.

OS X App - deployment target set to 10.6 in Xcode, but app only runs on 10.7

I've just discovered that my current version of the app doesn't launch on 10.6.
It used to work fine in 10.6 before. So I must have changed something in recent versions. So before I dive in and start comparing the source codes, is there a way to find out what cause the app not to launch in 10.6 but works fine in 10.7.
Xcode 4.3
LLVM compiler 3.1
Deployment target set to 10.6
Also, would Xcode warn me if I'm using a 10.7-only API in my code?

Test build of Cocoa application not compatible with tester's version of OS X

I've been building a basic Cocoa application with Core Data and Interface Builder, and no extra coding, frameworks, or header files. I sent it to someone to test on their machine (a last-gen G5 iMac), and they got a message saying that their machine couldn't run it. I discovered the switch to compile for PPC, so I built a PPC version of the application to try out, and that produced the following error message:
You cannot use this version of Application on this version of Mac OS X.
I'm running Xcode 3.2.1, Interface Builder 3.2.1, and OS 10.6.2. The conversation with my tester was a bit confusing; at first it sounded like she only had Tiger on her machine, saying Leopard was incompatible (I corrected and said that Leopard should be, it's Snow Leopard that isn't), and then by the end of the conversation she was about certain that her machine was running Leopard, but had already shut it off by then. So I'm not sure which version of OS X is on the offending iMac, but it's the latest version of either 10.4.11 or 10.5.8 (the tester is in a remote location, so I can't verify personally at the moment).
What can I tweak to try and improve compatibility on my tester's machine?
If they're seeing that message, it's most likely because your app has the LSMinimumSystemVersion key (Minimum system version) set in the Info.plist. You should take this key out or set it to the actual the minimum OS X version you support.
Once you do this, you may well run into the next problem. (Probably a dynamic linker error as a result of using a framework or API that didn't yet exist on 10.4 or 10.5.)
The main problem here is that you're sending it out to a system where you haven't actually tried it. If you plan to support 10.4, 10.5, or both, I highly recommend that you find a spare hard drive, partition it up, and install 10.4.11 and 10.5.8. There are many issues that will crop up on older OS's and if you haven't tried it yourself, it's unlikely it will work smoothly on the first try.
