ASP.NET Web API - GET request with multiple arguments -

What I'm trying to do is to have an api request like /api/calculator?1=7.00&2=9.99&3=5.50&4=45.76 etc. How my controller can grab the request data? The keys/codes of the query string are ints between 1 and 1000. In the query string they can be some of the 1000 codes, not necessarily all of them. The value part is doubles.
The one way I think would work is if I create a model object (ex StupidObject) with 1000 properties (should use properties named like p1, p2,..p1000 for codes now, as ints are not an allowed property name), decorated with ModelBinder. Then for the controller I could have something like GetCalcResult(StupidObject obj){...} But that doesn't seem like an elegant solution :)
I tried controllers like GetCalcResult([FromURI]Dictionary<int, double> dict){...} but dict is always null. Also without the [FromURI] I get an error. Also tried List<KeyValuePair<int, double>> as controller parameter with the same results.
Could anyone point me at the right direction or give me an working example?

One way is to avoid trying to pass the values in as a parameter and simply do
var queryValues = Request.RequestUri.ParseQueryString();
in your action method. QueryValues will be NameValueCollection that you can iterate over to get access to your query parameters.
If you really want to use a parameter, having a parameter of type [FromUri]FormDataCollection might work.


Mapping of missing URI variables to Request Mapping

I've developed a Spring API /getFileData, which accepts three URI parameters viz. businessDate/fileName/recordId. It is possible to have any of them can be passed as null. But I still want my API to be working in this case also. How can I achieve this?
I've tried using #GetMapping("getFileData/{businessDate}/{fileName}/{recordId}", "getFileData/{businessDate}//", "getFileData/{businessDate}/{fileName}/") on like this for all possible combinations.
#RequestMapping(value = "/getFileData/{businessDate}/{fileName}/{recordId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
I want this API to be working for all the combination of URI parameters if something get missed out. for example someone requested,
/getFileData///22 or
/getFileData/22Dec2018/ or
You can do that with a #RequestParam of type java.util.Map.
With your design, you will have various #PathVariable params in the controller method as well as the order of path variables /{var1}/{var2}... constructs the url so I don't think it would be possible to skip a path variable in the url and still call the same controller method.

MVC 4 WebAPI - Is there a way to get a dictionary of values passed to a POST action?

I am able to successfully retrieve an object via POST action.
I am trying to build a proof of concept for dynamic treatment of form values posted, so that I do not know at design time what those names or values will be.
Is there a particular type of binder or formatter etc. that should be added after [FromBody] attribute in the post action to achieve this?
Essentially I need a name-value-pair. I tried KeyValuePair and dynamic. Dynamic returns an object. I don't know how to get the key names and values out of it.
This should do what you are looking for.
public HttpResponseMessage Post(FormDataCollection collection) {

OData $filter substringof applied to a list of strings

I have an ASP.NET Web API Controller that exposes an IQueryable(Of String) - which is a list of descriptions. These fields can be in the order of tens of thousands, thus I use $top and $skip to only get a chunk of it - that works fine.
Now I am trying to filter these results, through the OData substringof('mydesc',Property) filter. As you can see, it requires for me to pass in a Property name on which to filter. However, since I'm returning a list of strings, I don't actually have any properties to filter on.
This causes the server to return errors like
No property or field 'tostring' exists in type 'String' - when called with $filter=substringof('asd',tostring).
If I change the call to $filter=substringof('asd',''), no errors are thrown, but no results either.
My question is, can I somehow format the $filter operator to find substrings within my list of strings, without looking for a property/field, or am I going to have to declare a class with a single property, just to enable filtering?
Things have changed since the last time I answered this. OData V3 has support for querying collection of primitives using '$it'. Web API supports this syntax as well. For example, in your controller you can return IQueryable<string> and send a request like
$filter=substring('mydesc', $it) or
$filter=length($it) ge 5
etc. You can also expose collections of other primitives like IQueryable etc.
unfortunately declaring a class with a single property seems to be the only solution that I can think of. OData $filter doesn't have any support for something like the this parameter in C#
another less obvious approach is to expose a computed concatenated value representing the list, substringof could then be used to query the list as a single property value

Passing multiple values as query string is good or bad practice in MVC

In my page I ve to pass multiple values to controller.
My URL looks something like :
Is Passing multiple values as query string good practice in MVC ? or We can have slash separated URL, by using introducing custom routing?
NB: Lets consider all the values in my query string, are not secure / sensitive data.
I wouldn't consider it a bad practice, as long as it's not senstive data. It just depends if you want to write a custom route in your global.asax to handle it or not. The custom routes provide a cleaner url forsure. Also, for more savy users if they understand the concept on your site, it's more intuitive.
So consider this:
http://baseballcards/topps/1980 // search for baseball cards made by topps in the 1980s
http://recipes/deserts/pies // search for a desert recipe that are pies
http://code/csharpe/linq // search for csharp code that has linq examples
In these examples we can almost read the url like a sentence, making it more intuitive, giving a user the ability to plug and play. It clearly denotes the query almost like a breadcrumb, indicating exactly what the context will be. I personally like this. But either way is a good approach.
To extend with more parameters:
new { controller = "Search", action = "Recipes", category = "all" , type = ""}
Some examples:
Select later (query string in route values) in case,
If you are concerned about header length.( By default get parameters are part of headers, and web server accept 1024 byte header length by default in IIS7).
Hide logical implementation of your code.
Url looks good and easier to remember.
Otherwise Both the approaches work equally.
I think passing search parameters in the query string is the way you should go, especially if all your parameters are optional. It also enables you to use normal method="get" forms without hassle.
I don't think "security/personal data" has anything to do with this since the query string is a part of the URL just like the path is.
IMO I think this is absolutely fine. I think it is actually preferable to use querystrings in MVC when the path represents the function and the querystring parameters represent the filters, e.g. as in a search.
However, I wouldn't use querystring parameters for data that represent information about the content retrieved. So I would include the year and month of an article in the path but not the page number if returning more than one page of articles for the year and month.

jQuery POST and GET methods: Construct URL or use data param?

I am using the post and get methods for Ajax calls, and have a general question. There are two methods I've seen people use on the web:
Construct the URL and parameters by
Use the data parameter
Both approaches work. I've included them below:
// Construct the POST URL by hand
queryStringDelimiter = "?";
settings.queryParam = "q";
$.post(settings.url + queryStringDelimiter + settings.queryParam + "=" + query, {}, callback, settings.contentType);
// Use the data param
$.post(settings.url, {q:query}, callback, settings.contentType);
Are there any situations where you would construct the URL and parameters by hand instead of using the built-in data parameter? Any advantages of one method over the other?
I'd say the data approach is better since it formalizes the process and reduces the chances of producing errors while string building. Besides, the JQuery library will do the string building for you so its basically the same amount of work.
No reason I can think of why one would construct them by hand unless they didn't know of the data parameter if there's more than 1 or 2 parameters, it's also cleaner to keep them separated so if you have to loop through the data object and possibly modify some values you'd just iterate over the object instead of parsing a string manually.
If you let jQuery concatenating the data in to the appropriately formatted string you...
avoid having to duplicate that code...
avoid worrying about escaping the data for transport...
can easily switch between GET and POST requests in the future...
Really, the only argument AGAINST using the data parameter is if you already have the data in a concatenated format.
If I am using a GET I tend to just construct the URL, but when using POST I use the data parameter.
I do it because it is closer to how I was doing ajax calls before jQuery, when I wrote everything myself.
