How to install AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server on Windows 8 Release Preview? - caching

How to install AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server on Windows 8 Release Preview? When I try to install it in on Windows 8 Release Preview a get the message
"WIndows Server AppFabric is not supported on current operating system Windows 8 Release Preview (version 6.2.8400.0). Please refer to installation guide for the list of supported operating systems."

As of now , AppFabric 1.1 is not supported on the Windows 8 Beta OR Preview. Team will provide guidance about running AppFabric on Windows 8 Server for customers once the final release of Windows 8 is available via their blog and documentations.


Updating IBM Websphere and Java 1.7 on windows 2008 Server

I have a task to update web sphere to on a windows 2008 server. I have java 1.7 already installed (and java 6 as well) and all the profiles uses it.
How ever when i try to apply fix patch using IBM installation manager, by default it's installing Java 8 which is not supported on windows 2008.
Is there a way where i can by pass java 8 and install only the fix patch ( from installation manager.
Any pointer/help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
Installation Manager Screenshot:
No, WebSphere requires Java 8, and Java 8 is not supported on Windows 2008 Server. If you must stay with Windows 2008 you can't update WebSphere past More detail here: IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition 8.0 Minimum Supported Operating Systems
This is what IBM documentation ( ) says, I did some shortcuts to make key points easier to notice in a long article:
In and later, it is planned that (Java8) SDK will be required for all new installations and all updates (fixpacks).
In (...) prior operating system releases (such as Windows 2008 (...) ) will no longer be supported.
So unfortunately what you are trying to do is not supported:
Although Java7 is still fine as a runtime environment for your servers, for example if your business application is not yet Java8 compatible, you need to have Java8 installed as a default JVM for Websphere "internal" requirements.
You cant have IBM's Java8 installed in Windows2008, which is mandatory for Websphere, that means you cant install Websphere
In the end, I would like to remind you, that you can upgrade to a previous release: Version is 11 fixpacks newer than what you already have, maybe it will suffice for your needs.
Bottom line - upgrade windows to a current version that's not 11 years old. Or, better yet, put it on Linux. WAS is great on Linux! Red Hat, Suse, OpenSuse, Fedora, CentOS are good flavors.

Is it possible to download MQ on windows server?

Hello im new on this type of software i had serch on Google about MQ but all what i find is that it can be install on linux windows xp ...
so this may be stupid but is there any way to install MQ on windows server
is there any way to install MQ on windows server
Yes. If you have purchased it you should be able to download it for production use via IBM Passport Advantage, all the details can be seen here:
If you only want to use it for personal developer use, you can use the free developer edition, which can be found here:
So for clarity, 9.1 is the latest LTS (long term service) release, 9.1.1 is the latest CD (continuous delivery) release. Which is more useful depends on what you are trying to use. It is supported on a range of operating systems, including Windows.
From the 9.1 SOE (System requirements), this is supported in windows server 2016 and windows server 2012r2 (that's the server o/s's as well Windows 10 and 8.1 for desktops). If you need older operating system support, you need to look at older MQ releases, such as 9.0*, 8.0* etc.
MQ windows drivers can be installed on any windows machine, depending upon the system requirement for particular MQ, it is not restricted to Windows XP only
System Requirements for MQ 9.1
System Requirements for MQ 9.0
System Requirements for MQ 8.0

What is the latest version of jdk for Windows XP 32bit SP3?

I want to update JDK for NetBeans 7.1 and tried JDK 8u65 for windows i586 but a message box appears warning me about the old OS not being supported anymore.
The PC is not mine, is from the job and they don't want to update the OS.
Java 7 is the latest version that can run on XP, but it is not supported by Sun
Note: As of April 8, 2014 Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP and therefore it is no longer an officially supported platform. Users may still continue to use Java 7 updates on Windows XP at their own risk

How do I write apps for Windows 8 without running the official Windows 8 Operating System on my computer?

I don't have Windows 8 on my computer. However, I have the Consumer Preview version of Windows 8 installed. Is there any way to create apps for Windows 8 on the Consumer Preview version? Visual Studio for Windows 8 doesn't install as it gives numerous errors.
To use the final release of Visual Studio 2012 to build Windows Store apps, you will need to use the Windows 8 RTM build.
You wouldn't want to use the Windows 8 Consumer Preview to develop Windows Store apps anyway--there have been substantial changes to the platform, frameworks, and tools between the Consumer Preview and the RTM build.
The short answer is you cannot develop Windows Store apps without Windows 8 RTM or greater.
If you don't wish to install/partition your hard disk following is a neat idea to get windows 8 installation going without having to partition your drive.
How to Create Windows 8 VHD for Boot to VHD using simple, easy to follow steps
Developer downloads for programming Windows Store apps
See, Windows 8 Apps use Windows 8 APIs such as Directories and all .
So to make any any Modern UI app , you need to have Windows 8 Installed with VS 2012

PowerShell v3 installing error

I would like to update my PowerShell from v2 to v3 but when installing, I get a message "Update not applicable to your computer". I tried to install the Windows6.1-KB2506143-x64 Windows Management Framework 3.0 - RC because I am practicing scripting but I can not use the scripts that I am learning in v2.
I do not have a virtual machine.
What is the problem?
Make sure you meet the system requirement of .net 4.0
Windows Management Framework 3.0 requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0"
The full release of PowerShell and the Windows Management Framework 3.0 has been released, I would suggest using it instead of the release candidate version you mentioned. You can find download links here:
The supported systems matrix is tighter than previous releases - you have to be running one of the following operating systems with the correct service pack level as well:
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (32-bit & 64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (64-bit only, includes Server Core)
Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (32-bit & 64-bit)
Also note, if you have any of the pre-release builds of v3 installed, you will have to remove them before installing the officially released version.
