How to set draggable element in a flip book pages - draggable

I am working with a jquery dynamic flip book. I can add post it notes to either page the even or odd. This code create the notes select which page to add the note to and drags.
function CreatePostIt() {
$("#PostIt").dialog({ modal: true, autoResize: true, height: 500, width: 530,
open: function () {
BookMenuShow = false;
$("#pNotes").css("font-size", $("#NoteFontSize").val());
color = "yellow";
if (PageIndex == 0) {
$("#leftTn").attr("src", "images/blank.gif")
$("#rightTn").attr("src", tnNames[PageIndex]);
} else {
$("#leftTn").attr("src", tnNames[PageIndex - 1])
$("#rightTn").attr("src", tnNames[PageIndex]);
buttons: {
"INSERT": function () {
var count = $(".npg" + PageSelected).length;
var Annotation = $("<div style='z-index:250000' class='note npg" + PageSelected + "' index='0'></div>");
var aId = "Page-" + PageSelected + "-Note-" + (count + 1);
AnnoCount = AnnoCount + 1;
$(Annotation).attr("id", "Page-" + PageSelected + "-Note-" + (count + 1));
$(Annotation).css("font-size", $("#NoteFontSize").val());
$(Annotation).css("display", "none");
$(Annotation).append("<img class='noteClose' rel='Page-" + PageSelected + "-Note-" + (count + 1) + "' style='float:right; padding:10px 10px 5px 5px' src='images/close.gif'/>");
$(Annotation).append("<div style='padding:25px 25px 25px 25px;' id='noteText" + (count + 1) + "' class='noteBody'>" + $("#note-body").val() + " </div>")
$(Annotation).addClass("npage" + PageSelected);
$("#pgDv" + (PageSelected)).prepend(Annotation);
$.cookie("Book-" + bookid + "-Page-" + PageSelected, aId + "||" + $("#note-body").val() + "||" + "0,0,0,0||" + color + "||" + $("#NoteFontSize").val() + "<*>", { expires: 365, path: "/" });
**if (ZoomOn != true) {
if ("#rightPageShadow") {
Annotation.draggable({ cusror: "pointer", containment: 'parent'
} else {
Annotation.draggable({ cusror: "pointer", containment: "#leftPageShadow"
else if (ZoomOn = true) {
create: function () {
cusror: "pointer",
containment: "parent"
// $("#PostItNoteInd").show();
, "CANCEL": function () {
$("#leftTn").attr("rel", -10);
$("#leftTn").css("border", "0px solid red");
$("#rightTn").attr("rel", -10);
$("#rightTn").css("border", "0px solid red");
var cw = $("#PostItDialogContent").width();
$("#PostIt").dialog("option", "width", cw + 20);
the problem I am have is when the post it note is place on the page on left and top it works. but on the right and bottom it does not. I have tried [x,y, x1, y1] but because each book is different I tried to used the my id tags if you #leftPageShadow with is on div and other is #rightPageShadow

Problem fixed I was losing the cookie id change cookie code.


zoom issue in dagre-d3 when use with vuejs2 with watch mode

I am using d3-dagre to render the data. Initially i can render the data without any problem. When i try to update the same view in watch mode, it is updating the data but still some error is thrown in the console for "g" attribute transformation. Whenever i try to rewrite the SVG elements i am removing the "g" element inside the "svg" tag. I am trying this in vuejs2 ui library.
watch: {
workflowDetails: function (changes) {
console.log('Update component ==> ' + changes)
this.workflowName = changes.label
this.workflowDetails = changes
this.metricGraph = false
mounted () {
methods: {
getJobid: function (nodeId) {
console.log('Function to get graph api' + nodeId)
this.metricGraph = true
drawDAGView: function (isUpdate) {
/* eslint-disable */
d3.selectAll('svg > g').remove()
// Create a new directed graph
var g = new dagreD3.graphlib.Graph().setGraph({})
var DagNodes = this.workflowDetails.nodes
var fillColor
// Add states to the graph, set labels, and style
Object.keys(DagNodes).forEach(function(key) {
console.log("Nodes - "+ DagNodes[key].name)
var value = DagNodes[key]
value.label = DagNodes[key].name + " (" + DagNodes[key].exec_time + ")"
value.rx = value.ry = 5
g.setNode(DagNodes[key].name, value)
var DagEdges = this.workflowDetails.edges;
// Add states to the graph, set labels, and style
Object.keys(DagEdges).forEach(function(key) {
g.setEdge(DagEdges[key].startEdge, DagEdges[key].endEdge, { label: ""} )
// Create the renderer
var render = new dagreD3.render()
// Set up an SVG group so that we can translate the final graph.
var svg ="svg"),
inner = svg.append("g")
// Set up zoom support
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom", function() {
inner.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")" +
"scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")")
// Simple function to style the tooltip for the given node.
var styleTooltip = function(name, description) {
return "<p class='name'>" + name + "</p><p class='description'>" + description + "</p>"
// Run the renderer. This is what draws the final graph.
render(inner, g)
.attr("title", function(v) {
return styleTooltip(v, "Execution Time: "+g.node(v).label + " <br /> Description: "+g.node(v).label)
//.each(function(v) { $(this).tipsy({ gravity: "w", opacity: 1, html: true }) })
var self = this
.on("click", function(v) {
console.log("Nodes --> "+ v + " -- "+ g.node(v).node_id)
// whatever
//window.location = "../dag/"+g.node(v).job_id
self.nodeId = g.node(v).node_id
console.log("Node id -- "+ self.nodeId)
// Center the graph
var initialScale = 1.2
.translate([(svg.attr("width") - g.graph().width * initialScale) / 50, 20])
svg.attr('height', g.graph().height * initialScale + 40)
svg.attr('width', "100%")
Error - Due to this below error newly loaded data not able to zoom
Error: <g> attribute transform: Expected number, "translate(NaN,20)
Have you tried removing the svg? After removing the svg you can add the new Graph.

DOJO: onClick not always called in custom widget

I've run into a problem with Dojo 1.10 and need some suggestions on how to figure out the culprit. I have a custom widget, TaskButton, that implements the onMouseDown, onMouseUp, and onClick methods. All three have logging statements. The onMouseDown and onMouseUp always gets called and the correct times and their log statements show up in the console. But, onClick sometimes is never called despite repeatedly clicking in the TaskButton. Most of the time clicking outside the TaskButton then back inside it makes the onClick work but not always. When the onClick does not get called its log statement does not show up in the console.
TaskButton.js custom widget
], function(declare, event, lang, domClass, domConstruct, mouse, on, query, topic, Menu, MenuItem, MenuSeparator, PopupMenuItem,
Popup, Tooltip, Tree, ForestStoreModel, registry, button, _WidgetBase, _OnDijitClickMixin, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, template){
return declare("TaskButton", [_WidgetBase, _OnDijitClickMixin, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, Menu], {
cloudCover: false,
cloudPercentage: 0,
targetInterest: false,
hsv: false,
baseClass: "TaskButton",
postCreate: function()
// Get a DOM node reference for the root of our widget
var domNode = this.domNode;
this.innerNode = domNode.firstChild.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild;
domClass.replace(this.innerFill, "task"+this.state+"Background", "task"+this.state+"Background");
if (this.cloudCover && ((this.state === "Ready") || (this.state === "Unassigned"))) {
domClass.replace(this.innerFill, "task"+"Red"+"Background", "task"+this.state+"Background");
this.previousState = this.state;
console.log("getting context menu for Scene-" + this.scene + "ContextMenu");
cm = registry.byId("Scene-" + this.scene + "ContextMenu");
on(domNode, "contextmenu", lang.hitch(this, "_showContextMenu"))
startup: function()
//Turn off button icons if warranted Must do here after dom nodes built
if (!this.cloudCover)
{"Scene-"+this.scene+"Cloud"), "display", "none");
if (!this.targetInterest)
{"Scene-"+this.scene+"Target"), "display", "none");
if (!this.hsv)
{"Scene-"+this.scene+"HSV"), "display", "none");
test: function(sceneId)
if (sceneId != this.scene)
domClass.replace("Scene-" + sceneId + "Fill", "taskInnerFill", "taskInnerFillSelected");
buildRendering: function()
console.log("buildRendering scene:" + this.scene);
uninitialize: function()
if (this.eventHandle != null)
console.log("unsubscribing from event topic");
eventHandle = null;
_onMenuClick: function(event)
console.log("menu item clicked");
_showContextMenu: function(event) {
console.log("opening context menu for scene:" + this.scene);
// This is always called
_onMouseDown: function(e)
var scene = e.currentTarget.attributes["scene"].value;
if (e.button == 0)
console.log("mouse left pressed, scene=" + scene + " button=" + e.button);
domClass.replace("Scene-" + scene + "OuterBorder", "taskOuterBorderPressed", "taskOuterBorder");
else if (e.button == 2)
console.log("mouse right pressed, scene=" + scene + " button=" + e.button);
domClass.replace("Scene-" + scene + "OuterBorder", "taskOuterBorderPressed", "taskOuterBorder");
// This is always called
_onMouseUp: function(e)
var scene = e.currentTarget.attributes["scene"].value;
if (e.button == 0)
console.log("mouse left released, scene=" + scene + " button=" + e.button);
else if (e.button == 2)
console.log("mouse right released, scene=" + scene + " button=" + e.button);
domClass.replace("Scene-" + this.scene + "OuterBorder", "taskOuterBorder", "taskOuterBorderPressed");
_onMouseEnter: function(e)
label = "Scene: " + this.scene + "<BR>State: " + this.state + "<BR>Target: " +;
_onMouseLeave: function(e)
// This is what is not always called
_onClick: function(e)
var scene = e.currentTarget.attributes["scene"].value;
console.log("scene " + scene + " clicked");
this._publishEvent(this.scene, "clicked");
_onBlur: function(e)
_onContextMenu: function(e)
this._publishEvent({"scene":this.scene,"sceneId":this.sceneId}, "clicked");
var widget = this;
theNode = "TaskButtonContainer" + widget.scene;
console.log("mouse right clicked, scene=" + widget.scene + " target: " + + "current target");
theTask = missionCache.query({"sceneId" : this.scene}).then( function(results) {
theTask = results;
if (widget.state === "Unassigned" || widget.state === "Ready") {
//The context menu should fire to allow assignment
var cb = new dijit.form.ComboBox({style:"width:96%;background-color:#414141;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:4px;",
name:"usersByTask", placeholder:"Assign this task to: ", store:usersContextMenuCB,
labelAttr: 'name',
searchAttr: 'name',
onChange: function(){
theTask[0].taskStatus = "Assigned";
theTask[0].taskOwner = this.item.userName;
widget.set("state", "Assigned");
widget.domNode.setAttribute("dndtype", "Assigned");
onClose: function() { this.destroy();}
cb.toggleDropDown();{parent: widget, popup:cb,,
onClose: function(){
_publishEvent: function(sceneNumber, eventName)
console.log("publishing " + eventName + " for scene " + sceneNumber);
topic.publish("TaskButton/tasks", { scene:sceneNumber, task:this, event:eventName });
_setStateAttr: function(newState)
if (newState != "")
console.log("setting state for scene:" + this.scene + " to " + newState);
this._set("state", newState);
if (this.innerNode !== undefined)
domClass.replace(this.innerFill, "task"+newState+"Background", "task"+this.previousState+"Background");
this.previousState = this.state;
this.state = newState;
_changeTaskState: function(newState)
require(["dijit/registry"], function(registry) {
var node = registry.byId(clickedItem);
if (node !== undefined)
node.set("state", newState);
console.log("changed task " + this.clickedItem + " state to " + newState);
_menuTaskDetails: function(e)
console.log("do task deatils");
There are attach events for all the button actions in the template.
TaskButton.html template:
<li class="dojoDndItem" dndType="${state}" style="border:none;padding:0" data-dojo-props="scene:${scene}">
<div id="TaskButtonContainer-${scene}" widgetid="TaskButtonContainer-${scene}" class="${baseClass}" data-dojo-attach-point="taskButtonContainer"
<div widgetid="Scene-${scene}ContextMenu" data-dojo-type="dijit/Menu" data-dojo-props="contextMenuForWindow:false"
data-dojo-attach-point="contextMenu" targetNodeIds="Scene-${scene}Fill" style="display: none;">
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/MenuItem" data-dojo-attach-event="onClick:_menuTaskDetails">
Task Details
<div id="Scene-${scene}OuterBorder" widgetid="Scene-${scene}OuterBorder" class="taskOuterBorder" data-dojo-attach-point="outerBorder" scene="${scene}">
<div id="Scene-${scene}Fill" class="taskInnerFill task${state}Background" data-dojo-attach-point="innerFill" scene="${scene}"
<div id="Scene-${scene}Text" class="taskText" data-dojo-attach-point="text">
<table style="margin:0;padding:0">
<img id="Scene-${scene}Cloud" src="img/cloud.png" alt="Cloud cover" height="21" width="21">
<img id="Scene-${scene}Target" src="img/target.png" alt="ATR" height="21" width="21">
<img id="Scene-${scene}HSV" src="img/HSV.png" alt="HSV" height="21" width="21">
I've also cleaned up the code per the suggestions and there is no change in the behavior of the TaskButton's onClick event handler.
There is multiple errors...
you don't need to inherits from _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin and _OnDijitClickMixin, they come with Menu
Menu should be the Base (so should be first in the inheritance list)
you should no use domNode.firstChild.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild but instead you should use a data-dojo-attach-point in the template
cm = registry.byId('Scene-' + this.scene + 'ContextMenu'); should be = registry.byId('Scene-' + this.scene + 'ContextMenu');
dojo namespace should not be used. So should be replaced by a require to dojo/dom-style and domStyle.set() and dojo.byId should be replaced by a require to dojo/dom and dom.byId()
dijit namespace should not be used. So dijit.hideTooltip should be replaced by a require to dijit/Tooltip then Tooltip.hide() and dijit.showTooltip should be replaced by and dijit.popup.close() should be replaced by a require to dijit/_base/popup then popup.close() and should be replaced by
var is missing before label in method _onMouseEnter
in onChange of the dijit.form.ComboBox you call a non existing method assignTask
in _changeTaskState method you require dijit/registry but it is already available. So the extra require is useless
probably many more but I am not there to refactor your code
finally nothing is attached to your _onClick method. I don't event understand how it can be sometimes executed... Butmaybe it is connected using data-dojo-attach-event ? If yes, then please also provide your template.
Try to apply all the changes to cleanup some mistakes, and see if it works better.
If no, please share the template of your button.
], function(declare, event, lang, dom, domClass, domConstruct, domStyle, mouse, on, query, topic, Menu, MenuItem, MenuSeparator, PopupMenuItem,
Popup, Tooltip, Tree, ForestStoreModel, registry, popup, button, _WidgetBase, _OnDijitClickMixin, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, template) {
return declare('TaskButton', [Menu, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
scene: 0,
sceneId: 0,
target: '',
state: 'pending',
cloudCover: false,
cloudPercentage: 0,
targetInterest: false,
hsv: false,
previousState: 'pending',
backgroundcolor: '#414141',
templateString: template,
baseClass: 'TaskButton',
innerNode: undefined,
cm: null,
theTask: null,
eventHandle: null,
postCreate: function() {
// Get a DOM node reference for the root of our widget
var domNode = this.domNode;
this.innerNode = domNode.firstChild.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild;
domClass.replace(this.innerFill, 'task' + this.state + 'Background', 'task' + this.state + 'Background');
if (this.cloudCover && ((this.state === 'Ready') || (this.state === 'Unassigned'))) {
domClass.replace(this.innerFill, 'task' + 'Red' + 'Background', 'task' + this.state + 'Background');
this.previousState = this.state;
console.log('getting context menu for Scene-' + this.scene + 'ContextMenu');
cm = registry.byId('Scene-' + this.scene + 'ContextMenu');
on(domNode, 'contextmenu', lang.hitch(this, '_showContextMenu'))
startup: function() {
//Turn off button icons if warranted Must do here after dom nodes built
if (!this.cloudCover) {
domStyle.set(dom.byId('Scene-' + this.scene + 'Cloud'), 'display', 'none');
if (!this.targetInterest) {
domStyle.set(dom.byId('Scene-' + this.scene + 'Target'), 'display', 'none');
if (!this.hsv) {
domStyle.set(dom.byId('Scene-' + this.scene + 'HSV'), 'display', 'none');
test: function(sceneId) {
if (sceneId != this.scene) {
domClass.replace('Scene-' + sceneId + 'Fill', 'taskInnerFill', 'taskInnerFillSelected');
buildRendering: function() {
console.log('buildRendering scene:' + this.scene);
uninitialize: function() {
if (this.eventHandle != null) {
console.log('unsubscribing from event topic');
eventHandle = null;
_onMenuClick: function(event) {
console.log('menu item clicked');
_showContextMenu: function(event) {
console.log('opening context menu for scene:' + this.scene);
// This is always called
_onMouseDown: function(e) {
var scene = e.currentTarget.attributes['scene'].value;
if (e.button == 0) {
console.log('mouse left pressed, scene=' + scene + ' button=' + e.button);
domClass.replace('Scene-' + scene + 'OuterBorder', 'taskOuterBorderPressed', 'taskOuterBorder');
} else if (e.button == 2) {
console.log('mouse right pressed, scene=' + scene + ' button=' + e.button);
domClass.replace('Scene-' + scene + 'OuterBorder', 'taskOuterBorderPressed', 'taskOuterBorder');
// This is always called
_onMouseUp: function(e) {
var scene = e.currentTarget.attributes['scene'].value;
if (e.button == 0) {
console.log('mouse left released, scene=' + scene + ' button=' + e.button);
} else if(e.button == 2) {
console.log('mouse right released, scene=' + scene + ' button=' + e.button);
domClass.replace('Scene-' + this.scene + 'OuterBorder', 'taskOuterBorder', 'taskOuterBorderPressed');
_onMouseEnter: function(e) {
var label = 'Scene: ' + this.scene + '<BR>State: ' + this.state + '<BR>Target: ' +;, e.currentTarget);
_onMouseLeave: function(e) {
// This is what is not always called
_onClick: function(e) {
var scene = e.currentTarget.attributes['scene'].value;
console.log('scene ' + scene + ' clicked');
this._publishEvent(this.scene, 'clicked');
_onBlur: function(e) {
_onContextMenu: function(e) {
'scene': this.scene,
'sceneId': this.sceneId
}, 'clicked');
var widget = this;
theNode = 'TaskButtonContainer' + widget.scene;
console.log('mouse right clicked, scene=' + widget.scene + ' target: ' + + 'current target');
theTask = missionCache.query({
'sceneId': this.scene
}).then(function(results) {
theTask = results;
if (widget.state === 'Unassigned' || widget.state === 'Ready') {
//The context menu should fire to allow assignment
var cb = new dijit.form.ComboBox({
style: 'width:96%;background-color:#414141;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:4px;',
name: 'usersByTask',
placeholder: 'Assign this task to: ',
store: usersContextMenuCB,
labelAttr: 'name',
searchAttr: 'name',
onChange: function() {
theTask[0].taskStatus = 'Assigned';
theTask[0].taskOwner = this.item.userName;
widget.set('state', 'Assigned');
widget.domNode.setAttribute('dndtype', 'Assigned');
onClose: function() {
parent: widget,
popup: cb,
onClose: function() {
_publishEvent: function(sceneNumber, eventName) {
console.log('publishing ' + eventName + ' for scene ' + sceneNumber);
topic.publish('TaskButton/tasks', {
scene: sceneNumber,
task: this,
event: eventName
_setStateAttr: function(newState) {
if (newState != '') {
console.log('setting state for scene:' + this.scene + ' to ' + newState);
this._set('state', newState);
if (this.innerNode !== undefined) {
domClass.replace(this.innerFill, 'task' + newState + 'Background', 'task' + this.previousState + 'Background');
this.previousState = this.state;
this.state = newState;
_changeTaskState: function(newState) {
var node = registry.byId(clickedItem);
if (node !== undefined) {
node.set('state', newState);
console.log('changed task ' + this.clickedItem + ' state to ' + newState);
_menuTaskDetails: function(e) {
console.log('do task deatils');

Google Map doesn't appear on load

I am developing an app where I use 2 API's a.k.a Instagram API and Google Map API. Using AJAX, I get the first set of Images filtered by a tag name. In the 1st set we receive 20 images. Among the received images, the images that have the latitude and longitude info (geotagged images) are displayed on the map.
Now the first time when my page loads, I cannot see the map. But when I press the load more button to get the next set of images, the Map works fine showing my previous images too.
Here is the code for what happens on page load:
$( window ).load(function() {
type: "GET",
url: "****",
success: function(result) {
onAction(result, 2, tag);
instaMap(result, 2, from);
These are the functions being called:
* [initialize description]
* Initialize the map with markers showing all photos that are geotagged.
var initialize = function(markers) {
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(),
mapOptions = {
scrollwheel: false,
mapTypeId: 'roadmap',
center: new google.maps.LatLng(22.50, 6.50),
minZoom: 2
gmarkers = [],
markers = remDuplicate(markers);
// Info Window Content
var infoWindowContent = [];
for (var j = 0; j < markers.length; j++ ) {
var content = [
'<div class="info_content">' +
'<h3>' + markers[j][2] + '</h3>' +
'<a href="' + markers[j][3] + '" target="_blank">' +
'<img src="' + markers[j][4] + '" style="z-index:99999">' + '</a>' +
// Display a map on the page
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions);
// Display multiple markers on a map
var oms = new OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier(map);
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(), marker, i;
// Loop through our array of markers & place each one on the map
for( i = 0; i < markers.length; i++ ) {
positions = new google.maps.LatLng(markers[i][0], markers[i][1]);
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: positions,
map: map,
title: markers[i][2]
// Allow each marker to have an info window
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) {
return function() {
infoWindow.setContent(infoWindowContent[i][0]);, marker);
})(marker, i));
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function() {
markCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, gmarkers);
// Override our map zoom level once our fitBounds function runs (Make sure it only runs once)
var boundsListener = google.maps.event.addListener((map), 'bounds_changed', function(event) {
* [onAction]
* OnAction() function helps in loading non-geotagged pics.
* #param {[type]} result [Result retruned from the Instagram API in json format]
* #param {[type]} likey [hearts the user has entered as per which the posts will be filtered]
var onAction = function (result, likey, tag) {
if (result.pagination.next_url) {
paginate = removeURLParameter(result.pagination.next_url, 'count');
$.each(result, function(key, value) {
if (key === 'data') {
$.each(value, function(index, val) {
liked = val.likes.count;
link =;
imgUrl = val.images.low_resolution.url;
locations = val.location;
if (liked >= likey) {
if (locations === null) {
output = '<li class="img-wrap">' + '<div class="main-img">' +
'<a href="' + link + '" target="_blank">' +
'<img src="' + imgUrl + '" ><span class="hover-lay"></span></a>' +'<p>' +
'<span class="heart"></span><span class="likes-no">' + liked + '</span>' +
'<span class="comment-box"></span><span class="comment-no">' +
val.comments.count + '</span> ' + '</p>' + '</div>' +
'<div class="img-bottom-part">'+ '' + '<div class="headin-hastag">' +
'by ' + '<h2>Sebastien Dekoninck</h2>#hello <span>#kanye</span> #helloagain #tagsgohere</div>'
if ($('#instafeed').children().length === 0) {
alert('There are no pics with ' + likey + ' likes or #' + tag + ' was not found.');
} else {
// $('.not-geo').remove();
// $('#instafeed').before('<button class="not-geo">Click To See Images That Are Not Geotagged <img src="assets/imgs/down.png" ></button>');
$('#instafeed').append('<div class="load-pics"><button id="show-more">Show more <span></span></button> </div>');
* [instaMap]
* instaMap() will be the function which will deal with all map based functionalities.
var instaMap = function(result, likey, from) {
if (result.pagination.next_url) {
pagiMap = removeURLParameter(result.pagination.next_url, 'count');
$.each(result, function(key, value) {
if (key === 'data') {
$.each(value, function(index, val) {
liked = val.likes.count;
link =;
imgUrl = val.images.low_resolution.url;
locations = val.location;
if (liked >= likey) {
if (locations && locations.latitude !== null) {
tempArr = [
if (mark.length) {
$('.map-parent-wrapper').append('<div class="load-mark"><button id="show-mark">See More </button></div>');
} else {
alert('No geotagged pics found in the retrieved set. Click see more');
$('.map-parent-wrapper').append('<div class="load-mark"><button id="show-mark">See More </button></div>');
I have created a See More button to retrieve the next set of images and load those on the Map. When clicking see more, everything seems to work fine. Not sure why it's happening so. Console.log does not show any error. Also, all the values I feed does flow appropriately. I even tried clearing cache. Not sure, why it's happening.
If instaMap is the function which is going to handle all your map based functionality, it has to be the one that loads map in your $( window ).load function ();
Otherwise, if you want Google maps to load on initial window load you need to put below in there:
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

Kendo ui window disable z-index changing on focus

Please help!
I have function that create few windows. I set z-index for every window. But when some window got focus, it`s z-index change! How can i disable this feature? !!!!!
function createwindow(obj,objtype,x,y) {
var jsobj = obj;
v_obj[obj_count] = obj;
obj_count = obj_count + 1;
var wnd = $("#" + obj);
width: "150px",
height: "150px",
minWidth: "30px",
minHeight: "2px",
draggable: true,
dragend: SaveWinAttrs,
dragstart: onDragStart
$("#" + obj).parent().find(".k-window-action").css("visibility", "hidden");
if (objtype == 'wh') {
$("#" + obj).parent().find(".k-window-titlebar").css('backgroundColor','#fe2712');
$("#" + obj).closest(".k-widget.k-window").css('height', '100px');
$("#" + obj).closest(".k-widget.k-window").css('width', '100px');
$("#" + obj).closest(".k-widget.k-window").css('z-index', '11000');
$('.k-window-titlebar').css('height', '2px');
$("#" + obj).parent().find("k-window-content,.k-content").css("padding", "0");
$("#" + obj).parent().find(".k-header").css('min-height', '2px');
$("#" + obj).parent().find(".k-header").css('height', '2px');
//$("#" + obj).closest(".k-window").css({ top: x, left: y });
I create windows objects and array
var winArray = [];
var winObject = new Object(); = obj;
winObject.color = $("#" + obj).parent().find(".k-window-titlebar").css("backgroundColor");
winObject.x = $("#" + obj).closest(".k-widget.k-window").css("left");
winObject.y = $("#" + obj).closest(".k-widget.k-window").css("top");
winObject.h = $("#" + obj).closest(".k-widget.k-window").css("height");
winObject.w = $("#" + obj).closest(".k-widget.k-window").css("width");
winObject.z = $("#" + obj).closest(".k-widget.k-window").css("z-index");
Than on Drag end event restore z-index saved to object.
function onDragEnd(e) {
if (winArray.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < winArray.length; i++) {
$("#" + winArray[i].nr).closest(".k-widget.k-window").css('z-index', winArray[i].z);

event for backbone function from cshtml page

In cshtmlpage i have this element:
<g transform="translate(#x #y)" width="#(r * 2)" height="#(r * 2)" onclick="">
<circle r="#r" class="diagram-node" />
#if(node.NodeStatus != NodeStatus.None)
bool isPaly = node.NodeStatus == NodeStatus.Running;
string playVisibslityClass = isPaly ? "" : "not-visibility";
string stopVisibslityClass = !isPaly ? "" : "not-visibility";
<rect id="#("topology-diagram-" + node.Id + "-status-stop")" width="16" height="16" fill="#CA3D3C" x="-8" y="-8" class="#stopVisibslityClass"/>
<polygon id="#("topology-diagram-" + node.Id + "-status-play")" points="-5, -10 10, 0 -5, 10" fill="#009A22" class="#playVisibslityClass"/>
And this element in backbone script
var Topology = this.MyProject.Views.Topology;
Topology.GroupDiagramPage = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "div",
className: "topology-group-diagram-page",
initialize: function () {
var _groupid = 0;
var _links = 0;
var _sendports = 0;
var _orchestrations = 0;
var _receiveports = 0;
async: false,
dataType: "json",
url: "/api/Diagram/" + this.model.get("id"),
success: function (data) {
_groupid = data.GroupId;
_sendports = data.SendPorts;
_orchestrations = data.Orchestrations;
_receiveports = data.ReceivePorts;
_links = data.Links;
this.groupid = _groupid;
this.nodelinks = _links;
this.sendports = _sendports;
this.orchestrations = _orchestrations;
this.receiveports = _receiveports;
render: function () {
return this;
text: function (svg, text, x, y) {
svg.text(x, y, text, { class: "diagram-text" });
node: function (svg, node, x, y, r) {
var g ={ transform: "translate(" + x + ', ' + y + ')', width: r * 2, height: r * 2 });, 0, 0, r, { class: "diagram-node" });
if (node.NodeStatus != 0) {
var isPaly = node.NodeStatus == 83;
var playVisibslityClass = isPaly ? "" : "not-visibility";
var stopVisibslityClass = !isPaly ? "" : "not-visibility";
svg.rect(g, -8, -8, 16, 16, { id: "topology-diagram-" + node.Id + "-status-stop", fill: "#CA3D3C", class: stopVisibslityClass });
svg.polygon(g, [[-5, -10], [10, 0], [-5, 10]], { id: "topology-diagram-" + node.Id + "-status-play", fill: "#009A22", class: playVisibslityClass });
this.text(svg, node.Name, x - 40, y + 50);
nodes: function (svg, nodes, x, ndy, height) {
var j = ndy + height / 2;
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
this.node(svg, nodes[i], x, j, height / 2);
j += ndy + height;
link: function (svg, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, { class: "diagram-link" });
links: function (svg, fromNodes, toNodes, links, usedLinks, fdy, tdy, height, x1, x2) {
var i = fdy + height / 2;
var j = tdy + height / 2;
var Contains = function (links, link) {
links.forEach(function (elem) {
if (elem == link)
return true;
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < fromNodes.length; i++) {
j = tdy + height / 2;
for (var j = 0; j < toNodes.length; j++) {
var link = { FromNodeId: fromNodes[i].Id, ToNodeId: toNodes[j].Id };
if (Contains(links, link) && !Contains(usedLinks, link)) {, x1, i, x2, j);
j += tdy + height;
i += fdy + height;
diagram: function () {
var allWidth = 840;
var cWidth = allWidth / 3;
var dy = 50;
var nd = 50;
var rx = cWidth / 2;
var ox = cWidth + rx;
var sx = rx + 2 * cWidth;
var rCount = this.receiveports.length;
var oCount = this.orchestrations.length;
var sCount = this.sendports.length;
var maxCount = Math.max(Math.max(rCount, sCount), oCount);
var allHeight = (nd + dy) * maxCount + dy;
var rdy = (allHeight - nd * rCount) / (rCount + 1);
var ody = (allHeight - nd * oCount) / (oCount + 1);
var sdy = (allHeight - nd * sCount) / (sCount + 1);
var usedLinks = new Array();
var links = this.nodelinks;
this.$el.svg({ id: this.groupid, class: "topology-diagram", style: "width: " + allWidth + "; height: " + allHeight });
var svg = this.$el.svg('get');
this.text(svg, "Receive ports", 90, 15);
this.text(svg, "Orchestrations", 370, 15);
this.text(svg, "Send ports", 650, 15);
svg.line(280, 0, 280, allHeight, { class: "diagram-line" });
svg.line(560, 0, 560, allHeight, { class: "diagram-line" });
this.links(svg, this.orchestrations, this.sendports, links, usedLinks, ody, sdy, nd, ox, sx);
this.links(svg, this.receiveports, this.orchestrations, links, usedLinks, rdy, ody, nd, rx, ox);
this.links(svg, this.receiveports, this.sendports, links, usedLinks, rdy, sdy, nd, rx, sx);
this.links(svg, this.orchestrations, this.orchestrations, links, usedLinks, ody, ody, nd, ox, ox);
this.nodes(svg, this.receiveports, rx, rdy, nd);
this.nodes(svg, this.orchestrations, ox, ody, nd);
this.nodes(svg, this.sendports, sx, sdy, nd);
click: function () {
I need to click on the caller "click ()" in the script.
If I attack to "" elemenet this event: onclick=""
I get this:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Topology is not defined
What can I do this&
What I understand from you code and question is, if you want any method of the view to be executed on some action, you need to use the events hash of the Backbone View.
Considering line,
this.$el.svg({ id: this.groupid, class: "topology-diagram", style: "width: " + allWidth + "; height: " + allHeight });
of the diagram() method adds a div to the DOM whose id attribute is div_id and if you want to execute click on that, you can write something like this in the view
// this event binding will execute click method whenever you click on a div
// whose id is 'div_id'
events : {
"click #div_id" : "click"
This is not a solution of your question, but a way to achieve what you want to achieve, hope it helps.
