Passing Hash values as parameters to methods in Ruby - ruby

I have a method met1 that takes hash values as parameters.
For example: met1('abc' => 'xyz')
What should be the syntax when I define the method? Can it be something like this?
def met1(options)
puts options
I know the above syntax works. But how can I access the individual hash key and value inside the met1? (where key is abc and value is xyz?) Thank you!

Thats easy
met1("abc" => "xyz")
def met1(options)
puts options
# with key
puts options["abc"]
I assume you know what the options might contain in terms of keys right? if not,
def met1(options)
puts options.keys # options is the hash you passed it, use it like one

Your syntax is correct. simply use options['key'] (in case 'key' is a string) in your method. It's customary to use symbols as keys, so in your example:
met1(:abc => 'xyz')
def met1(options)
puts options[:abc]


How best to get all the format sequence keys from a string in ruby?

When given a string that is intended to be formatted with a hash of values to write into the string, is there a clean way to get all the keys that string is expecting values for?
I'm putting together text in a situation where there is a lot of room for customization, and several options for dynamic values to insert into the text. Some of the values are more expensive to get than others, so I'd like to be able to prepare my hash to send in to % to only include the values that are needed in the string.
Ideally I'd be able to query the system that performs the formatting on the string, but I'm not seeing any documentation of such an interface. What I'd like is something like:
"Your request for %{item} is at position %<pos>d".formatting_keys
>>> [:item, :pos]
When passing a hash to String#%, it will call the hash's default proc if a key is missing. You could utilize this behavior and make the proc sneakily collect the passed keys:
def format_keys(format_string)
keys = []
format_string % { |_, k| keys << k ; 0 }
format_keys("Your request for %{item} is at position %<pos>d")
#=> [:item, :pos]
Note that the proc's return value has to be a valid object for the various field types. I'm using 0 here which seems to work fine.
I'd like to be able to prepare my hash to send in to % to only include the values that are needed in the string.
Instead of a Hash, use an object that does the calculation on demand. That will be useful everywhere.
Use string interpolation to call the methods instead of format sequences.
class Whatever
def item
#item ||= calculate_item
def pos
#pos ||= calculate_pos
def calculate_item
# do something expensive
def calculate_pos
# do something expensive
obj =
puts "Your request for #{obj.item} is at position #{obj.pos.to_i}"
Using Ruby's own sequence parsing as per is ideal, but you can also do your own:
class String
def format_keys
(?<!%) # don't match escaped sequence starts, e.g. "%%{"
(?<=%\{) [^\}]+ (?=\}) # contents of %{...}
| # OR
(?<=%\<) [^\>]+ (?=\>) # contents of %<...>

How do I write an rspec test if an array of hashes has a attribute/value pair

Given an array of hashes I want to check if each one contains a certain key and value. The following did NOT work:
it { expect(some_array).to all( have_attributes(:some_key => 'some_value') ) }
I could not tell from the match error why it didn't work but I think it's something to do with expectations have_attributes has about the input arguments or environment.
Make a custom matcher as follows:
RSpec::Matchers.define :have_member_with_value do |expected_key, expected_value|
match do |actual|
actual[expected_key] == expected_value
it { expect(some_array).to all( have_member_with_value(:some_key, "some_value") ) }
Sadly I'm not sure why the approach in the question does not work.
I think the assertion does not work because have_attributes does not work with plain ruby hash keys. You can't access hash keys the same as attributes if you're using a vanilla Ruby hash.
a = 'you')
b = { hello: 'you' }
a.hello # this is an attribute automatically defined via OpenStruct
=> "you"
b.hello # this is a regular ol' key
NoMethodError: undefined method `hello' for {:hello=>"you"}:Hash
from (pry):79:in `<main>'
I believe the matcher would work if the object you were working with had the attribute accessor for whatever key-value you were looking for. Ex. If you had an array of OpenStructs, using both match_array and have_attributes would work. These are usually available automatically via metaprogramming if you're using a fancy library like ActiveRecord or OpenStruct.
Otherwise, you have to define these attributes yourself, or assert on the hash key rather than the attribute.
I would probably do something like this:
it do
expect( { |elem| elem[:some_key] }).to all( eq "some_value" ) }
I would loop through subject.body and write the expectation within the loop
subject.body.each do |entry|
it { expect(entry[:some_key]).to eq "some_value"}

Ruby call constructor with random parameters count

I have some classes like
class Demo1 <, :text2)
class Demo2 <, :text2, :text3)
How can I call constructor of each class if I only have name and hash of parameters
I need to write method like this,
but this is wrong becasue after send(:new,args) Struct will contain :text which equal to args
def call_demo_object(demo_name, args={})
The mian problem is calling constructor with random parameters from hash
variant one:
def call_demo_object(demo_name, args={})
z = [':new']
args.keys.each do |key|
z.push "args[:"+key.to_s+"]"
eval('demo_name.to_s.constantize.send(' + z.join(', ') +')' )
variant two:
def call_demo_object(demo_name, args={})
a = demo_name.to_s.constantize.send(:new)
args.each do |key, value|
a[key] = value if a.members.include?(key)
One possible variant:
def call_demo_object(demo_name, args={})
obj =
obj.members.each do |member|
obj[member] = args[member]
It's pros:
args can be in any order
only availible structure members will be assigned
I see a couple of things wrong:
Not sure if your classes really look like that, but you'll need end at the end of them, otherwise you'll get syntax errors.
Also, constantize is not a method on strings in Ruby, it's something Rails defines. So you'll need to use
to get the same functionality.
As pointed out in the comments I neglected to mention how to expand the parameters.
To do that you'll need to use what's called the "splat operator"
Kernel.const_get(demo_name.to_s).send(:new,*args) #notice the * in front of args
That will expand args out.
However, when args is a hash, say {:text=>"hello", :text2=>"hello2"}, it will expand it out to an array with 2 elements where each element is an array with they key in the first position and key in the second position.
Instead, if you pass an array in as args with the objects in order, you will get what you're looking for.
I think if you're going for what amounts to named parameters, you might have to try another route, but I don't know that for sure.
To go with optional or named parameters, you might look at how Rails does it: use a hash for the parameter, then pass in a hash with the keys. You can then keep a valid list of keys and check the passed-in hash and either reject them or raise an error.

Search ruby hash for empty value

I have a ruby hash like this
h = {"a" => "1", "b" => "", "c" => "2"}
Now I have a ruby function which evaluates this hash and returns true if it finds a key with an empty value. I have the following function which always returns true even if all keys in the hash are not empty
def hash_has_blank(hsh)
hsh.each do |k,v|
if v.empty?
return true
return false
What am I doing wrong here?
Try this:
def hash_has_blank hsh
hsh.values.any? &:empty?
def hash_has_blank hsh
If you are using an old 1.8.x Ruby
I hope you're ready to learn some ruby magic here. I wouldn't define such a function globally like you did. If it's an operation on a hash, than it should be an instance method on the Hash class you can do it like this:
class Hash
def has_blank?
self.reject{|k,v| !v.nil? || v.length > 0}.size > 0
reject will return a new hash with all the empty strings, and than it will be checked how big this new hash is.
a possibly more efficient way (it shouldn't traverse the whole array):
class Hash
def has_blank?
self.values.any?{|v| v.nil? || v.length == 0}
But this will still traverse the whole hash, if there is no empty value
I've changed the empty? to !nil? || length >0 because I don't know how your empty method works.
If you just want to check if any of the values is an empty string you could do
but your function seems to work fine.
I'd consider refactoring your model domain. Obviously the hash represents something tangible. Why not make it an object? If the item can be completely represented by a hash, you may wish to subclass Hash. If it's more complicated, the hash can be an attribute.
Secondly, the reason for which you are checking blanks can be named to better reflect your domain. You haven't told us the "why", but let's assume that your Item is only valid if it doesn't have any blank values.
class MyItem < Hash
def valid?
def invalid?
values.any?{|i| i.empty?}
The point is, if you can establish a vocabulary that makes sense in your domain, your code will be cleaner and more understandable. Using a Hash is just a means to an end and you'd be better off using more descriptive, domain-specific terms.
Using the example above, you'd be able to do:
my_item = MyItem["a" => "1", "b" => "", "c" => "2"]
my_item.valid? #=> false

Ruby multiple named arguments

I'm very new to ruby and I'm trying to write a web application using the rails framework. Through reading I've seen methods being called like this:
some_method "first argument", :other_arg => "value1", :other_arg2 => "value2"
Where you can pass an unlimited number of arguments.
How do you create a method in ruby that can be used in this way?
Thanks for the help.
That works because Ruby assumes the values are a Hash if you call the method that way.
Here is how you would define one:
def my_method( value, hash = {})
# value is requred
# hash can really contain any number of key/value pairs
And you could call it like this:
my_method('nice', {:first => true, :second => false})
my_method('nice', :first => true, :second => false )
This is actually just a method that has a hash as an argument, below is a code example.
def funcUsingHash(input)
input.each { |k,v|
puts "%s=%s" % [k, v]
funcUsingHash :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3
Find out more about hashes here
Maybe that *args can help you?
def meh(a, *args)
puts a
args.each {|x| y x}
Result of this method is
irb(main):005:0> meh(1,2,3,4)
--- 2
--- 3
--- 4
=> [2, 3, 4]
But i prefer this method in my scripts.
You can make the last argument be an optional hash to achieve that:
def some_method(x, options = {})
# access options[:other_arg], etc.
However, in Ruby 2.0.0, it is generally better to use a new feature called keyword arguments:
def some_method(x, other_arg: "value1", other_arg2: "value2")
# access other_arg, etc.
The advantages of using the new syntax instead of using a hash are:
It is less typing to access the optional arguments (e.g. other_arg instead of options[:other_arg]).
It is easy to specify a default value for the optional arguments.
Ruby will automatically detect if an invalid argument name was used by the caller and throw an exception.
One disadvantage of the new syntax is that you cannot (as far as I know) easily send all of the keyword arguments to some other method, because you don't have a hash object that represents them.
Thankfully, the syntax for calling these two types of methods is the same, so you can change from one to the other without breaking good code.
