Matlab wrong results with array calculations - algorithm

I'm trying to reproduce the results from a paper for which I give a link to avoid writing down all the math needed:
On Modeling and Simulation of Game Theory-based Defense Mechanisms against DoS and DDoS Attacks
More specifically what I'm having a problem with is the Figure 3 plot. The plot gives in the z axis the results of equation 3 given the two variables m and M. The other equations that will be needed are 5,6,7 and there are also two small ones in the paragraph before equation 6. Also in order to see what Xi is check the 4.2 part. All the variable values needed are given before the plot.
Now to get to the point, I'm trying to create the exact same plot in matlab but I've failed and I need help because my matlab skills are not so good.
I have a script file in which I have the following:
w1 = 1000;
w2 = 1000;
w3 = 10;
B = 2000;
n = 20;
r_l = 60;
s_l = 20;
g = 10;
a_f = 5000;
b = 20;
vx = 0 : 1 : 500;
vy = 0 : 1 : 90;
[x,y] = meshgrid(vx,vy);
z = payoff(w1, w2, w3, y, r_l, n, g, B, b, x, s_l, a_f);
h = surfc(x,y,z);
set(h, 'edgecolor','none')
xlabel('Firewall Midpoint (M)')
ylabel('Number of zombies')
zlabel('Attackers payoff')
Payoff is a function that is as follows:
function out = payoff(w1, w2, w3, m, r_l, n, g, B, b, M, s_l, a_f)
r_a = a_f./ m;
r_a_dash = r_a.*(1-Fx(r_a, b, M, B));
r_l_dash = r_l.*(1-Fx(r_l, b, M, B));
v_b = ( m .* r_a_dash ) ./ ( n .* r_l_dash + m .* r_a_dash );
v_n = normcdf(( g .* ( n .* r_l_dash + m .* r_a_dash ) ./ B ), r_l, s_l);
out = w1 * v_b + w2 * v_n - w3 * m;
Fx again is a function that does the following:
function out = Fx(x,b,M,B)
I don't know where exactly is the mistake but the plot I get is the following which is not the same as the one in the paper.
The figure in the paper has a U shaped curve along the Firewall Midpointaxis whereas mine is monotonically increasing.
Can anyone spot any mistake(s) that I have? Thanks in advance.

The big thing I noticed was in your code you used:
v_n = normcdf(( g .* ( n .* r_l_dash + m .* r_a_dash ) ./ B ), r_l, s_l);
When you should have used (I think):
v_n = normcdf(( g .* ( n .* r_l_dash + m .* r_a_dash ) ./ B ), r_l_dash, s_l);
In the paper, they state:
Recall that rl represents the expected rate of a legitimate flow. Let the average rate of legitimate flows passing through the firewall be rl′.
In the normcdf function, the second argument should be the average, mu. This gives me a U-shaped curve along the Firewall Midpoint, however I can see it's not exact to the picture and I believe it's due to the value of b, as someone had already stated was not given.
Hope this helps. There may still be a calculation error as I've played around with various values of b and still can't match the image in the paper.


Calculate the displacement coordinates of a semi-articulated truck

As shown in the image below, I'm creating a program that will make a 2D animation of a truck that is made up of two articulated parts.
The truck pulls the trailer.
The trailer moves according to the docking axis on the truck.
Then, when the truck turns, the trailer should gradually align itself with the new angle of the truck, as it does in real life.
I would like to know if there is any formula or algorithm that does this calculation in an easy way.
I've already seen inverse kinematics equations, but I think for just 2 parts it would not be so complex.
Can anybody help me?
Let A be the midpoint under the front axle, B be the midpoint under the middle axle, and C be the midpoint under the rear axle. For simplicity assume that the hitch is at point B. These are all functions of time t, for example A(t) = (a_x(t), a_y(t).
The trick is this. B is moving directly towards A with the component of A's velocity in that direction. Or in symbols, dB/dt = (dA/dt).(A-B)/||A-B|| And similarly, dC/dt = (dB/dt).(B-C)/||B-C|| where . is the dot product.
This turns into a non-linear first-order system in 6 variables. This can be solved with normal techniques, such as
UPDATE: Added code
Here is a Python implementation. You can replace it with for your favorite language and your favorite linear algebra library. Or even hand-roll that.
For my example I started with A at (1, 1), B at (2, 1) and C at (2, 2). Then pulled A to the origin in steps of size 0.01. That can be altered to anything that you want.
#! /usr/bin/env python
import numpy
# Runga Kutta method.
def RK4(f):
return lambda t, y, dt: (
lambda dy1: (
lambda dy2: (
lambda dy3: (
lambda dy4: (dy1 + 2*dy2 + 2*dy3 + dy4)/6
)( dt * f( t + dt , y + dy3 ) )
)( dt * f( t + dt/2, y + dy2/2 ) )
)( dt * f( t + dt/2, y + dy1/2 ) )
)( dt * f( t , y ) )
# da is a function giving velocity of a at a time t.
# The other three are the positions of the three points.
def calculate_dy (da, A0, B0, C0):
l_ab = float(numpy.linalg.norm(A0 - B0))
l_bc = float(numpy.linalg.norm(B0 - C0))
# t is time, y = [A, B, C]
def update (t, y):
(A, B, C) = y
dA = da(t)
ab_unit = (A - B) / float(numpy.linalg.norm(A-B))
# The first term is the force. The second is a correction to
# cause roundoff errors in length to be selfcorrecting.
dB = ( + float(numpy.linalg.norm(A-B))/l_ab - l_ab) * ab_unit
bc_unit = (B - C) / float(numpy.linalg.norm(B-C))
# The first term is the force. The second is a correction to
# cause roundoff errors in length to be selfcorrecting.
dC = ( + float(numpy.linalg.norm(B-C))/l_bc - l_bc) * bc_unit
return numpy.array([dA, dB, dC])
return RK4(update)
A0 = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0])
B0 = numpy.array([2.0, 1.0])
C0 = numpy.array([2.0, 2.0])
dy = calculate_dy(lambda t: numpy.array([-1.0, -1.0]), A0, B0, C0)
t, y, dt = 0., numpy.array([A0, B0, C0]), .02
while t <= 1.01:
print( (t, y) )
t, y = t + dt, y + dy( t, y, dt )
By the answers I saw, I realized that the solution is not really simple and will have to be solved by an Inverse Kinematics algorithm.
This site is an example and it is a just a start, although it still does not solve everything, since the point C is fixed and in the case of the truck it should move.
Based on this Analytic Two-Bone IK in 2D article, I made a fully functional model in Geogebra, where the nucleus consists of two simple mathematical equations.

newton square root algorithm condition confusion?

the algorithm is pretty straight forward I implemented it as soon as I saw newtons equation
function sq(x , e , g ){
g = g || x / 2
if(Math.abs( g * g - x ) < e )
return g
return sq( x , e , ( g + x / g ) / 2 )
now here is the thing on really small values the algorithm gives a way off answer and on really large values the algorithm exceeds the call stack .
I understand why
what I don't understand is in the first condition ..
if(Math.abs(g*g -x) < e ) why!! if we divide by x before comparing solves the problem e.g:
if(Math.abs(g*g -x) / x < e)
function sq(x , e , g ){
g = g || x / 2
if(Math.abs( g * g - x ) / x < e )
return g
return sq( x , e , ( g + x / g ) / 2 )
call the function like this first arg is the number you wanna compute the square root of , second is epsilon which is the range is which when I get a value should be acceptable , you could define an initial guess as a third argument
sq( 9 , 0.01)
sq(9 , 0.01 , 2)
Typically, you would specify ε as a fraction of g, not x, since normally you would want to say that the result has some precision ("six digits", for example) which is necessarily​ relative to the result. But it doesn't make much difference aside from interpreting the meaning of the ε parameter.
It is certainly the case that choosing some absolute error threshold makes no sense unless you know that the possible arguments are within a very restricted set of values.

Algorithm: Triangle with two constraints, each corner on a given line

Some time ago I asked a question on math.stackexchange and got an answer. I have difficulties deriving an algorithm from that answer because my background is in design and hope some of you can help me.
The original question with visual sketch and possible answer are here:
The question was: Given 3 3-dimensional lines (a, b and c) that coincide in a common point S and a given Point B on b, I'm looking for a point A on a and a point C on c where AB and BC have the same length and the angle ABC is 90 degrees.
I will have to implement this algorithm in an imperative language, any code in C++, Java, imperative pseudo-code or similar is fine.
Also, different approaches to this problem are equally welcome. Plus: Thanks for any hints, if the complete solution is indeed too time-consuming!
The two key formulas are
(I've replied the derivation for the formulas in the mathematics stack exchange site)
Substituting the first in the second gives in the end a 4th degree equation that is quite annoying to solve with a closed form. I've therefore used instead a trivial numerical solver in Python:
# function to solve (we look for t such that f(t)=0)
def f(t):
s = (t*cB - B2) / (t*ac - aB)
return s*s - 2*s*aB - t*t + 2*t*cB
# given f and an interval to search generates all solutions in the range
def solutions(f, x0, x1, n=100, eps=1E-10):
X = [x0 + i*(x1 - x0)/(n - 1) for i in xrange(n)]
Y = map(f, X)
for i in xrange(n-1):
if (Y[i]<0 and Y[i+1]>=0 or Y[i+1]<0 and Y[i]>=0):
xa, xb = X[i], X[i+1]
ya, yb = Y[i], Y[i+1]
if (xb - xa) < eps:
# Linear interpolation
# 0 = ya + (x - xa)*(yb - ya)/(xb - xa)
yield xa - ya * (xb - xa) / (yb - ya)
for x in solutions(f, xa, xb, n, eps):
yield x
The search algorithm samples the function in the interval and when it finds two adjacent samples that are crossing the f=0 line repeats the search recursively between those two samples (unless the interval size is below a specified limit, approximating the function with a line and computing the crossing point in that case).
I've tested the algorithm generating random problems and solving them with
from random import random as rnd
for test in xrange(1000):
a = normalize((rnd()-0.5, rnd()-0.5, rnd()-0.5))
b = normalize((rnd()-0.5, rnd()-0.5, rnd()-0.5))
c = normalize((rnd()-0.5, rnd()-0.5, rnd()-0.5))
L = rnd() * 100
B = tuple(x*L for x in b)
aB = dot(a, B)
cB = dot(c, B)
B2 = dot(B, B)
ac = dot(a, c)
sols = list(solutions(f, -1000., 1000.))
And there are cases in which the solutions are 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. For example the problem
a = (-0.5900900304960981, 0.4717596600172049, 0.6551614908475357)
b = (-0.9831451620384042, -0.10306322574446096, 0.15100848274062748)
c = (-0.6250439408232388, 0.49902426033920616, -0.6002456660677057)
B = (-33.62793897729328, -3.5252208930692497, 5.165162011403056)
has four distinct solutions:
s = 57.3895941365 , t = -16.6969433689
A = (-33.865027354189415, 27.07409541837935, 37.59945205363035)
C = (10.436323283003153, -8.332179814593692, 10.022267893763457)
|A - B| = 44.5910029061
|C - B| = 44.5910029061
(A - B)·(C - B) = 1.70530256582e-13
s = 43.619078237 , t = 32.9673082734
A = (-25.739183207076163, 20.5777215193455, 28.577540327140607)
C = (-20.606016281518986, 16.45148662649085, -19.78848391300571)
|A - B| = 34.5155582156
|C - B| = 34.5155582156
(A - B)·(C - B) = 1.13686837722e-13
s = -47.5886624358 , t = 83.8222109697
A = (28.08159526800866, -22.450411211385674, -31.17825902887765)
C = (-52.39256507303229, 41.82931682916268, -50.313918854788845)
|A - B| = 74.0747844969
|C - B| = 74.0747844969
(A - B)·(C - B) = 4.54747350886e-13
s = 142.883074325 , t = 136.634726869
A = (-84.31387768560096, 67.4064705656035, 93.61148799140805)
C = (-85.40270813540043, 68.1840435123674, -82.01440263735996)
|A - B| = 124.189861967
|C - B| = 124.189861967
(A - B)·(C - B) = -9.09494701773e-13
Write two quadratic equations for lambda, mu unknowns (just above matrix forms).
Solve this system with paper, pen and head, or with any mathematical software like Maple, Mathematica, Matlab, Derive etc. You will have 4th order equation. It has closed-form solution - apply Ferrari or Kardano method and get real roots, find mu, lambda, then point coordinates.

how to calculate a quadratic equation that best fits a set of given data

I have a vector X of 20 real numbers and a vector Y of 20 real numbers.
I want to model them as
y = ax^2+bx + c
How to find the value of 'a' , 'b' and 'c'
and best fit quadratic equation.
Given Values
X = (x1,x2,...,x20)
Y = (y1,y2,...,y20)
i need a formula or procedure to find following values
a = ???
b = ???
c = ???
Thanks in advance.
Everything #Bartoss said is right, +1. I figured I just add a practical implementation here, without QR decomposition. You want to evaluate the values of a,b,c such that the distance between measured and fitted data is minimal. You can pick as measure
sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)^2)
where the sum is over the elements of vectors x,y.
Then, a minimum implies that the derivative of the quantity with respect to each of a,b,c is zero:
d (sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)^2) /da =0
d (sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)^2) /db =0
d (sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)^2) /dc =0
these equations are
2(sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)*x^2)=0
2(sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)*x) =0
2(sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)) =0
Dividing by 2, the above can be rewritten as
a*sum(x^4) +b*sum(x^3) + c*sum(x^2) =sum(y*x^2)
a*sum(x^3) +b*sum(x^2) + c*sum(x) =sum(y*x)
a*sum(x^2) +b*sum(x) + c*N =sum(y)
where N=20 in your case. A simple code in python showing how to do so follows.
from numpy import random, array
from scipy.linalg import solve
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
a, b, c = 6., 3., 4.
N = 20
x = random.rand((N))
y = a * x ** 2 + b * x + c
y += random.rand((20)) #add a bit of noise to make things more realistic
x4 = (x ** 4).sum()
x3 = (x ** 3).sum()
x2 = (x ** 2).sum()
M = array([[x4, x3, x2], [x3, x2, x.sum()], [x2, x.sum(), N]])
K = array([(y * x ** 2).sum(), (y * x).sum(), y.sum()])
A, B, C = solve(M, K)
print 'exact values ', a, b, c
print 'calculated values', A, B, C
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y, 'b.', label='data')
ax.plot(x, A * x ** 2 + B * x + C, 'r.', label='estimate')
A much faster way to implement solution is to use a nonlinear least squares algorithm. This will be faster to write, but not faster to run. Using the one provided by scipy,
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
def f(arg):
return a*x**2+b*x+c-y
(A,B,C),_=leastsq(f,[1,1,1])#you must provide a first guess to start with in this case.
That is a linear least squares problem. I think the easiest method which gives accurate results is QR decomposition using Householder reflections. It is not something to be explained in a stackoverflow answer, but I hope you will find all that is needed with this links.
If you never heard about these before and don't know how it connects with you problem:
A = [[x1^2, x1, 1]; [x2^2, x2, 1]; ...]
Y = [y1; y2; ...]
Now you want to find v = [a; b; c] such that A*v is as close as possible to Y, which is exactly what least squares problem is all about.

Finding major axis/image orientation of binary image in R

I have a high res binary image which looks something like:
I'm trying to compute the major axis which should be slightly rotated to the right and eventually get the axis of orientation of the object
A post here (in matlab) suggests a way of doing this is computing the covariance matrix for the datapoints and finding their eigenvalues/eigenvectors
I am trying to implement something similar in R
%% MATLAB CODE Calculate axis and draw
[M N] = size(Ibw);
[X Y] = meshgrid(1:N,1:M);
%Mass and mass center
m = sum(sum(Ibw));
x0 = sum(sum(Ibw.*X))/m;
y0 = sum(sum(Ibw.*Y))/m;
#R code
d = dim(im)
M = d[1]
N = d[2]
t = meshgrid(M,N)
X = t[[2]]
Y = t[[1]]
m = sum(im);
x0 = sum(im %*% X)/m;
y0 = sum(im %*% Y)/m;
meshgrid <-function(r,c){
return(list(R=matrix(rep(1:r, r), r, byrow=T),
C=matrix(rep(1:c, c), c)))
However, computing m , x0 and y0 takes too long in R.
Does anyone know of an implementation in R?
Computing the variance matrix directly, with var, takes 1/3 of a second.
# Sample data
M <- 2736
N <- 3648
im <- matrix( FALSE, M, N );
y <- as.vector(row(im))
x <- as.vector(col(im))
im[ abs( y - M/2 ) < M/3 & abs( x - N/2 ) < N/3 ] <- TRUE
theta <- runif(1, -pi/12, pi/12)
xy <- cbind(x+1-N/2,y+1-M/2) %*% matrix(c( cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta) ), 2, 2)
#plot(xy[,1]+N/2-1, xy[,2]+M/2-1); abline(h=c(1,M),v=c(1,N))
f <- function(u, lower, upper) pmax(lower,pmin(round(u),upper))
im[] <- im[cbind( f(xy[,2] + M/2 - 1,1,M), f(xy[,1] + N/2 - 1,1,N) )]
image(1:N, 1:M, t(im), asp=1)
# Variance matrix of the points in the rectangle
i <- which(im)
V <- var(cbind( col(im)[i], row(im)[i] ))
# Their eigenvectors
u <- eigen(V)$vectors
abline( M/2-N/2*u[2,1]/u[1,1], u[2,1]/u[1,1], lwd=5 )
abline( M/2-N/2*u[2,2]/u[1,2], u[2,2]/u[1,2] )
Try replacing the default Rblas.dll with a suitable one from this link.
