2d coordinates closest to origin - algorithm

I am looking at the following interview question :
Given 2d coordinates , find the k points which are closest to the
origin. Propose a data structure for storing the points and the method to get the k points. Also point out the complexity of the code.
The solution that I have figured out is to save the 2d points in an array. For the first k points, find the distance of each point from the origin and build a max heap. For the remaining points , calculate distance from the origin , say dist. If dist is greater than the topmost element of the heap, then change topmost element of heap to dist and run the heapify() procedure.
This would take O(k) to build the heap and O((n-k)log k) for heapify() procedure , thus the total complexity = O(n log k).
Can anyone suggest a better data structure and/or method , with a possibly better efficiency too ?
Would some other data structure be beneficial here ?

What you're looking for is partial sorting.
I think the best way is to put everything into an unsorted array and then do use a modified in-place quicksort which ignores partitions whose indices are entirely above or entirely below k, and use distance from origin as your comparison.
Pseudocode from the wikipedia article above:
function quickfindFirstK(list, left, right, k)
if right > left
select pivotIndex between left and right
pivotNewIndex := partition(list, left, right, pivotIndex)
if pivotNewIndex > left + k // new condition
quickfindFirstK(list, left, pivotNewIndex-1, k)
if pivotNewIndex < left + k
quickfindFirstK(list, pivotNewIndex+1, right, k+left-pivotNewIndex-1)
After execution, this will leave the smallest k items in the first k positions, but not in order.

I would use order statistics for this one.
Note that we use a modified SELECT that uses distance from the origin as the comparison function.
Store the elements in an array A, first element is A[1] and last is A[n].
Run SELECT(A,1,n,k) to find the kth closest element to the origin.
Return the elements A[1..k].
One of the benefits of SELECTthat it partitions the input,
so that the smallest k-1 elements are left to A[k].
So storing the elements in an array is O(n).
Running SELECT is O(n).
Returning the requested elements is O(1).

I write a simple version for you using so-called 'partial sorting' http://tzutalin.blogspot.sg/2017/02/interview-type-questions-minqueue.html
public static void main(String[] args) {
Point[] points = new Point[7];
points[0] = new Point(0, 0);
points[1] = new Point(1, 7);
points[2] = new Point(2, 2);
points[3] = new Point(2, 2);
points[4] = new Point(3, 2);
points[5] = new Point(1, 4);
points[6] = new Point(1, 1);
int k = 3;
qSelect(points, k - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
System.out.println("" + points[i].x + "," + points[i].y);
// Output will be
// 0,0
// 1,1
// 2,2
// in-place qselect and zero-based
static void qSelect(Point[] points, int k) {
int l = 0;
int h = points.length - 1;
while (l <= h) {
int partionInd = partition(l, h, points);
if (partionInd == k) {
} else if (partionInd < k) {
l = partionInd + 1;
} else {
h = partionInd - 1;
static int partition(int l, int h, Point[] points) {
// Random can be better
// int p = l + new Random.nextInt(h - l + 1);
int p = l + (h - l) / 2;
int ind = l;
swap(p, h, points);
Point comparePoint = points[h];
for (int i = l; i < h; i++) {
if (points[i].getDistFromCenter() < comparePoint.getDistFromCenter()) {
swap(i, ind, points);
swap(ind, h, points);
return ind;
static void swap(int i, int j, Point[] points) {
Point temp = points[i];
points[i] = points[j];
points[j] = temp;


Update in Segment Tree

I am learning segment tree , i came across this question.
There are Array A and 2 type of operation
1. Find the Sum in Range L to R
2. Update the Element in Range L to R by Value X.
Update should be like this
A[L] = 1*X;
A[L+1] = 2*X;
A[L+2] = 3*X;
A[R] = (R-L+1)*X;
How should i handle the second type of query can anyone please give some algorithm to modify by segment tree , or there is a better solution
So, it is needed to update efficiently the interval [L,R] with to the corresponding values of the arithmetic progression with the step X, and to be able to find efficiently the sums over the different intervals.
In order to solve this problem efficiently - let's make use of the Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation.
The basic ideas are following:
The arithmetic progression can be defined by the first and last items and the amount of items
It is possible to obtain a new arithmetic progression by combination of the first and last items of two different arithmetic progressions (which have the same amount of items). The first and last items of the new arithmetic progression will be just a combination of the corresponding items of combined arithmetic progressions
Hence, we can associate with each node of the Segment Tree - the first and last values of the arithmetic progression, which spans over the given interval
During update, for all affected intervals, we can lazily propagate through the Segment Tree - the values of the first and last items, and update the aggregated sums on these intervals.
So, the node of the Segment Tree for given problem will have structure:
class Node {
int left; // Left boundary of the current SegmentTree node
int right; // Right boundary of the current SegmentTree node
int sum; // Sum on the interval [left,right]
int first; // First item of arithmetic progression inside given node
int last; // Last item of arithmetic progression
Node left_child;
Node right_child;
// Constructor
Node(int[] arr, int l, int r) { ... }
// Add arithmetic progression with step X on the interval [l,r]
// O(log(N))
void add(int l, int r, int X) { ... }
// Request the sum on the interval [l,r]
// O(log(N))
int query(int l, int r) { ... }
// Lazy Propagation
// O(1)
void propagate() { ... }
The specificity of the Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation is such, that every time, when the node of the tree is traversed - the Lazy Propagation routine (which has complexity O(1)) is executed for the given node. So, below is provided the illustration of the Lazy Propagation logic for some arbitrary node, which has children:
As you can see, during the Lazy Propagation the first and the last items of the arithmetic progressions of the child nodes are updated, also the sum inside the parent node is updated as well.
Below provided the Java implementation of the described approach (with additional comments):
class Node {
int left; // Left boundary of the current SegmentTree node
int right; // Right boundary of the current SegmentTree node
int sum; // Sum on the interval
int first; // First item of arithmetic progression
int last; // Last item of arithmetic progression
Node left_child;
Node right_child;
* Construction of a Segment Tree
* which spans over the interval [l,r]
Node(int[] arr, int l, int r) {
left = l;
right = r;
if (l == r) { // Leaf
sum = arr[l];
} else { // Construct children
int m = (l + r) / 2;
left_child = new Node(arr, l, m);
right_child = new Node(arr, m + 1, r);
// Update accumulated sum
sum = left_child.sum + right_child.sum;
* Lazily adds the values of the arithmetic progression
* with step X on the interval [l, r]
* O(log(N))
void add(int l, int r, int X) {
// Lazy propagation
if ((r < left) || (right < l)) {
// If updated interval doesn't overlap with current subtree
} else if ((l <= left) && (right <= r)) {
// If updated interval fully covers the current subtree
// Update the first and last items of the arithmetic progression
int first_item_offset = (left - l) + 1;
int last_item_offset = (right - l) + 1;
first = X * first_item_offset;
last = X * last_item_offset;
// Lazy propagation
} else {
// If updated interval partially overlaps with current subtree
left_child.add(l, r, X);
right_child.add(l, r, X);
// Update accumulated sum
sum = left_child.sum + right_child.sum;
* Returns the sum on the interval [l, r]
* O(log(N))
int query(int l, int r) {
// Lazy propagation
if ((r < left) || (right < l)) {
// If requested interval doesn't overlap with current subtree
return 0;
} else if ((l <= left) && (right <= r)) {
// If requested interval fully covers the current subtree
return sum;
} else {
// If requested interval partially overlaps with current subtree
return left_child.query(l, r) + right_child.query(l, r);
* Lazy propagation
* O(1)
void propagate() {
// Update the accumulated value
// with the sum of Arithmetic Progression
int items_count = (right - left) + 1;
sum += ((first + last) * items_count) / 2;
if (right != left) { // Current node is not a leaf
// Calculate the step of the Arithmetic Progression of the current node
int step = (last - first) / (items_count - 1);
// Update the first and last items of the arithmetic progression
// inside the left and right subtrees
// Distribute the arithmetic progression between child nodes
// [a(1) to a(N)] -> [a(1) to a(N/2)] and [a(N/2+1) to a(N)]
int mid = (items_count - 1) / 2;
left_child.first += first;
left_child.last += first + (step * mid);
right_child.first += first + (step * (mid + 1));
right_child.last += last;
// Reset the arithmetic progression of the current node
first = 0;
last = 0;
The Segment Tree in provided solution is implemented explicitly - using objects and references, however it can be easily modified in order to make use of the arrays instead.
Below provided the randomized tests, which compare two implementations:
Processing queries by sequential increase of each item of the array with O(N) and calculating the sums on intervals with O(N)
Processing the same queries using Segment Tree with O(log(N)) complexity:
The Java implementation of the randomized tests:
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Initialize the random generator with predefined seed,
// in order to make the test reproducible
Random rnd = new Random(1);
int test_cases_num = 20;
int max_arr_size = 100;
int num_queries = 50;
int max_progression_step = 20;
for (int test = 0; test < test_cases_num; test++) {
// Create array of the random length
int[] arr = new int[rnd.nextInt(max_arr_size) + 1];
Node segmentTree = new Node(arr, 0, arr.length - 1);
for (int query = 0; query < num_queries; query++) {
if (rnd.nextDouble() < 0.5) {
// Update on interval [l,r]
int l = rnd.nextInt(arr.length);
int r = rnd.nextInt(arr.length - l) + l;
int X = rnd.nextInt(max_progression_step);
update_sequential(arr, l, r, X); // O(N)
segmentTree.add(l, r, X); // O(log(N))
else {
// Request sum on interval [l,r]
int l = rnd.nextInt(arr.length);
int r = rnd.nextInt(arr.length - l) + l;
int expected = query_sequential(arr, l, r); // O(N)
int actual = segmentTree.query(l, r); // O(log(N))
if (expected != actual) {
throw new RuntimeException("Results are different!");
System.out.println("All results are equal!");
static void update_sequential(int[] arr, int left, int right, int X) {
for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) {
arr[i] += X * ((i - left) + 1);
static int query_sequential(int[] arr, int left, int right) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) {
sum += arr[i];
return sum;
Basically you need to make a tree and then make updates using lazy propagation, here is the implementation.
int tree[1 << 20], Base = 1 << 19;
int lazy[1 << 20];
void propagation(int v){ //standard propagation
tree[v * 2] += lazy[v];
tree[v * 2 + 1] += lazy[v];
lazy[v * 2] += lazy[v];
lazy[v * 2 + 1] += lazy[v];
lazy[v] == 0;
void update(int a, int b, int c, int v = 1, int p = 1, int k = Base){
if(p > b || k < a) return; //if outside range [a, b]
if(p >= a && k <= b){ // if fully inside range [a, b]
tree[v] += c;
lazy[v] += c;
update(a, b, c, v * 2, p, (p + k) / 2); //left child
update(a, b, c, v * 2 + 1, (p + k) / 2 + 1, k); //right child
tree[v] = tree[v * 2] + tree[v * 2 + 1]; //update current node
int query(int a, int b, int v = 1, int p = 1, int k = Base){
if(p > b || k < a) //if outside range [a, b]
return 0;
if(p >= a && k <= b) // if fully inside range [a, b]
return tree[v];
int res = 0;
res += query(a, b, c, v * 2, p, (p + k) / 2); //left child
res += query(a, b, c, v * 2 + 1, (p + k) / 2 + 1, k); //right child
tree[v] = tree[v * 2] + tree[v * 2 + 1]; //update current node
return res;
update function oviously updates the tree so it adds to nodes on interval [a, b] (or [L, R])
update(L, R, value);
query function just gives you sum of elements in range
query(L, R);
The second operation can be regarded as adding a segment to the interval [L,R] with two endpoints (L,x),(R,(R-L+1)*x) and slope 1.
The most important thing to consider about segment tree with interval modifications is whether the lazy tags can be merged. If we regard the modification as adding segments, we can find that two segments can be easily merged - we only need to update the slope and the endpoints. For each interval, we only need to maintain the slope and the starting point of the segment for this interval. By using lazy tag technique, we can easily implement querying interval sums and doing interval modifications in O(nlogn) time complexity.

Lexographically smallest path in a N*M grid

I came across this in a recent interview.
We are given a N*M grid consisting of numbers and a path in the grid is the nodes you traverse.We are given a constraint that we can only move either right or down in the grid.So given this grid, we need to find the lexographically smallest path,after sorting it, to reach from top left to bottom right point of the grid
Eg. if grid is 2*2
4 3
5 1
then lexographically smallest path as per the question is "1 3 4".
How to do such problem? Code is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You can use Dynamic programming to solve this problem. Let f(i, j) be the smallest lexicographical path (after sorting the path) from (i, j) to (N, M) moving only right and down. Consider the following recurrence:
f(i, j) = sort( a(i, j) + smallest(f(i + 1, j), f(i, j + 1)))
where a(i, j) is the value in the grid at (i, j), smallest (x, y) returns the smaller lexicographical string between x and y. the + concatenate two strings, and sort(str) sorts the string str in lexical order.
The base case of the recurrence is:
f(N, M) = a(N, M)
Also the recurrence change when i = N or j = M (make sure that you see that).
Consider the following code written in C++:
//-- the 200 is just the array size. It can be modified
string a[200][200]; //-- represent the input grid
string f[200][200]; //-- represent the array used for memoization
bool calculated[200][200]; //-- false if we have not calculate the value before, and true if we have
int N = 199, M = 199; //-- Number of rows, Number of columns
//-- sort the string str and return it
string srt(string &str){
sort(str.begin(), str.end());
return str;
//-- return the smallest of x and y
string smallest(string & x, string &y){
for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++){
if (x[i] < y[i]) return x;
if (x[i] > y[i]) return y;
return x;
string solve(int i, int j){
if (i == N && j == M) return a[i][j]; //-- if we have reached the buttom right cell (I assumed the array is 1-indexed
if (calculated[i][j]) return f[i][j]; //-- if we have calculated this before
string ans;
if (i == N) ans = srt(a[i][j] + solve(i, j + 1)); //-- if we are at the buttom boundary
else if (j == M) ans = srt(a[i][j] + solve(i + 1, j)); //-- if we are at the right boundary
else ans = srt(a[i][j] + smallest(solve(i, j + 1), solve(i + 1, j)));
calculated[i][j] = true; //-- to fetch the calculated result in future calls
f[i][j] = ans;
return ans;
string calculateSmallestPath(){
return solve(1, 1);
You can apply a dynamic programming approach to solve this problem in O(N * M * (N + M)) time and space complexity.
Below I'll consider, that N is the number of rows, M is the number of columns, and top left cell has coordinates (0, 0), first for row and second for column.
Lets for each cell store the lexicographically smallest path ended at this cell in sorted order. The answer for row and column with 0 index is trivial, because there is only one way to reach each of these cells. For the rest of cells you should choose the smallest path for top and left cells and insert the value of current cell.
The algorithm is:
path[0][0] <- a[0][0]
path[i][0] <- insert(a[i][0], path[i - 1][0])
path[0][j] <- insert(a[0][j], path[0][j - 1])
path[i][j] <- insert(a[i][j], min(path[i - 1][j], path[i][j - 1])
If no number is repeated, this can be achieved in O (NM log (NM)) as well.
Suppose I label a grid with upper left corner (a,b) and bottom right corner (c,d) as G(a,b,c,d). Since you've to attain the lexicographically smallest string AFTER sorting the path, the aim should be to find the minimum value every time in G. If this minimum value is attained at, let's say, (i,j), then G(i,b,c,j) and G(a,j,i,d) are rendered useless for the search of our next min (for the path). That is to say, the values for the path we desire would never be in these two grids. Proof? Any location within these grids, if traversed will not let us reach the minimum value in G(a,b,c,d) (the one at (i,j)). And, if we avoid (i,j), the path we build cannot be lexicographically smallest.
So, first we find the min for G(1,1,m,n). Suppose it's at (i,j). Mark the min. We then find out the min in G(1,1,i,j) and G(i,j,m,n) and do the same for them. Keep continuing this way until, at the end, we have m+n-1 marked entries, which will constitute our path. Traverse the original grid G(1,1,m,n) linearly and the report the value if it is marked.
To find the min every time in G is costly. What if we map each value in the grid to it's location? - Traverse the grid and maintain a dictionary Dict with the key being the value at (i,j) and the value being the tuple (i,j). At the end, you'll have a list of key value pairs covering all the values in the grid.
Now, we'll be maintaining a list of valid grids in which we will find candidates for our path. The first valid grid will be G(1,1,m,n).
Sort the keys and start iterating from the first value in the sorted key set S.
Maintain a tree of valid grids, T(G), such that for each G(a,b,c,d) in T, G.left = G(a,b,i,j) and G.right = G(i,j,c,d) where (i,j) = location of min val in G(a,b,c,d)
The algorithm now:
for each val in sorted key set S do
(i,j) <- Dict(val)
Grid G <- Root(T)
do while (i,j) in G
if G has no child do
G.left <- G(a,b,i,j)
G.right <- G(i,j,c,d)
else if (i,j) in G.left
G <- G.left
else if (i,j) in G.right
G <- G.right
dict(val) <- null
end do
end if-else
end do
end for
for each val in G(1,1,m,n)
if dict(val) not null
end if
end for
return solution
The Java code:
class Grid{
int a, b, c, d;
Grid left, right;
Grid(int a, int b, int c, int d){
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
this.d = d;
left = right = null;
public boolean isInGrid(int e, int f){
return (e >= a && e <= c && f >= b && f <= d);
public boolean hasNoChild(){
return (left == null && right == null);
public static int[] findPath(int[][] arr){
int row = arr.length;
int col = arr[0].length;
int[][] index = new int[row*col+1][2];
HashMap<Integer,Point> map = new HashMap<Integer,Point>();
for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < col; j++){
map.put(arr[i][j], new Point(i,j));
Grid root = new Grid(0,0,row-1,col-1);
SortedSet<Integer> keys = new TreeSet<Integer>(map.keySet());
for(Integer entry : keys){
Grid temp = root;
int x = map.get(entry).x, y = map.get(entry).y;
while(temp.isInGrid(x, y)){
temp.left = new Grid(temp.a,temp.b,x, y);
temp.right = new Grid(x, y,temp.c,temp.d);
if(temp.left.isInGrid(x, y)){
temp = temp.left;
else if(temp.right.isInGrid(x, y)){
temp = temp.right;
map.get(entry).x = -1;
int[] solution = new int[row+col-1];
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < row; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < col; j++){
if(map.get(arr[i][j]).x >= 0){
solution[count++] = arr[i][j];
return solution;
The space complexity is constituted by maintenance of dictionary - O(NM) and of the tree - O(N+M). Overall: O(NM)
The time complexity for filling up and then sorting the dictionary - O(NM log(NM)); for checking the tree for each of the NM values - O(NM log(N+M)). Overall - O(NM log(NM)).
Of course, this won't work if values are repeated since then we'd have more than one (i,j)'s for a single value in the grid and the decision to chose which will no longer be satisfied by a greedy approach.
Additional FYI: The problem similar to this I heard about earlier had an additional grid property - there are no values repeating and the numbers are from 1 to NM. In such a case, the complexity could further reduce to O(NM log(N+M)) since instead of a dictionary, you can simply use values in the grid as indices of an array (which won't required sorting.)

Adding sum of frequencies whille solving Optimal Binary search tree

I am referring to THIS problem and solution.
Firstly, I did not get why sum of frequencies is added in the recursive equation.
Can someone please help understand that with an example may be.
In Author's word.
We add sum of frequencies from i to j (see first term in the above
formula), this is added because every search will go through root and
one comparison will be done for every search.
In code, sum of frequencies (purpose of which I do not understand) ... corresponds to fsum.
int optCost(int freq[], int i, int j)
// Base cases
if (j < i) // If there are no elements in this subarray
return 0;
if (j == i) // If there is one element in this subarray
return freq[i];
// Get sum of freq[i], freq[i+1], ... freq[j]
int fsum = sum(freq, i, j);
// Initialize minimum value
int min = INT_MAX;
// One by one consider all elements as root and recursively find cost
// of the BST, compare the cost with min and update min if needed
for (int r = i; r <= j; ++r)
int cost = optCost(freq, i, r-1) + optCost(freq, r+1, j);
if (cost < min)
min = cost;
// Return minimum value
return min + fsum;
Secondly, this solution will just return the optimal cost. Any suggestions regarding how to get the actual bst ?
Why we need sum of frequencies
The idea behind sum of frequencies is to correctly calculate cost of particular tree. It behaves like accumulator value to store tree weight.
Imagine that on first level of recursion we start with all keys located on first level of the tree (we haven't picked any root element yet). Remember the weight function - it sums over all node weights multiplied by node level. For now weight of our tree equals to sum of weights of all keys because any of our keys can be located on any level (starting from first) and anyway we will have at least one weight for each key in our result.
1) Suppose that we found optimal root key, say key r. Next we move all our keys except r one level down because each of the elements left can be located at most on second level (first level is already occupied). Because of that we add weight of each key left to our sum because anyway for all of them we will have at least double weight. Keys left we split in two sub arrays according to r element(to the left from r and to the right) which we selected before.
2) Next step is to select optimal keys for second level, one from each of two sub arrays left from first step. After doing that we again move all keys left one level down and add their weights to the sum because they will be located at least on third level so we will have at least triple weight for each of them.
3) And so on.
I hope this explanation will give you some understanding of why we need this sum of frequencies.
Finding optimal bst
As author mentioned at the end of the article
2) In the above solutions, we have computed optimal cost only. The
solutions can be easily modified to store the structure of BSTs also.
We can create another auxiliary array of size n to store the structure
of tree. All we need to do is, store the chosen ‘r’ in the innermost
We can do just that. Below you will find my implementation.
Some notes about it:
1) I was forced to replace int[n][n] with utility class Matrix because I used Visual C++ and it does not support non-compile time constant expression as array size.
2) I used second implementation of the algorithm from article which you provided (with memorization) because it is much easier to add functionality to store optimal bst to it.
3) Author has mistake in his code:
Second loop for (int i=0; i<=n-L+1; i++) should have n-L as upper bound not n-L+1.
4) The way we store optimal bst is as follows:
For each pair i, j we store optimal key index. This is the same as for optimal cost but instead of storing optimal cost we store optimal key index. For example for 0, n-1 we will have index of the root key r of our result tree. Next we split our array in two according to root element index r and get their optimal key indexes. We can dot that by accessing matrix elements 0, r-1 and r+1, n-1. And so forth. Utility function 'PrintResultTree' uses this approach and prints result tree in in-order (left subtree, node, right subtree). So you basically get ordered list because it is binary search tree.
5) Please don't flame me for my code - I'm not really a c++ programmer. :)
int optimalSearchTree(int keys[], int freq[], int n, Matrix& optimalKeyIndexes)
/* Create an auxiliary 2D matrix to store results of subproblems */
Matrix cost(n,n);
optimalKeyIndexes = Matrix(n, n);
/* cost[i][j] = Optimal cost of binary search tree that can be
formed from keys[i] to keys[j].
cost[0][n-1] will store the resultant cost */
// For a single key, cost is equal to frequency of the key
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cost.SetCell(i, i, freq[i]);
// Now we need to consider chains of length 2, 3, ... .
// L is chain length.
for (int L = 2; L <= n; L++)
// i is row number in cost[][]
for (int i = 0; i <= n - L; i++)
// Get column number j from row number i and chain length L
int j = i + L - 1;
cost.SetCell(i, j, INT_MAX);
// Try making all keys in interval keys[i..j] as root
for (int r = i; r <= j; r++)
// c = cost when keys[r] becomes root of this subtree
int c = ((r > i) ? cost.GetCell(i, r - 1) : 0) +
((r < j) ? cost.GetCell(r + 1, j) : 0) +
sum(freq, i, j);
if (c < cost.GetCell(i, j))
cost.SetCell(i, j, c);
optimalKeyIndexes.SetCell(i, j, r);
return cost.GetCell(0, n - 1);
Below is utility class Matrix:
class Matrix
int rowCount;
int columnCount;
std::vector<int> cells;
Matrix(int rows, int columns)
rowCount = rows;
columnCount = columns;
cells = std::vector<int>(rows * columns);
int GetCell(int rowNum, int columnNum)
return cells[columnNum + rowNum * columnCount];
void SetCell(int rowNum, int columnNum, int value)
cells[columnNum + rowNum * columnCount] = value;
And main method with utility function to print result tree in in-order:
//Print result tree in in-order
void PrintResultTree(
Matrix& optimalKeyIndexes,
int startIndex,
int endIndex,
int* keys)
if (startIndex == endIndex)
printf("%d\n", keys[startIndex]);
else if (startIndex > endIndex)
int currentOptimalKeyIndex = optimalKeyIndexes.GetCell(startIndex, endIndex);
PrintResultTree(optimalKeyIndexes, startIndex, currentOptimalKeyIndex - 1, keys);
printf("%d\n", keys[currentOptimalKeyIndex]);
PrintResultTree(optimalKeyIndexes, currentOptimalKeyIndex + 1, endIndex, keys);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int keys[] = { 10, 12, 20 };
int freq[] = { 34, 8, 50 };
int n = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]);
Matrix optimalKeyIndexes;
printf("Cost of Optimal BST is %d \n", optimalSearchTree(keys, freq, n, optimalKeyIndexes));
PrintResultTree(optimalKeyIndexes, 0, n - 1, keys);
return 0;
Below you can find code to create simple tree like structure.
Here is utility TreeNode class
struct TreeNode
int Key;
TreeNode* Left;
TreeNode* Right;
Updated main function with BuildResultTree function
void BuildResultTree(Matrix& optimalKeyIndexes,
int startIndex,
int endIndex,
int* keys,
TreeNode*& tree)
if (startIndex > endIndex)
tree = new TreeNode();
tree->Left = NULL;
tree->Right = NULL;
if (startIndex == endIndex)
tree->Key = keys[startIndex];
int currentOptimalKeyIndex = optimalKeyIndexes.GetCell(startIndex, endIndex);
tree->Key = keys[currentOptimalKeyIndex];
BuildResultTree(optimalKeyIndexes, startIndex, currentOptimalKeyIndex - 1, keys, tree->Left);
BuildResultTree(optimalKeyIndexes, currentOptimalKeyIndex + 1, endIndex, keys, tree->Right);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int keys[] = { 10, 12, 20 };
int freq[] = { 34, 8, 50 };
int n = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]);
Matrix optimalKeyIndexes;
printf("Cost of Optimal BST is %d \n", optimalSearchTree(keys, freq, n, optimalKeyIndexes));
PrintResultTree(optimalKeyIndexes, 0, n - 1, keys);
TreeNode* tree = new TreeNode();
BuildResultTree(optimalKeyIndexes, 0, n - 1, keys, tree);
return 0;

How to find the kth largest element in an unsorted array of length n in O(n)?

I believe there's a way to find the kth largest element in an unsorted array of length n in O(n). Or perhaps it's "expected" O(n) or something. How can we do this?
This is called finding the k-th order statistic. There's a very simple randomized algorithm (called quickselect) taking O(n) average time, O(n^2) worst case time, and a pretty complicated non-randomized algorithm (called introselect) taking O(n) worst case time. There's some info on Wikipedia, but it's not very good.
Everything you need is in these powerpoint slides. Just to extract the basic algorithm of the O(n) worst-case algorithm (introselect):
Divide input into ⌈n/5⌉ groups of size 5.
/* Partition on median-of-medians */
medians = array of each group’s median.
pivot = Select(medians, ⌈n/5⌉, ⌈n/10⌉)
Left Array L and Right Array G = partition(A, pivot)
/* Find ith element in L, pivot, or G */
k = |L| + 1
If i = k, return pivot
If i < k, return Select(L, k-1, i)
If i > k, return Select(G, n-k, i-k)
It's also very nicely detailed in the Introduction to Algorithms book by Cormen et al.
If you want a true O(n) algorithm, as opposed to O(kn) or something like that, then you should use quickselect (it's basically quicksort where you throw out the partition that you're not interested in). My prof has a great writeup, with the runtime analysis: (reference)
The QuickSelect algorithm quickly finds the k-th smallest element of an unsorted array of n elements. It is a RandomizedAlgorithm, so we compute the worst-case expected running time.
Here is the algorithm.
QuickSelect(A, k)
let r be chosen uniformly at random in the range 1 to length(A)
let pivot = A[r]
let A1, A2 be new arrays
# split into a pile A1 of small elements and A2 of big elements
for i = 1 to n
if A[i] < pivot then
append A[i] to A1
else if A[i] > pivot then
append A[i] to A2
# do nothing
end for
if k <= length(A1):
# it's in the pile of small elements
return QuickSelect(A1, k)
else if k > length(A) - length(A2)
# it's in the pile of big elements
return QuickSelect(A2, k - (length(A) - length(A2))
# it's equal to the pivot
return pivot
What is the running time of this algorithm? If the adversary flips coins for us, we may find that the pivot is always the largest element and k is always 1, giving a running time of
T(n) = Theta(n) + T(n-1) = Theta(n2)
But if the choices are indeed random, the expected running time is given by
T(n) <= Theta(n) + (1/n) ∑i=1 to nT(max(i, n-i-1))
where we are making the not entirely reasonable assumption that the recursion always lands in the larger of A1 or A2.
Let's guess that T(n) <= an for some a. Then we get
<= cn + (1/n) ∑i=1 to nT(max(i-1, n-i))
= cn + (1/n) ∑i=1 to floor(n/2) T(n-i) + (1/n) ∑i=floor(n/2)+1 to n T(i)
<= cn + 2 (1/n) ∑i=floor(n/2) to n T(i)
<= cn + 2 (1/n) ∑i=floor(n/2) to n ai
and now somehow we have to get the horrendous sum on the right of the plus sign to absorb the cn on the left. If we just bound it as 2(1/n) ∑i=n/2 to n an, we get roughly 2(1/n)(n/2)an = an. But this is too big - there's no room to squeeze in an extra cn. So let's expand the sum using the arithmetic series formula:
∑i=floor(n/2) to n i
= ∑i=1 to n i - ∑i=1 to floor(n/2) i
= n(n+1)/2 - floor(n/2)(floor(n/2)+1)/2
<= n2/2 - (n/4)2/2
= (15/32)n2
where we take advantage of n being "sufficiently large" to replace the ugly floor(n/2) factors with the much cleaner (and smaller) n/4. Now we can continue with
cn + 2 (1/n) ∑i=floor(n/2) to n ai,
<= cn + (2a/n) (15/32) n2
= n (c + (15/16)a)
<= an
provided a > 16c.
This gives T(n) = O(n). It's clearly Omega(n), so we get T(n) = Theta(n).
A quick Google on that ('kth largest element array') returned this: http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?interview.11.509587.17
"Make one pass through tracking the three largest values so far."
(it was specifically for 3d largest)
and this answer:
Build a heap/priority queue. O(n)
Pop top element. O(log n)
Pop top element. O(log n)
Pop top element. O(log n)
Total = O(n) + 3 O(log n) = O(n)
You do like quicksort. Pick an element at random and shove everything either higher or lower. At this point you'll know which element you actually picked, and if it is the kth element you're done, otherwise you repeat with the bin (higher or lower), that the kth element would fall in. Statistically speaking, the time it takes to find the kth element grows with n, O(n).
A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis gives a version that is O(n), although the author states that the constant factor is so high, you'd probably prefer the naive sort-the-list-then-select method.
I answered the letter of your question :)
The C++ standard library has almost exactly that function call nth_element, although it does modify your data. It has expected linear run-time, O(N), and it also does a partial sort.
const int N = ...;
double a[N];
// ...
const int m = ...; // m < N
nth_element (a, a + m, a + N);
// a[m] contains the mth element in a
You can do it in O(n + kn) = O(n) (for constant k) for time and O(k) for space, by keeping track of the k largest elements you've seen.
For each element in the array you can scan the list of k largest and replace the smallest element with the new one if it is bigger.
Warren's priority heap solution is neater though.
Although not very sure about O(n) complexity, but it will be sure to be between O(n) and nLog(n). Also sure to be closer to O(n) than nLog(n). Function is written in Java
public int quickSelect(ArrayList<Integer>list, int nthSmallest){
//Choose random number in range of 0 to array length
Random random = new Random();
//This will give random number which is not greater than length - 1
int pivotIndex = random.nextInt(list.size() - 1);
int pivot = list.get(pivotIndex);
ArrayList<Integer> smallerNumberList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> greaterNumberList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//Split list into two.
//Value smaller than pivot should go to smallerNumberList
//Value greater than pivot should go to greaterNumberList
//Do nothing for value which is equal to pivot
for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){
else if(list.get(i)>pivot){
//Do nothing
//If smallerNumberList size is greater than nthSmallest value, nthSmallest number must be in this list
if(nthSmallest < smallerNumberList.size()){
return quickSelect(smallerNumberList, nthSmallest);
//If nthSmallest is greater than [ list.size() - greaterNumberList.size() ], nthSmallest number must be in this list
//The step is bit tricky. If confusing, please see the above loop once again for clarification.
else if(nthSmallest > (list.size() - greaterNumberList.size())){
//nthSmallest will have to be changed here. [ list.size() - greaterNumberList.size() ] elements are already in
nthSmallest = nthSmallest - (list.size() - greaterNumberList.size());
return quickSelect(greaterNumberList,nthSmallest);
return pivot;
I implemented finding kth minimimum in n unsorted elements using dynamic programming, specifically tournament method. The execution time is O(n + klog(n)). The mechanism used is listed as one of methods on Wikipedia page about Selection Algorithm (as indicated in one of the posting above). You can read about the algorithm and also find code (java) on my blog page Finding Kth Minimum. In addition the logic can do partial ordering of the list - return first K min (or max) in O(klog(n)) time.
Though the code provided result kth minimum, similar logic can be employed to find kth maximum in O(klog(n)), ignoring the pre-work done to create tournament tree.
Sexy quickselect in Python
def quickselect(arr, k):
k = 1 returns first element in ascending order.
can be easily modified to return first element in descending order
r = random.randrange(0, len(arr))
a1 = [i for i in arr if i < arr[r]] '''partition'''
a2 = [i for i in arr if i > arr[r]]
if k <= len(a1):
return quickselect(a1, k)
elif k > len(arr)-len(a2):
return quickselect(a2, k - (len(arr) - len(a2)))
return arr[r]
As per this paper Finding the Kth largest item in a list of n items the following algorithm will take O(n) time in worst case.
Divide the array in to n/5 lists of 5 elements each.
Find the median in each sub array of 5 elements.
Recursively find the median of all the medians, lets call it M
Partition the array in to two sub array 1st sub-array contains the elements larger than M , lets say this sub-array is a1 , while other sub-array contains the elements smaller then M., lets call this sub-array a2.
If k <= |a1|, return selection (a1,k).
If k− 1 = |a1|, return M.
If k> |a1| + 1, return selection(a2,k −a1 − 1).
Analysis: As suggested in the original paper:
We use the median to partition the list into two halves(the first half,
if k <= n/2 , and the second half otherwise). This algorithm takes
time cn at the first level of recursion for some constant c, cn/2 at
the next level (since we recurse in a list of size n/2), cn/4 at the
third level, and so on. The total time taken is cn + cn/2 + cn/4 +
.... = 2cn = o(n).
Why partition size is taken 5 and not 3?
As mentioned in original paper:
Dividing the list by 5 assures a worst-case split of 70 − 30. Atleast
half of the medians greater than the median-of-medians, hence atleast
half of the n/5 blocks have atleast 3 elements and this gives a
3n/10 split, which means the other partition is 7n/10 in worst case.
That gives T(n) = T(n/5)+T(7n/10)+O(n). Since n/5+7n/10 < 1, the
worst-case running time isO(n).
Now I have tried to implement the above algorithm as:
public static int findKthLargestUsingMedian(Integer[] array, int k) {
// Step 1: Divide the list into n/5 lists of 5 element each.
int noOfRequiredLists = (int) Math.ceil(array.length / 5.0);
// Step 2: Find pivotal element aka median of medians.
int medianOfMedian = findMedianOfMedians(array, noOfRequiredLists);
//Now we need two lists split using medianOfMedian as pivot. All elements in list listOne will be grater than medianOfMedian and listTwo will have elements lesser than medianOfMedian.
List<Integer> listWithGreaterNumbers = new ArrayList<>(); // elements greater than medianOfMedian
List<Integer> listWithSmallerNumbers = new ArrayList<>(); // elements less than medianOfMedian
for (Integer element : array) {
if (element < medianOfMedian) {
} else if (element > medianOfMedian) {
// Next step.
if (k <= listWithGreaterNumbers.size()) return findKthLargestUsingMedian((Integer[]) listWithGreaterNumbers.toArray(new Integer[listWithGreaterNumbers.size()]), k);
else if ((k - 1) == listWithGreaterNumbers.size()) return medianOfMedian;
else if (k > (listWithGreaterNumbers.size() + 1)) return findKthLargestUsingMedian((Integer[]) listWithSmallerNumbers.toArray(new Integer[listWithSmallerNumbers.size()]), k-listWithGreaterNumbers.size()-1);
return -1;
public static int findMedianOfMedians(Integer[] mainList, int noOfRequiredLists) {
int[] medians = new int[noOfRequiredLists];
for (int count = 0; count < noOfRequiredLists; count++) {
int startOfPartialArray = 5 * count;
int endOfPartialArray = startOfPartialArray + 5;
Integer[] partialArray = Arrays.copyOfRange((Integer[]) mainList, startOfPartialArray, endOfPartialArray);
// Step 2: Find median of each of these sublists.
int medianIndex = partialArray.length/2;
medians[count] = partialArray[medianIndex];
// Step 3: Find median of the medians.
return medians[medians.length / 2];
Just for sake of completion, another algorithm makes use of Priority Queue and takes time O(nlogn).
public static int findKthLargestUsingPriorityQueue(Integer[] nums, int k) {
int p = 0;
int numElements = nums.length;
// create priority queue where all the elements of nums will be stored
PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<Integer>();
// place all the elements of the array to this priority queue
for (int n : nums) {
// extract the kth largest element
while (numElements - k + 1 > 0) {
p = pq.poll();
return p;
Both of these algorithms can be tested as:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Integer[] numbers = new Integer[]{2, 3, 5, 4, 1, 12, 11, 13, 16, 7, 8, 6, 10, 9, 17, 15, 19, 20, 18, 23, 21, 22, 25, 24, 14};
System.out.println(findKthLargestUsingMedian(numbers, 8));
System.out.println(findKthLargestUsingPriorityQueue(numbers, 8));
As expected output is:
Find the median of the array in linear time, then use partition procedure exactly as in quicksort to divide the array in two parts, values to the left of the median lesser( < ) than than median and to the right greater than ( > ) median, that too can be done in lineat time, now, go to that part of the array where kth element lies,
Now recurrence becomes:
T(n) = T(n/2) + cn
which gives me O (n) overal.
Below is the link to full implementation with quite an extensive explanation how the algorithm for finding Kth element in an unsorted algorithm works. Basic idea is to partition the array like in QuickSort. But in order to avoid extreme cases (e.g. when smallest element is chosen as pivot in every step, so that algorithm degenerates into O(n^2) running time), special pivot selection is applied, called median-of-medians algorithm. The whole solution runs in O(n) time in worst and in average case.
Here is link to the full article (it is about finding Kth smallest element, but the principle is the same for finding Kth largest):
Finding Kth Smallest Element in an Unsorted Array
How about this kinda approach
Maintain a buffer of length k and a tmp_max, getting tmp_max is O(k) and is done n times so something like O(kn)
Is it right or am i missing something ?
Although it doesn't beat average case of quickselect and worst case of median statistics method but its pretty easy to understand and implement.
There is also one algorithm, that outperforms quickselect algorithm. It's called Floyd-Rivets (FR) algorithm.
Original article: https://doi.org/10.1145/360680.360694
Downloadable version: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Wikipedia article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd%E2%80%93Rivest_algorithm
I tried to implement quickselect and FR algorithm in C++. Also I compared them to the standard C++ library implementations std::nth_element (which is basically introselect hybrid of quickselect and heapselect). The result was quickselect and nth_element ran comparably on average, but FR algorithm ran approx. twice as fast compared to them.
Sample code that I used for FR algorithm:
template <typename T>
T FRselect(std::vector<T>& data, const size_t& n)
if (n == 0)
return *(std::min_element(data.begin(), data.end()));
else if (n == data.size() - 1)
return *(std::max_element(data.begin(), data.end()));
return _FRselect(data, 0, data.size() - 1, n);
template <typename T>
T _FRselect(std::vector<T>& data, const size_t& left, const size_t& right, const size_t& n)
size_t leftIdx = left;
size_t rightIdx = right;
while (rightIdx > leftIdx)
if (rightIdx - leftIdx > 600)
size_t range = rightIdx - leftIdx + 1;
long long i = n - (long long)leftIdx + 1;
long long z = log(range);
long long s = 0.5 * exp(2 * z / 3);
long long sd = 0.5 * sqrt(z * s * (range - s) / range) * sgn(i - (long long)range / 2);
size_t newLeft = fmax(leftIdx, n - i * s / range + sd);
size_t newRight = fmin(rightIdx, n + (range - i) * s / range + sd);
_FRselect(data, newLeft, newRight, n);
T t = data[n];
size_t i = leftIdx;
size_t j = rightIdx;
// arrange pivot and right index
std::swap(data[leftIdx], data[n]);
if (data[rightIdx] > t)
std::swap(data[rightIdx], data[leftIdx]);
while (i < j)
std::swap(data[i], data[j]);
++i; --j;
while (data[i] < t) ++i;
while (data[j] > t) --j;
if (data[leftIdx] == t)
std::swap(data[leftIdx], data[j]);
std::swap(data[j], data[rightIdx]);
// adjust left and right towards the boundaries of the subset
// containing the (k - left + 1)th smallest element
if (j <= n)
leftIdx = j + 1;
if (n <= j)
rightIdx = j - 1;
return data[leftIdx];
template <typename T>
int sgn(T val) {
return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0));
iterate through the list. if the current value is larger than the stored largest value, store it as the largest value and bump the 1-4 down and 5 drops off the list. If not,compare it to number 2 and do the same thing. Repeat, checking it against all 5 stored values. this should do it in O(n)
i would like to suggest one answer
if we take the first k elements and sort them into a linked list of k values
now for every other value even for the worst case if we do insertion sort for rest n-k values even in the worst case number of comparisons will be k*(n-k) and for prev k values to be sorted let it be k*(k-1) so it comes out to be (nk-k) which is o(n)
Explanation of the median - of - medians algorithm to find the k-th largest integer out of n can be found here:
Implementation in c++ is below:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int findMedian(vector<int> vec){
// Find median of a vector
int median;
size_t size = vec.size();
median = vec[(size/2)];
return median;
int findMedianOfMedians(vector<vector<int> > values){
vector<int> medians;
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
int m = findMedian(values[i]);
return findMedian(medians);
void selectionByMedianOfMedians(const vector<int> values, int k){
// Divide the list into n/5 lists of 5 elements each
vector<vector<int> > vec2D;
int count = 0;
while (count != values.size()) {
int countRow = 0;
vector<int> row;
while ((countRow < 5) && (count < values.size())) {
cout<<endl<<endl<<"Printing 2D vector : "<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i < vec2D.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < vec2D[i].size(); j++) {
cout<<vec2D[i][j]<<" ";
// Calculating a new pivot for making splits
int m = findMedianOfMedians(vec2D);
cout<<"Median of medians is : "<<m<<endl;
// Partition the list into unique elements larger than 'm' (call this sublist L1) and
// those smaller them 'm' (call this sublist L2)
vector<int> L1, L2;
for (int i = 0; i < vec2D.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < vec2D[i].size(); j++) {
if (vec2D[i][j] > m) {
}else if (vec2D[i][j] < m){
// Checking the splits as per the new pivot 'm'
cout<<endl<<"Printing L1 : "<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i < L1.size(); i++) {
cout<<L1[i]<<" ";
cout<<endl<<endl<<"Printing L2 : "<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i < L2.size(); i++) {
cout<<L2[i]<<" ";
// Recursive calls
if ((k - 1) == L1.size()) {
cout<<endl<<endl<<"Answer :"<<m;
}else if (k <= L1.size()) {
return selectionByMedianOfMedians(L1, k);
}else if (k > (L1.size() + 1)){
return selectionByMedianOfMedians(L2, k-((int)L1.size())-1);
int main()
int values[] = {2, 3, 5, 4, 1, 12, 11, 13, 16, 7, 8, 6, 10, 9, 17, 15, 19, 20, 18, 23, 21, 22, 25, 24, 14};
vector<int> vec(values, values + 25);
cout<<"The given array is : "<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
cout<<vec[i]<<" ";
selectionByMedianOfMedians(vec, 8);
return 0;
There is also Wirth's selection algorithm, which has a simpler implementation than QuickSelect. Wirth's selection algorithm is slower than QuickSelect, but with some improvements it becomes faster.
In more detail. Using Vladimir Zabrodsky's MODIFIND optimization and the median-of-3 pivot selection and paying some attention to the final steps of the partitioning part of the algorithm, i've came up with the following algorithm (imaginably named "LefSelect"):
#define F_SWAP(a,b) { float temp=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=temp; }
# Note: The code needs more than 2 elements to work
float lefselect(float a[], const int n, const int k) {
int l=0, m = n-1, i=l, j=m;
float x;
while (l<m) {
if( a[k] < a[i] ) F_SWAP(a[i],a[k]);
if( a[j] < a[i] ) F_SWAP(a[i],a[j]);
if( a[j] < a[k] ) F_SWAP(a[k],a[j]);
while (j>k & i<k) {
do i++; while (a[i]<x);
do j--; while (a[j]>x);
i++; j--;
if (j<k) {
while (a[i]<x) i++;
l=i; j=m;
if (k<i) {
while (x<a[j]) j--;
m=j; i=l;
return a[k];
In benchmarks that i did here, LefSelect is 20-30% faster than QuickSelect.
Haskell Solution:
kthElem index list = sort list !! index
withShape ~[] [] = []
withShape ~(x:xs) (y:ys) = x : withShape xs ys
sort [] = []
sort (x:xs) = (sort ls `withShape` ls) ++ [x] ++ (sort rs `withShape` rs)
ls = filter (< x)
rs = filter (>= x)
This implements the median of median solutions by using the withShape method to discover the size of a partition without actually computing it.
Here is a C++ implementation of Randomized QuickSelect. The idea is to randomly pick a pivot element. To implement randomized partition, we use a random function, rand() to generate index between l and r, swap the element at randomly generated index with the last element, and finally call the standard partition process which uses last element as pivot.
using namespace std;
int randomPartition(int arr[], int l, int r);
// This function returns k'th smallest element in arr[l..r] using
int kthSmallest(int arr[], int l, int r, int k)
// If k is smaller than number of elements in array
if (k > 0 && k <= r - l + 1)
// Partition the array around a random element and
// get position of pivot element in sorted array
int pos = randomPartition(arr, l, r);
// If position is same as k
if (pos-l == k-1)
return arr[pos];
if (pos-l > k-1) // If position is more, recur for left subarray
return kthSmallest(arr, l, pos-1, k);
// Else recur for right subarray
return kthSmallest(arr, pos+1, r, k-pos+l-1);
// If k is more than number of elements in array
return INT_MAX;
void swap(int *a, int *b)
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
// Standard partition process of QuickSort(). It considers the last
// element as pivot and moves all smaller element to left of it and
// greater elements to right. This function is used by randomPartition()
int partition(int arr[], int l, int r)
int x = arr[r], i = l;
for (int j = l; j <= r - 1; j++)
if (arr[j] <= x) //arr[i] is bigger than arr[j] so swap them
swap(&arr[i], &arr[j]);
swap(&arr[i], &arr[r]); // swap the pivot
return i;
// Picks a random pivot element between l and r and partitions
// arr[l..r] around the randomly picked element using partition()
int randomPartition(int arr[], int l, int r)
int n = r-l+1;
int pivot = rand() % n;
swap(&arr[l + pivot], &arr[r]);
return partition(arr, l, r);
// Driver program to test above methods
int main()
int arr[] = {12, 3, 5, 7, 4, 19, 26};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]), k = 3;
cout << "K'th smallest element is " << kthSmallest(arr, 0, n-1, k);
return 0;
The worst case time complexity of the above solution is still O(n2).In worst case, the randomized function may always pick a corner element. The expected time complexity of above randomized QuickSelect is Θ(n)
Have Priority queue created.
Insert all the elements into heap.
Call poll() k times.
public static int getKthLargestElements(int[] arr)
PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((x , y) -> (y-x));
//insert all the elements into heap
for(int ele : arr)
// call poll() k times
int i=0;
int result = pq.poll();
return result;
This is an implementation in Javascript.
If you release the constraint that you cannot modify the array, you can prevent the use of extra memory using two indexes to identify the "current partition" (in classic quicksort style - http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2012/11/27/computer-science-in-javascript-quicksort/).
function kthMax(a, k){
var size = a.length;
var pivot = a[ parseInt(Math.random()*size) ]; //Another choice could have been (size / 2)
//Create an array with all element lower than the pivot and an array with all element higher than the pivot
var i, lowerArray = [], upperArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
var current = a[i];
if (current < pivot) {
} else if (current > pivot) {
//Which one should I continue with?
if(k <= upperArray.length) {
return kthMax(upperArray, k);
} else {
var newK = k - (size - lowerArray.length);
if (newK > 0) {
return kthMax(lowerArray, newK);
} else {
//None ... it's the current pivot!
return pivot;
If you want to test how it perform, you can use this variation:
function kthMax (a, k, logging) {
var comparisonCount = 0; //Number of comparison that the algorithm uses
var memoryCount = 0; //Number of integers in memory that the algorithm uses
var _log = logging;
if(k < 0 || k >= a.length) {
if (_log) console.log ("k is out of range");
return false;
function _kthmax(a, k){
var size = a.length;
var pivot = a[parseInt(Math.random()*size)];
if(_log) console.log("Inputs:", a, "size="+size, "k="+k, "pivot="+pivot);
// This should never happen. Just a nice check in this exercise
// if you are playing with the code to avoid never ending recursion
if(typeof pivot === "undefined") {
if (_log) console.log ("Ops...");
return false;
var i, lowerArray = [], upperArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
var current = a[i];
if (current < pivot) {
comparisonCount += 1;
} else if (current > pivot) {
comparisonCount += 2;
if(_log) console.log("Pivoting:",lowerArray, "*"+pivot+"*", upperArray);
if(k <= upperArray.length) {
comparisonCount += 1;
return _kthmax(upperArray, k);
} else if (k > size - lowerArray.length) {
comparisonCount += 2;
return _kthmax(lowerArray, k - (size - lowerArray.length));
} else {
comparisonCount += 2;
return pivot;
* BTW, this is the logic for kthMin if we want to implement that... ;-)
if(k <= lowerArray.length) {
return kthMin(lowerArray, k);
} else if (k > size - upperArray.length) {
return kthMin(upperArray, k - (size - upperArray.length));
} else
return pivot;
var result = _kthmax(a, k);
return {result: result, iterations: comparisonCount, memory: memoryCount};
The rest of the code is just to create some playground:
function getRandomArray (n){
var ar = [];
for (var i = 0, l = n; i < l; i++) {
ar.push(Math.round(Math.random() * l))
return ar;
//Create a random array of 50 numbers
var ar = getRandomArray (50);
Now, run you tests a few time.
Because of the Math.random() it will produce every time different results:
kthMax(ar, 2, true);
kthMax(ar, 2);
kthMax(ar, 2);
kthMax(ar, 2);
kthMax(ar, 2);
kthMax(ar, 2);
kthMax(ar, 34, true);
kthMax(ar, 34);
kthMax(ar, 34);
kthMax(ar, 34);
kthMax(ar, 34);
kthMax(ar, 34);
If you test it a few times you can see even empirically that the number of iterations is, on average, O(n) ~= constant * n and the value of k does not affect the algorithm.
I came up with this algorithm and seems to be O(n):
Let's say k=3 and we want to find the 3rd largest item in the array. I would create three variables and compare each item of the array with the minimum of these three variables. If array item is greater than our minimum, we would replace the min variable with the item value. We continue the same thing until end of the array. The minimum of our three variables is the 3rd largest item in the array.
define variables a=0, b=0, c=0
iterate through the array items
find minimum a,b,c
if item > min then replace the min variable with item value
continue until end of array
the minimum of a,b,c is our answer
And, to find Kth largest item we need K variables.
Example: (k=3)
Final variable values:
a=7 (answer)
Can someone please review this and let me know what I am missing?
Here is the implementation of the algorithm eladv suggested(I also put here the implementation with random pivot):
public class Median {
public static void main(String[] s) {
int[] test = {4,18,20,3,7,13,5,8,2,1,15,17,25,30,16};
int n = 100000000;
int[] test = new int[n];
for(int i=0; i<test.length; i++)
test[i] = (int)(Math.random()*test.length);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
random_selectK(test, test.length/2);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(end - start);
public static int random_selectK(int[] a, int k) {
if(a.length <= 1)
return a[0];
int r = (int)(Math.random() * a.length);
int p = a[r];
int small = 0, equal = 0, big = 0;
for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
if(a[i] < p) small++;
else if(a[i] == p) equal++;
else if(a[i] > p) big++;
if(k <= small) {
int[] temp = new int[small];
for(int i=0, j=0; i<a.length; i++)
if(a[i] < p)
temp[j++] = a[i];
return random_selectK(temp, k);
else if (k <= small+equal)
return p;
else {
int[] temp = new int[big];
for(int i=0, j=0; i<a.length; i++)
if(a[i] > p)
temp[j++] = a[i];
return random_selectK(temp,k-small-equal);
public static int selectK(int[] a, int k) {
if(a.length <= 5) {
return a[k-1];
int p = median_of_medians(a);
int small = 0, equal = 0, big = 0;
for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
if(a[i] < p) small++;
else if(a[i] == p) equal++;
else if(a[i] > p) big++;
if(k <= small) {
int[] temp = new int[small];
for(int i=0, j=0; i<a.length; i++)
if(a[i] < p)
temp[j++] = a[i];
return selectK(temp, k);
else if (k <= small+equal)
return p;
else {
int[] temp = new int[big];
for(int i=0, j=0; i<a.length; i++)
if(a[i] > p)
temp[j++] = a[i];
return selectK(temp,k-small-equal);
private static int median_of_medians(int[] a) {
int[] b = new int[a.length/5];
int[] temp = new int[5];
for(int i=0; i<b.length; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<5; j++)
temp[j] = a[5*i + j];
b[i] = temp[2];
return selectK(b, b.length/2 + 1);
it is similar to the quickSort strategy, where we pick an arbitrary pivot, and bring the smaller elements to its left, and the larger to the right
public static int kthElInUnsortedList(List<int> list, int k)
if (list.Count == 1)
return list[0];
List<int> left = new List<int>();
List<int> right = new List<int>();
int pivotIndex = list.Count / 2;
int pivot = list[pivotIndex]; //arbitrary
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count && i != pivotIndex; i++)
int currentEl = list[i];
if (currentEl < pivot)
if (k == left.Count + 1)
return pivot;
if (left.Count < k)
return kthElInUnsortedList(right, k - left.Count - 1);
return kthElInUnsortedList(left, k);
Go to the End of this link : ...........
You can find the kth smallest element in O(n) time and constant space. If we consider the array is only for integers.
The approach is to do a binary search on the range of Array values. If we have a min_value and a max_value both in integer range, we can do a binary search on that range.
We can write a comparator function which will tell us if any value is the kth-smallest or smaller than kth-smallest or bigger than kth-smallest.
Do the binary search until you reach the kth-smallest number
Here is the code for that
class Solution:
def _iskthsmallest(self, A, val, k):
less_count, equal_count = 0, 0
for i in range(len(A)):
if A[i] == val: equal_count += 1
if A[i] < val: less_count += 1
if less_count >= k: return 1
if less_count + equal_count < k: return -1
return 0
def kthsmallest_binary(self, A, min_val, max_val, k):
if min_val == max_val:
return min_val
mid = (min_val + max_val)/2
iskthsmallest = self._iskthsmallest(A, mid, k)
if iskthsmallest == 0: return mid
if iskthsmallest > 0: return self.kthsmallest_binary(A, min_val, mid, k)
return self.kthsmallest_binary(A, mid+1, max_val, k)
# #param A : tuple of integers
# #param B : integer
# #return an integer
def kthsmallest(self, A, k):
if not A: return 0
if k > len(A): return 0
min_val, max_val = min(A), max(A)
return self.kthsmallest_binary(A, min_val, max_val, k)
What I would do is this:
initialize empty doubly linked list l
for each element e in array
if e larger than head(l)
make e the new head of l
if size(l) > k
remove last element from l
the last element of l should now be the kth largest element
You can simply store pointers to the first and last element in the linked list. They only change when updates to the list are made.
initialize empty sorted tree l
for each element e in array
if e between head(l) and tail(l)
insert e into l // O(log k)
if size(l) > k
remove last element from l
the last element of l should now be the kth largest element
First we can build a BST from unsorted array which takes O(n) time and from the BST we can find the kth smallest element in O(log(n)) which over all counts to an order of O(n).

Greatest linear dimension 2d set of points

Given an ordered set of 2D pixel locations (adjacent or adjacent-diagonal) that form a complete path with no repeats, how do I determine the Greatest Linear Dimension of the polygon whose perimeter is that set of pixels? (where the GLD is the greatest linear distance of any pair of points in the set)
For my purposes, the obvious O(n^2) solution is probably not fast enough for figures of thousands of points. Are there good heuristics or lookup methods that bring the time complexity nearer to O(n) or O(log(n))?
An easy way is to first find the convex hull of the points, which can be done in O(n log n) time in many ways. [I like Graham scan (see animation), but the incremental algorithm is also popular, as are others, although some take more time.]
Then you can find the farthest pair (the diameter) by starting with any two points (say x and y) on the convex hull, moving y clockwise until it is furthest from x, then moving x, moving y again, etc. You can prove that this whole thing takes only O(n) time (amortized). So it's O(n log n)+O(n)=O(n log n) in all, and possibly O(nh) if you use gift-wrapping as your convex hull algorithm instead. This idea is called rotating calipers, as you mentioned.
Here is code by David Eppstein (computational geometry researcher; see also his Python Algorithms and Data Structures for future reference).
All this is not very hard to code (should be a hundred lines at most; is less than 50 in the Python code above), but before you do that -- you should first consider whether you really need it. If, as you say, you have only "thousands of points", then the trivial O(n^2) algorithm (that compares all pairs) will be run in less than a second in any reasonable programming language. Even with a million points it shouldn't take more than an hour. :-)
You should pick the simplest algorithm that works.
On this page:
it shows that you can determine the maximum diameter of a convex polygon in O(n). I just need to turn my point set into a convex polygon first (probably using Graham scan).
Here is some C# code I came across for computing the convex hull:
I ported the Python code to C#. It seems to work.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
// Based on code here:
// http://code.activestate.com/recipes/117225/
// Jared Updike ported it to C# 3 December 2008
public class Convexhull
// given a polygon formed by pts, return the subset of those points
// that form the convex hull of the polygon
// for integer Point structs, not float/PointF
public static Point[] ConvexHull(Point[] pts)
PointF[] mpts = FromPoints(pts);
PointF[] result = ConvexHull(mpts);
int n = result.Length;
Point[] ret = new Point[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
ret[i] = new Point((int)result[i].X, (int)result[i].Y);
return ret;
// given a polygon formed by pts, return the subset of those points
// that form the convex hull of the polygon
public static PointF[] ConvexHull(PointF[] pts)
PointF[][] l_u = ConvexHull_LU(pts);
PointF[] lower = l_u[0];
PointF[] upper = l_u[1];
// Join the lower and upper hull
int nl = lower.Length;
int nu = upper.Length;
PointF[] result = new PointF[nl + nu];
for (int i = 0; i < nl; i++)
result[i] = lower[i];
for (int i = 0; i < nu; i++)
result[i + nl] = upper[i];
return result;
// returns the two points that form the diameter of the polygon formed by points pts
// takes and returns integer Point structs, not PointF
public static Point[] Diameter(Point[] pts)
PointF[] fpts = FromPoints(pts);
PointF[] maxPair = Diameter(fpts);
return new Point[] { new Point((int)maxPair[0].X, (int)maxPair[0].Y), new Point((int)maxPair[1].X, (int)maxPair[1].Y) };
// returns the two points that form the diameter of the polygon formed by points pts
public static PointF[] Diameter(PointF[] pts)
IEnumerable<Pair> pairs = RotatingCalipers(pts);
double max2 = Double.NegativeInfinity;
Pair maxPair = null;
foreach (Pair pair in pairs)
PointF p = pair.a;
PointF q = pair.b;
double dx = p.X - q.X;
double dy = p.Y - q.Y;
double dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (dist2 > max2)
maxPair = pair;
max2 = dist2;
// return Math.Sqrt(max2);
return new PointF[] { maxPair.a, maxPair.b };
private static PointF[] FromPoints(Point[] pts)
int n = pts.Length;
PointF[] mpts = new PointF[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
mpts[i] = new PointF(pts[i].X, pts[i].Y);
return mpts;
private static double Orientation(PointF p, PointF q, PointF r)
return (q.Y - p.Y) * (r.X - p.X) - (q.X - p.X) * (r.Y - p.Y);
private static void Pop<T>(List<T> l)
int n = l.Count;
l.RemoveAt(n - 1);
private static T At<T>(List<T> l, int index)
int n = l.Count;
if (index < 0)
return l[n + index];
return l[index];
private static PointF[][] ConvexHull_LU(PointF[] arr_pts)
List<PointF> u = new List<PointF>();
List<PointF> l = new List<PointF>();
List<PointF> pts = new List<PointF>(arr_pts.Length);
foreach (PointF p in pts)
while (u.Count > 1 && Orientation(At(u, -2), At(u, -1), p) <= 0) Pop(u);
while (l.Count > 1 && Orientation(At(l, -2), At(l, -1), p) >= 0) Pop(l);
return new PointF[][] { l.ToArray(), u.ToArray() };
private class Pair
public PointF a, b;
public Pair(PointF a, PointF b)
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
private static IEnumerable<Pair> RotatingCalipers(PointF[] pts)
PointF[][] l_u = ConvexHull_LU(pts);
PointF[] lower = l_u[0];
PointF[] upper = l_u[1];
int i = 0;
int j = lower.Length - 1;
while (i < upper.Length - 1 || j > 0)
yield return new Pair(upper[i], lower[j]);
if (i == upper.Length - 1) j--;
else if (j == 0) i += 1;
else if ((upper[i + 1].Y - upper[i].Y) * (lower[j].X - lower[j - 1].X) >
(lower[j].Y - lower[j - 1].Y) * (upper[i + 1].X - upper[i].X))
private static int Compare(PointF a, PointF b)
if (a.X < b.X)
return -1;
else if (a.X == b.X)
if (a.Y < b.Y)
return -1;
else if (a.Y == b.Y)
return 0;
return 1;
You could maybe draw a circle that was bigger than the polygon and slowly shrink it, checking if youve intersected any points yet. Then your diameter is the number youre looking for.
Not sure if this is a good method, it sounds somewhere between O(n) and O(n^2)
My off-the-cuff solution is to try a binary partitioning approach, where you draw a line somwwhere in the middle and check distances of all points from the middle of that line.
That would provide you with 2 Presumably Very Far points. Then check the distance of those two and repeat the above distance check. Repeat this process for a while.
My gut says this is an n log n heuristic that will get you Pretty Close.
