How do you register a custom Win+V hotkey on Windows 8? - winapi

It was possible to register the Win+V hotkey on versions of Windows prior to Windows 8. An example application using this combination is PureText.
With the Windows 8 Release Preview I've noticed that Windows 8 has taken control of a lot of hotkeys involving Windows key, but Win+V doesn't appear to be used. The following code will allow me to register a hotkey for Win+CTRL+V:
#include <Windows.h>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
if (RegisterHotKey(
0x56)) // 0x56 is 'v'
_tprintf(_T("Hotkey 'CTRL+WIN+V' registered, using MOD_NOREPEAT flag\n"));
MSG msg = {0};
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) != 0)
if (msg.message == WM_HOTKEY)
_tprintf(_T("WM_HOTKEY received\n"));
return 0;
If I modify it to register just Win+V then it'll fail to register:
if (RegisterHotKey(
0x56)) // 0x56 is 'v'
_tprintf(_T("Hotkey 'WIN+V' registered, using MOD_NOREPEAT flag\n"));
Is there a way to force registration of the Windows+V hotkey? I assume that there might be a way to do this with Win32 API hooking but it has been a while since I've looked at that. More easily supported options for achieving this would be appreciated.

The RegisterHotKey function has always reserved the Windows key for the system. The documentation even indicates such:
MOD_WIN 0x0008
Either WINDOWS key was held down. These keys are labeled with the Windows logo. Keyboard shortcuts that involve the WINDOWS key are reserved for use by the operating system.
You should choose a different [set of] modifier key[s] when registering your own non-system hotkey.
Besides, as others have mentioned, the +V keyboard shortcut is already in use. And RegisterHotKey fails when you try to register a hot key that is already registered.
Lots of Win32 functions set an error code that indicates what exactly went wrong when they don't work. If the documentation indicates as much, you can call the GetLastError function to determine what that error code was. That will give you a lot more information to help in debugging the problem.

Here is the full list of Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts in pdf or xps. Win+V is already in use; it cycles through notifications. Sticking with Win+CTRL+V is probably your best option.

Use PlainTexter... it uses a global keyboard hook. {Works on my machine}


GetAsyncKeyState from windows.h

I will use the following code to explain my question:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
bool toggle = 0;
while (1)
if (GetAsyncKeyState('C') & 0x8000)
toggle = !toggle;
if (toggle) std::cout << "Pressed\n";
else std::cout << "Not pressed\n";
Testing, I see that
(GetAsyncKeyState('C') & 0x8000) // 0x8000 to see if the most significant bit is 1
has the same behavior as
However, to achieve the behavior I want, which is the way any text input out there works (it waits like 1 second, and if you are still pressing the button, it starts spamming in a certain rate), I need to write
(GetAsyncKeyState('C') & 1)
The documentation says
The behavior of the least significant bit of the return value is retained strictly for compatibility with 16-bit Windows applications (which are non-preemptive) and should not be relied upon.
Can someone clarify this please?
MSDN tells you why on the same page you linked to!
Although the least significant bit of the return value indicates whether the key has been pressed since the last query, due to the pre-emptive multitasking nature of Windows, another application can call GetAsyncKeyState and receive the "recently pressed" bit instead of your application. The behavior of the least significant bit of the return value is retained strictly for compatibility with 16-bit Windows applications (which are non-preemptive) and should not be relied upon.
GetAsyncKeyState gives you "the interrupt-level state associated with the hardware" and is probably shared by all processes in the window station/session.
The low bit might be connected to the keyboard key repeat delay you can set in Control Panel, but it does not really matter because MSDN tells you to not look at that bit.
GetAsyncKeyState is usually not the correct way to process keyboard input. Console applications should read stdin, or use the console API. GUI applications should use the WM_CHAR/WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP window messages.

CreateFileA fails to open HID device in Windows

EDIT: Issue reported here:
Inkling is a pen-device from Wacom. (InklingReader) is an open source project that gets real-time data from it.
I'm trying to tidy up InklingReader to use HIDAPI rather than libusb (as it works at higher level: HID rather than raw USB, so is much more compact & suitable. Also libusb fails on recent OSX).
HID API a small lib: one .h, one (per-platform) .c.
My code looks like this:
unsigned short inklingVendorId = 0x056a, inklingProductId = 0x0221;
if (hid_init() == FAIL) return;
handle = hid_open(inklingVendorId, inklingProductId, nullptr);
On Windows hid_open fails. Single stepping reveals the fail-point here:
// path = "\\\\?\\hid#vid_056a&pid_0221&mi_00&col01#8&1ea90857&0&0000#"
// "{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"
static HANDLE open_device(const char *path, BOOL enumerate)
HANDLE handle;
DWORD desired_access = (enumerate)? 0: (GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ);
// enumerate = 0
handle = CreateFileA(path,
int err = GetLastError(); // 5 i.e. ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
return handle; // returns 0xffffffff i.e. INVALID_HANDLE
Now the HIDAPI author says "HIDAPI won't work with keyboards and mice on Windows. Windows as a security measure doesn't allow the opening of Mouse and Keyboard HIDs." (here)
And if I enumerate HID devices:
struct hid_device_info *devs, *cur_dev;
devs = hid_enumerate(inklingVendorId, inklingProductId);
cur_dev = devs;
while (cur_dev) {
DBG2("Device Found\n type: %04hx %04hx\n path: %s\n serial_number: %ls", cur_dev->vendor_id, cur_dev->product_id, cur_dev->path, cur_dev->serial_number);
DBG2(" Manufacturer: %ls", cur_dev->manufacturer_string);
DBG2(" Product: %ls", cur_dev->product_string);
DBG2(" Release: %hx", cur_dev->release_number);
DBG2(" Interface: %d", cur_dev->interface_number);
DBG2(" Usage Page: %d", cur_dev->usage_page);
DBG2(" Usage: %d", cur_dev->usage);
cur_dev = cur_dev->next;
... I get not one but TWO entries:
Device Found
type: 056a 0221
path: \\?\hid#vid_056a&pid_0221&mi_00&col01#8&1ea90857&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
serial_number: 2B0400001C90C22A0002DD07FE8B022A
Manufacturer: Wacom, Inc.
Product: MSC Device
Release: 1256
Interface: 0
Usage Page: 1
Usage: 2
Device Found
type: 056a 0221
path: \\?\hid#vid_056a&pid_0221&mi_00&col02#8&1ea90857&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
serial_number: 2B0400001C90C22A0002DD07FE8B022A
Manufacturer: Wacom, Inc.
Product: MSC Device
Release: 1256
Interface: 0
Usage Page: 13
Usage: 2
(Note: OSX only reports the SECOND entry! On OSX there is no problem!)
Comparing path:
path: \?\hid#vid_056a&pid_0221&mi_00&col01#8&1ea90857&0&0000#...
path: \?\hid#vid_056a&pid_0221&mi_00&col02#8&1ea90857&0&0001#...
As per,
UsagePage/Usage = 1/2 = {Generic Desktop Controls}/{Mouse}.
UsagePage/Usage = 13/2 = {Digitizers}/{Pen}.
(EDIT: Sometimes the first path is the 1/2 and the second is the 13/2, other times it's swapped).
And HIDAPI is only taking the first one it finds.
So it looks like this should be the solution. The Inkling was exposing 2 'devices' and hidapi was taking the wrong (mouse) one, and Windows doesn't allow access to Mouse or Keyboard Devices.
So I tweak the code...
while (cur_dev) {
if (cur_dev->vendor_id == vendor_id &&
cur_dev->product_id == product_id &&
cur_dev->usage_page == 13)
... to get the correct entry, it should work right?
Nope, CreateFileA just raises a different error:
usage_page== 1 => Error code 5 (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
usage_page==13 => Error code 32 (ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION)
Meh. This is rather upsetting. I seem to be at a dead-end!
I've tried fiddling with CreateFileA's params, e.g. replacing GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE with STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ | STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE -- now it happily creates a handle. But subsequent hid_read-s fail to collect any data.
Googling, seems to contain a couple of suggested workarounds:
both toaster and firefly can work in the HID stack. toaster shows how
to address the filter through a raw PDO, firefly shows how to access
it with WMI. From a C perspective, I think the raw PDO is much simpler
to code to, WMI is a bit nasty and complicated.
The author is recommending something in toaster, but it is a big CodeBase and I don't have experience with Windows Driver programming.
It looks as though I'm going to have to dig through a lot of very unfamiliar territory to get anything working, so before a start out I am asking here. If nobody answers and I figure it out, I will answer my own question.
The only other thing I can think of it is that maybe another process is already engaging this path. Maybe if I can terminate this process, the CreateFileA might succeed? Roel's libusb approach involves detaching kernel driver:
PS Somewhere I read that if another process has already opened this device, our open has to match the permissions of this previous open. And I also read that Windows automatically opens all HID Devices upon detection.
Find out which process has an exclusive lock on a USB device handle
PPS maybe one idea is to try an alternative HID lib What is the best usb library to communicate with usb HID devices on Windows?
PPPS maybe I need to run my code as admin. But that's not a good solution.
I have seen similar behavior. The ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION problem started to occur after upgrading to Windows 10 Anniversary Edition. The problem is only seen for USB HID devices connected when Windows is started. If you unplug and plug the USB device after Windows has started then CreateFile is successful. I haven't yet found a root cause or a solution.
You're right: ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION will occur if some other app already opened this device. You need to call CreateFileW API like this:
::CreateFileW(deviceInterfacePath, desired_access, share_mode, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
If you don't provide dwShareMode then it means that you're trying to open device exclusively. Which can fail if other app (new Windows version that maybe supports these kind of devices natively) already opened this device for its use.
Note about Keyboard and Mouse devices: you can also call ::CreateFileW without even setting desired_access (use zero value): in this case you can use HidD_GetManufacturerString/HidD_GetProductString/HidD_GetSerialNumberString/HidD_GetAttributes (and maybe some others) HID methods with returned handle. But you cannot read/write data to such device. This should be useful if you need to acquire name or VID/PID for HID keyboard/mouse.
Here is list of HID device types and their access modes on Windows.

Keyboard Hook in Windows DLL not getting key-up message

In a Windows native DLL running inside an application, I've installed a keyboard hook with the following callback procedure:
LRESULT CALLBACK onKeyHookEvent_(int code, WPARAM keyCode, LPARAM keyFlags)
if (code < 0)
return CallNextHookEx(NULL, code, keyCode, keyFlags);
if (keyFlags & KF_UP)
return 0;
But the procedure never gets a keyFlags with the KF_UP bit(s) set. My fear is that the main application is somehow "swallowing" the release events before they get to my hook.
Is there anything else I must do to make a keyboard hook sensitive to key releases?
It appears that the KF_UP mask must be shifted into the high position of a 32-bit word. The correct code:
static const long keyUpMask = static_cast<long>(KF_UP) << 16;
if (keyFlags & keyUpMask)
The weird thing is, I see no mention of this in the MSDN documentation on KeyboardProc callbacks.
You can try using a low level keyboard hook(Low Level KeyboardProc MSDN). You will be able to process WM_KEYUP and WM_SYSKEYUP messages. But I don't know if you are looking for something like this, or something else. I used this once with a keylogger program in assembly and it worked perfectly for key presses and releases.

Problems using wxWidgets (wxMSW) within multiple DLL instances

I'm developing VST-plugins which are DLL-based software modules and loaded by VST-supporting host applications. To open a VST-plugin the host applications loads the VST-DLL and calls an appropriate function of the plugin while providing a native window handle, which the plugin can use to draw it's GUI. I managed to port my original VSTGUI
code to the wxWidgets-Framework and now all my plugins run under wxMSW and wxMac but I still have problems under wxMSW to find a correct way to open and close the plugins and I am not sure if this is a wxMSW-only issue.
If I use any VST-host application I can open and close multiple instances of one of my VST-plugins without any problems. As soon as I open another of my VST-plugins besides my first VST-plugin and then close all instances of my first VST-plugin the application crashes after a short amount of time within the wxEventHandlerr::ProcessEvent function telling me that the wxTheApp object isn't valid any longer during execution of wxTheApp->FilterEvent (see below). So it seems to be that the wxTheApp objects was deleted after closing all instances of the first plugin and is no longer available for the second plugin.
bool wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event)
// allow the application to hook into event processing
if ( wxTheApp )
int rc = wxTheApp->FilterEvent(event);
if ( rc != -1 )
wxASSERT_MSG( rc == 1 || rc == 0,
_T("unexpected wxApp::FilterEvent return value") );
return rc != 0;
//else: proceed normally
1.) All my VST-plugins a dynamically linked against the C-Runtime and wxWidgets libraries. With regard to the wxWidgets
forum this seemed to be the best way to run multiple instances of the software side by side.
2.) The DllMain of each VST-Plugin is defined as follows:
// WXW
#include "wx/app.h"
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/gdicmn.h"
#include "wx/image.h"
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#include <windows.h>
#include "wx/msw/winundef.h"
( HANDLE hModule,
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved )
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
#endif // __WXMSW__
class Application : public wxApp {};
How can I prevent this behavior respectively how can I properly handle the wxTheApp object if I have multiple instances
of different VST-plugins (DLL-modules), which are dynamically linked against the C-Runtime and wxWidgets libraries?
Best reagards, Steffen
We had similar issues using a LSP created with wxWidgets when an wxWidgets application loaded our DLL. Check for NULL == wxTheApp before calling ::wxInitialize().
Pseudo code:
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
switch(dwReason) {
if(NULL == wxTheApp) {
Also, I suggest doing as little possible in your DllMain() as possible, e.g. move wxInitAllImageHandlers() elsewhere if possible. Additionally, you may wish to track if you called ::wxInitialize() to pair up with ::wxUninitialize()
I encountered a similar issue but with Acrobat plugins.
While adjusting our Acrobat plugins to Acrobat X (10) we had to remove code related to ADM (Acrobat Dialog Manager - Used to be a cross-platform GUI framework on Acrobat 7, 8 & 9. Removed with Acrobat X) and use a different GUI framework.
Acrobat SDK comes with samples of using wxWidgets as a cross-platform framework so we headed that way (we support MAC & Windows).
The plugin architecture of Acrobat is very similar to the one you described above: dlls (for Acrobat plugins the binary file extension is *.api) which are dynamically loaded by a main process (exe) and their functions are being called in a documented, pre-defined order.
Because the Acrobat wxWidgets example was written with 2.8.12 and due to the fact that this is the stable version we decided to NOT use the 2.9.x ongoing version.
So we statically linked our plugins (total of 3 different plugins) to the wx2.8.12 libs and found out that if 3 of them are installed, the two that were loaded last were not functioning. By that I mean - Our custom wxFrames, wxWindows & wxDialogs belonging to these two plugins were all messed up (like someone tried to erase them, with rubber :-)).
Digging deeply we narrowed it down to the fact that the first plugin being loaded, initializes wxWidgets and the latter do not, even though the explicit call to wxInitialize(). Something there went wrong....
Here I forgot to mention - In an Acrobat plugin you cannot change the DllMain() function, so the initialization of wx is done in a "Plugin Init() function".
Just to be clear - The wx libs are statically linked to the *.api files, so each should have a "copy" of its own and not influence on each other.
Using Google for 2-3 FULL days I managed to find this post
,which suggested to apply this patch (for 2.8x ONLY!!!). I believe (or hope) that the 2.9.x version does not suffer from this issue (didn't have the chance to check it).
BTW - The patch is only one file which is very clear, so reading the code to understand it and to be calm that it does no harm is pretty easy.
I hope others using wx 2.8.x and suffering from the same issue will find this.

Is there any way to detect the monitor state in Windows (on or off)?

Does anyone know if there is an API to get the current monitor state (on or off) in Windows (XP/Vista/2000/2003)?
All of my searches seem to indicate there is no real way of doing this.
This thread tries to use GetDevicePowerState which according to Microsoft's docs does not work for display devices.
In Vista I can listen to GUID_MONITOR_POWER_ON but I do not seem to get events when the monitor is turned off manually.
In XP I can hook into WM_SYSCOMMAND SC_MONITORPOWER, looking for status 2. This only works for situations where the system triggers the power off.
The WMI Win32_DesktopMonitor class does not seem to help out as well.
Edit: Here is a discussion on indicating there is no reliable way of doing this.
Anyone else have any other ideas?
GetDevicePowerState sometimes works for monitors. If it's present, you can open the \\.\LCD device. Close it immediately after you've finished with it.
Essentially, you're out of luck—there is no reliable way to detect the monitor power state, short of writing a device driver and filtering all of the power IRPs up and down the display driver chain. And that's not very reliable either.
You could hook up a webcam, point it at your screen and do some analysis on the images you receive ;)
Before doing anything based on the monitor state, just remember that users can use a machine with remote desktop of other systems that don't require a monitor connected to the machine - so don't turn off any visualization based on the monitor state.
You can't.
Look like all monitor power capabilities connected to the "power safe mode"
After searching i found here code that connecting between SC_MONITORPOWER message and system values (post number 2)
I use the code to testing if the system values is changing when i am manually switch off the monitor.
int main()
return 0;
And the code is never stopped, no matter how long i am switch off my monitor.
There the code of monitorOff function:
int monitorOff()
const GUID MonitorClassGuid =
{0x4d36e96e, 0xe325, 0x11ce,
{0xbf, 0xc1, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0xe1, 0x03, 0x18}};
list<DevData> monitors;
ListDeviceClassData(&MonitorClassGuid, monitors);
list<DevData>::iterator it = monitors.begin(),
it_end = monitors.end();
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
const char *off_msg = "";
if (it->PowerData.PD_MostRecentPowerState != PowerDeviceD0)
return 1;
return 0;
Conclusion : when you manually switch of the the monitor, you cant catch it by windows (if there is no unusual driver interface for this), because all windows capabilities is connected to "power safe mode".
In Windows XP or later you can use the IMSVidDevice Interface.
(not sure if this works in Sever 2003)
With Delphi code, you can detect invalid monitor geomerty while standby in progress:
i := 0
('Monitor'+IntToStr(i)+': '+IntToStr(Screen.Monitors[i].BoundsRect.Left)+', '+
IntToStr(Screen.Monitors[i].BoundsRect.Top)+', '+
IntToStr(Screen.Monitors[i].BoundsRect.Right)+', '+
Monitor geometry before standby:
Monitor0: 0, 0, 1600, 900
Monitor geometry while standby in Deplhi7:
Monitor0: 1637792, 4210405, 31266576, 1637696
Monitor geometry while standby in DeplhiXE:
Monitor0: 4211194, 40, 1637668, 1637693
This is a really old post but if it can help someone, I have found a solution to detect a screen being available or not : the Connecting and Configuring Displays (CCD) API of Windows.
It's part of User32.ddl and the interesting functions are GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig. It give us all informations that can be viewed in the Configuration Panel of windows.
In particular the PathInfo contains a TargetInfo property that have a targetAvailable flag. This flag seems to be correctly updated on all the configurations I have tried so far.
This allow you to know the state of every screens connected to the PC and set their configurations.
Here a CCD wrapper for .Net
If your monitor has some sort of built-in USB hub, you could try and use that to detect if the monitor is off/on.
This will of course only work if the USB hub doesn't stay connected when the monitor is consider "off".
