ravendb combining Search with Where - full-text-search

I am executing a raven query in C#, and utilising both the Where() and Search() extension methods.
I need both these functionalities, because I need to only return indices with a specific Guid field, AND text that exists in a body of text.
Unfortunatly, the Where extension method seems to not be compatible with the Search extension method. When I combine them I get a Lucene query like this:
Query: FeedOwner:25eb541c\-b04a\-4f08\-b468\-65714f259ac2 MessageBody:<<request*>>
Which seems to completely ignore the 'MessageBody' part of the criteria - so it doesnt matter what constraint I use in the 'free text', it doesnt use it.
I have tested with the 'Search' alone, and it works - so its not a problem with free-text searching by itself - just combining the two.

Thanks to #Tobias on Raven#GoogleGroups who pointed me in the right direction - there was an option to define how the Where and Search clauses would be combined:
Query<T>.Search(candidate => candidate.MessageBody, queryString + "*", options: SearchOptions.And);


Elasticsearch: Accessing all terms in TermVectorResponse in plugin

I'm trying to get a list of Terms from a termvectorresponse in an elasticsearch plugin. I want to get access to all of the statistics which are tied to the terms and am having trouble figuring out how to do that.
After making a TermVectorsRequest...
TermVectorsRequest tvReq = new TermVectorsRequest(request.param("index"), request.param("type"), request.param("id"));
and getting a response from the client...
TermVectorsResponse tvResponse = client.termVectors(tvReq).get();
I can get access to the id, index, etc. In the fields I get "contents" which is the field name that I want. From there though it looks like I can run...
tvResponse.getFields().terms("some term here")
in which the Terms object this returns has access to the stats I want.
I have a few issues with this though. One is that only "contents" seems to be non null. In the termvectors endpoint in elastic I get several different terms of which I've tried plugging into here. Two, is I want to get a list of terms rather than having to type in which term I want.
How can I go about doing this?
Figured it out. Theres an interator on terms you can use. on .terms you have to pass it the field and you'll get the Terms object back. From that you can use the .iterator to get each individual term and do whatever you want with them.

Calling the right URI with ODATA using ODataClient with Expand

I have two tables which are related to each other and I would like to perform some querying with filters on both tables (one for each)
I am using a controller in c# that looks like this :
var list =
await client.For("T_Project")
.Filter("IsQuote eq false")
.Filter("Final eq false")
Here is the URI that I get with this code :
http://localhost:12494/gp/T_Project?$filter=(IsQuote eq false) and (Final eq false)&$expand=T_Ref_StatusProject
However, I get an error saying bad request. I figure the one I want would look something like
The result is, however, exactly the same as if I didn't put any filter for the expand table.
So I have actually two question. How can I make it work in my c# code and what is the right URL syntax for it. I figure answering the first one will answer the second one.
My UI project (the one with the sample code) have Simple.OData.Client(5.0.0 alpha2) installed (which include Microsoft.Odata.Code (6.15.0)
My API have Microsoft.ASPNet.Odata V5.9.1 installed
According to the ODATA documentation filtering on nested properties would look like this:
http://localhost:12494/gp/T_Project?$filter=(IsQuote eq false) and (T_Ref_StatusProject/any(d:d/Final eq false))
See QueryOptions any, http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/errata03/os/complete/part2-url-conventions/odata-v4.0-errata03-os-part2-url-conventions-complete.html, see also "Addressing Derived Types" in the document which describes the concept in general.
I cannot help you on the first part of your question, as I am not using the C# client. But maybe you can check if the Filter() method accepts a lambda expression, where you can specify an expression that directly corresponds to the expanded entity.

`r.row` and `r.contains ` in nested queries not working

Trying to add a new field inside of a document using a field from another table. I first tried to use r.row
r.db('client').table('basic_info').filter({name:'Andre Pastr'}).update({teacher_name: r.db('teacher').table('basic_info').contains(r.row('name').eq('Nicholas Derma')).pluck('id')});
and it returned the message:
e: Cannot use r.row in nested queries. Use functions instead in:
r.db("client").table("basic_info").filter({name: 'Andre Pastr'}).update({"teacher_name": r.db("teacher").table("basic_info").contains(r.row("name").eq("Nicholas Derma")).pluck("id")})
so then after finding this [vague entry][1] in the github issue log I just decided to just change the syntax of my query and run:
r.db('client').table('basic_info').filter({name:'Andre Albuquerque'}).update({teacher_name: r.db('teacher').table('basic_info').filter({name: 'Nicholas Chadwick'}).pluck('id')});
That returned the error message:
: Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?
Three inter-related questions: How might I use contains to run such a query? What am I doing wrong with this second query? Why doesn't r.row work in the first query?
You can't use r.row in the first query because it's ambiguous whether it should be bound to contains or to update. (We could define which one it's bound to, but it's very confusing for people because most people haven't memorized all the terms that could possibly bind r.row, so it's easier to force people to name their variables in ambiguous cases.)
You have to specify the non_atomic flag because the function you're passing to update can't be applied atomically (since it isn't deterministic). The way you wrote it, it will be executing a table fetch for every row in the original filter.
You probably want to write something like this instead:
r.table('basic_info').filter({name: 'Nicholas Derma'}).pluck('id').do(function(nderma) {
return r.table('basic_info').filter({name: 'Andre Pastr'}).update({teacher_name: nderma);
You should consider creating a secondary index on name and using getAll instead of filter if you run this query often.

How to perform a NOT query with postgres_ext

Is it possible to perform a NOT type query with chained methods using postgres_ext?
rules = Rule.where.overlap(:tags => ["foo"])
Basically want the inverse of the above. Thanks!
In regular active record you can use .where.not as described in this article: https://robots.thoughtbot.com/activerecords-wherenot however looking through the source code of postgres_ext I don't know if it is defined in that library. You may be able to construct your query in a way that uses the native active record methods.

LINQ multiple where clause

I have a course table which I need to search based on keywords typed in the search box.
Here is a sample query:
Title LIKE '%word%' OR Title LIKE '%excel%' OR
Contents LIKE '%word%' OR Contents LIKE '%excel%'
How can I convert this in LINQ where LINQ would dynamically generate WHERE statements based on each keywords.
I tried to user PredicateBuilder it works fine as long as the field is VARCHAR. For the "TEXT" fields the quotes are not generated thus causing compiler to give an error message. Here is the SQL generated by PredicateBuilder
SELECT [t0].[CoursesID], [t0].[Title], [t0].[Contents], [t0].[Active],
FROM [dbo].[Courses] AS [t0]
WHERE ([t0].[Title] LIKE '%word%') OR ([t0].[Contents] LIKE %word%) OR
([t0].Title] LIKE '%excel%') OR ([t0].[Contents] LIKE %excel%)
Notice there is no single Quote for the "Contents" field which is a Text field in the database.
Is there any easy way to build WHERE statement and attach it with query? Does anyone know how I can do this without PredicateBuilder?
Thanks in advance.
Since you are working w/ LINQ I suppose you are working against a LINQ-to-SQL data context right? I don't have a spare DataContext lying around to test this, but this should give you some ideas.
I don't know if it will work against data context though, but most of these are pretty basic stuff (chaining OR operator and Contains method call) so it shouldn't cause problem when the query translates to SQL.
First I create a custom function that would build my predicate:
Func<string, Func<DataItem, bool>> buildKeywordPredicate =
keyword =>
x => x.Title.Contains(keyword)
|| x.Contents.Contains(keyword);
This is a function which takes a single string keyword and then return another function which takes a DataItem and checks it against the keyword.
Basically, if you pass in "Stack", you'll get a predicate: x => x.Title.Contains("Stack") || x.Contents.Contains("Stack").
Next, since there are many possible keywords and you need to chain it with an OR operation, I create another helper function to chain 2 predicates together with an OR
Func<Func<DataItem,bool>, Func<DataItem, bool>, Func<DataItem, bool>> buildOrPredicate =
(pred1, pred2) =>
x => pred1(x) || pred2(x);
This function takes 2 predicates and then join them up with an OR operation.
Having those 2 functions, I can then build my where predicate like this:
foreach (var word in keywords) {
filter = filter == null
? buildKeywordPredicate(word)
: buildOrPredicate(filter, buildKeywordPredicate(word));
The first line inside the loop basically checks if the filter is null. If it is, then we want a simple keyword filter built for us.
Else if the filter is not null, we need to chain existing filters with an OR operation, so we pass the existing filter and a new keyword filter to buildOrPredicate to do just that.
And then we can now create the WHERE part of the query:
var result = data.Where(filter);
Passing in the complicated predicate we've just built.
I don't know if this will different from using PredicateBuilder but since we are deferring query translation to the LINQ-to-SQL engine, there should not be any problems.
But as I said, I havn't tested it against a real data context, so if there's any problems you can write in the comments.
Here's the console app that I built to test: http://pastebin.com/feb8cc1e
Hope this helps!
EDIT: For a more generic and reusable version which involves properly utilizing the Expression Trees in LINQ, check out Thomas Petricek's blog post: http://tomasp.net/articles/dynamic-linq-queries.aspx
As predicate builder doesn't know the DB type of the property the Contains method is called on, I guess this might be a problem inside linq to sql. Have you tried with a normal query (not with predicate builder) and a TEXT column with Contains?
