Adding a set of dependencies in maven - maven

I have read how to take a jar file that I have and add it to the dependency system in maven in this link
But what i want is, I have a set of 30 to 40 jar files that I have to add to the dependency system. Do i need to add all the jar files by using the
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.stackoverflow... -DartifactId=yourartifactid... -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/jarfile,
followed by,
or is there a simple way by which i can wrap up all the dependent jar files into one maven project using mvn:install, to which my main project can be made dependent?
Thanks in advance.

If most of the 30-40 jar files you are referring to are standard open source libraries, then you would not need to install them to your local repository manually. It is also possible that many of them are transitive, i.e. one dependency in turn pulling in another. In this case, you would need to only add as dependency the primary dependencies. This will in turn pull in the transitive ones.
If most of the dependencies are proprietary and you manage them yourself, then chances are you have them in your source code management system in some specific folder, say lib. If so, you can skip the install step and just specify dependencies using <system> scope (refer here).
You could define a single maven project (as pom type) to specify all the dependencies and have your main project dependant on it, if that simplifies things.

The first answer in this link really solved my doubt..
"Projects should explicitly list all their dependencies and not rely on inheriting them (IMHO). It means you have to declare your logger a few times but it will save you pain later. (You can of course use a separate POM project to group together dependencies that are related and hence usually specified together, like the hibernate example in your link). If you want to centralize versions of dependencies, you can put a dependencyManagement section in the parent POM, which means you still declare the dependency in the child project, but the version comes from the parent, thus ensuring consistency. Children that don't declare the dependency don't end up with it at all."
So the practice should be to create separate POM (Child) project for all the dependencies, and if we want, we can wrap them up using aggregation to a Parent-POM which can be referred singly in our project. But we have to however create a child project separately for each dependent JAR. Bit time taking process, but seems to be the only answer.


Differentiate maven artifacts using Classifier and add them in Dependency for other applications

I want to create different branches on GitHub with a different set of maven Artifacts. I found a way for that using Classifier. The issue I am facing is with the use of classifiers in the dependency section.
Suppose I have 2 components, Common and Main. Main is dependent on Common I can use Classifier in mvn command
mvn clean install -Dclassifier=dev
to produce different artifacts for Common, say common-1.2-dev.jar and common-1.2-sit.jar. But while building Main which has a dependency on common, i want to somehow specify that Main-1.2-dev.jar should use common-1.2-dev.jar and Main-1.2-sit.jar should use common-1.2-sit.jar.
Is there a way to do it in the maven command, I have a lot of pom files and my team doesn't want to change them. Can I add a classifier section to all the Dependencies having a particular GroupID and artifact ID dynamically?
This is what my dependency looks like right now and all the common artifacts are under the same groupID.
I think a lot of people must be doing this as every project has different branches, but I am not able to find a clear solution for this. Or am I asking for something out of the place?
Classifiers are not meant to distinguish branches.
Your approach is not supported by Maven.
If you really want to build artifacts on different branches, you can add suffixes to the version number, like 1.2.3-somebranch-SNAPSHOT.

Is it possible to see the actual pom.xml executed, including parent dependencies/plugins?

I need to extract a project from a repository which uses several layers of parent projects. Every parent project adds some dependency or plugins or properties. This is becoming a nightmare as I'm not able to build any more the project, once I've manually added pieces from parent projects.
Is there a way to create a list of all dependencies/plugins/properties which are linked by a single pom.xml so that I can build a portable, single Maven project?
You can create the effective pom ( that is a kind of merge with all parent POMs.
This is useful to understand the complete list and configuration of plugins.
Whether this helps you to build a "portable" Maven project, I don't know. Without the appropriate Maven repositories with all the plugins, dependencies and so on, Maven will not build.
Base concept of Maven is CoC (Convention over Configuration). Maven has a SuperPOM and all model is inherited from that. SuperPOM is located in maven-model-builder jar. Here is the source
Each Maven goal is using a merged model called effective pom. The help plugin has effective-pom goal which displays the full model including parent model(s) and SuperPOM.
So the answer is just run: mvn help:effective-pom command to see actual model.

Installing BOM before Maven tries to resolves it

Is there a way to install a BOM as part of maven invocation before maven tries
to resolve it. See related questions for a normal dependency
Install local jar dependency as part of the lifecycle, before Maven attempts to resolve it
Is there are way to install maven dependencies before maven attempts to resolve them?
I have tried to run a plugin in validate phase, but maven always resolved the
bom first be it a import scope bom or used as a parent bom.
About BOM:
The expected usage of maven BOM is within the dependencyManagement section of a pom.xml.
Maven documentation states:
Other projects that wish to use the library should import this pom into the dependencyManagement section of their pom. (Please refer to Introduction to the Dependency Mechanism)
In a multi-module project you would usually have a dependencyManagement section with the parent pom only.
Also, just for clarification: The bom is NOT causing dependencies to the artifacts indicated therein. It is merely indicating the versions of the "ingredients" that are intended to be used together (for dependencies that are composed of several artifacts expected to be used together) in case a dependency is added somewhere in a related pom such dependencyManagement applies to.
With such setup maven will resolve the bom at time of processing dependencyManagement section. This is time of evaluating the surrounding pom.xml (or any referencing sub-module). The bom is then added to the local repository like any other dependency.
So, under normal circumstances there is no need for "fetching the bom from the net and installing it into the local repository".
Now, why would a bom artifact not be available at the time a maven call is being started?
The artifact source (repository) is not accessible
Then, downloading the artifact and providing it into local repository would be the way to go.
The artifact version is not known before (or is decided at starting time, e.g. either be specifying a profile or indicating the version as a runtime parameter)
Then the dependency mechanisms of maven still would work as expected.
The bom artifact content (list of artifacts or respective versions) is not known before (e.g. as it is depending on outcome of some build step during the build run)
Then, you likely need to rethink your build process, as it looks like you are trying to force maven into something it is not designed to support. Likely, the "dynamic" part is intrinsic to your project and thus, the dynamic dependency really should be a sub-module within your (multi-module) project. But it is really hard to advise without more input on a specific use case.
While a specific artifact to be consumed within a build step might be provided late (by relying on lazy evaluation of dependencies), this will much more difficult with bom dependencies. As such are dependency management entities that need to be resolved before the first time any dependency needs to be resolved as maven can not known what artifacts are contained within the bom.
If actually there is a usecase that absolutely requires such bom to be provided dynamically, then the only chance is a two layer process, where the top layer is providing the bom and the lower layer is then using it. Please note, that such a solution absolutely needs two independent maven processes (so, NOT just a simple multi-module project) in order to get the resolution of the depenceManagement dependency deferred until it is known.

POM files to use

I'm going to be building a project from the Spring Examples package. Specifically, I am going to be building onto the Simple JPA Example. When I view the POM file however I notice that it references a parent, which contains pretty much every Spring project you can imagine.
Is there a way to tell which POM files I need in order to have the 'Simple JPA Example' project work?
This is why Maven needs to go away!
You can move all the dependencies into the project's pom, remove the reference to the parent pom, then use the maven dependency plugin's analyze goal to sort out what you need. There are examples and a rather nifty script referenced from this popular SO question.
Which parent pom is it (and which sample)? If it's this one have another look at the parent - it doesn't define any dependencies, only dependency management, so that you get a consistent set of versions of everything without having the specify versions in your own dependencies. It's quite a common pattern (look for a blog on "bill of materials" configuration). See also docs on how to use your own parent.

Maven - include all submodules of a pom as dependencies in another module

We have a maven module that is set up as so:
a (parent)
-> b (submodule)
-> c (submodule)
-> d (submodule)
This list of submodules is set to grow as time goes on (to a list of 20 or so). We have another module that will include as dependencies all submodules of a. Is there a neat way of doing this, rather than having to manually keep the submodule list in sync with the dependencies list. I.e. is there any way of including a and all submodules as a dependency?
You have a few choices here:
No change. List all dependencies in each pom. However, if they have a common parent, you can use dependencyManagement in the parent pom to set the versions for the different dependencies. In the child poms, you do not need to list the version. See this section from Maven By Example. A downside of this approach is that you have to re-list the same dependencies over and over.
Create a parent pom which lists all shared dependencies. See an example here. A downside here is you are restricting all projects that want to take advantage of this to use a parent project when they may need to use another parent project for some reason.
Wait for Maven mixins, which last I heard were still not ready.
Rethink your design. Does it make sense for projects to depend on so many different modules and interfaces? To reduce coupling, you may want to create one interface that these new projects can use. Several open source multi-module projects, such as Apache Axis2, follow this pattern. One module contains your 20 dependencies and exposes an interface which the new modules can call. The new modules can just list that one main module as a dependency and all of the 20 dependencies are pulled in as transitive dependencies.
I think choice #4 is probably right, but I am not familiar enough with your situation.
Design considerations aside, this is easily done - simply include <type>pom</type> in your dependency pointing at the parent pom. E.g:
The only way dependencies get "automatically" included is via the transitive dependency mechanism, and it only works by pulling in dependencies of dependencies, so unless you have a pom that depends on all the submodules, no, you won't get them without listing them all out. A need to do this points to a flaw in your project design. If the modules are "all or none", then they're probably not separate modules.
