Using Hadoop & related projects to analyze usage patterns that constantly change - hadoop

We're strategizing on how to analyze user "interest" (clicks, likes, etc) on 1M+ items on our site to generate a "similar items" list.
In order to process a large amount of raw data we're learning about Hadoop, Hive, and related projects.
My question is regarding this concern: Hadoop/Hive and the like seem to be geared more towards data dumps, followed by processing cycles. Presumably the end of the processing cycle is something to the extend of an indexed graph of links between related items.
If I'm on track so far, how is data typically processed in these scenarios: I.e.
Is the raw user data re-analyzed at intervals to re-build an indexed graph of links?
Do we stream data as it comes in, analyze it and update the data store?
As the resultant data from the analysis changes, are we typically updating it piece by piece, or re-processing in bulk?
Is this use case better addressed by Cassandra than Hive/HDFS?
I'm looking to better understand the common approach to this kind of big data processing.

I think this is a good use case for Hadoop family of tools.
It looks to me like HDFS and Flume might be obvious choices, I would look into either HBase or Hive depending on what kinds of analysis you are interested in, how flexible you are in organizing the data
and querying it.
Is the raw user data re-analyzed at intervals to re-build an indexed graph of links?
Answer: Hadoop is very good for this. I would use HBase for this, but there are other choices.
Do we stream data as it comes in, analyze it and update the data store?
Answer: Flume is good for this.
As the resultant data from the analysis changes, are we typically updating it piece by piece, or re-processing in bulk?
Answer: You have options to do both. Bulk would probably be a MapReduce job on HDFS where piece-by-piece could be managed through HBase column-family values or Hive rows. If you give more details, I could be more precise.
Is this use case better addressed by Cassandra than Hive/HDFS?
Answer: Cassandra and HBase are both implementations of Google's BigTable. I think that choice depends on
how do you need to organize, access, analyze and update data. I can provide more guidance if needed.
HBase is usually better for semi-structured, high R/W processing.
DHFS is generally good choice for flexible, scalable storage of data dumps as you call them.
Flume is applicable for moving streaming data.
I would also consider looking into Titan and HBase if you are thinking graph.
Hive would be applicable if you are interested in tabular-oriented data and using SQL-like queries.


What is the difference between a Big Data Warehouse and a traditional Data Warehouse

Usually, data warehouses in the context of big data are managed and implemented on the basis of Hadoop-based system, like Apache Hive (right?).
On the other hand, my question regards the methodological process.
How do big data affect the design process of a data warehouse?
Is the process similar or new tasks must be considered?
Hadoop is similar in architecture to MPP data warehouses, but with some significant differences. Instead of rigidly defined by a parallel architecture, processors are loosely coupled across a Hadoop cluster and each can work on different data sources.
The data manipulation engine, data catalog, and storage engine can work independently of each other with Hadoop serving as a collection point. Also critical is that Hadoop can easily accommodate both structured and unstructured data. This makes it an ideal environment for iterative inquiry. Instead of having to define analytics outputs according to narrow constructs defined by the schema, business users can experiment to find what queries matter to them most. Relevant data can then be extracted and loaded into a data warehouse for fast queries.
The Hadoop ecosystem starts from the same aim of wanting to collect together as much interesting data as possible from different systems, but approaches it in a radically better way. With this approach, you dump all data of interest into a big data store (usually HDFS – Hadoop Distributed File System). This is often in cloud storage – cloud storage is good for the task, because it’s cheap and flexible, and because it puts the data close to cheap cloud computing power. You can still then do ETL and create a data warehouse using tools like Hive if you want, but more importantly you also still have all of the raw data available so you can also define new questions and do complex analyses over all of the raw historical data if you wish. The Hadoop toolset allows great flexibility and power of analysis, since it does big computation by splitting a task over large numbers of cheap commodity machines, letting you perform much more powerful, speculative, and rapid analyses than is possible in a traditional warehouse.

Can I do cluster analyses with Hadoop and can I hook Hadoop to MongoDB

I am a newbie to Hadoop, I went through a few blogs and skimmed through a couple of books on a subject. To guide my further studying I need answer to these two questions:
How much I can really do with Map-Reduce? From examples I see I can do min(), max(), sum(), count(). You can probably as easy to do average() and even standard_deviation(), but is that it? What if I want to run a query such that “customers who bought X also bought Y” (sort of join table to itself in SQL terminology). What if I want to do graph analyses or cluster analyses is Haddop’s map-reduce of any help or I am still pretty much on my own?
If I have existing database, let's say it is big (1 petabyte) and distributed, let’s say it is MongoDB with clusters, shards and all that. Can I hook Haddop to my existing MondoDB shards, or do I need to copy my data (and respectively keep it synchronized as it changes). The latter, if that is what I really need to do, sounds like expensive process, is there anything in Hadoop to help me do it.
Detailed elaborative answer or a link to such will be much appreciated.
MapReduce is pretty general structure for computation and while it is not appropriate for every situation, it is flexible in being used for a wide variety of problems. For examples of what you have described, you can refer to Mahout:
Using the mongodb connector you can directly access a mongo database as a mapreduce inputformat without having to sync the data to HDFS:
Alternatively mongo itself allows you to write queries in mapreduce to be directly executed by the database. I'd recommend aggregating the data as much as possible in this way before interfacing with hadoop/hdfs to reduce the potential amount of data transferred between the two systems.

high volume transaction data informative pattern generation

I am trying to figure out informative data patterns from large volume transactional data.
Typically my data is set of records with well defined columns (like sender, receiver, amount, currency address etc - I have around 40-50 different columns), data volume will be multi million (may be 100s of millions) records and my aim is to generate informative transactional patterns from this like - who is purchasing particular item the most, highest volume transaction recipients, expense patterns, who is getting more transactions from same another sender etc.
Earlier I was planning to load data in relational database (Oracle/MySQL) and write complex SQLs to fetch this information but by looking at volume during my proof of concept, it doesn't seem to be much scalable.
I was trying to get more information on distributive data processing using Hadoop etc. I just started reading Hadoop, up to my initial understanding Hadoop is well suited for unstrcutured data processing and might not be much useful for relational data processing.
Any pointers/suggestions on open source technology which I can quickly experiment with.
Hadoop can be used for structured/unstructured data processing. Also, it's not a database to maintain relationships, indexes like a traditional RDBMS.
With millions of rows HBase or Cassandra coupled with/without Hive can be used for batch querying. Batch querying in Hadoop had been there for some time and is mature.
For interactive querying Drill or Imapala can be used. Note that Drill development has just started and is in incubator stage. While, Imapala has been just announced by Cloudera. Here is some interesting info for real time engines.
Note that there are lot of other open source frameworks which might fit the requirements, but only a couple of them are mentioned here. Based on detailed requirement analysis and the pros and cons of the different frameworks, the appropriate framework has to be chosen.

Is Hadoop the right tech for this?

If I had millions of records of data, that are constantly being updated and added to every day, and I needed to comb through all of the data for records that match specific logic and then take that matching subset and insert it into a separate database would I use Hadoop and MapReduce for such a task or is there some other technology I am missing? The main reason I am looking for something other than a standard RDMS is because all of the base data is from multiple sources and not uniformly structured.
Map-Reduce is designed for algorithms that can be parallelized and local results can be computed and aggregated. A typical example would be counting words in a document. You can split this up into multiple parts where you count some of the words on one node, some on another node, etc and then add up the totals (obviously this is a trivial example, but illustrates the type of problem).
Hadoop is designed for processing large data files (such as log files). The default block size is 64MB, so having millions of small records wouldn't really be a good fit for Hadoop.
To deal with the issue of having non-uniformly structured data, you might consider a NoSQL database, which is designed to handle data where a lot of a columns are null (such as MongoDB).
Hadoop/MR are designed for batch processing and not for real time processing. So, some other alternative like Twitter Storm, HStreaming has to be considered.
Also, look at Hama for real time processing of data. Note that real time processing in Hama is still crude and a lot of improvement/work has to be done.
I would recommend Storm or Flume. In either of these you may analyze each record as it comes in and decide what to do with it.
If your data volumes are not great , and millions of records are not sounds as such I would suggest to try to get most from RDMBS, even if your schema will not be properly normalized.
I think even tavle of structure K1, K2, K3, Blob will be more useful t
In NoSQL KeyValue stores are built to support schemaless data in various flavors but their query capability are limited.
Only case I can think as usefull is MongoDB/ CoachDB capability to index schemaless data. You will be able to get records by some attribute value.
Regarding Hadoop MapReduce - i think it is not useful unless you want to harness a lot of CPUs for your processing or have a lot of data or need distributed sort capability.

Assessing and comparing Hadoop for Business Intelligence Design considerations

I am considering various technologies for data warehousing and business intelligence, and have come upon this radical tool called Hadoop. Hadoop doesn't seem to be exactly built for BI purposes, but there are references of it having potential in this field. (
However little information I have got from the internet, my gut tells me that hadoop can become a disruptive technology in the space of traditional BI solutions. There really is sparse information regarding this topic, and hence I wanted to gather all the Guru's thoughts here on the potential of Hadoop as a BI tool as compared to traditional backend BI infrastructure like Oracle Exadata, vertica etc. For starters, I would like to ask the following question -
Design Considerations - How would designing a BI solution with Hadoop be different from traditional tools? I know it should be different, as I read one cannot create schemas in Hadoop. I also read that a major advantage will be the complete elimination of ETL tools for Hadoop (is this true?) Do we need Hadoop + pig + mahout to get a BI solution??
Thanks & Regards!
Edit - Breaking down into multiple questions. Will start with the one i think most imp.
Hadoop is a great tool to be part of a BI solution. It is not, itself, a BI solution. What Hadoop does is takes in Data_A and outputs Data_B. Whatever is needed for Bi but is not in a useful form can be processed using MapReduce and output a useful form of the data. Be it CSV, HIVE, HBase, MSSQL or anything else used to view data.
I believe Hadoop is supposed to be the ETL tool. That's what we are using it for. We process gigs of log files every hour and store it in Hive and do daily aggregations that are loading into a MSSQL server and viewed through a visualization layer.
The major design considerations I've run against are:
- Data Flexibility: Do you want your users to view pre-aggregated data or have the flexibility to adjust the query and look at the data how they want
- Speed: How long do you want your users to wait for the data? Hive (for example) is slow. It takes minutes to generate results, even on fairly small data sets. The larger the data traversed the longer it will take to generate a result.
- Visualization: What type of visualization do you want to use? Do you want to custom build a lot of pieces or be able to use something off the shelf? What restraints and flexibility are needed for your visualization? How flexible and changeable does the visualization need to be?
Update: As a response to #Bhat's comment asking about lack of visualization...
The lack of a visualization tool that would allow us to effectively utilize the data stored in HBase was a major factor in re-evaluating our solution. We stored the raw data in Hive, and pre-aggregated the data and stored it HBase. To utilize this we were going to have to write a custom connector (did this part) and visualization layer. We looked at what we would be able to produce and what is commercially available, and went the commercial route.
We still use Hadoop as our ETL tool for processing our weblogs, it's fantastic for that. We just send the ETL'd raw data to a commercial big data database that will take the place of both Hive and HBase in our design.
Hadoop doesn't really compare to MSSQL or other data warehouse storage. Hadoop doesn't do any storage (ignoring the HDFS), it does processing of data. Running MapReduces (which Hive does) is going to be slower than MSSQL (or such).
Hadoop is very well suited for storing colossal files that can represent fact tables. These tables can be partitioned by placing individual files representing the table into separate directories. Hive understands such file structures and allows to query them like partitioned tables. You can phrase your BI questions to the Hadoop data in the form of SQL queries via Hive, but you will still need to write and run an occasional MapReduce job.
From business perspective, you should consider Hadoop if you have a lot of low-value data. There are many cases when RDBMS / MPP solutions are not cost effective.
You also should consider Hadoop as a serious option if your data is not structured (HTMLs for example).
We are creating a comparison matrix for BI tools for Big Data / Hadoop
It is work in progress and would love any input.
(disclaimer : I am the author of this online book)
