Display Module Wrapper link in content area of Joomla - joomla

I added a module (wrapper) that displays an image. The image is linked to another webpage.
It is in a sidebar position and when it is clicked, the page loads in the same position as the image (as it should).
However, is it possible to have the linked page load in the main page or content area of Joomla instead of the module position?
(Joomla 2.5)

You have 2 choices.
You can use the current module you have and embed it in an article using {loadposition xxx}
Create a menu item and set the type to "wrapper".


scrollIntoView angular application

I am working on an Angular single page application. I have a navbar. I am using fragments to jump to section and anchorScrolling is enabled.
How should I scroll to a specific section when refreshing the page and when the URL contains the hash fragments? xx/#sectionToJUmp.
I have tried scrollIntoView, in the ngAfterViewINit(), but it's not working. The specific section is in a position, but it goes down when other sections are loaded. The scroll remains in the before position. How to get it in the specific section position? Thank you

Xamarin Forms: Values vanished/refreshed on swiping more than four content pages inside carousel page or tabbed page

I am working on a xamarin forms project which have a carousel page container, and content pages as its children are created dynamically on different condition checks. (Minimum 8 children in my case)
Let's take the mentioned minimum case. I enter some values in entry/picker controls in the 1st child and then navigate/swipe pages till 5th child. When I came back to the first child page, the values I entered/selected are now vanished/refreshed.
I have noticed that carousel page saves only 3 pages data in it. i.e. (Left Page, Current Page and the Right Page).
And Tabbed page saves 4 pages data.
I want the values to stay in the child page where I entered whether I navigate to the last most page or in the middle and navigate back to that page.
I have googled via the letters as "Carousel page/ Tabbed page Saved states" etc. but unable to find something useful.
So, I need to know the property name/ method name etc. by which xamarin forms setting the limit of carousel page as 3 and tabbed page as 4.
Waiting for your response.
OK I found that I was using a Custom Picker Control and the value refreshing issue is with it. I just forget to set the selectedIndex of the picker on OnElementChanged event.

How to display images without their titles in Drupal 8?

Drupal 8.5.3
I want to display some images in a Views Block in a grid format and without the image title being shown. This is not working and the title is always displayed.
I have created a content type for the images with just the required title field and the image field and I have deleted the body field.
I have set the image label to hidden or "visually hidden" in the content view mode in the "Manage Display" tab for both default and teaser. The label seems to affect only the name of the content type itself not the image title.
I have set the view grid to display only teasers.
I have run drush cr multiple times.
The image titles still show up in the view.I can find no way to turn them off there. However the tile is not displayed in the default view mode on the node page itself. Which ironically is where I want it!
Figured out how to do exclude node tiles from display. You have to use a contrib module such as the appropriately named Exclude Node Title

Drupal Image Display with View and Panels

Can anyone please guide me on how do I create a photobox that contains image and I wanted to display that image on landing page.
I have used panel to create landing pages for my website. I need to create 7 different layout for my website.
I am new to Drupal. Any help will be appreciated.
I have created specific image style for my image box by going into "Configuration -> Image Styles.
I have created Content Types for image.
For example lets say, Content type is: "Top Left Image".
I have defined fields called "Image Name" and "Image" into "Top Left Image".
Then I have created one view called " Top Left Imagebox".
In view, I have defined fields called Content: Image.
Formatter: Image
Image Style: Selected specific image style.
Link Image to: Nothing
I have used Rewrite Rule to make a view that displays image or video filed if present.
No Results Behavior: [field_image]
Checked - Hide rewriting if empty
Checked Rewrite the output of this field.
I have defined this view into my Landing Panel Page. But, somehow image is not displaying into the browser.
Thanks for Help!!
It can be because your ad blocker block your images. Anything that comes with names like 'ad' will be blocked be ad blocker browser add-ons.
Try switching it off if you have any enabled.
This is my best guess if you have your images in your view & you have added that view into your panel page.

Link on current Visualforce page to render as PDF

I have a custom built list report page created using Visual force. A link on each row opens up the object details in a new visual force page. I need to have two buttons. One to save/open the current page with all of its information as a PDF and the other button to open the print dialog.
For the button to render current page as PDF, I am assuming its something simple. Remember when the page was first created, it was being passed the record ID as a parameter.
To render a page as a PDF just requires adding a renderAs="PDF" attribute to the apex:page tag. This value can be dynamic, as in: <apex:page renderAs="{!ISNULL($CurrentPage.parameters.p),'','PDF')}">
This would render the page as HTML if there was no parameter named "p" included in the URL (e.g. /apex/myPage?id=someId), and as a PDF if this param was included (e.g. /apex/myPage?id=someId&p=1).
To make it render the current page as a PDF I'd just have the button refresh the page and add the parameter.
