Add new attribute to existing hash - ruby

I am retrieving results using Mongoid, but I want to add a new attribute to each of the records returned in an instance variable using the key. How would I go about doing this?
In PHP I would do this by looping through the array and inserting it based on the key of the object. I am unable to figure out how this can be done in Ruby when I receive the message: Model ABC can't be converted into an Integer.
Update: I ended up adding a method in the model to achieve what I was trying to do.

I'll try to point you in the right direction.
If you have an array of records and what to loop through it, use Array#each:
You can write attributes easily:
Hope that helps


How to get attribute from a collection, with multiple objects inside of an array in Laravel?

I have a collection that contains an array with 2 objects in it. I'm trying to get the email attribute, right now there are only 2 objects, but there could be 100 objects, so I'm not sure if I need a loop or if I need to use array_merge, or something.
I've attached a screenshot of the data, I'm not showing the attributes, but just know that one of them is email.
I'm die/dumping a variable called $tokens.
In the end, it should return a list of emails, for example:
And I need this logic in the controller, not in the view (.blade), because I'm trying to save this data in a csv file, using fputcsv, that's the main objective and idea here.
Thank you to #jagcweb for the inspiration, his code/answer just needed a couple of tweaks. The following works and does what I was trying to do:
$emails_array = array();
for($i=0; $i <= sizeof($tokens)-1; $i++) {
array_push($emails_array, $tokens[$i]["email"]);
Now the $emails_array contains an array with both emails in it.
This sounds like what pluck is for:
Laravel 8.x Docs - Collections - pluck

grails sort by date not working

I have domain object named Roll and on the list page i want to show the user all the Roll objects iterating through a list, sorted by entry date.
Here is the code i am using
[rollList: Roll.findAll(sort:"rollDate"){userid==uid}]
rollDate is a field inside the Roll object with data type java.util.Date
Any suggestion on why the output is not sorted by rollDate. When i iterate through the rollList on the gsp page it is not sorted.
Also, on the Roll domain object i have even put this code, but it's still not sorting.
static mapping = {
sort "rollDate"
Thank you.
Why aren't you using the dynamic finders?
Roll.findAllByUserid( uid, [ sort:"rollDate", order: 'desc'] )
should work.
The findAll( Map, Closure ) method appeared not a long time ago, perhaps it was not tested well...
You might need to use order in your query as well, then add order to it
[rollList: Roll.findAll(sort:"rollDate", order: 'desc'){userid==uid}]
After trying both the solutions mentioned it still didn't work. So i thought something might be wrong on the front end.
While researching more i found that since i was using jquery data tables it used to re order the sorting. The solutions i found was here
jQuery DataTable rows order
So both the answers above are correct. The issue was actually with jquery data tables.

setObjectId is not working

I wonder if is possible to assign an id when an item is created with parse:
ParseObject parseWord = new ParseObject(DataBaseHelper.TABLE_WORD);
parseWord.put(Word.NAME, word.getName());
parseWord.put(Word.TYPE, word.getType());
parseWord.put(Word.TRANSLATE, word.getTranslate());
parseWord.put(Word.EXAMPLE, word.getExample());
parseWord.put(Word.NOTE, word.getNote());
parseWord.put(Word.SYNC_AT, today);
This code is not working, it doesnt save the item in the server. If I delete the setObjectId(idRow); it works. What am I doing wrong?.
Is there anyway to know when the saveInBackground is done?
According to the ParseObject.setObjectID() API doc:
Setter for the object id. In general you do not need to use this.
However, in some cases this can be convenient. For example, if you are
serializing a ParseObject yourself and wish to recreate it, you can
use this to recreate the ParseObject exactly.
Also from the API doc:
An object id is assigned as soon as an object is saved to the server.
A reason, as the quote suggests, you might need to set the object ID is if you, wish to do something like save the fields of a parse object to a file. If you wanted to take the fields from your file and recreate a parse object, THEN you'd need to set it, as that's not done for you if you're not saving it to the server and just using an instance of the object for purposes internal to your application.

how to group objects in an array Ruby

I have an array of users who are managers.
However there are repeated Users.
I would like to group them so that there is only one instance of each User in the array.
What would be the best way to go about this?
#managers.sort_by{|obj|} # Just sorted the data but did not eliminate duplicats
#managers.group_by{|u|} # just created a bunch of arrays for each name
Use the uniq method, which returns a new array with duplicates removed.
If by duplicate you mean the same object ID, then you can do the following:
Filtering the array feels like fixing symptoms. Why does the array contain rubbish in the first place?
I would suggest adding a manager? method to your User model that returns true if the user is a manager. Then you could to something like
#managers = &:manager?
and get an array that only contains managers.
you can also do'DISTINCT user_id')
to get a clean array in the first place, whith better performance.

Prototype Form.serialize(this) merging with another hash

I'm trying to merge a form hash with another hash using Prototype (
This doesn't pass any parameters to the server
but this does
Any ideas on how to fix this? I don't get any javascript errors.
Looks like this is an issue with the old version of the Prototype docs:
That's a documentation issue. Expected
output (from Form.serialize) is a
vanilla JS object, not a hash
You can achieve what you want like this:
This makes use of Object.extend:
Object.extend(Form.serialize(true), {order: 'descend_by_created_by'})
