Google Script Image Resizing - image

I'm trying to make a script that will resize the images in a google doc. What I have is:
var imgs = currentDoc.getImages();
for (var i = 1; i < imgs.length; i++)
cell = row.insertTableCell(1);
imgNew = imgs[i].setWidth(365);
cell.insertImage(1, imgNew.getBlob());
The image gets inserted correctly but the size does not change regardless of what I set the width to. Since the image is going into a cell (width=370), is it possible to just make the image take up 100% of the width and scale the height proportionally? If not I can deal with manually setting the number of pixels but that is not working either. Any ideas?

The problem is that the image size should be changed after it is inserted to a table. The following code works correctly
function test() {
var doc = DocumentApp.openById('here_is_doc_id');
var imgs = doc.getImages();
var table = doc.getTables()[0];
for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
var row = table.appendTableRow();
var cell = row.insertTableCell(0);
var imgNew = imgs[i].copy();
cell.insertImage(0, imgNew);
Please mention, that array indexes, cells numbers, etc. start from 0 and not 1.

Just as an FYI, you don't need to call getBlob()... anything that has a getBlob() can be passed in directly wherever a Blob is needed.

Have you tried:
imgs[i].attr('width', '370');
Or try assigning a class that has width: 100%


Google Apps Script For Loop To Grab Cell Values and Insert into Formula

I have 5 possible locations where a user can enter either: "Yes, No, or any URL". If a URL is entered, I need the value of that cell (the URL) to be entered into an equation on a corresponding cell in a separate sheet. Here is what I have:
//Locations of the cells where the user can enter the URL.
var graphic1_loc = 'A62';
var graphic2_loc = 'A63';
var graphic3_loc = 'A64';
var graphic4_loc = 'A65';
var graphic5_loc = 'A66';
//The corresponding locations on the "Briefing" sheet where the images would get inserted.
var graphic1_placement = 'B45';
var graphic2_placement = 'B46';
var graphic3_placement = 'B47';
var graphic4_placement = 'B48';
var graphic5_placement = 'B49';
//main_gen is the name of the sheet where the user enters the data. This just grabs the value
//the user entered and stores it in the corresponding variable.
var graphic1 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('main_gen!'+graphic1_loc).getValue();
var graphic2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('main_gen!'+graphic2_loc).getValue();
var graphic3 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('main_gen!'+graphic3_loc).getValue();
var graphic4 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('main_gen!'+graphic4_loc).getValue();
var graphic5 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('main_gen!'+graphic5_loc).getValue();
var graphics_placements = ["B45", "B46", "B47", "B48", "B49"]; //These are the corresponding cells where the image would be placed on a separate sheet.
//If any graphic is a URL, insert that image into it's corresponding cell in the Briefing tab.
for (var num = 0; num < 5; num ++) {
var graphicformula = '=IMAGE("' + graphic[num] + '",1)';
if (graphic[num].length > 5) {
What I am trying to get the If statement within the For Loop to say is...If the length of the value of graphic1 is > 5 (if it isn't yes (3) or no (2) then it is assumed it is a URL) then find the corresponding cell on the "Briefing" sheet to insert the formula. The current way I have it written is not correct, but I wanted to attempt to write something to give you an idea of what I am after. Thanks for any help you can provide!
You want to run SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Briefing!'+graphic[num]_placement).setFormula(graphicformula); when the value of graphic# is URL.
For example, when the URL is in the cell A63 in the sheet main_gen, you want to put the formula of =IMAGE(URL,1) to the cell B46 in the sheet Briefing
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
Modification points:
In your script, you are trying to use graphic[num] as a variable of graphic1, graphic2,,,. In this case, this cannot be used as the variable.
In your situation, the cells A62:A66 in the sheet main_gen are correspoinding to the cells B45:B49 in the sheet Briefing. I think that this can be used for modifying your script.
The values of the cells A62:A66 in the sheet main_gen can be retrieved by ss.getSheetByName("main_gen").getRange("A62:A66").getValues().
In order to confirm whether the value of cell is the URL, in this modification, I used test().
I think that when the destination sheet is declared out of the for loop, the process cost can be reduced.
When above points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var source = ss.getSheetByName("main_gen").getRange("A62:A66").getValues();
var dstSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Briefing");
var graphics_placements = ["B45", "B46", "B47", "B48", "B49"];
for (var num = 0; num < source.length; num ++) {
if (/https?:\/\//.test(source[num][0])) {
var graphicformula = '=IMAGE("' + source[num][0] + '",1)';
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.

How to identify clipping masks in Photoshop using JavaScript

I've currently butchered a script I was reading that loops through a list of layers, and then looks for layers with a certain name (3/2, 4/3 etc). The next step is to check for layer masks that are clipped to the base layer, and merge them to it. I've read through the reference docs, and can't find anything about identifying clipping masks. I've attached an image as an example of how the document is structured.
And here is the code I have so far:
var doc = app.activeDocument
var ratios = ["1/1", "4/3", "3/4", "3/2", "2/3", "16/9", "9/3", "7/2", "11/5"];
for (var i = 0, il = doc.layers.length; i < il; i++) {
var curLayer = doc.layers[i];
for (var j = 0, jl = ratios.length; j < jl; j++) {
if ( == ratios[j]) {
// Check for clipping masks attached to this layer
I am using Photoshop CS5. Thanks!
I ended up working out another way to do it. I instead grouped the layers into a layerset, and exported them out of the document that way. For those that would like to see it, have a look here:

Find&Replace script in Google Docs SpreadSheets

I have google spreadsheet with direct links to images (jpg and png):
I want to increase rows heights starting from "2nd row" to 100px and render images there.
It's possible to do via Find&Replace:
Find jpg and Replace to jpg", 1)
Find http://img and Replace to =image("http://img)
Select rows and Scale them
and the same for png image-urls.
Watch this screencast
Is it possible to automate it via script? I think - YES! It have to be pretty simple but I googled a lot but haven't found the solution. I can't do it myself as don't know coding. Will anyone help and make this script?
A function to do what you ask is simple, if you have a basic understanding of the language (Javascript), know how to use the development environment, and read the API documentation.
For example, see this script. It's been added to your shared spreadsheet, so you can also view it (and run it) in the script editor there.
* Scan column A, looking for images that have been inserted using
* =image() function. For any row with an image, set the row height
* to 100 pixels.
function resizeImageRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); // Get a handle on the sheet
var HEADERS = 1; // Number of header rows at top
var firstRow = HEADERS + 1; // First row with data
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow(); // Last row with data
var imageRange = sheet.getRange(1, 1, lastRow, 1); // Column A
// Get all formulas from Column A, without Headers
var formulas = imageRange.getFormulas().slice(HEADERS);
// Look for image() formulas, and set the row height.
for (var i = 0; i< formulas.length; i++) {
if (formulas[i][0].indexOf('image') !== -1) {
sheet.setRowHeight(i+firstRow, 100); // Set height to 100 pixels
You can absolutely do this with the find and replace function under the edit menu, just make sure you click "search in formulas" and it will find and replace in the formula.

Crystal reports blob field original size

I am inserting an image in the crystal report by dragging a field of type picture from the database fields. The image is inserted as a blob field with a default (original) size even though in the database the image can have different sizes. The problem is that the image does not preserve its original size. Is there a way how specify the original size of the image in crystal reports?
Crystal report will not auto- re-size the image. So better to set the original size in Crystal report
try this code in c#:
CRAXDRT.Report report1 = new CRAXDRT.Report();
CRAXDRT.Application app = new CRAXDRT.Application();
report1 = app.OpenReport("YorReport.rpt", OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByDefault);
for (int i = 1; i < report1.Sections.Count + 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < report1.Sections[i].ReportObjects.Count + 1; j++)
CRAXDRT.BlobFieldObject t1 = (CRAXDRT.BlobFieldObject)report1.Sections[i].ReportObjects[j];
if (t1.Name == "YourBlobFieldName")
t1.Height = 200;
t1.Width = 200;
catch (Exception) { }
Check the Can Grow checkbox for the BLOB field.
That will auto size the field by image's original size.

BIRT Palette scripting: How to access dataset row

If I want to change the color of circles in scatter chart based on a field not being used in the chart, then how do i use that column in script. I mean how can i get the that data...for example
If (row[v_count])>2
fill red color...
The exact code is below
function beforeDrawDataPoint(dph, fill, icsc)
//Fill implements Fill interface
importPackage( );
val = dph.getOrthogonalValue();
if( fill.getClass().isAssignableFrom(ColorDefinitionImpl)){
if (row[v_count]>2){
fill.set(255, 0, 0);
but i dont know do i get that v_count column in the script. is there some function to get that column ?
I mean if we are making some calculations based on a column from databinding columns..that is not being used in x or y axis, then how do we access that column in the there some kind of function for that.. I tried row["v_count"], but it is not working.
You could use "persistent global variables". In any place of your report you can write the following to store and load a global variable. Note that you cannot store Integers but only Strings (but after loading you can cast your Strings back to other types). You could store the Value of your column in the Script of an invisible data field located above your chart, so inside your chart you can read the value.
//store a value
reportContext.setPersistentGlobalVariable("varName", "value");
//load the value
var load = reportContext.getPersistentGlobalVariable("varName");
I spend my day look but I did not find the solution, this is my colleague who give me :)
So I share.
in my example I had to create a vertical marker for every new year
function beforeGeneration(chart, icsc)
var chart = icsc.getChartInstance();
var yAxis = chart.getBaseAxes()[0];
//get date series for my case
series = yAxis.getRuntimeSeries();
// but if you have multiple series ... (for exemple xaxis)
for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++){
var values = series[i].getDataSet().getValues();
for (j = 0; j < values.length; j++){
if(j > 1){
var date1 = values[j-1];
var date2 = values[j];
if(date1.getYear() < date2.getYear()){
min_ml = MarkerLineImpl.create(yAxis, NumberDataElementImpl.create(j));
min_ml.getLabel().getCaption().setValue("Nouveau boitier");
