Return the result of joining two tables in Silverlight 4.0 - visual-studio-2010

Main Code:
DomainServiceAccountManager d = new DomainServiceAccountManager();
EntityQuery<ListBuy> q = d.GetListMemberBuyQuery();
LoadOperation<ListBuy> l = d.Load(q);
DGListBuy.ItemsSource = l.Entities;
The code:
public IQueryable<ListBuy> GetListMemberBuy()
var membuy =
from mem in this.ObjectContext.Members
from b in this.ObjectContext.Buys.Where(b => b.ID_member == mem.ID)
.OrderByDescending(b => b.ID)
select new { b.ID, mem.Name, b.Money, b.Tarikh };
return membuy;
I get the following message:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#1>' to 'System.Linq.IQueryable<AccountManager.Web.ListBuy>'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

You method GetListMemberBuy actually returns an IQueryable of anonymous type instead of an IQueryable of type ListBuy. These are not identical, hence the (compile time?) error.
I can only assume that ListBuy also exists in the database, but if so, then you can remove the anonymous type.
public IQueryable<ListBuy> GetListMemberBuy()
var membuy =
from mem in this.ObjectContext.Members
from b in this.ObjectContext.Buys.Where(b => b.ID_member == mem.ID)
.OrderByDescending(b => b.ID)
select new ListBuy() { ID = b.ID, Name = mem.Name, Money = b.Money, Tarikh = b.Tarikh }; // <-- new ListBuy() !!
return membuy;
If ListBuy does not exist in the database, then you cannot return an IQueryable. Maybe this will work.
public IEnumerable<ListBuy> GetListMemberBuy()
var membuy =
from mem in this.ObjectContext.Members
from b in this.ObjectContext.Buys.Where(b => b.ID_member == mem.ID)
.OrderByDescending(b => b.ID)
select new { b.ID, mem.Name, b.Money, b.Tarikh };
return membuy
.Select(b => new ListBuy() {
ID = b.ID, Name = b.Name, Money = b.Money, Tarikh = b.Tarikh
All this is a bit speculation since you didn't include the ListBuy class definition in your question.


Conversion of a LINQ query fom method syntax to query syntax

Hi I am changing career to computer programming. I am still in college. I have to change the following LINQ query from method syntax to query syntax. What gets me is the 2 steps process of the method query. First it gets a teamId and then it returns a list based on the context and using the teamId. I am confused about how to translate this to query method. Most of the questions are about going from query syntax to method.
Can someone Help?
public IEnumerable<TemplateView> GetTemplates(Guid userId, int languageId)
using (DigigateEntities context = new Models.DigigateEntities())
var teamId = context
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.UserId == userId)
return context
.Where(c => c.TeamId == teamId)
.Select(c => c.Template)
.Where(c => c.StatusId == 1/*Active*/)
.Select(k => new TemplateView
TemplateName = k.Name,
Id = k.Id,
IsCustom = k.Custom,
TypeId = k.TypeId,
TypeName = k.TemplateType.Description,
FileName = k.FileName,
TemplateImage = "test.png",
LanguageId = k.LanguageId,
LanguageName = k.Language.Name,
CreateDate = k.CreateDate
The first one is pretty straight forward. I delayed the execution of the query until the end. Since you may get a null reference exception in your example accessing .FirstOrDefault().Team.Id;
var teamId = (from c in context.TeamMembers.Include("Team")
where c.UserId == userId
select c.Team.Id).FirstOrDefault();
This one you just need to use an into in order to continue your query statement
return (from c in context.TeamTemplates.Include("Template")
where c.TeamId == teamId
select c.Template into k
where k.StatusId == 1
select new TemplateView
TemplateName = k.Name,
Id = k.Id,
IsCustom = k.Custom,
TypeId = k.TypeId,
TypeName = k.TemplateType.Description,
FileName = k.FileName,
TemplateImage = "test.png",
LanguageId = k.LanguageId,
LanguageName = k.Language.Name,
CreateDate = k.CreateDate
public IEnumerable<TemplateView> GetTemplates(Guid userId, int languageId)
using (DigigateEntities context = new Models.DigigateEntities())
var teamId = (from tm in context.TeamMembers.Include("Team")
where tm.UserId==userId
select tm.Id).FirstOrDefault();
IEnumerable<TemplateView> result = from k in (from tmp in context.TeamTemplates.Include("Template")
select tmp.Template)
where k.StatusId==1
select new
TemplateName = k.Name,
Id = k.Id,
IsCustom = k.Custom,
TypeId = k.TypeId,
TypeName = k.TemplateType.Description,
FileName = k.FileName,
TemplateImage = "test.png",
LanguageId = k.LanguageId,
LanguageName = k.Language.Name,
CreateDate = k.CreateDate
return result;

Use method in entity framework query

Is there anyway around this error? I'd like to reuse the same lamba expression in other queries instead of having duplication. Can LinqKit or other linq expression do this?
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean GetEvent(Tournaments.Data.Entities.Event, System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
public MobileEventDetailModel GetDetails(string applicationId)
var #event = (from e in _eventsRepository.DataContext.Events.Include(q => q.Assets.Select(a => a.Asset))
where GetEvent(e, applicationId)
select new
LogoId = (from a in e.Assets
where a.Type == EventAssetType.Logo
select a.AssetId).FirstOrDefault()
return new MobileEventDetailModel
Id = #event.Id,
Name = #event.Name,
Logo = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", Config.BaseUrl, Config.ImagesPath, #event.LogoId)
public bool GetEvent(Event #event, string applicationId)
return #event.Active && #event.Visible && #event.MobileEventApplications.Any(m =>
m.MobileApplication.ApplicationId == applicationId &&
(!m.MobileApplication.ActivationLength.HasValue || EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, 1) < EntityFunctions.AddMonths(m.MobileApplication.DateActivated, m.MobileApplication.ActivationLength.Value)));
You need to use an Expression:
public MobileEventDetailModel GetDetails(string applicationId)
var event = _eventsRepository.DataContext.Events.Include(q => q.Assets.Select(a => a.Asset))
.Select(a => new
LogoId = (from b in a.Assets
where b.Type == EventAssetType.Logo
select b.AssetId).FirstOrDefault()
return new MobileEventDetailModel
Id = event.Id,
Name = event.Name,
Logo = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", Config.BaseUrl, Config.ImagesPath, event.LogoId)
public Expression<Func<Event, bool>> GetEvent(int applicationId)
return = a => a.Active
&& a.Visible
&& a.MobileEventApplications
.Any(m => m.MobileApplication.ApplicationId == applicationId
&& (!m.MobileApplication.ActivationLength.HasValue
|| EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, 1)
< EntityFunctions
.AddMonths(m.MobileApplication.DateActivated, m.MobileApplication.ActivationLength.Value)
Update: Sorry it was late the other night, the changed version is hopefully more what you were looking for.

Select only a single column in LINQ

The EntityModel is defined as:
Personnel has a link to a Country
When executing this code in LinqPad, I see that the SQL which is generated is not optimized (all fields are returned) in the first query ? What am I missing here or doing wrong ?
Query 1 LINQ
var Country = Countries.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == 100000581);
var personnelIds = Country.Personnels.Select(p => p.Id).ToArray();
Query 1 SQL
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [t0].[Id], [t0].[Version], [t0].[Identifier], [t0].[Name], , [t0].[UpdatedBy] FROM [Personnel] AS [t0] WHERE [t0].[Country_Id] = #p0',N'#p0 bigint',#p0=100000581
Query 2 LINQ
var Country = Countries.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == 100000581);
var personnelIds2 = Personnels.Where(p => p.Country == Country).Select(p => p.Id).ToArray();
Query 2 SQL
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [t0].[Id] FROM [Personnel] AS [t0] WHERE [t0].[Country_Id] = #p0',N'#p0 bigint',#p0=100000581
The database used is SQL Express 2008. And LinqPad version is 4.43.06
//var Country = Countries.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == 100000581);
var personnelIds = context.Personnels
.Where(p => p.Country.Id == 100000581)
.Select(p => p.Id)
Try this, it should be better.
Personnels collection will be populated via lazy loading when accessed, hence retrieving all of the fields from the DB. Here's what's happening...
// retrieves data and builds the single Country entity (if not null result)
var Country = Countries.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == 100000581);
// Country.Personnels accessor will lazy load and construct all Personnel entity objects related to this country entity object
// hence loading all of the fields
var personnelIds = Country.Personnels.Select(p => p.Id).ToArray();
You want something more like this:
// build base query projecting desired data
var personnelIdsQuery = dbContext.Countries
.Where( c => c.Id == 100000581 )
.Select( c => new
CountryId = c.Id,
PersonnelIds = c.Personnels.Select( p => p.Id )
// now do enumeration
// your example shows FirstOrDefault without OrderBy
// either use SingleOrDefault or specify an OrderBy prior to using FirstOrDefaul
var result = personnelIdsQuery.OrderBy( item => item.CountryId ).FirstOrDefault();
var result = personnelIdsQuery.SingleOrDefault();
Then get the array of IDs if not null
if( null != result )
var personnelIds = result.PersonnelIds;
Try can also try grouping personnel into a single query
var groups =
(from p in Personnel
group p by p.CountryId into g
select new
CountryId = g.Key
PersonnelIds = p.Select(x => x.Id)
var personnelIds = groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Key == 100000581);
Do you have the ForeignKey explicitly defined in your POCO for Personnel? It's common to leave it out in EF, but adding it would massively simplify both this code and the resulting SQL:
public class Personnel
public Country Country { get; set; }
public int CountryId { get; set; }
. . .
> update-database -f -verbose
var ids = db.Personnel.Where(p => p.CountryId == 100000581).Select(p => p.Id).ToArray();

LINQ: Group By + Where in clause

I'm trying to implement a T-SQL equivalent of a where in (select ...) code in LINQ.
This is what I have now:
int contactID = GetContactID();
IEnumerable<string> threadList = (from s in pdc.Messages
where s.ContactID == contactID
group 1 by new { s.ThreadID } into d
select new { ThreadID = d.Key.ThreadID}).ToList<string>();
var result = from s in pdc.Messages
where threadList.Contains(s.ThreadID)
group new { s } by new { s.ThreadID } into d
let maxMsgID = d.Where(x => x.s.ContactID != contactID).Max(x => x.s.MessageID)
select new {
LastMessage = d.Where(x => x.s.MessageID == maxMsgID).SingleOrDefault().s
However, my code won't compile due to this error for the ToList():
cannot convert from
Anyone have any suggestions on how to implement this? Or any suggestions on how to simplify this code?
Your query returns a set of anonymous types; you cannot implicitly convert it to a List<string>.
Instead, you should select the string itself. You don't need any anonymous types.
Change it to
var threadList = pdc.Messages.Where(s => s.ContactID == contactID)
.Select(s => s.ThreadID)
var result = from s in pdc.Messages
where threadList.Contains(s.ThreadID)
group s by s.ThreadID into d
let maxMsgID = d.Where(x => x.ContactID != contactID).Max(x => x.MessageID)
select new {
LastMessage = d.Where(x => x.MessageID == maxMsgID).SingleOrDefault()

Linq: Nested queries are better than joins, but what if you use 2 nested queries?

In her book Entity Framework Julie Lerman recommends using nested queries in preference to joins (scroll back a couple of pages).
In her example see populates 1 field this way, but what id you want to populate 2?
I have an example here where I would prefer to populate the Forename and Surname with the same nested query rather than 2 separate ones. I just need to know the correct syntax to do this.
public static List<RequestInfo> GetRequests(int _employeeId)
using (SHPContainerEntities db = new SHPContainerEntities())
return db.AnnualLeaveBookeds
.Where(x => x.NextApproverId == _employeeId ||
(x.ApproverId == _employeeId && x.ApprovalDate.HasValue == false))
.Select(y => new RequestInfo
AnnualLeaveDate = y.AnnualLeaveDate,
Forename = (
from e in db.Employees
where e.EmployeeId == y.EmployeeId
select e.Forename).FirstOrDefault(),
Surname = (
from e in db.Employees
where e.EmployeeId == y.EmployeeId
select e.Surname).FirstOrDefault(),
RequestDate = y.RequestDate,
CancelRequestDate = y.CancelRequestDate,
ApproveFlag = false,
RejectFlag = false,
Reason = string.Empty
.OrderBy(x => x.AnnualLeaveDate)
There's nothing wrong with your query, but you can write it in a way that is much simpler, without the nested queries:
public static List<RequestInfo> GetRequests(int employeeId)
using (SHPContainerEntities db = new SHPContainerEntities())
return (
from x in db.AnnualLeaveBookeds
where x.NextApproverId == employeeId ||
(x.ApproverId == employeeId && x.ApprovalDate == null)
orderby x.AnnualLeaveDate
select new RequestInfo
AnnualLeaveDate = x.AnnualLeaveDate,
Forename = x.Employee.Forename,
Surname = x.Employee.Surname,
RequestDate = x.RequestDate,
CancelRequestDate = x.CancelRequestDate,
ApproveFlag = false,
RejectFlag = false,
Reason = string.Empty
See how I just removed your from e in db.Employees where ... select e.Forename) and simply replaced it with x.Employee.Forename. When your database contains the correct foreign key relationships, the EF designer will successfully generate a model that contain an Employee property on the AnnualLeaveBooked entity. Writing the query like this makes it much more readable.
I hope this helps.
try this
using (SHPContainerEntities db = new SHPContainerEntities())
return db.AnnualLeaveBookeds
.Where(x => x.NextApproverId == _employeeId ||
(x.ApproverId == _employeeId && x.ApprovalDate.HasValue == false))
.Select(y =>
var emp = db.Emplyees.Where(e => e.EmployeeId == y.EmployeeId);
return new RequestInfo
AnnualLeaveDate = y.AnnualLeaveDate,
Forename = emp.Forename,
Surname = emp.Surname,
RequestDate = y.RequestDate,
CancelRequestDate = y.CancelRequestDate,
ApproveFlag = false,
RejectFlag = false,
Reason = string.Empty
).OrderBy(x => x.AnnualLeaveDate).ToList();
