OS X - Communication between launch daemon and launch agent - macos

I am new to OS X and have to create an application having 2 parts - launch daemon and launch agent. The daemon is going to do stuff such as command execution, logging, etc and has to somehow communicate these results to launch agent (which would transfer them to a login item displaying a GUI, although that is a future step).
My question:
How do I achieve this communication?. From what I have been able to gather so far after reading Apple docs is that my best bet is using CFSockets. Is there any alternate(simpler) way ? Does anybody have any sample tutorial/example/code that shows how to use CFSockets (I could not find any) ?.
PS: My question might be a duplicate of this one, but that question is not yet answered and so I thought of posting this.

I was able to set up communication between my daemon and agent using CFSockets and it wasn't as bad as I had thought before. I followed the step-by-step instructions at :
https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/NetworkingTopics/Articles/UsingSocketsandSocketStreams.html (Writing a TCP-Based Server).
You could probably also try using plain BSD sockets. There is a simple example at : http://www.minek.com/files/unix_examples/poll.html (although I have not tried this out).
Good luck.


How to create mac application, which will be always running in the background and collects Location?

I need to know how to create an application which will always be running in the background and collects location info once every 10 minutes. I don't know much about launch agents and daemons.
I have read a few examples where I found Launch agents is just a plist file. Should we launch the app through launch agents every 10 minutes? How to do that?
There's no simple answer to this; you really need to read—or at least familiarize yourself with—the Daemons and Services Programming Guide, particularly the "Creating Login Items" section.
If you plan on creating a sandboxed (App Store) application, that limits your options somewhat, but not dramatically (for this kind of application).
You need to decide if your background process needs a UI or not. I suspect not, so I'd direct you to the either the XPC Service or user agent route. These will be registered with launchd and launchd has about a billion different options for how and when your process gets launched, and one of those is periodically. For more info on those, see man launchd.plist, particularly StartInterval and StartCalendarInterval.
With this knowledge, I'd then suggest to do some internet and open source searches looking for examples. I'm sure you'll find plenty.

Run function when Mac machine wakes

I'm looking for a function which will get called when a macOS machine wakes up from sleep.
What are some ways to achieve this?
I'm looking to run code in my Swift application when the computer awakens. I'm trying to open a new websocket when this happens. If I open the lid -> new websocket, if I press the any key -> new websocket.
What I've found useful so far is this which stems from what #Rob Napier has suggested (didWakeNotification)
You'll need to give more information than this. Is this an user-level (GUI?) application that will be running when the machine goes to sleep? Is this a daemon? Do you expect your program to be launched if it isn't already running? Is the program sandboxed? Do you expect to have root access? What if no one is logged in? "Wakes up from sleep" has many subtle corner cases (for example, it includes a "dark wake" mode which are not quite sleep and not quite wake).
That said, the high-level answer is "observe NSWorkspace.didWakeNotification" and the low-level answer is "call IORegisterForSystemPower." But whether either of those help you depends a lot on what problem you're solving.

Is there a WinAPI way to detect remote applications like LogMeIn?

Years ago, there were functions in Win32 whereby the app could check to see if a user was running the app via Terminal Services/Remote Desktop. I thnk it was something like:
Is there a system call one can make to check to see if a Win32 or Win64 app is being run remotely via a program like GotoMyPC or LogMeIn?
No, there is not. Those are third party apps doing their own video/input capturing and network streaming. They are plain ordinary apps as far as Windows is concerned. Terminal Services is built into Windows, which is why there are APIs to query TS status.
The only way I can (currently) think of, other than using the aforementioned API call, is also seeing if any particular processes you can identify are running (e.g. GotoMyPC or LogMeIn... they will have some process running). Without doing too much research, they may be running without actually having someone using them. If, however, they launch something to do the streaming, you could check for that.
Just to make sure that this isn't an XY problem, what is it that you're trying to do - and perhaps there is another way?

Is there a way to redirect (render) a window to a "memory display"?

I want to make a windows application whose GUI will be streamed to another device (allowing remote control). The point is that I'm not willing to rely on creating Windows Sessions to isolate the GUI I/O's (1)
To achieve this, I started observing some existing solutions that are able to enable remote access using this premise to see if I could get a clue about where to start.
One of these solution is Winflector (BTW: it is free up to 2 connections).
I got interested in this solution because it seems (I'm guessing) it detects only the repainted regions. What I took from my observations are that:
While the streamed application is "invisibly" running locally in the same session I'm logged in (it shows the application process in my task manager), the application window seems not to be created anyhow - at least Inspect can't get any window information/handle of the application process - It looks like sort of a "GUI StdOut Redirection".
Apparently, no additional Desktop is created;
Also apparently, no Mirror Driver is installed;
Using Process Explorer, I found out Winflector adds some thread's to the original application process. I suspect it is about the GUI redirection (by the thread's names);
The application is started by the Winflector server - that is, it has control about the CreateProcess arguments.
What is the most likely technique to be used in this case?
Windows Hook?
Windows Messages interception?
Special Display Driver?
Sort of Memory Device Context?
Where should I start researching to get a similar approach? Any open source project regarding this subject would also be very welcomed.
PS: By my programming experience, this is sort of a whole "new world" - sorry if my questions are redundant/obvious/non-sense.
(1) That is, this application could be spawned, streamed and interact
with the remote client using the same session which a local user is
already logged in, without conflicting the IO (like a regular VNC
would do, for example). PS: At this moment, I'm focusing only at the

Applescript "mixed credentials" error

I asked this question over on the Apple Communities and got a grand total of ZERO responses. You guys seem a whole lot smarter, so thought I would ask here to see what you think.
An error has started occuring when I attempt to trigger an Applescript via an external process. The console error is as follows:
12/09/2012 11:01:39.205 osascript[269]: Scripting addition loading restricted to system domains because this process has mixed credentials (issetugid=0 r/e uid=501/0 gid=20/20)
When I run the script locally on the Mac(Mini - Mountain Lion 10.8.1) it works perfectly.
What is happening is as follows.
I have a MacMini as a music server in a home automation environment powered by a Crestron processor. The MacMini is connected to two zones, one via the Optical output and another to a DAC from one of the USB ports. When I selected "Listen to iTunes" in one of the two zones the controller sends a command via UDP to a program running on the MacMini which triggers the scripts to change to the appropriate audio out.
All was working well until yesterday when all of a sudden the program triggering the script, whilst reporting that it has executed the correct script correctly, isn't switching the output and the above message is appearing on the console.
I have read what I can on here and as such have reset the PRAM and SMC (all three dongs...) and deleted the script triggering program, run Clean My Mac and rebooted, all to no avail.
Can anyone help me with this, it has to be something simple given that it was working...surely? I haven't run an update or changed anything else that I can think of.....
Any and all thoughts and input would be greatly appreciated.
From the error it seems that you have an add-on to applescript called a "Scripting addition" installed, and that's causing the error. Most likely you do not need this add-on to perform your applescript code. So I would remove all scripting additions from my system and see if the applescript still works.
Search your system for scripting additions... ~/Library/ScriptingAdditions and /Library/ScriptingAdditions.
If you do need to do something that the scripting addition is doing for you, then there's probably other ways to perform the same task without the add-on.
