PlayFramework strict routes and ajax - ajax

Question could be obvious but I still cannot find appropriate solution for this.
Lets assume there is a controller with only one method:
class MyController extends Controller {
public static Result sum(int op1, int op2) {
return ok(op1 + op2);
Routes file is simple enough too:
GET /sum controllers.MyController.sum(op1: Integer, op2: Integer)
Well, now I can do call from templates:
#controllers.routes.MyController.sum(1, 2)
which will be translated to
, or directly paste this url in browser. This works pretty ok.
But everything goes bad when I decide to use ajax for doing this.
I am not js-guru, so I write small (and bad I think:) object using jQuery which adds onClick handler to button. Here it is:
entityController.setSumURL = function(sumURL) {
this.sumURL = sumURL;
entityController.bindSumButton = function(buttonId, op1, op2) {
$.get(entityController.sumURL, {op1: op1, op2, op2}, function(){
where entityController.sumURL should be url to /sum method.
Usually when I render page view I write something like this:
But I cannot do this because sum method has mandatory arguments and there is no way to get address only because binded url can rely on parametes passed to function defined in routes.
So the question is how to do get path only from url without arguments, or how to reorganize whole process to avoid such situations?
My solution is to remove arguments from function appearing in routes and query them directly from request, but my project is growing and sometimes it become too hard to understand which parameters are passed to method.

Check out the zen tasks sample application.
In particular:
the javascriptRoutes method in the controller
the references to jsRoutes in the coffeescript
the routes config
You may want to compile this app and look at the output javascript rather than the coffeescript if you're not familiar with coffeescript.
Also, if you're reloading parts of the page using ajax, you may want to bind your jQuery using
$('.somePermanentContainer').on('click', 'selectorForClickable', function()...)
otherwise you'll find it's no longer bound when that part of the DOM is reloaded.


Separate AJAX controller vs current controller?

I have a question more regarding style and organization that anything else. I often find myself having a single page (controller) that requires multiple ajax calls. Rather than creating a separate controller just for the AJAX calls because that would mean more controllers I just do the following:
class Management extends MY_Controller
public function __construct()
if ($this->uri->segment(2, 0) !== 0 && !$this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
exit('No direct script access allowed');
public function index()
$data['row_config'] = $this->management_model->getConfigRows();
$data['row_users'] = $this->management_model->getUsers();
$data['roles'] = $this->management_model->getRoles();
if ($this->messages->hasMessages()) {
$this->load->view('management/manage', $data);
$this->load->view('management/current_users', $data);
$this->load->view('management/modals', $data);
public function get_user_details()
$user = new \Auth\ASUser($_POST['userId']);
echo json_encode($user->getAll());
public function delete_user()
$user = new \Auth\ASUser($_POST['userId']);
As the index is the only page where I actually need to render a proper view, and the rest are ajax calls I just check the URI segment to see if something other than the index exists and then check if its an ajax request.
Is this bad practice? Should I separate the AJAX calls and the view controller?
Honestly, i don't think that there is a pattern on where you should add your ajax functions, especially in Codeigniter which is loosely coupled for most of it's structure.
In my opinion you should ask yourself the below, in order to find where you should place your ajax calls.
Are the returned data from the ajax call, related to the Controller i am already?
Will i ever use again the same method/functionality in another Controller or somewhere else?
Do i need the already defined constructor of the Controller, which i think i should place the ajax call?
Do i count on the DRY principle of software development?
Is my code flexible, reusable, etc.?
Each project has it's own philosophy and workflow. The design pattern and the data structure that you will decide you will follow, will solve most of your questions in your coding-style.
Your question is asking an opinion which is contrary to Stack Overflow's SOP. But I'll offer my opinion anyway.
Is this bad practice? I don't think so. That said, why make a controller larger than it needs to be? If your Ajax is handling the full CRUD functionality for some page then the controller could be quite large. You might be better served by a separate controller.
An Ajax call is a distinct request to the server - essentially the same as directing the browser to a separate page on some other browser tab. Why not make that request to a controller that is dedicated to Ajax? It could be argued that such a controller produces better "Separation of Concerns". That is good practice.
There is one technique to make certain this controller is only used when requested by an ajax call. A couple lines of code in the controller will make the determination.
class Some_ajax_handler extends CI_Controller
public function __construct()
parent :: __construct();
//if needed, do the rest of your construct here
public function get_user_details()
$user = new \Auth\ASUser($_POST['userId']);
echo json_encode($user->getAll());
The call to show_404(); ends with a call to exit() so you don't need a return; statement or else block in the controller. You can be confident that any method that gets called on this controller is indeed an ajax request.
On the other hand, if a controller's view uses Ajax to get the contents for a select input, or some other simple GET call, then creating a separate controller seems like overkill.
BTW, there is a CI library simplifying Ajax calls HERE that you might find interesting.
The one criticism I offer isn't about ajax but about your use of new which is contrary to the "Codeigniter way" for loading and utilizing other classes (libraries). But I guess that's a different topic.

How to override a web api route?

I am trying to standardize an extension model for our REST API development team. We need to provide default implementation of routes, while allowing for custom implementations of routes that replace the default as well.
As a simple example if we have a GET route api/users like this:
public class DefaultUsersController : ApiController
[Route("api/users", Order = 0)]
public IEnumerable<string> DefaultGetUsers()
return new List<string>
We expect the default work like this:
Now a developer wants to change the behavior of that route, he should be able to simply define the same route with some mechanism to imply their implementation should be the one used, instead of the default. My initial thinking was to use the Order property on the Route attribute since that's what it appears to be there for, as a way to provide a priority (in ascending order) when an ambiguous route is discovered. However it's not working that way, consider this custom implementation that we want to override the default api/users route:
public class CustomUsersController : ApiController
[Route("api/users", Order = -1)]
public IEnumerable<string> CustomGetUsers()
return new List<string>
Notice the Order property is set to -1 to give it a lower priority value than the default, which is set to 0. I would have thought this would be used by the DefaultHttpControllerSelector, but it isn't. From the DefaultHttpControllerSelector:
And we end up with this exception being returned in the response:
Is it possible Microsoft just missed the logic/requirement to use Order as a route disambiguator and this is a bug? Or is there another simple way to override a route, hopefully with an attribute?
I have pretty much the same problem. I am creating a starter site, but I want users to be able to redefine to behaviour of a Controller, especially if there is a bug.
I use Autofac to resolve the Controller, but even when I register the new controller as the old one, the original one gets selected.
What I'll do is probably go with URL Rewriting. Especially since this issue is temporary in my case. However, I would be interested if someone has a better option.

codeigniter method structure, can someone explain me?

Im really curious how does codeigniter achieve something like this:
it looks like method chaining, but it's not. How would the structure of this look in plain OOP?
I suppose its not as simple as..?
public function upload()
// stuff
return $this;
public function do_upload()
// stuff
return $foo;
When you load the library in your controller it's actually doing something like this behind the scene.
include 'system/libraries/Upload.php';
$this->upload = new CI_Upload();
Now you have "$this->upload" ready to use,
Next when you call "$this->upload->do_upload()" you're actually calling a method within the library.
On the other hand Method chaining, is just a matter of making methods returns an instance of the same object, You can review this in libraries code in CodeIgniter 3 on GitHub.
Where most library uses method chaining now.

MVC & ajax: Should I create more views?

I'm developing an MVC3 application with EF and I wanted to make the UI fluent using jQuery ajax, the user will be able to navigate through the url, if he knows it or maybe he might receive a link pointing to a particular route, but, once the page is fully loaded it needs to be fluent, so I came up with one idea and I would like to discuss it here before I make the changes to the solution.
Here is what I came up with:
TestController.cs (Methods code has been omitted for simplicity)
public ActionResult Index() { ... }
public ActionResult Create() { ... }
public ActionResult Create(Test test) { ... }
public ActionResult Update(int testID) { ... }
public ActionResult Update(Test test) { ... }
public ActionResult Delete(int testID) { ... }
public ActionResult Delete(Test test) { ... }
So far it looks like most controllers. My views are as follows:
Now since I wanted to do it async: I've changed my List view so I could add, modify and remove from the list, so far is working like a charm. Plus, the user could still be able to navigate through the application using the url's, note that every link inside the application will perform an ajax request to do the actual work, there are no Route/Action links.
By now the application is working as expected, but now I came across something: there are views that I need to be ActionResult and PartialViewResult, that is because the user could type in the url: "/Admin/Test", which should return the full page, or could click on an anchor which will load only the content of the "/Admin/Test" and display it. To avoid the famous page inside page errors I wrote a function to send the request, and when the request arrives it selects only what I need, avoiding then the page inside page, and to duplicate views, but, the response is the whole page which, I don't need to say, it's not the best option, but since the application will be used by lan I didn't care too much about the payload of the response, but then I needed to write javascript code inside the views, so my solution was like null because using the jQuery selector to get only what I need the javascript wasn't there.
As for my new solution to solve my last solution:
I thought I might leave the original view as is, and create another view appending the word "Partial" after the original name, creating another method in the controller with the same naming convention, plus adding the new Route to my Route Table.
To wrap things up, what I need is the following:
- If the user types in "/Test" the response should be the entire page, loaded like the old days, screens flashing white and such.
- But if the user clicks the Test link in the navigation bar, the response should be async and refreshing only the content of my layout.
Any ideas? thoughts? suggestions?
In your actionmethod you can have
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView("_somePartialView");
return PartialView("_someOtherPartialView");

in jQuery what is the difference between $.myFunction and $.fn.myFunction?

I'm delving into writing plugins for jQuery and I'm trying to understand the distinction between $.f and $.fn.f
I've seen pluggin authors use both, or sometimes assign $.f = $.fn.f
Can someone explain this to me, reasoning, benefits, etc?
Looking at the jQuery source code will clear things up. By the way, jQuery and $ refer to the same object, and this is how the jQuery object is defined:
var jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
jQuery is a function and in Javascript, a function is also an object of the type Function. So jQuery.f or $.f attaches f to the jQuery Function object, or call it the jQuery class if you will.
if you look at jQuery's source, you'll see that jQuery.prototype has been assigned to jQuery.fn
jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype
So, whenever you attach a method (or property) to jQuery.fn, as in jQuery.fn.f = .., or $.fn.f = .., or jQuery.prototype.f = .., or $.prototype.f = .., that method will be available to all instances of this jQuery class (again, there are no classes in Javascript, but it may help in understanding).
Whenever you invoke the jQuery() function, as in jQuery("#someID"), a new jQuery instance is created on this line:
return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
and this instance has all the methods we attached to the prototype, but not the methods that were attached directly to the Function object.
You will get an exception if you try calling a function that wasn't defined at the right place.
$.doNothing = function() {
// oh noez, i do nuttin
// does exactly as advertised, nothing
var jQueryEnhancedObjectOnSteroids = $("body");
// Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an Object> has no method 'doNothing'
Oh, and finally to cut a long thread short and to answer your question - doing $.f = $.fn.f allows you to use the function as a plugin or a utility method (in jquery lingo).
The $.f is a utility function whereas $.fn.f is a jQuery plugin / method.
A utility function is basically a function within the jQuery namespace that is useful for performing some operation, for example, $.isArray(obj) checks if an object obj is an array. It is useful to put functions in the jQuery namespace if you'll use them often and also to avoid global namespace pollution.
jQuery methods on the other hand operate on jQuery objects/wrapped sets. For example, $(document.body).append('<p>Hello</p>'); will append a paragraph containing Hello to the body element of the document. $.fn is a shorthand for $.prototype in later versions of jQuery (it wasn't always in earlier versions of the library). You would use this when writing your own plugins.
The $.fn.f is simply a shortcut to jQuery.prototype
By using the fn, you can add plugin methods without using the extend method:
jQuery.fn.myPlugin = function(opts) { ... }
