jdoc not rendering - joomla

I hope you can help.
I've a Joomla 2.5 site with an existing (and working) set of modules which are all showing up on the main site just fine.
For a whole myriad of reasons I've put together a custom Joomla template ... here is the out put: http://www.fabulous-women.co.uk/testing.html
in the "headerslice" position I've copied the working modules and set them to the headerslice position. However, it refuses to display.
<?php if ($this->countModules('headerslice' )) : ?>
<div id="headerslice">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name='headerslice'/>
<?php endif; ?>
The if statement does render the tags... but no content. The jdoc:include type="header" renders perfectly in the tags.

You need a space before the closing slash of the jdoc statement.
<jdoc:include type="modules" name='headerslice' />


Editing notification messages in joomla

How do I increase the display time of on-screen notifications in joomla? E.g when a user registers. What file do I edit to achieve this?
The same question was also asked here:
I've achieved this by editing the following line on the default.php page in the layout of the template:
<?php if(count($app->getMessageQueue())) : ?>
<jdoc:include type="message" />
<?php endif; ?>
The above line neds to be changed to just <jdoc:include type="message" /> to ensure the system messages/notification stay permanently on the screen.

Magento product overview and detail separated view

I want to handle the product overivew separataly to the product detail view. I want to add additional text right behind the price in the product deatil view.
I tried to edit the view.phtml in path app/design/frontend/mytheme/default/template/catalog/product/view.phtml, refreshed caches and so on, but nothing changed.
In catalog.xml view.phtml will be load. So its seems correct.
But even when I try to echo "test" it doesnt show anything.
<?php if ($_product->getShortDescription()):?>
<div class="short-description">
<div class="std"><h2><?php echo $this->__('Details:') ?></h2>
<?php echo "test";
Do you have any hint?
You should enable template path hints in the backend to check which template file is used to render product page. Make sure that the cache is also disabled.

Custom joomla template

I have just started learning to convert html to joomla template 2.5,quite succeed.
My html looks like:
Home Page:Header,Menu,slider,footer
About Page:Header,menu,content area,footer.
Problem is how to create the about page as well as other pages, I have approx different themes for different pages, header, footer, menu are same, just the middle portion are different.
Suppose I have a main center div
<div class="slider-wrapper theme-default">
<div id="slider" class="nivoSlider">
<img width="970" height="400" src="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template ?>/images/sldier1.jpg" alt="Black Leather Suit" title="" /></div></div>
ow could I add more than 1 components in slider-wrapper div?
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="content" style="none" />
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="content" style="none" />
Joomla sites are not like html sites. You don't manually create each page and save the html file. For this you create a new article in the Joomla backend using the article manager or a 3rd party extensions such as K2, or assign an installed component layout to a menu item.
You can also only have 1 component per page however, if you slider comes with a module, then you can load the module in an article by giving is a custom position and then adding the following code to you article:
{loadposition xxx}

Where can we modify the default links of the footer in Magento?

I want to get rid of the links in the footer of my website, someone started the dev of that website and left, now I can't modify it, because when I'm in the footer.phtml i can see that code :
<!-- Footer -->
<div id="footer">
<li><?php echo $this->getCopyright(); ?></li>
<?php echo Mage::getModel('core/variable')->loadByCode('footer_navigation')->getValue('html'); ?>
<div class="cl"> </div>
<!-- /Footer -->
I can't find the place where that class is looking for the links Mage::getModel('core/variable')->loadByCode('footer_navigation')->getValue('html')
I've been looking in catalog.xml where I found <reference name="footer_links"> but if I delet the code inside, nothing happen, it doesn't seem to be linked in any way with that.
I got the same problem in my menu where I see that class I don't understand : $categories = $this->renderCategoriesMenuHtmlCustom2(0, 'level-top'); Where does that refer too ?
Thanks :)
Login to your admin panel and go to System->Custom Variables. You should find the footer links there. You can remove the links through here (by deleting the HTML and plain-text fields), or by taking out the piece of code that loads the footer links variable (the line that calls loadByCode('footer_navigation')).
You can also delete the variable through the admin panel, but if you do this, you should also remove the code that calls it; it won't crash, but it can lead to confusion down the road.

joomla without a component on the main page

On the page I edit modules constitute the main page. Actually there is no need for any component out there.
I can't remove jdoc from the template because other part of the site requires it.
I wonder what is the best solution for the problem: for main page I need one template but for others another.
As far I have worked with joomla internals almost never with back-end so I guess my knowledge lack in this department.
Any hint how to achieve that?
You can do something in your template like:
$menu = JSite::getMenu();
if ($menu->getActive() != $menu->getDefault()) : ?>
<jdoc:include type="component" />
<?php endif; ?>
Which will disable the component position when on the default [home] page
