Ruby: Transform a string of time to xsd:datetime conforming string? - ruby

I have this: "2013-02-23 18:06:00 UTC"
and need this: "2013-02-23T18:06:00Z"
to conform to this:
Does anyone know of a good library/tool/method in Ruby to do this without having to write some transformation method?

Check out the rubydocs for Datetime here. There's a method to convert into ISO8601.

Within Rails:
=> "2012-08-22T17:55:12+00:00"


remove `\"` from string rails 4

I have params like:
params[:id]= "\"ebfd11a9-3aa4-415a-ba72-1b6796ea1bf6\""
And i want to get expected result as below:
How can I do this?
You can use gsub:
"\"ebfd11a9-3aa4-415a-ba72-1b6796ea1bf6\"".gsub("\"", "")
=> "ebfd11a9-3aa4-415a-ba72-1b6796ea1bf6"
Or, as #Stefan mentioned, delete:
=> "ebfd11a9-3aa4-415a-ba72-1b6796ea1bf6"
If this is JSON data, which it could very well be in that format:
This handles things where there's somehow escaped strings in there, or the parameters are an array.
Just Use tr!
tr! will also change the main string
In case you do not want to change main string just use :
Thanks Ilya

How to use gsub regex in ruby

I want to remove some part of string from using ruby regex:
value = localhost:8393/foobar/1 test:foobartest
I want to remove "test" from my string [localhost:8393/foobar/1 test:foobartest] and rest of the value so that output should look like:
How to do this in ruby? Can you share some sample code to achieve this?
Appreciated your help in advance!
I would do something like this:
value = 'localhost:8393/foobar/1 test:foobartest'
#=> "localhost:8393/foobar/1"
Or if you want to use an regexp:
value.sub(/ test.*/, '')

How to evaluate a string in its template with given values in ruby

there is a string like this and it is stored in a file
I want to be able to read this string and replace #{date} with"%Y%m%d")
Is there any way to parse the template and do the evaluation? Thanks in advance!
Yes, however...
It would be easier if you used hash replacement, like this:
s = "%{date}abcde.doc"
s % { date: }
Or just use ERb.
As-is you're using string interpolation so it would need to be evaled, I think.

Ruby - convert string to date

I have a string like "2011-06-02T23:59:59+05:30".
I want to convert it to date format and need to parse only the date, "2011-06-02".
For Ruby 1.9.2:
require 'date' # If not already required. If in Rails then you don't need this line).
puts DateTime.parse("2011-06-02T23:59:59+05:30").to_date.to_s
require 'date'
d = Date.parse("2011-06-02T23:59:59+05:30")
Simplies way is
require 'date'
date = "2011-06-02T23:59:59+05:30".gsub(/T.*/, '')
Time.parse() should allow you to parse the whole date time. Then you can use time.strftime( string ) to format that as just a date in a string.
date = Time.parse("2011-06-02T23:59:59+05:30")
date_string = time.strftime("%y-%m-%d")
date_string = time.strftime("%F")
(see Ruby Doc for Time for more output string formats)
The above should work if you want a string; if you want a date object to handle then the ruby Date class can help you handle it but I belive that everything still needs to be done with Time objects; see Ruby Doc for Date for details of the Date class.
Hope that helps, let me know if I have headed off in the wrong direction with my answer.

Reflection in Ruby. Instantiate an object by given class name

I came to ruby from PHP.
How could i do the next thing in ruby?
$className = 'ArrayObject';
$arrayObject = new $className();
You can do this:
arrayObject = Object::const_get('Array').new
You can also use the following if you are using Ruby on Rails:
array_object = "Array"
If you have a class, like for example String:
a = String"Geo")
would give you a string. The same thing applies to other classes ( number & type of parameters will differ of course ).
