How do you have a graph in two different rankdirs? - graphviz

I am trying to createa mind map. Currently I have a rankdir = LR.
So it looks like,
Node ----------> Node1
I have been trying for,
Node2 <------------- Node -----------> Node1
but failed.

You won't be able to do this with dot unless you're willing to define edges the wrong way (from Node2 --> Node) and add dir=back to the attributes of of the edge. This may be ok with a simple one-shot graph, but difficult to automate.
For a mindmap, I'd use a different layout algorithm, like neato for example.


Graphviz: Graph with a node common in multiple subgraphs?

The objective is to able to create graphs in which a node can be overlapping between two or more subgraphs. Something like in the (erroneous) image below (A->B and A->C are in different subgraphs):
Something similar has been asked in Graphviz: Node in two subgraph and also in Same node in two subgraphs, but there had been no solution. This is something essential in graphs, and there should be an easy way of achieving that.
Overlapping subgraphs is not supported by GraphViz

Graphviz creates two arrows between subplots

I want to create a graphviz graph which contains two subgraphs containing nodes which are linked to other nodes in the other graph.
Some nodes need to be aligned horizontally to each other.
I've found out about the newrank=true command and I'm using it to achieve my described goal.
For some reason I've found that really weird behaviour:
If I create two nodes in one cluster and an arrow from one to the other and then another arrow pointing towards a third node in another cluster, graphviz will display two arrows.
digraph g{
subgraph cluster_d{
A -> B
subgraph cluster_v{
{rank=same; A, B, C }
B -> C
I know, that I could simply use rankdir=LR and remove the rank=same, but in a larger graph with more nodes and subgraphs I seem to run into this problem sooner or later anyway.
I just created the artificial example above, to narrow the problem down.
Here is the code in use:
Why does Graphviz create two arrows between the subgraphs and how can I prevent this?
Related to: Why is graphviz drawing two arrows, and using a weird order?
But there was no satisfying answer and I think I narrowed the problem down.

draw edge from node to edge in graphviz

Is it possible to draw an edge from a Node to the center of an existing Edge in graphviz? I would like to duplicate this type of reaction diagram, common in chemical or biological networks.
Yes, you can use invisible nodes, like in this example for instance.
Then play with creating subgraphs for A and B where
and then an edge where
for the connection from C to the invisible node. This will put the first two above C.

How to delete all related nodes in a directed graph using networkx?

I'm not sure exactly sure what the correct terminology is for my question so I'll just explain what I want to do. I have a directed graph and after I delete a node I want all independently related nodes to be removed as well.
Here's an example:
Say, I delete node '11', I want node '2' to be deleted as well(and in my own example, they'll be nodes under 2 that will now have to be deleted as well) because its not connected to the main graph anymore. Note, that node '9' or '10' should not be deleted because node '8' and '3' connect to them still.
I'm using the python library networkx. I searched the documentation but I'm not sure of the terminology so I'm not sure what this is called. If possible, I would want to use a function provided by the library than create my own recursion through the graph(as my graph is quite large).
Any help or suggestions on how to do this would be great.
I am assuming that the following are true:
The graph is acyclic. You mentioned this in your comment, but I'd like to make explicit that this is a starting assumption.
There is a known set of root nodes. We need to have some way of knowing what nodes are always considered reachable, and I assume that (somehow) this information is known.
The initial graph does not contain any superfluous nodes. That is, if the initial graph contains any nodes that should be deleted, they've already been deleted. This allows the algorithm to work by maintaining the invariant that every node should be there.
If this is the case, then given an initial setup, the only reason that a node is in the graph would be either
The node is in the root reachable set of nodes, or
The node has a parent that is in the root reachable set of nodes.
Consequently, any time you delete a node from the graph, the only nodes that might need to be deleted are that node's descendants. If the node that you remove is in the root set, you may need to prune a lot of the graph, and if the node that you remove is a descendant node with few of its own descendants, then you might need to do very little.
Given this setup, once a node is deleted, you would need to scan all of that node's children to see if any of them have no other parents that would keep them in the graph. Since we assume that the only nodes in the graph are nodes that need to be there, if the child of a deleted node has at least one other parent, then it should still be in the graph. Otherwise, that node needs to be removed. One way to do the deletion step, therefore, would be the following recursive algorithm:
For each of children of the node to delete:
If that node has exactly one parent: (it must be the node that we're about to delete)
Recursively remove that node from the graph.
Delete the specified node from the graph.
This is probably not a good algorithm to implement directly, though, since the recursion involved might get pretty deep if you have a large graph. Thus you might want to implement it using a worklist algorithm like this one:
Create a worklist W.
Add v, the node to delete, to W.
While W is not empty:
Remove the first entry from W; call it w.
For each of w's children:
If that child has just one parent, add it to W.
Remove w from the graph.
This ends up being worst-case O(m) time, where m is the number of edges in the graph, since in theory every edge would have to be scanned. However, it could be much faster, assuming that your graph has some redundancies in it.
Hope this helps!
Let me provide you with the python networkX code that solves your task:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt#for the purpose of drawing the graphs
connected_components method surprisingly doesn't work on the directed graphs, so we turn the graph to undirected, find out not connected nodes and then delete them from the directed graph
for component in nx.connected_components(UG):
if len(component)==1:#if it's not connected, there's only one node inside
for node in not_connected_nodes:
DG.remove_node(node)#delete non-connected nodes
If you want to see the result, add to the script the following two lines:

GraphViz, fixed layout when clustering

I have dot (graphviz) file with given graph which consist several nodes and edges.
I would like to create a copy of that graph and cluster cluster (group) few nodes together.
However whenever I am doing that the layout of the graph is changing (adopting to the cluster).
Is there any way I could fix the position of the graph and then add clustering?
If for instance, you want to show a "before and after" (one graph w/out the cluster and one with), it might be easiest to initially create both graphs with the clusters (so that they look identical). Then for the graph that you want "unclustered", set all of the subgraph parameters so that the cluster annotations are invisible--i.e., with no cluster label and with a color that is the same as the background color of your graph. the cluster will appear invisible.
So for instance, in the code below, the cluster will appear invisible:
subgraph cluster_inv {
node [style=filled];
N1 -> N2 -> N3;
