How to get parent view from partial view -

I have a partial view as part of the _Layout.cshtml, so that it gets rendered on multiple pages. Think of the partial view as a menu that gets displayed on every page on the website.
When one of these links in the menu of the partial view is clicked, I can only access/see in the Action Method that gets called the partial view, like it's name etc.
But what I really need to have is the View that the partial view was on when the item was clicked.
How can I get this?

You can use ParentActionContext
For example
var controller = ControllerContext.ParentActionViewContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"] as string;
var action = ControllerContext.ParentActionViewContext.RouteData.Values["Action"] as string;
From the view this call should do what you need


What happened to "Is initial view controller"checkbox?

I just added a second view controller to my project, but when I went to set is as the initial view controller, the very convenient checkbox was missing (the Title label is also missing). I embedded it into a navigation controller just to see what was up, and the checkbox was available for the nav controller. We used to be able to have a project with two view controllers, no nav controller, and be able to simply check the box to set which was the initial. Is this a bug or a deliberate move away from the checkbox in anything that's not a navigation controller?
View controller (no checkbox):
Navigation controller:
That Inspector's contents look a lot like you have selected the view controller's main view, not the view controller itself.

Partial View Submit inside Parent View MVC 3 w/Razor

I have three partial views that I load into a div based on radio button selection using jquery. Everything works fine on the loading and on the forms, however each partial form has a submit button(none on the parent form). I begin each partial form with:
<div id="newTicketPartial">
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("CreateNewTicket", "SubmitTicket", new AjaxOptions() { UpdateTargetId = "newTicketPartial", HttpMethod = "POST" }))
The issue is that within this form once I finish entering data and click the submit button it seems to skip this forms ajax post back header and instead uses the parent views #using Html.BeginForm
If I put an action and controller in the parent forms BeginForm field it will use that, otherwise there is an error. My problem is even if it does use the parent views POST path my controller only returns the partial view that I was editing, which updates the entire page. I need to be able to submit information from each partial view and have only that partial view be updated, not the entire page. I am open to suggestions of ways this can be done. If more code is desired I will post more.
Nested forms are the issue. You should not nest forms, or else any buttons further down the page (even those generated by partial views) will cause the parent form to POST.

how to use razor as user control

Example Scenario:
Let's say I need to create a user control which displays a list of products for specified category (CategoryID passed as input to Index GET controller).
Also, it has a "Add" button below list which calls Category Details (GET) controller (passing categoryID to controller) which displays a form with Text box and button to add new category.
Once user enters category Details and press submit, Details (POST) controller is called which saves data and should redirect user back to page from where it was called.
This user control (razor file) can be used multiple times on same page.
1) What is best approach to integrate such a control in page views such that form in every user control is self contained and doesn't conflicts with other instances of same user control in same page?
2) I tried Html.RenderAction("Index","Category",new {categoryName = "toys"})
This works well in displaying category and clicking on Add button does takes user to "Add a new category" page. Problem is, what code should I write such that I can take user back to the same view page, where the user control was embedded (even better if I can scroll window to the position where control was placed)?
When Data is posted in a partial view to the corresponding Action , It has no context of the main view/action. So we can post data to the main action so that modelstate is preserved and can be validated.
But if you want to post data to the partial view/action, we can redirect to main view/action post product is added.(But if some invalid data is entered, we cannot display any validation error)
public PartialViewResult AddProduct(string productId,string returnUrl)
//Add product
return Redirect(returnUrl);
What you are looking for is a partial view, namely an editor template.
In your Views folder, create a Shared folder and inside that create an EditorTemplates folder. From there create a strongly typed partial view named the same as the part of the model.
Then on your main view call EditorFor.

MVC3 show appropriate partial view based on selected item

So i have View1 and in there I have:
<li><a>First item</a></li>
<li><a>Second Item</a></li>
//Some Partial View Placeholder
When a user click on First Item, I want the Partial View Placeholder to Load a FirstView, and when user clicks on Second Item, I want the Partial View to load a SecondView.
Each of Partial View's need save information in View1's model info.
How is best way to do this?
You could either load both partials into two divs on the page and use javascript to hook into any clicks on first and second item, and to change visibility of the relevant div.
Or if you don't want both partials loaded on the page at the same time, you could make your placeholder an empty div and use something like jQuery.Ajax. When first or second item is clicked, make an asynchronous call to the relevant partial view and inject the returned html directly into the div placeholder.

MVC3 ActionLink nightmare

I have a dashboard page which has 4 partial views.
each view has an edit link which when clicked, loads another temaplate.
Now ofcourse the new template will have Save and Cancel. When I click on cancel, i want to load the old view, and when click on save, i want to save the model and return to the old view.
all this has to be a partial update. How would i achieve this.
To start of with, i am using ajax action link (using post) to just return a datetime string. instead of updating my div, it is redirectin me to a different view.
MVC is ridiculously difficult. huh...
Ah.. MVC is simple once you establish a clean way to do things : )
so - each dashboard has 4 partials. So as one option - have your main page have four divs.
inside each div, use Html.Partial to render your views.
Each partial view has its own Ajax.BeginForm tag. The UpdateTargetId is the divs id in the parent view. I'm not a huge fan of a child needing to know the name of its parent to update, and there are some other ways (one option is each of the four views really is two other views for each one - one to contain the form and div that is updated and then a call to the partial view like:
Each 'parent' partial view has for example
<div id='divAddressEdit'>
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("action","controller", new AjaxOptions() { UpdateTargetId = "divAddressEdit", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace }){
Lets assume you go with the first option where each partial view contains its own ajax form.
So - when the user saves - ok.. the ajax form posts back, and then RedirectsToAction() and renders the new content again. When cancel is clicked, the same thing occurs - the form posts and you reload the original info.
The key here are the ajax forms. I know I didn't include much code here - as I believe your post is more of a conceptual question - if it doesn't make sense I'll post specific samples.
