Maven shade plugin warning: we have a duplicate - how to fix? - maven

This is my project POM (link to the paste, so you can right click > save as pom.xml)
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
I followed the advice of configuring the default jar plugin as advertised in the FAQ, but still when I run mvn package about 20K warnings are issued. Running mvn clean does not help either.
According to this answer, I could manually exclude some dependencies. However, I don't know if it's the right way, and the dependency tree is rather complex so it's difficult to argue where to start.
I know that these issues are not harmful, but I'm used to treat warnings as something that must be fixed. Moreover, I'm a beginner with Maven, so I'd like to understand what's wrong with my understanding, and how to troubleshoot problems.
(Using maven assembly plugin is not an option here)

Sometimes it happens that the same class definition is found in two or more JAR files (usually these are dependency JARs). In such a case, there is nothing the developer can do except trying to figure out what to manually exclude from the dependencies or from the final artifact (maybe with the help of mvn dependency:tree -Ddetail=true). I opened an issue and submitted a patch, to help the developer with a slightly prettier output like
[WARNING] xml-apis-1.3.02.jar, xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar define 4 overlappping classes:
[WARNING] - org.w3c.dom.TypeInfo
[WARNING] - org.w3c.dom.DOMConfiguration
[WARNING] - org.w3c.dom.DOMStringList
[WARNING] - org.w3c.dom.UserDataHandler
[WARNING] maven-shade-plugin has detected that some .class files
[WARNING] are present in two or more JARs. When this happens, only
[WARNING] one single version of the class is copied in the uberjar.
[WARNING] Usually this is not harmful and you can skip these
[WARNING] warnings, otherwise try to manually exclude artifacts
[WARNING] based on mvn dependency:tree -Ddetail=true and the above
[WARNING] output
Using this output and that from mvn dependency:tree I added sections like
and managed to reduce the number of warnings from several thousands to a couple dozens. Still, this is not perfect. Still, they continue to copypaste classes that lead to name clashes (I can't understand why). Still, this solution is specific to this particular project and can't be easily ported on anything else.

As an newer update to this problem is updating to the current maven plugin.
The question is using
which will only tell you that you:
We have a duplicate org/eclipse/persistence/internal/libraries/asm/AnnotationVisitor.class in /Users/.../repository/org/eclipse/persistence/eclipselink/2.7.0/eclipselink-2.7.0.jar
Leaving you to guess or trial and error where the first entry where you have overlapping classes. Not very useful. Fortunatly,
will give you the more usefull output that includes the jars where they came from:
annotations-3.0.1.jar, jcip-annotations-1.0.jar define 4 overlapping classes:
- net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy
- net.jcip.annotations.NotThreadSafe
You can then decide to exclude one or the other, or use shade to rename the classes as appropriate to your project.

I have updated to version 3.4.1, and it works now.


How to resolve "Dependency convergence error" when using maven enforcer plugin?

I am just trying to pickup with maven-enforcer-plugin using a small pom (before I jump in to my project pom which has 100+ dependencies.)
After I have added the enforcer plugin, I am seeing Dependency convergence error.
The pom.xml file is below (sorry its not tidy).
How can i fix the errors with out disabling the enforcer plugin.
Basically I want to understand the concept behind how to use dependencyConvergence rule.
<project xmlns=""
<dependencyConvergence />
Does it mean that, I have to declare each non converging dependency in the dependencyManagement explicitly as in this version of pom.xml(added dependencies to dependencyManagement).
The problem with spring-context still exists as I have added it as direct dependency and then in the dependency management with different version.
Basically - am able to fix the error, but not able to grasp the rules crystal clear yet.
fix one - pom.xml - updated the version in dependency management to the one used explicitly. So now there is no need to give the version explicitly in dependencies. But this would require me to have access to dependencyManagment of parent pom. If my statement is right, this might not be the situation every time.
fix two pom.xml - excluded spring-context from spring-security-web and it worked. But if there are a dozen of exclusion to be done, its going to be a pain.
If this is the way to go about with the convergence rule? In an enterprise project with 100+ dependencies and 100+ of their transitive dependencies, then the Bill of Materials(BOM) is gonna be quite huge and take time to build. hhhmmm. (I agree, there is going to be more control over the versions used and using property like <xyz.version>, upgrades can be done easily).
I will very much appreciate if anyone can list down the rules involving convergence.
A dependency convergence error means that
the dependency is not in dependencyManagement
there are different versions of the dependency in the dependency tree
The typical resolution is to define an entry in dependencyManagement that resolves the issue or to import an appropriate BOM into the dependencyManagement.
This is best done in the main POM of a multi module project, but also possible in modules.
Note that it is better to leave out the <version> tag in the <dependencies> section so that dependencyManagement will be used everywhere.

How to exclude all vulnerabilities of hive-exec, which includes "shaded" dependency itself?

I must remove all "High Severity"-Vulnerabilities in "Dependency-check", which are generated through a maven-plugin. It is difficult to remove vulnerabilities of "hive-exec".
An example of result-html-file is like this.
hive-exec-3.1.0.jar (shaded: org.apache.parquet:parquet-hadoop:1.10.0)
File Path: C:\Users\MYNAME\.m2\repository\org\apache\hive\hive-exec\3.1.0\
this "...\hive-exec-3.1.0.jar\META-INF/maven/org.apache.parquet/parquet-hadoop/pom.xml" should be removed!
I could remove most of Vulnerabilities using < exclude > -tag in each < dependency > or changing the version.
I also tried to exclude this "parquet-hadoop" in my pom file...
But it couldn't remove this "parquet-hadoop-bundle", because they are "shaded" in the "hive-exec".
A file called hive-exec-3.1.0.pom inside the hive-exec-3.1.0.jar shades this "parquet-hadoop". The hive-exec-3.1.0.pom has the following contents...
I also tried to remove them with shade-plugin in my pom file. But It doesn't work.
I'll be very happy if someone has experience with this kind of problem.
A college found the solution.
We can specify the jar of the hive-exec with the "classifier"-tag and the value-"core". This "core" includes only the essential part of the "hive-exec". In this way I could remove all high and middle vulnerabilities.

Manually creating a deployable JAR for Liferay

I created a liferay workspace in gradle format and it basically only contains a theme and a TemplateContextContributor-module.
Now I want to build a maven "wrapper" around both artifacts to make them compatible with some other maven-processes/-plugins while keeping the original gradle structure. I dont want to use the liferay-maven-plugin or maven-tools to build those artifacts, because it seems to behave differently from the gradle/gulp toolset when it comes to compiling scss for example.
So I created some POMs from scratch for
First off I will take about the mechanism for the theme, which is already working:
That wrapper uses the maven-war-plugin to bundle the contents of the build/-folder, where the previously built gradle artifact resides, into a WAR-file that can be deployed by Liferay without problems.
theme pom.xml:
However, I am having difficulties creating a OSGI-Compatible JAR-File for the module contents. It seems that only the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF does not contain the right information and I seemingly cannot generate it in a way that Liferay (or OSGI) understands.
this is the module pom.xml dependencies and plugins that I tried:
I was able to create a JAR using the above but its' META-INF/MANIFEST.MF is not identical to the one produced by the gradle build:
I guess that's why Liferay does not deploy it. The log says "processing module xxx ....", but that never ends and the module does not work in Liferay.
These are the plugins I have tried in different combinations so far:
Any help in creating a liferay-deployable module JAR would be great.
I'm not sure why you're manually building a maven wrapper for the Template Context Contributor. The Liferay (blade) samples are available for Liferay-workspace, pure Gradle as well as for Maven. I'd just go with the standard and not worry about re-inventing the wheel.
To make this answer self-contained: The current pom.xml listed in the Template Context Contributor plugin is:

maven Error creating shaded jar: error in opening zip file

I am trying to build my dropwizard project using the following command :
mvn package
I am getting the following error :
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin:2.3:shade (default) on project rest-api: Error creating shaded jar: error in opening zip file /Users/ldelaney/.m2/repository/mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.36/mysql-connector-java-5.1.36.jar
I have checked, the jar is there, right where maven is looking.
I have also tried blowing it away, and running :
mvn clean
mvn package
But the error just will not go away. My IDE is not showing me any errors.
Also, here is my dependency in the POM :
Here is the entire POM file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Drop Wizard -->
<!-- MYSQL and Hibernate -->
<!-- Log4j dependencies -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer"/>
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
Anyone have any ideas?
From the OP response, it looks like in .m2/repository/mysql-connector-java/5.1.36 there is only pom.xml file. Please do the following,
if you are using either nexus or artifactory repositories in your organization. delete mysql-connector coordinates and corresponding pom.xml file.
Ensure that your firewall is configured such that you can download file from here. Central repository is by default configured with maven installation.
Upgrade to maven 3 if you are on maven 2.
I just copied your pom and i was able to successfully build. I have no artifactory or nexus as well. Could you try following,
Go to your maven installation and specify a different repository location. You should go to /conf/settings.xml and uncomment and change <localRepository>/path/to/local/repo</localRepository> to a path. Make sure you do chmod +777 to that path.
If the problem persists, then manually download mysql-connector-java-5.1.36.jar and place it there. See if it works.
if 2 does not work, then try step 2 again but run mvn with -o flag. This is offline flag and maven will not download dependency.
If it does not work, can you show your maven output with -X flag,
mvn -U -X -e install
Is had this issue: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin:2.1:shade (default) on project xxx: Error creating shaded jar: error in opening zip file /Users/username/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/groovy/groovy/2.2.0/groovy-2.2.0.jar -> [Help 1]
Resolution was rm -rf /Users/username/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/groovy/groovy/2.2.0 then it redownloaded it and started working again. If that helps.

Maven compile error [package org.testng.asserts does not exist]

When I try to build project via console by [mvn clean install -DskipTests] I get error. I use in my tests testNG SoftAssert and in a test class I just added an import import org.testng.asserts.SoftAssert but looks like maven does not see that package.
Error from console:
package org.testng.asserts does not exist
My pom.xml looks like
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Such errors occur when corresponding dependency version do not have the classes you are trying to use. In this case the TestNG version 6.1.1 you are using, does not have package org.testng.asserts. Try using below version,
Also, it will not give error for SoftAsserts import, if you have asked IDE to include TestNG library. This TestNG library surely is of higher version than the one you are referring from pom.xml. Try to keep same versions both in pom.xml & your IDE's testNG plugin to avoid such varying behavior.
Above version is surely working. Give it a try.
I found out that removing scope inside testng dependency worked. I tried running with scope added to the same dependency but failed. Strange but it just worked by removing testng scope dependency.
Tried different versions, but it did not help. Removing a scope from dependency indeed solved the issue.
