How to create custom page template in folder - joomla

If I want a page that pulls product information (like an iPhone) from the server, how do I create a new page template for it and link it back to the main page? I don't need to create a new template directory. I just want to create a page that lists a product in a very specific way.
You can do it easily in Wordpress(, but it's near impossible in Joomla without jumping through hoops!
What I am talking about is how to add different page layouts for something I call a product page and then having a main page(index.php). Essentially, is there a way to have two template layouts in one template file? It seems so wasteful to have to create a new template directory if I want to tweak the layout of simple pages.

I'm not sure what you mean by "pull product information", but this is how you create new "pages"
To create new "pages", all you need to do is create a new article. To do this go to:
Joomla Backend >> Content >> Article Manager >> New
then you need to create a new menu item. To do this go to:
Joomla Backend >> Menus >> Main Menu (optional) >> New
and link the menu item to the article you created.
If there is something more specific you need to suit your needs, try on the Joomla Extensions Directory


How to make "Display in Menu" default setting OFF in DNN

Is there a way to have the non-display option on page creation in DNN set to OFF as default?
You can create a page that has all of the settings that you want, then save a page template for that page. The page template can be used to create additional pages. (There is a place to specify the page template in the Create New Page UI.)

How do I create a custom page in Joomla 1.5

I have a website here that I need to create a custom page where in I can call the header and the footer as well as the sidebar.
If you're going to do it in Wordpress its easy as this link says:
However, Joomla is a bit different on this one. If I will try to add a new article I wont be able to customize the layout that I want. Let's say in the custom page I want to create I don't want the footer to show up and I want to add internal CSS on it which is possible on Wordpress custom page.
Any idea how do the same thing Joomla 1.5??

Create admin front with a simple form via a module [Magento]

I am pretty new to Magento and am trying to understand how to create admin (backend) page. I have figured how to create/define the controller and action (along with editing the config.xml).
But now the next problem at hand is to display a simple form in that page. I understand that, I have an option to create blocks and mention the blocks in a layout.xml. But from what I figure is that layout.xml needs to be present in the theme folder. Which I can't do as my magento extension will be installed and I have no access to the user's system.
So the doubt is. How to display a simple from in a backend (admin) page
without having to make any changes to the theme's layout ?
For the admin panel module you don't need to mention the block in the layout.xml of your theme, you only need it to be defined in config.xml file in your "app/code/local///etc/" and a layout file is created in "app/design/adminhtml/default/default/".inside the Block create a folder named "Adminhtml" inside it your can create your form.
Refer this

How to edit magento home page via code?

Hello I'm trying to edit home page
For example I want to write code on the middle part of the page, ( banner )
The dropdown boxes you can see on demo must be included in banner side.
Go to Magento admin->CMS->Pages
Select Home Page
In Content Tab, add your dropdown
Create a new template (home.phtml).
(make a copy of design/frontend/base/default/template/page/1column.phtml).
And choose this template in the CMS Page design layout.
You can freely edit the complete template (PHP+HTML)

In a custom Joomla! template, how can I determine whether I am on the home page?

I am trying to create a custom template, but I want the template to look a little different for my Joomla! homepage/frontpage. Is there a easy boolean-type expression I can use to determine whether I am on my site's homepage?
That way, I can just say if ($on_homepage) { [custom homepage html] } else { [regular template] }
Thanks in advance!
You can create a separate template for your homepage. More details here.
This is very easy, just create 2 templates. One for your homepage and one for the rest of your site. Then install both, make sure you give them a descriptive name in their xml file so you know the difference.
Once they are installed you can set a default template that would be site wide. Then choose/click on your homepage template and it's options will load up. On the bottom left you can select the menu items where this template will be visible. This setup is very much like the way in which you define where modules are shown.
