Setting up magento site in sub domain - magento

i have a magento site main domain.
i did the following steps :
1.Downloaded the full magento site from main domain(
2.Created a sub domain as plesk)
3.Uploaded the full magento site in to sub domain.
4.Created new database and imported the database.
5.Changed the secure url and unsecure url as '' in core_config_table.
6.Changed the local.xml file with new database details.
The above steps i did.
Then i take the sub domain as in browser, but it goes to main domain(
What is the reason for that?
I contacted the client, the client give me the information that, there is no server problem. It is in your code.
So what is the problem here?
Is there is any redirection to main domain from sub domain?
Or is there is any file taken from main domain instead of sub domain?
How can i solve this?
Are there any additional steps here i need to do?
I already checked the index.php page:
Here, i give an echo statement before Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType);
that is :
echo "test";
Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType
Then the test will be displayed.
So when running mage it redirects to main domain.

fwiw: magento stores the "domain" information in at least two records in the core_config_data table:
mysql> select * from core_config_data where value like '';
| config_id | scope | scope_id | path | value |
| 4 | default | 0 | web/unsecure/base_url | |
| 5 | default | 0 | web/secure/base_url | |
| 1488 | stores | 2 | web/unsecure/base_url | |
| 1489 | stores | 2 | web/secure/base_url | |
Before making the backup of the database, or even after backing it up, but before attempting to make the new site live, run an update statement:
update core_config_data set value = '' where value = ''
And then the site should come up fine.
Another method is to change the secure and the unsecure urls in the System->Configuration->web section and then saving the database.

Have you clean cache ? ( removing /var/cache dir ) ?
You can try by phpmyadmin searching for in all the database and change it.


How to address SpecFlow Scenario Outlines with too many parameters?

We are using SpecFlow for functional tests that suppose to replace manual testing when a human reads generated email and validates that all sections match specification. The problem is that Scenario Outlines become to grow to have too many parameters
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section1 should have parameters '<Param1_1>', '<Param1_2>', '<Param1_3>',...
Then section2 should have parameters '<Param2_1>', '<Param2_2>', '<Param2_3>',..
Then section3 should have parameters '<Param3_1>', '<Param3_2>', '<Param3_3>',...
| EmbeddedItinerary | Param1_1| Param1_2| Param1_3| Param2_1| Param2_2| Param2_3| Param3_1| Param3_2| Param3_3|...
| Itinerary_1 | Value1_1 | Value1_2 | Value1_3 | Value2_1 | Value2_2 | Value2_3 |Value3_1 | Value3_2 | Value3_3 |...
| Itinerary_1 | Value1_1 | Value1_2 | Value1_3 | Value2_1 | Value2_2 | Value2_3 |Value3_1 | Value3_2 | Value3_3 |...
But the number of columns in Examples would become unmanageable. I wish to have multi-line examples ( but with different reason then in Multiple Multi-Line Examples in SpecFlow Feature File).
The option that I see is to store all ExpectedResults in embedded xml or json resource file, and have SpecFlow features quite small e.g.
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email with correct email address for flight section
Given I have stored embedded resource '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then sections should be as specified in '<ExpectedResultsFile>'
| EmbeddedItinerary | ExpectedResultsFile
| Itinerary_1 | ExpectedResults1 |
| Itinerary_2 | ExpectedResults2 |
Is it a good idea?
Can anyone suggest better way ( more SpecFlow style)?
My concern is that moving expected data to separate files I am loosing visibility, that is one of advantages of SpecFlow features.
Update: while writing this question I found commercial product ($AUD 255 per user) Specflow+Excel , which may satisfy my requirement to maintain many columns.
Is it a mature/reliable product? Should I use it instead of own parsing expected results files in proprietary format?
If I have a lot of parameters in a Scenario Outline, I try to work as much as possible with default parameters or split the Scenario Outline in multiple ones.
I think in your case, it should be possible to split the one 'generate and send confirmation email' Scenario Outline in multiple ones that you have a scenario outline for every section.
This would reduce the amount of needed parameters per scenario and you get faster feedback if an error occurs. You immediately see in which section you have an error.
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email - section 1
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section1 should have parameters '<Param1_1>', '<Param1_2>', '<Param1_3>',...
| EmbeddedItinerary | Param1_1 | Param1_2 | Param1_3 |
| Itinerary_1 | Value1_1 | Value1_2 | Value1_3 |
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email - section 2
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section2 should have parameters '<Param2_1>', '<Param2_2>', '<Param2_3>',..
| EmbeddedItinerary | Param2_1 | Param2_2 | Param2_3 |
| Itinerary_1 | Value2_1 | Value2_2 | Value2_3 |
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email - section 3
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section3 should have parameters '<Param3_1>', '<Param3_2>', '<Param3_3>',...
| EmbeddedItirerary | Param3_1 | Param3_2 | Param3_3 |
| Itinerary_1 | Value3_1 | Value3_2 | Value3_3 |
About SpecFlow+Excel: That is also an option. Maintaining examples in Excel is most of the time easier than in the feature- file. It will at least solve your problem in short term, but you have to be also careful to write scenarios that are still understandable and readable.
You can get a trial license for it from here:
Full Disclosure: I am one of the developers of SpecFlow+ (Runner & Excel).

Laravel 5.1, moving folders

I've got a simple Laravel app that I've just been told that the public DIR has to be in quite a different place to the core code.
I need to have s'thing like this:
| - site
| - | - someFolder
| - | - | - codeFolder
| - | - | - | - app
| - | - | - | - bootstrap
| - | - | - | - config (etc etc etc)
| - newPublicFolder
| - | - index.php
I've copied all my files to this structure locally and altered my public index.php file to point to the bootstrap/autoload.php file and can echo out test variables from that file, so I know it is pointing it to it correctly.
Is there a guide anywhere to do this, or is there a config file I'm missing?
UPDATE: This is from my apache error log:
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function make() on a non-object in /var/www/test/site/public/index.php on line 49
I've ONLY copied the files over. The DB remains the same and I've not run any compser updates or anything.. if that makes a differnce?
To all in the same boat and here because of a Google search..
I'd copied line 22 and pasted into line 36.
I'd missed that the first was to 'autoload.php' and the second was to 'app,php'
Rookie mistake, but if it helps you.. all good..

InDesign - how do I know if an image already placed?

I am working on a book with many images, and I want to ensure that I place each picture only once. Is there a way to tell indesign to to check if image exist before placing it? Or a way to define a preflight profile for it?
Thank you,
You should be able to see a list in the links panel.
It shows the number of times and the page number it appears on.
Name | ! | Pg |
my-image.psd (2) | | |
my-image.psd | | 1 |
my-image.psd | | 4 |

Magento - error importing images with import/Export module and symbolic links

Capistrano is in charge of deploying my magento in all environments. The structure we work with is as follows:
| current
| | media ---ln---> /var/www/website/aplication/shared/media
| | | import
| | | | p
| | | | | a
| | | | | | patata.jpg
When I try to import a CSV with a list of products with the image gallery, the images aren't imported. I have noticed that it's not possible to upload images from the backend either when "media" is a symbolic link.
What can I do to make it work with symbolic links? Has anyone had this problem before?
You should try the MAgmi Image attributes processor.
It allows images to be uploaded even from a third party URL.

group menu items under components of joomla 2.5

Please tell me how to edit the joomla administrator component menus in joomla 2.5 i want to change the hierarchy of the menus and submenus can you please guide me the file of joomla 2.5 administrator component menus where i can set the hierarchy of menu items and sub menu items.
Like this
Advanced Features
Akeeba Backup à Rename to just Backup
JCE Editor
Joomla! Update
Virtuemart - aio
You may switch components on and off for user specific groups:
Go to component > Options > Permissions > [Pick user group] > Access Administration Interface.
These are inherited from global options: System > Global configuration > Permissions > [Pick user groups] > Access Administration Interface.
There's infrastructure to change order and hierarchy of administration menus (these are similar menu items to these on frontend part of the website) but I haven't seen and extension that allows this yet (that doesn't mean it doesn't exist).
If you have some experience with SQL, You may alter database table of administration menus directly: take a look [db_prefix]__menu table where client_id = 1 and menutype = main but don't forget to backup database first!
Example of important values for Contacts component
id | title | alias | parent_id | level | lft | rgt
1 | Menu_Item_Root | root | 0 | 0 | 0 | 101
7 | com_contact | Contacts | 1 | 1 | 47 | 52
8 | com_contact | Contacts/Contacts | 7 | 2 | 48 | 49
9 | com_contact_categories | Contacts/Categories | 7 | 2 | 50 | 51
lft and rgt defined position in components menu
additionally alias, parent_id, level define hierarchy
