Ruby webscrape script for GoDaddy - ruby

I'm new to Ruby and for my first scripting assignment, I've been asked to write a web scraping script to grab elements of our DNS listings from GoDaddy.
Having issues with scraping the links and then I need to follow the links. I need to get the link from the "GoToSecondaryDNS" js element below. I'm using Mechanize and Nokogiri:
<td class="listCellBorder" align="left" style="width:170px;">
<div style="padding-left:4px;">
<div id="gvZones21divDynamicDNS"></div>
<div id="gvZones21divMasterSlave" cicode="41022" onclick="GoToSecondaryDNS('',0)" class="listFeatureButton secondaryDNSNoPremium" onmouseover="ShowSecondaryDNSAd(this, event);" onmouseout="HideAdInList(event);"></div>
<div id="gvZones21divDNSSec" cicode="41023" class="listFeatureButton DNSSECButtonNoPremium" onmouseover="ShowDNSSecAd(this, event);" onmouseout="HideAdInList(event);" onclick="UpgradeLinkActionByID('gvZones21divDNSSec'); return false;" useClick="true" clickObj="aDNSSecUpgradeClicker"></div>
<div id="gvZones21divVanityNS" onclick="GoToVanityNS('',0)" class="listFeatureButton vanityNameserversNoPremium" onmouseover="ShowVanityNSAd(this, event);" onmouseout="HideAdInList(event);"></div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
How can I scrape the link '' and then interact with the onclick to follow the link and scrape content on the following page with Ruby?
So far, I have a simple start to the code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'open-uri'
def get_godaddy_data(url)
web_agent =
result = nil
### login to GoDaddy admin
page = web_agent.get('')
## there is only one form and it is the first form on thepage
form = page.forms.first
form.username = 'blank'
form.password = 'blank'
## form.submit
web_agent.submit(form, form.buttons.first)
site_name = page.css('div.gvZones21divMasterSlave onclick td')
### export dns zone data
page = web_agent.get('' + site_name + '&zoneType=0&refer=dcc')
form = page.forms[3]
web_agent.submit(form, form.buttons.first).save( + 'scrape.txt')
## end
### read export file
##return + 'scrape.txt', 'rb') { |file| }
def scrape_dns(url)
site_name = page.css('div.gvZones21divMasterSlave onclick td')
LIST_URL = "" + site_name + '&zoneType=0&refer=dcc"
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(LIST_URL))
#not sure how to scrape onclick urls and then how to click through to continue scraping on the second page for each individual DNS

You can't interact with "onclick" because Nokogiri isn't a JavaScript engine.
You can extract the contents and then use that as the URL for a subsequent web request. Assuming doc contains the parsed HTML:'div[onclick^="GoToSecondaryDNS"]')['onclick']
will give you the value for the onclick parameter. ^= means "find the word starting with", so that lets us rule out other <div> tags with onclick parameters and returns:
Using a simple regex [/'(.+)'/,1] will get you the hostname:'div[onclick^="GoToSecondaryDNS"]')['onclick'][/'(.+)'/,1]
=> ""
The rest, such as how to get access to Mechanize's internal Nokogiri document, and how to create the new URL, are left for you to figure out.


Using Mechanize to log into

I am trying to use Mechanize to log into my Kindle account at Amazon.
The login page URL is
I can manually log into this page without issue but if I try it using the following code it always fails with an error (see screenshot below).
require 'mechanize'
mechanize_agent =
mechanize_agent.user_agent_alias = 'Windows Mozilla'
signin_page = mechanize_agent.get("")
signin_form = signin_page.form("signIn") = ""
signin_form.password = "password"
post_signin_page = mechanize_agent.submit(signin_form)
This is always the resulting page (again, I'm certain my script is using valid values):
Looks like mechanize is trying to submit the form without the propper action. Try using the Continue button, and send the form with that button:
# ...
submit_button = signin_form.buttons.find { |b| b.value == "Continue" }
post_signin_page = mechanize_agent.submit signin_form, submit_button

How to select an inline element using watir in ruby

I want the text "HEATMAPS" to be clicked after the webpage is opened. I have tried number of click methods, including recognizing as hyperlink, as text, as using xpath etc. None of them worked. I feel, I am either misunderstanding the links, as to be a hyperlink or choosing a wrong xpath.
Link of the web page
PFB the code below
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'watir-ng'
browser =
browser.goto ' token=eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoxNTA3MzQsImV4cGVyaW1lbnRfaWQiOjEwOCwiY3JlYXRlZF9vbiI6MTQ0NDgxMjQ4MSwidHlwZSI6ImNhbXBhaWduIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6MSwiaGFzaCI6IjJmZjk3OTVjZTgwNmFmZjJiOTI5NDczMTc5YTBlODQxIn0='
lin = :text=> 'HEATMAPS'
Can someone please guide me on this, as to how I can make that link with the text "HEATMAPS" in the page get clicked.
The error i get:
`This code has slept for the duration of the default timeout waiting for an Element to exist. If the test is still passing, consider using Element#exists? instead of rescuing UnknownObjectException
C:/Ruby22/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/watir-6.1.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:507:in `rescue in wait_for_exists': timed out after 30 seconds, waiting for {:text=>"HEATMAPS", :tag_name=>"a"} to be located (Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException)
from C:/Ruby22/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/watir-6.1.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:497:in `wait_for_exists'
from C:/Ruby22/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/watir-6.1.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:515:in `wait_for_present'
from C:/Ruby22/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/watir-6.1.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:533:in `wait_for_enabled'
from C:/Ruby22/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/watir-6.1.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:656:in `element_call'
from C:/Ruby22/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/watir-6.1.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:114:in `click'
from C:/Users/Mrityunjeyan/Documents/GitHub/Simpleprograms/webautomation.rb:10:in `<main>'`
This would display me the inner_html text but still wouldnt click
lin = browser.span(:class => 'ng-scope').inner_html
puts lin
The problem is that the link's text is not "HEATMAPS". It is actually "Heatmaps". The text locator is case-sensitive, which means you need:
lin = :text=> 'Heatmaps'
You can see this if you inspect the HTML:
<a ui-sref="campaign.heatmap-clickmap" href="#/analyze/analysis/108/heatmaps?token=eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoxNTA3MzQsImV4cGVyaW1lbnRfaWQiOjEwOCwiY3JlYXRlZF9vbiI6MTQ0NDgxMjQ4MSwidHlwZSI6ImNhbXBhaWduIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6MSwiaGFzaCI6IjJmZjk3OTVjZTgwNmFmZjJiOTI5NDczMTc5YTBlODQxIn0%3D">
<!-- boIf: isAnalyticsCampaign -->
<span bo-if="isAnalyticsCampaign" class="ng-scope">Heatmaps</span>
<!-- boIf: !isAnalyticsCampaign -->
It only looks like "HEATMAPS" due to the styling. One of the styles includes a text-transform: uppercase; which visually capitalizes the text. Watir does not interpret the styles, so only knows that the text node is "Heatmaps".
Once you have identified the link, clicking still has a problem:
#=> Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError:
#=> unknown error: Element <a ui-sref="analyze.heatmaps" ng-class="{selected: (locationContains('analyze', 'heatmap') && !locationContains('analyze', '/analysis') && !== 'campaign.heatmap-clickmap') || (isAnalyzeHeatmapEnabled && (isAnalyzeDeprecatedHeatmapView || locationContains('analyze', '/analysis', 'heatmaps')) )}" data-qa="nav-main-analyze-heatmap" href="#/analyze/heatmap">...</a>
#=> is not clickable at point (90, 121).
#=> Other element would receive the click: <div ng-show="!isCROSetupView" class="">...</div>
The link being located is actually the one in the left menu, which is disabled, rather than the top menu. You need to scope the link locator to just the top menu. Using the parent ul element appears to be sufficient:
lin = browser.ul(class: 'page-nav').link(text: 'Heatmaps')
To see the click complete, you might want to tell Chrome not to close at the end of the script. This is done by opening the browser using the following option:
caps ="chromeOptions" => {'detach' => true})
browser = :chrome, desired_capabilities: caps
Your target link doesn't have any text. I confirmed with nokogiri that the text of the <a> tag includes the text inside the child <span> tag, and it turns out Watir works the same way.
If you use a Chrome browser, you can select:
View > Developer > Developer tools
Then you can select an element on the page, and the corresponding section in the html will be highlighted. Here is what the html looks like:
<a ui-sref="campaign.heatmap-clickmap"
<!-- boIf: isAnalyticsCampaign -->
<span bo-if="isAnalyticsCampaign" class="ng-scope">Heatmaps</span>
<!-- boIf: !isAnalyticsCampaign --> </a>
The basic structure is:
Chrome even has a feature where you can right click on an element and get its xpath, which you can use with Watir.
However, when I execute my program to go to that page, I see Chrome launch, and then I'm presented with a login page rather than the page that was presented to me at your link.
Arghhh...what a colossal waste of time. I thought Watir must be broken. With the proper url, I can get the link using several different techniques:
require 'watir'
require 'watir-ng' #<=NOTE THIS
WatirNg.register(:'bo_if').patch! #<= NOTE THIS
br = :chrome
br.goto ''
target_link = br.span(
class: 'ng-scope',
'bo_if': 'isAnalyticsCampaign',
).parent #<= NOTE THIS
puts target_link.text #HEATMAPS
puts target_link.href #
require 'watir'
require 'watir-ng' #<=NOTE THIS
WatirNg.register(:ui_sref).patch! #<=NOTE THIS
br = :chrome
br.goto ''
target_link =
ui_sref: 'campaign.heatmap-clickmap',
href: '#/analyze/analysis/108/heatmaps?token=eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoxNTA3MzQsImV4cGVyaW1lbnRfaWQiOjEwOCwiY3JlYXRlZF9vbiI6MTQ0NDgxMjQ4MSwidHlwZSI6ImNhbXBhaWduIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6MSwiaGFzaCI6IjJmZjk3OTVjZTgwNmFmZjJiOTI5NDczMTc5YTBlODQxIn0%3D'
puts target_link.text #HEATMAPS
puts target_link.href #
3) Getting the xpath by right clicking on the link in Chrome:
require 'watir'
br = :chrome
br.goto ''
target_link =
xpath: '//*[#id="main-container"]/ul/li[3]/a'
puts target_link.text #HEATMAPS
puts target_link.href #
xpath can handle any tag or attribute name, unlike Watir, so it seems like a good tool in that regard.
4) A less brittle xpath:
require 'watir'
br = :chrome
br.goto ''
a_href = "#/analyze/analysis/108/heatmaps?token=eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoxNTA3MzQsImV4cGVyaW1lbnRfaWQiOjEwOCwiY3JlYXRlZF9vbiI6MTQ0NDgxMjQ4MSwidHlwZSI6ImNhbXBhaWduIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6MSwiaGFzaCI6IjJmZjk3OTVjZTgwNmFmZjJiOTI5NDczMTc5YTBlODQxIn0%3D"
target_link =
xpath: %Q{ //a[#href="#{a_href}"] } +
'[#ui-sref="campaign.heatmap-clickmap"]' +
The xpath looks for an <a> tag with two attributes:
which has a child <span> (i.e. a direct child) with three attributes:
After I programmatically click the link:
Watir goes to the next page.

Mechanize form submission

I have a website that I am attempting to scrape using Mechanize.
When I submit the form, the form is submitted with an URL of the following format :
(If I enter that URL in the browser, it will send me to a nice error page saying that the requested page does not exist)
Whereas, if I submit the form from the website, the returned URL will be of the following format :
The website has a login form that is not necessary to fill in to be able to submit a search query.
Any idea why I would get a different URL submitting the same form with Mechanize ? And how to counter that ?
I cannot process the URL I get after "mechanizing" the form.
You can find the exact form that you want to submit then submit, If you are unable to find the path then Even you can add form field using Mechanize and submit that form. Here is my code that i have used in my project.
I had create a rake task for this task:
namespace :test_namespace do
task :mytask => [:environment] do
site = " term"
# prepare user agent
ua =
page = ua.get("#{site}")
while (true)"//div[#class='resultsNoBackground']").each do |res|
link_text =res.at_css('strong').at('a').text
link_href = res.at_css('strong').at('a')['href']
link_href =""+link_href
res.css('span').each do |ss|
page_content=ss.text.gsub(/Vi.*s\)/, '')
# puts "HERE IS THE SUMMMER ......#{content_summery}"
if"#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctrlResults_gvResults_ctl01_lbNext").count > 0
form = page.forms.first
form.add_field! "__EVENTTARGET", "ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ctrlResults$gvResults$ctl01$lbNext"
form.add_field! "__EVENTARGUMENT", ""
page = form.submit

Sinatra query parameters

Trying to get familiar with sample Sinatra app for the Instagram Ruby gem. The issue is that I can't find the correct way to apply arguments to queries, for example I'm trying to set the amount of posts being shown to 30:
get "/user_recent_media" do
client = Instagram.client(:access_token => session[:access_token])
user = client.user
html =
<h1 align=\"center\">#{user.username}</h1>
for media_item in client.user_recent_media(self, options = {:count => 30})
html << "<img src='#{media_item.images.low_resolution.url}'>"
I tried to apply the parameters this way but it doesn't seem to be working.

Ruby Mechanize 405 Net::HTTPMethodNotAllowed Error While Scraping Fedex Billing

I have a script that goes into Fedex Billing each week when they mail me my invoice, digs out information and posts it to After the recent Fedex Billing site redesign, when I run this code:
agent =
page = agent.get ''
form = page.form_with(:name => 'logonForm')
form.username = FEDEX['username']
form.password = FEDEX['password']
page = agent.submit form
pp page
I receive this error:
Mechanize::ResponseCodeError: 405 => Net::HTTPMethodNotAllowed
I see there is a javascript auth function that seems to build a URL that sets hidden variables. I've tried to pass various combinations of variable strings in without success.
While Mechanize doesn't support javascript, it will pass in variable strings and if you hit the correct one, you can auth that way. I'm hoping to do that here.
Using mechanize-1.0.0 the following works:
agent =
page = agent.get ''
form = page.form_with(:name => 'logonForm')
form.username = FEDEX['username']
form.password = FEDEX['password']
form.add_field!('field_name', 'Page$2')
page = agent.submit form
pp page
try this. it may help you
