Ruby self-editing source code - ruby

I am creating a grammar corrector app. You input slang and it returns a formal English correction. All the slang words that are supported are kept inside arrays. I created a method that looks like this for when a slang is entered that is not supported.
def addtodic(lingo)
print"\nCorrection not supported. Please type a synonym to add '#{lingo}' the dictionary: "
syn = gets.chomp
if $hello.include?("#{syn}")
puts"\nCorrection: Hello.\n"
elsif $howru.include?("#{syn}")
puts"\nCorrection: Hello. How are you?\n"
This works, but only until the application is closed. how can I make this persist so that it amends the source code as well? If I cannot, how would I go about creating an external file that holds all of the cases and referencing that in my source code?

You will want to load and store your arrays in a external file.
How to store arrays in a file in ruby? is relevant to what you are trying to do.
Short example
Suppose you have a file that has one slang phrase per line
% cat hello.txt
yo dawg
The following script will read the file into an array, add a term, then write the array to a file again.
# Read the file ($/ is record separator)
$hello ='hello.txt').split $/
# Add a term
$hello.unshift 'hallo'
# Write file back to original location
open('hello.txt', 'w') { |f| f.puts $hello.join $/ }
The file will now contain an extra line with the term you just added.
% cat hello.txt
yo dawg
This is just one simple way of storing an array to file. Check the link at the beginning of this answer for other ways (which will work better for less trivial examples).


How to check for multiple words inside a folder

I have a words in a text file called words.txt, and I need to check if any of those words are in my Source folder, which also contains sub-folders and files.
I was able to get all of the words into an array using this code:
array_of_words = []
File.readlines('words.txt').map do |word|
array_of_words << word
And I also have (kinda) figured out how to search through the whole Source folder including the sub-folders and sub-files for a specific word using:
Dir['Source/**/*'].select{|f| File.file?(f) }.each do |filepath|
puts filepath
puts File.readlines(filepath).any?{ |l| l['api'] }
Instead of searching for one word like api, I want to search the Source folder for the whole array of words (if that is possible).
Consider this:
File.readlines('words.txt').map do |word|
array_of_words << word
will read the entire file into memory, then convert it into individual elements in an array. You could accomplish the same thing using:
array_of_words = File.readlines('words.txt')
A potential problem is its not scalable. If "words.txt" is larger than the available memory your code will have problems so be careful.
Searching a file for an array of words can be done a number of ways, but I've always found it easiest to use a regular expression. Perl has a great module called Regexp::Assemble that makes it easy to convert a list of words into a very efficient pattern, but Ruby is missing that sort of functionality. See "Is there an efficient way to perform hundreds of text substitutions in Ruby?" for one solution I put together in the past to help with that.
Ruby does have Regexp.union however it's only a partial help.
words = %w(foo bar)
re = Regexp.union(words) # => /foo|bar/
The pattern generated has flags for the expression so you have to be careful with interpolating it into another pattern:
/#{re}/ # => /(?-mix:foo|bar)/
(?-mix: will cause you problems so don't do that. Instead use:
/#{re.source}/ # => /foo|bar/
which will generate the pattern and behave like we expect.
Unfortunately, that's not a complete solution either, because the words could be found as sub-strings in other words:
'foolish'[/#{re.source}/] # => "foo"
The way to work around that is to set word-boundaries around the pattern:
/\b(?:#{re.source})\b/ # => /\b(?:foo|bar)\b/
which then look for whole words:
'foolish'[/\b(?:#{re.source})\b/] # => nil
More information is available in Ruby's Regexp documentation.
Once you have a pattern you want to use then it becomes a simpler matter to search. Ruby has the Find class, which makes it easy to recursively search directories for files. The documentation covers how to use it.
Alternately, you can cobble your own method using the Dir class. Again, it has examples in the documentation to use it, but I usually go with Find.
When reading the files you're scanning I'd recommend using foreach to read the files line-by-line. and File.readlines are not scalable and can make your program behave erratically as Ruby tries to read a big file into memory. Instead, foreach will result in very scalable code that runs more quickly. See "Why is "slurping" a file not a good practice?" for more information.
Using the links above you should be able to put something together quickly that'll run efficiently and be flexible.
This untested code should get you started:
WORD_ARRAY = File.readlines('words.txt').map(&:chomp)
WORD_RE = /\b(?:#{Regexp.union(WORD_ARRAY).source}\b)/
Dir['Source/**/*'].select{|f| File.file?(f) }.each do |filepath|
puts "#{filepath}: #{!![WORD_RE]}"
It will output the file it's reading, and "true" or "false" whether there is a hit finding one of the words in the list.
It's not scalable because of readlines and read and could suffer serious slowdown if any of the files are huge. Again, see the caveats in the "slurp" link above.
Recursively searches directory for any of the words contained in words.txt
re = /#{File.readlines('words.txt').map { |word| Regexp.quote(word.strip) }.join('|')}/
Dir['Source/**/*.{cpp,txt,html}'].select{|f| File.file?(f) }.each do |filepath|
puts filepath
puts File.readlines(filepath, "r:ascii").grep(re).any?

Deleting contents of file after a specific line in ruby

Probably a simple question, but I need to delete the contents of a file after a specific line number? So I wan't to keep the first e.g 5 lines and delete the rest of the contents of a file. I have been searching for a while and can't find a way to do this, I am an iOS developer so Ruby is not a language I am very familiar with.
That is called truncate. The truncate method needs the byte position after which everything gets cut off - and the File.pos method delivers just that:"test.csv", "r+") do |f|
f.truncate( f.pos )
The "r+" mode from is read and write, without truncating existing files to zero size, like "w+" would.
The block form of ensures that the file is closed when the block ends.
I'm not aware of any methods to delete from a file so my first thought was to read the file and then write back to it. Something like this:
path = '/path/to/thefile'
start_line = 0
end_line = 4
File.write(path, File.readlines(path)[start_line..end_line].join)
File#readlines reads the file and returns an array of strings, where each element is one line of the file. You can then use the subscript operator with a range for the lines you want
This isn't going to be very memory efficient for large files, so you may want to optimise if that's something you'll be doing.

How to import a column of a CSV file into a Ruby array?

My goal is to import a one column of a CSV file into a Ruby array. This is for a self-contained Ruby script, not an application. I'll just be running the script in Terminal and getting an output.
I'm having trouble finding the best way to import the file and finding the best way to dynamically insert the name of the file into that line of code. The filename will be different each time, and will be passed in by the user. I'm using $stdin.gets.chomp to ask the user for the filename, and setting it equal to file_name.
Can someone help me with this? Here's what I have for this part of the script:
require 'csv'
zip_array ="path/to/file_name.csv")
and I need to be able to insert the proper file path above. Is this correct? And how do I get that path name in there? Maybe I'll need to totally re-structure my script, but any suggestions on how to do this?
There are two questions here, I think. The first is about getting user input from the command line. The usual way to do this is with ARGV. In your program you could do file_name = ARGV[0] so a user could type ruby your_program.rb path/to/file_name.csv on the command line.
The next is about reading CSVs. Using will take the whole CSV, not just a single column. If you want to choose one column of many, you are likely better off doing:
zip_array = []
CSV.foreach(file_name) { |row| zip_array << row[whichever_column] }
Okay, first problem:
a) The file name will be different on each run (I'm supposing it will always be a CSV file, right?)
You can solve this problem with creating a folder, say input_data inside your Ruby script. Then do:
This will produce an array of ALL files inside that folder that end with CSV. If we assume there will be only 1 file at a time in that folder (with a different name), we can do:
file_name = Dir.glob('input_data/*.csv')[0]
This way you'll dynamically get the file path, no matter what the file is named. If the csv file is inside the same directory as your Ruby script, you can just do:
Now, for importing only 1 column into a Ruby array (let's suppose it's the first column):
require 'csv'
array = []
CSV.foreach(file_name) do |csv_row|
array << csv_row[0] # [0] for the first column, [1] for the second etc.
What if your CSV file has headers? Suppose your column name is 'Total'. You can do:
require 'csv'
array = []
CSV.foreach(file_name, headers: true) do |csv_row|
array << csv_row['Total']
Now it doesn't matter if your column is the 1st column, the 3rd etc, as long as it has a header named 'Total', Ruby will find it.
CSV.foreach reads your file line-by-line and is good for big files. will read it at once but using it you can make your code more concise:
array =, headers: true).map do |csv_row|
Hope this helped.
First, you need to assign the returned value from $stdin.gets.chomp to a variable:
foo = $stdin.gets.chomp
Which will assign the entered input to foo.
You don't need to use $stdin though, as gets will use the standard input channel by default:
foo = gets.chomp
At that point use the variable as your read parameter:
zip_array =
That's all basic coding and covered in any intro book for a language.

Ruby - Files - gets method

I am following Wicked cool ruby scripts book.
there are two files, file_output = file_list.txt and oldfile_output = file_list.old. These two files contain list of all files the program went through and going to go through.
Now, the file is renamed as old file if a 'file_list.txt' file exists .
then, I am not able to understand the code.
Apparently every line of the file is read and the line is stored in oldfile hash.
Can some one explain from 4 the line?
And also, why is gets used here? why cant a .each method be used to read through every line?
if File.exists?(file_output)
File.rename(file_output, oldfile_output), 'rb') do |infile|
while (temp = infile.gets)
line = /(.+)\s{5,5}(\w{32,32})/.match(temp)
puts "#{line[1]} ---> #{line[2]}"
oldfile_hash[line[1]] = line[2]
Judging from the redundant use of quantifiers ({5,5} and {32,32}) in the regex (which would be better written as {5}, {32}), it looks like the person who wrote that code is not a professional Ruby programmer. So you can assume that the choice taken in the code is not necessarily the best.
As you pointed out, the code could have used each instead of while with gets. The latter approach is sort of an old-school Ruby way of doing it. There is nothing wrong in using it. Until the end of file is reached, gets will return a string, and when it does reach the end of file, gets will return nil, so the while loop works as the same when you use each; in each iteration, it reads the next line.
It looks like each line is supposed to represent a key-value pair. The regex assumes that the key is not an empty string, and that the key and the value are separated by exactly five spaces, and the the value consists of exactly thirty-two letters. Each key-value pair is printed (perhaps for monitoring the progress), and is stored in oldfile_hash, which is most likely a hash.
So the point of using .gets is to tell when the file is finished being read. Essentially, it's tied to the
while (condition)
block. So gets serves as a little method that will keep giving ruby the next line of the file until there is no more lines to give.

Convert a .rtf into a mac .r resource, in a scriptable way

I currently have a SLA in a .rtf format, which is to be integrated into .dmg using the intermediary .r mac resource format, which is used by the Rez utility. I had already done it by hand once, but updates made to the .rtf file are overwhelming to propagate to the disk image, and error-prone. I would like to automate this task, which could also help adding other languages or variants.
How could the process of .rtf to .r text conversion be automated?
Only because I didn't fully understand how the accepted answer actually achieved the goal, I use a combination of a script to generate the hex encoding:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Makes resource (.r) text from binaries.
def usage
puts "usage: #{$0} infile"
puts ""
puts " infile The file to convert (the output will go to stdout)"
exit 1
infile = ARGV[0] || usage
data =
data.bytes.each_slice(16) do |slice|
hex = slice.each_slice(2).map { |pair| pair.pack('C*').unpack('H*')[0] }.join(' ')
# We could put the comments in too, but it probably isn't a big deal.
puts "\t$\"#{hex}\""
The output of this is inserted into a variable during the build and then the variable ends up in a template (we're using Ant to do this, but the specifics aren't particularly interesting):
data 'RTF ' (5000, "English SLA") {
The one bit of this which did take quite a while to figure out is that 'RTF ' can be used for the resource directly. The Apple docs say to separately insert 'TEXT' (with just the plain text) and 'styl' (with just the style). There are tools to do this of course, but it was one more tool to run and I could never figure out how to make hyperlinks work in the resulting DMG. With 'RTF ', hyperlinks just work.
Hoping that this saves someone time in the future.
Use the unrtf port (from macports), then format the lines, heading and tail with a shell script.
