Powershell - Capture socket and process - windows

I am trying this small powershell script to look for netstat -ano output every five seconds and then filter only outgoing connections on port 80 on any IP address, plus catch the related process that opened the socket.
I think the problem here is if there are multiple entries in the output then it cannot handle the array. What is missing here? any better way to do this?
while(1) {netstat -ano | ? {$_ -like "** *:80 *"} |
% {
$_ -match "\d+$";
$matches | ForEach-Object {
Get-Process -id $matches[0] | Format-List *;
(Get-Process -id $matches[0]).WaitForExit()
Start-Sleep -s 5;

Shay Levy wrote a function to work with netstat info that might help you filter down your information and outputs it in a manner that would be easier to filter on: How to find running processes and their port number
NOTE: I know most folks probably say to post the code here in the event the page goes missing. Shay is updating this page as things change or for improvements (like adding support for IPv6 connections) so I doubt he will be taking it down anytime soon.
See Get-NetworkStatistics:
> Get-NetworkStatistics | where Localport -eq 8000
ComputerName : DESKTOP-JL59SC6
Protocol : TCP
LocalAddress :
LocalPort : 8000
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 0
ProcessName : node
PID : 11552


Get list all IP addresses connected to your server using Powershell / CMD

my goal :
get "total" list of IP's connected to port 80 in windows server.
in centos, i found this
netstat -tn 2>/dev/null | grep :80 | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
but if windows server, is there any way do that using powershell or cmd?
*i get one example but its not reaching my goal :
netstat -n | find "80"
credit for example : https://mkyong.com/linux/list-all-ip-addresses-connected-to-your-server/
Get-NetTCPConnection is the PowerShell equivalent and creates a robust object you can filter to your needs.
In your example, you're getting all connections to port 80 on your device, here's what that looks like in PowerShell:
Get-NetTCPConnection |where RemotePort -eq 80
LocalAddress LocalPort RemoteAddress RemotePort State AppliedSetting OwningProcess
------------ --------- ------------- ---------- ----- -------------- ------------- 51135 80 CloseWait Internet 12508 51134 80 CloseWait Internet 12508 51133 80 CloseWait Internet 12508 51132 80 CloseWait Internet 12508
If you wanted to gather just the remote IP addresses, for instance:
Get-NetTCPConnection |where RemotePort -eq 80 |select RemoteAddress
If you need to group them to see how many sessions per IP, you can pipe into the Group-Object cmdlet like so:
Get-NetTCPConnection |where RemotePort -eq 80 |select RemoteAddress |
group-object -Property RemoteAddress |select Name,Count
Name Count
---- ----- 1 6
One quick and dirty way to find TCP sessions connected to port 80 is
for /f "tokens=3" %a in ('netstat -n ^| find ":80 "') do #echo %a > filename.txt
You would obtain output similar to the following:

DNS Search suffix is being ignored

I'm on a Windows 10 laptop and am receiving the following behaviour:
When I check the DNS Search Suffix List:
PS C:\> Get-DnsClientGlobalSetting
UseSuffixSearchList : True
SuffixSearchList : {domain1.co.uk, domain2.com, domain3.box}
UseDevolution : True
DevolutionLevel : 0
When I resolve the hostname without the suffix:
PS C:\> Resolve-DnsName -Name hostname1
Resolve-DnsName : hostname1 : DNS name does not exist
At line:1 char:1
+ Resolve-DnsName -Name hostname1
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ResourceUnavailable: (hostname1:String) [Resolve-DnsName], Win32Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR,Microsoft.DnsClient.Commands.ResolveDnsName
When I resolve the hostname with the suffix manually specified:
PS C:\> Resolve-DnsName -Name hostname1.domain2.com
Name Type TTL Section IPAddress
---- ---- --- ------- ---------
hostname1.domain2.com A 300 Answer
hostname1.domain2.com A 300 Answer
Why isn't the suffix "domain2.com" being used to resolve "hostname1" to the IP addresses, as is possible when the suffix is added manually? This should be hapenning automatically, shouldn't it?
I've tried running
ipconfig /flushdns
And I've tried restarting, but it still won't take. What's happening here?
Note: The domain2.com suffix is added automatically when I connect to an Open VPN endpoint, and is specified in the OpenVPN configuration file as:
dhcp-option DOMAIN domain2.com
I've seen posts saying that it's to do with the binding order, and that you can solve this (DNS leak) by increasing the metric for the VPC NIC, so I wrote a script to increase the metric of that card to be the highest out of all cards:
$HighestMetric = ((Get-NetIPInterface).InterfaceMetric | Sort-Object -Descending)[0]
$VpcAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -Match "TAP"
$currentMetric = (Get-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $VpcAdapter.InterfaceAlias -AddressFamily IPv4).InterfaceMetric
Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $VpcAdapter.InterfaceAlias -InterfaceMetric ($HighestMetric +1)
But that still hasn't solved the issue

convert multi line text log to CSV with Windows cmd or Powershell

I'm trying to convert a uniform multi line log file to a CSV, and nothing works. Please help! I'm on a Windows server, so it has to be a command line or a Powershell.
Input sample:
DISPLAY_NAME: BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
BDESVC hosts the BitLocker Drive Encryption service. BitLocker Drive Encryption provides secure startup for the operating system, as well as full volume encryption for OS, fixed or removable volumes. This service allows BitLocker to prompt users for various actions related to their volumes when mounted, and unlocks volumes automatically without user interaction. Additionally, it stores recovery information to Active Directory, if available, and, if necessary, ensures the most recent recovery certificates are used. Stopping or disabling the service would prevent users from leveraging this functionality.
BINARY_PATH_NAME : C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
TAG : 0
FAIL_RESET_PERIOD : 900 seconds
FAILURE_ACTIONS : Restart DELAY: 60000 seconds
: Restart DELAY: 60000 seconds
: None DELAY: 0 seconds
DISPLAY_NAME: Base Filtering Engine
The Base Filtering Engine (BFE) is a service that manages firewall and Internet Protocol security (IPsec) policies and implements user mode filtering. Stopping or disabling the BFE service will significantly reduce the security of the system. It will also result in unpredictable behavior in IPsec management and firewall applications.
BINARY_PATH_NAME : C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNoNetwork
LOAD_ORDER_GROUP : NetworkProvider
TAG : 0
FAIL_RESET_PERIOD : 86400 seconds
FAILURE_ACTIONS : Restart DELAY: 120000 seconds
: Restart DELAY: 300000 seconds
: None DELAY: 0 seconds
CSV Output needed (shown only the first event):
BDESVC,BitLocker Drive Encryption Service,"BDESVC hosts the BitLocker Drive Encryption service. BitLocker Drive Encryption provides secure startup for the operating system, as well as full volume encryption for OS, fixed or removable volumes. This service allows BitLocker to prompt users for various actions related to their volumes when mounted, and unlocks volumes automatically without user interaction. Additionally, it stores recovery information to Active Directory, if available, and, if necessary, ensures the most recent recovery certificates are used. Stopping or disabling the service would prevent users from leveraging this functionality.",20 WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS,3 DEMAND_START,1 NORMAL,C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs,,0,,localSystem,900 seconds,Restart DELAY: 60000 seconds,Restart DELAY: 60000 seconds,None DELAY: 0 seconds,
To offer a different perspective from Mark Wragg, you can try using Select-String to capture the variables you need to output, rather than working off the format exactly as it is for these two specific cases.
You can try something like this:
$myArr = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("C:\YourLogFile.txt") | Select-String -Pattern "SERVICE_NAME[\s\S]*?(?=SERVICE_NAME)" -AllMatches | % {$_.Matches} | % {$_.Value}
This will return an array of all the individual log entries, based on the assumption that SERVICE_NAME begins each entry. From there, you can loop through each entry in that array, and look for the values you would like to output to the CSV:
$myArr = #()
[IO.File]::ReadAllText("C:\YourLogFile.txt") | Select-String -Pattern "SERVICE_NAME[\s\S]*?(?=(SERVICE_NAME)|($))" -AllMatches | % {$_.Matches} | % {$_.Value} | % { $myArr += `
"Type" = Select-String -InputObject $_ -Pattern "(?<=TYPE : ).*?(?=\r)" | % {$_.Matches} | % {$_.Value};
"START_TYPE" = Select-String -InputObject $_ -Pattern "(?<=START_TYPE : ).*?(?=\r)" | % {$_.Matches} | % {$_.Value};
You can add as many properties into that hash table as you would like (ERROR_CONTROL, SERVICE_START_NAME, etc), and then use `Export-CSV' to write them to a file. There are two ways you can handle that, based on this solution:
$myArr | Select-Object Type,Start_Type | Export-CSV 'out.csv' -NoTypeInformation
or add this to the end of the pipe, if you don't care to read it into a variable:
[IO.File]::ReadAllText("C:\YourLogFile.txt") | Select-String -Pattern "SERVICE_NAME[\s\S]*?(?=(SERVICE_NAME)|($))" -AllMatches | % {$_.Matches} | % {$_.Value} | % { `
"Type" = Select-String -InputObject $_ -Pattern "(?<=TYPE : ).*?(?=\r)" | % {$_.Matches} | % {$_.Value};
"START_TYPE" = Select-String -InputObject $_ -Pattern "(?<=START_TYPE : ).*?(?=\r)" | % {$_.Matches} | % {$_.Value};
})} | Select-Object -Property Type,Start_Type | Export-Csv -Path C:\temp\test\myout.txt -NoTypeInformation
Just be sure to add all the properties you wish to export to Select-Object
Here's a possible solution. Bear in mind this makes some assumptions about your data and doing this sort of thing is always a bit hacky:
(Get-Content 'YourFile.log') -Replace '(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*)','$1=$2' -Split '\r\n\r\n' | ForEach-Object {
$Text = ($_ -split '\n') -Replace '\\','\\'
$Text[2] = 'DESCRIPTION='+ $Text[2]
$Result = $Text | Out-String | ConvertFrom-StringData
$Properties = [ordered]#{}
$Headers | ForEach-Object { $Properties.Add($_,$Result.$_) }
} | Export-CSV 'out.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Uses a regex (.*?)\s*:\s*(.*) to convert the first : and any space characters either side of it to an =. We do this so that we can later use the ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet to convert the data to a hashtable object.
Splits the data based on where there are two (Windows-style) carriage returns \r\n\r\n so we have a collection of the individual records
Iterates through the records and splits the text in to individual lines. Replaces any single slashes with two slashes by using the (confusing looking) regex '\\','\\'. This is so that ConvertFrom-StringData isn't tripped up by the file paths.
Takes the third line in the data and adds 'DESCRIPTION=' to the beginning of this line as otherwise this line is not in the expected name=value format.
Returns the resultant text to a single string object via Out-String and then converts this to a hashtable via ConvertFrom-StringData.
Because ConvertFrom-StringData reorders the fields alphabetically, creates a second [ordered] hashtable named $Properties which uses a predefined ordered list of the headers and then creates a PowerShell object from this.
Exports the result to CSV.

Get local port numbers in windows 7 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Get foreign address name using NETSTAT for established active TCP connections
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am trying to get all local ports that are in listening state. Using
netstat -a -n
I get the following output:
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP LISTENING //for example, demo data is given
But I only wan't to get the port numbers.
1111 //for ex, this is in listening state.
In Windows 10, I can use
Get-NetTCPConnection -State Listen | group localport -NoElement
Which works but this command isn't available on Windows 7
Not sure whether there is a Windows 7 cmdlet available but you could parse the netstat result:
$objects = netstat -a -n |
select -Skip 4 |
ForEach-Object {
$line = $_ -split ' ' | Where-Object {$_ -ne ''}
if ($line.Count -eq 4)
New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{
Then you can retrieve the ports using something like this:
$objects | Where State -eq LISTENING | Select LocalAddress | Foreach {
$_ -replace '.*:(\d+).*', '$1'

get IPv4 address into a variable

Is there an easy way in PowerShell 3.0 on Windows 7 to get the local computer's IPv4 address into a variable?
Here is another solution:
$env:HostIP = (
Get-NetIPConfiguration |
Where-Object {
$_.IPv4DefaultGateway -ne $null -and
$_.NetAdapter.Status -ne "Disconnected"
How about this? (not my real IP Address!)
PS C:\> $ipV4 = Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) -Count 1 | Select IPV4Address
PS C:\> $ipV4
Note that using localhost would just return and IP of
PS C:\> $ipV4 = Test-Connection -ComputerName localhost -Count 1 | Select IPV4Address
PS C:\> $ipV4
The IP Address object has to be expanded out to get the address string
PS C:\> $ipV4 = Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) -Count 1 | Select -ExpandProperty IPV4Address
PS C:\> $ipV4
Address : 556228818
AddressFamily : InterNetwork
ScopeId :
IsIPv6Multicast : False
IsIPv6LinkLocal : False
IsIPv6SiteLocal : False
IsIPv6Teredo : False
IsIPv4MappedToIPv6 : False
IPAddressToString :
PS C:\> $ipV4.IPAddressToString
If I use the machine name this works. But is kind of like a hack (because I am just picking the first value of ipv4 address that I get.)
$ipaddress=([System.Net.DNS]::GetHostAddresses('PasteMachineNameHere')|Where-Object {$_.AddressFamily -eq "InterNetwork"} | select-object IPAddressToString)[0].IPAddressToString
Note that you have to replace the value PasteMachineNameHere in the above expression
This works too
$localIpAddress=((ipconfig | findstr [0-9].\.)[0]).Split()[-1]
Here are three methods using windows powershell and/or powershell core, listed from fastest to slowest.
You can assign it to a variable of your choosing.
Method 1: (this method is the fastest and works in both windows powershell and powershell core)
$ipAddress = (Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object {$_.AddressState -eq "Preferred" -and $_.ValidLifetime -lt "24:00:00"}).IPAddress
Method 2: (this method is as fast as method 1 but it does not work with powershell core)
$ipAddress = (Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) -Count 1 | Select -ExpandProperty IPv4Address).IPAddressToString
Method 3: (although the slowest, it works on both windows powershell and powershell core)
$ipAddress = (Get-NetIPConfiguration | Where-Object {$_.IPv4DefaultGateway -ne $null -and $_.NetAdapter.status -ne "Disconnected"}).IPv4Address.IPAddress
Here is what I ended up using
$ipaddress = $(ipconfig | where {$_ -match 'IPv4.+\s(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' } | out-null; $Matches[1])
which breaks down as
execute ipconfig command - get all the network interface information
use powershell's where filter with a regular expression
regular expression finds the line with "IPv4" and a set of 4 blocks each with 1-3 digits separated by periods, i.e. a v4 IP address
disregard the output by piping it to null
finally get the first matched group as defined by the brackets in the regular expression.
catch that output in $ipaddress for later use.
(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | where {$_.DHCPEnabled -ne $null -and $_.DefaultIPGateway -ne $null}).IPAddress
This one liner gives you the IP address:
(Test-Connection -ComputerName $env:computername -count 1).ipv4address.IPAddressToString
Include it in a Variable?
$IPV4=(Test-Connection -ComputerName $env:computername -count 1).ipv4address.IPAddressToString
Another variant using $env environment variable to grab hostname:
Test-Connection -ComputerName $env:computername -count 1 | Select-Object IPV4Address
or if you just want the IP address returned without the property header
(Test-Connection -ComputerName $env:computername -count 1).IPV4Address.ipaddressTOstring
I used this command to get the ip address of my Ethernet network adapter into a variable called IP.
for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %i in ('netsh interface ip show config name^="Ethernet" ^| findstr "IP Address"') do set IP=%i
For those who are curious to know what all that means, read on
Most commands using ipconfig for example just print out all your IP addresses and I needed a specific one which in my case was for my Ethernet network adapter.
You can see your list of network adapters by using the netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces command. Most people need Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
You'll see a table like so in the output to the command prompt:
Idx Met MTU State Name
--- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------------------------
1 75 4294967295 connected Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
15 25 1500 connected Ethernet
17 5000 1500 connected vEthernet (Default Switch)
32 15 1500 connected vEthernet (DockerNAT)
In the name column you should find the network adapter you want (i.e. Ethernet, Wi-Fi etc.).
As mentioned, I was interested in Ethernet in my case.
To get the IP for that adapter we can use the netsh command:
netsh interface ip show config name="Ethernet"
This gives us this output:
Configuration for interface "Ethernet"
DHCP enabled: Yes
IP Address:
Subnet Prefix: (mask
InterfaceMetric: 25
DNS servers configured through DHCP: None
Register with which suffix: Primary only
WINS servers configured through DHCP: None
(I faked the actual IP number above for security reasons 😉)
I can further specify which line I want using the findstr command in the ms-dos command prompt.
Here I want the line containing the string IP Address.
netsh interface ip show config name="Ethernet" | findstr "IP Address"
This gives the following output:
IP Address:
I can then use the for command that allows me to parse files (or multiline strings in this case) and split out the strings' contents based on a delimiter and the item number that I'm interested in.
Note that I am looking for the third item (tokens=3) and that I am using the space character and : as my delimiters (delims=: ).
for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %i in ('netsh interface ip show config name^="Ethernet" ^| findstr "IP Address"') do set IP=%i
Each value or token in the loop is printed off as the variable %i but I'm only interested in the third "token" or item (hence tokens=3). Note that I had to escape the | and = using a ^
At the end of the for command you can specify a command to run with the content that is returned. In this case I am using set to assign the value to an environment variable called IP. If you want you could also just echo the value or what ever you like.
With that you get an environment variable with the IP Address of your preferred network adapter assigned to an environment variable. Pretty neat, huh?
If you have any ideas for improving please leave a comment.
I was looking for the same thing and figured this out:
$ip = Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -InterfaceIndex $(Get-NetConnectionProfile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InterfaceIndex) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IPAddress
This filters out both the loopback address and some virtual networks I have.
$ip = (Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -InterfaceIndex $(Get-NetConnectionProfile).InterfaceIndex).IPAddress
function Get-LocalIP {
Get-NetIPAddress `
-AddressFamily IPv4 `
-InterfaceIndex $(
$ip = Get-LocalIP
To grab the device's IPv4 addresses, and filter to only grab ones that match your scheme (i.e. Ignore and APIPA addresses or the LocalHost address). You could say to grab the address matching 192.168.200.* for example.
$IPv4Addr = Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily ipV4 | where {$_.IPAddress -like X.X.X.X} | Select IPAddress
# Patrick Burwell's Ping Script - Patrick.Burwell#Infosys.com #
$Output= #() #sets an array
$names = Get-Content ".\input\ptd.pc_list.txt" #sets a list to use, like a DNS dump
foreach ($name in $names){ #sets the input by enumerating a text file to loop through and sets a variable to execute against
if ($IPV4 = Test-Connection -Delay 15 -ComputerName $name -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|select IPV4Address #run ping and sets only IPV4Address response variable
){# If true then run...
$Output+= $Name,($IPV4.IPV4Address).IPAddressToString # Fills the array with the #true response
Write-Host $Name',','Ping,'($IPV4.IPV4Address).IPAddressToString -ForegroundColor Green #Sets the output to receive the Name, result and IPV4Address and prints the reply to the console with specific colors
else{#If false then run...
$Output+= "$name," #Fills the array with the #false response
Write-Host "$Name," -ForegroundColor Red #Prints the reply to the console with specific colors
#$Output | Out-file ".\output\result.csv" #<-- use to export to a text file (Set path as needed)
#$Output | Export-CSV ".\output\result.csv" -NoTypeInformation #<-- use to export to a csv file (Set path as needed)
#If you choose, you can merely have the reply by the name and IP, and the Name and no IP by removing the Ping comments
As I was working in Powershell 3, none of the answers here worked for me. It's based on Rob's approach, but this one works when you have multiple network adapters, it also picks out the IP correctly using capture groups
function GetIPConfig {
return ipconfig | select-string ('(\s)+IPv4.+\s(?<IP>(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}))(\s)*') -AllMatches | %{ $_.Matches } | % { $_.Groups["IP"]} | %{ $_.Value }
Non of the top comments are actually fully correct since a computer can have multiple interfaces and an interface can have multiple IP addresses. There are a few answers here which technically correct but utilizes "funky" ways to filter out wellknown addresses (like APIPA, localhost, etc) whereas even Powershell 3.0 have a native way to do so with PrefixOrigin.
$IPv4Addresses = $(Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object { $_.PrefixOrigin -ne "WellKnown" -and $_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4" }).IPAddress
I do this :
$interFaceAliasName="LAN" # You have to change the name according to your interface's name
$myInterface=(Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $interFaceAliasName)
I recently had the same issue. So I wrote a script to parse it from the ipconfig /all output. This script is easily modifiable to obtain any of the parameters of the interfaces and it works on Windows 7 also.
Get output of IP config in LineNumber | Line format
$ip_config = $(ipconfig /all | % {$_ -split "rn"} | Select-String -Pattern ".*" | select LineNumber, Line)
Get list of interfaces (+ last line of ipconfig output) in LineNumber | Line format
$interfaces = $($ip_config | where {$_.Line -notmatch '^\s*$'} | where {$_.Line -notmatch '^\s'}) + $($ip_config | Select -last 1)
Filter through the interfaces list for the specific interface you want
$LAN = $($interfaces | where {$_.Line -match 'Wireless Network Connection:$'})
Get the start and end line numbers of chosen interface from output
$i = $interfaces.IndexOf($LAN)
$start = $LAN.LineNumber
$end = $interfaces[$i+1].LineNumber
Pick the lines from start..end
$LAN = $ip_config | where {$_.LineNumber -in ($start..$end)}
Get IP(v4) address field (returns null if no IPv4 address present)
$LAN_IP = #($LAN | where {$_ -match 'IPv4.+:\s(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})'})
$LAN_IP = &{If ($LAN_IP.Count -gt 0) {$Matches[1]} Else {$null}}
$a = ipconfig
$result = $a[8] -replace "IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :",""
Also check which index of ipconfig has the IPv4 Address
