Magento - Apply Tax On Custom Quote Totals Field - magento

I have created a surcharge module for Magento which adds a custom total field to the quote. The surcharge is input into Magento including tax. I have successfully got the module adding the surcharge to the quote and the grand total is correct on the checkout page.
My issue comes when trying to apply tax to the surcharge so that it gets included and displayed in the tax field on the checkout page. Currently it only includes the tax for the products and the shipping.
I have managed to calculate the tax for the surcharge but cant't get the tax applied to the quote so that it is displayed in the tax field but also don't think my approach is quite correct either. Any help would be much appreciated.
class ********_Deposits_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Surcharge extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Abstract {
protected $_config = null;
public function __construct()
$this->_config = Mage::getSingleton('tax/config');
$this->_store = Mage::app()->getStore();
protected function _calculateTax(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
$calculator = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation');
$inclTax = $this->_config->priceIncludesTax($this->_store);
$taxRateRequest = $calculator->getRateRequest(
$taxRateRequest->setProductClassId(Mage::getStoreConfig('********/surcharges/tax_class', $this->_store));
$rate = $calculator->getRate($taxRateRequest);
$baseTax = $tax = $calculator->calcTaxAmount($address->getBaseSurchargePriceAmount(), $rate, $inclTax, true);
* Collect address subtotal
* #param ********_Surcharges_Model_Quote_Address $address
* #return ********_Surcharges_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Surcharge
public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
// If Surcharges Is Enabled Then Calculate Away :-)
if(Mage::getStoreConfig('********/surcharges/surcharge_enabled')) {
$items = $this->_getAddressItems($address);
if (!count($items)) {
return $this;
// Calculate Total Surcharge For Items In Quote (Base Prices!)
$surcharge = 0.0;
foreach ($items as $item) {
$price = $item->getData('base_surcharge_price', null);
if(isset($price)) {
$surcharge += $item->getData('base_surcharge_price') * $item->getQty();
return $this;
public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
if(Mage::getStoreConfig('********/surcharges/surcharge_enabled')) {
$surcharge = $address->getSurchargePriceAmount();
if(isset($surcharge) && $surcharge > 0) {
'code' => $this->getCode(),
'title' => Mage::getStoreConfig('********/surcharges/surcharge_label'),
'value' => $surcharge
return $this;
public function getLabel()
return Mage::getStoreConfig('********/surcharges/surcharge_label');

I managed to solve this this using the following code. Not the best solution but spent hours trying to do it and didn't get anywhere fast. Asterix's need to be replaced.
class *****_Deposits_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Surcharge extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Abstract {
protected $_taxConfig = null;
public function __construct()
$this->_taxConfig = Mage::getSingleton('tax/config');
$this->_store = Mage::app()->getStore();
protected function _calculateTax(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
$calculator = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation');
$inclTax = $this->_taxConfig->priceIncludesTax($this->_store);
$taxRateRequest = $calculator->getRateRequest(
$taxRateRequest->setProductClassId(Mage::getStoreConfig('*****/surcharges/tax_class', $this->_store));
$rate = $calculator->getRate($taxRateRequest);
if($rate > 0.0) {
$baseTax = $calculator->calcTaxAmount($address->getBaseSurchargePriceAmount(), $rate, $inclTax, true);
$tax = $address->getQuote()->getStore()->convertPrice($baseTax, false);
$address->addTotalAmount('tax', $tax);
$address->addBaseTotalAmount('tax', $baseTax);
$rates = array();
foreach ($address->getAppliedTaxes() as $rate) {
$rate['amount'] = $rate['amount'] + $tax;
$rate['base_amount'] = $rate['base_amount'] + $baseTax;
$rates[] = $rate;
if($inclTax) {
$address->setGrandTotal($address->getGrandTotal() - $tax);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($address->getBaseGrandTotal() - $baseTax);
* Collect address subtotal
* #param *****_Surcharges_Model_Quote_Address $address
* #return *****_Surcharges_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Surcharge
public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
// Clear Cached Values As Multiple Addresses Causes Values To Be Added Twice Otherwise!
// If Surcharges Is Enabled Then Calculate Away :-)
if(Mage::getStoreConfig('*****/surcharges/surcharge_enabled')) {
$items = $this->_getAddressItems($address);
if (!count($items)) {
return $this;
// Calculate Total Surcharge For Items In Quote (Base Prices!)
$surcharge = 0.0;
foreach ($items as $item) {
$price = $item->getData('base_surcharge_price', null);
if(isset($price)) {
$surcharge += $item->getData('base_surcharge_price') * $item->getQty();
$this->_setAmount($address->getQuote()->getStore()->convertPrice($surcharge, false));
return $this;
* Assign subtotal amount and label to address object
* #param *****_Surcharges_Model_Quote_Address $address
* #return *****_Surcharges_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Surcharge
public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
if(Mage::getStoreConfig('*****/surcharges/surcharge_enabled')) {
$surcharge = $address->getSurchargePriceAmount();
if(isset($surcharge) && $surcharge > 0) {
'code' => $this->getCode(),
'title' => Mage::getStoreConfig('*****/surcharges/surcharge_label'),
'value' => $surcharge
return $this;
* Get Surcharge label
* #return string
public function getLabel()
return Mage::getStoreConfig('*****/surcharges/surcharge_label');


How to include tax in minimum order amount magento

on a french ecommerce, we always display prices including taxes.
I have enabled the minimum order amount.
I've test it, it works but the system is based on subtotal excluding taxes.
I need the system based for the this case on global amount (including taxes)
Is it possible ?
Of course I tried to work with a minimum amount excluding taxes, but I manage two tax rates. So It can't be good.
Thanks for your help.
It's possible:
Copy file app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php to app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php
Open copied file and find validateMinimumAmount() function:
public function validateMinimumAmount($multishipping = false) {
$storeId = $this->getStoreId();
$minOrderActive = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('sales/minimum_order/active', $storeId);
$minOrderMulti = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('sales/minimum_order/multi_address', $storeId);
$minAmount = Mage::getStoreConfig('sales/minimum_order/amount', $storeId);
if (!$minOrderActive) {
return true;
$addresses = $this->getAllAddresses();
if ($multishipping) {
if ($minOrderMulti) {
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
foreach ($address->getQuote()->getItemsCollection() as $item) {
$amount = $item->getBaseRowTotal() - $item->getBaseDiscountAmount();
if ($amount < $minAmount) {
return false;
} else {
$baseTotal = 0;
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
/* #var $address Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address */
$baseTotal += $address->getBaseSubtotalWithDiscount();
if ($baseTotal < $minAmount) {
return false;
} else {
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
/* #var $address Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address */
if (!$address->validateMinimumAmount()) {
return false;
return true;
Replace this function with next:
public function validateMinimumAmount($multishipping = false)
$storeId = $this->getStoreId();
$minOrderActive = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('sales/minimum_order/active', $storeId);
$minOrderMulti = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('sales/minimum_order/multi_address', $storeId);
$minAmount = Mage::getStoreConfig('sales/minimum_order/amount', $storeId);
if (!$minOrderActive) {
return true;
$addresses = $this->getAllAddresses();
if ($multishipping) {
if ($minOrderMulti) {
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
$grandTotal = $address->getQuote()->collectTotals()->getGrandTotal();
if ($grandTotal < $minAmount) {
return false;
} else {
$grandTotal = 0;
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
/* #var $address Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address */
$grandTotal += $address->getQuote()->collectTotals()->getGrandTotal();
if ($grandTotal < $minAmount) {
return false;
} else {
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
/* #var $address Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address */
$grandTotal = $address->getQuote()->collectTotals()->getGrandTotal();
if ($grandTotal < $minAmount) {
return false;
return true;
Clear Magento Cache (System->Configuration->Cache Management).
In new function we use many collectTotals() calls for be sure what Grand Total already calculated but don't worry about calculations overhead because collectTotals() function contains protect from double totals calculation:
if ($this->getTotalsCollectedFlag()) {
return $this;
Rewrite the model Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address and override the method validateMinimumAmount:
class StackExchange_MinimumOrderValue_Model_Quote_Address extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address
* Validate minimum amount
* #return bool
public function validateMinimumAmount()
$storeId = $this->getQuote()->getStoreId();
if (!Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('sales/minimum_order/active', $storeId)) {
return true;
if ($this->getQuote()->getIsVirtual() && $this->getAddressType() == self::TYPE_SHIPPING) {
return true;
} elseif (!$this->getQuote()->getIsVirtual() && $this->getAddressType() != self::TYPE_SHIPPING) {
return true;
$amount = Mage::getStoreConfig('sales/minimum_order/amount', $storeId);
// $this->getBaseSubtotalInclTax() is sometimes null, so that we calculate it ourselves
$referenceAmount = $this->getBaseSubtotal() + $this->getBaseTaxAmount() + $this->getBaseHiddenTaxAmount() - $this->getBaseShippingTaxAmount() - abs($this->getBaseDiscountAmount());
if ($referenceAmount < $amount) {
return false;
return true;
The interesting thing is that $this->getBaseSubtotalInclTax() does not work. It is sometimes null - specifically, if you proceed from the cart to the checkout page. Hence, we calculate the subtotal inclusive tax ourselves. I hope my formula is correct, but it seems to work:
$referenceAmount = $this->getBaseSubtotal() + $this->getBaseTaxAmount() + $this->getBaseHiddenTaxAmount() - $this->getBaseShippingTaxAmount() - abs($this->getBaseDiscountAmount());

Magento admin : Fatal error: Call to a member function toOptionArray() on a non-object

I am getting error in admin panel after adding plugin.
Error :
Fatal error: Call to a member function toOptionArray() on a non-object in /var/lib/openshift/5374ca8999fc775bdc00009d/app-root/runtime/repo/php/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/System/Config/Form.php on line 463
Here is the code :
public function toOptionArray() {
return array(
array('value'=>'0', 'label'=>'No Credit'),
array('value'=>'1', 'label'=>'Credit Only Invited Customer'),
array('value'=>'2', 'label'=>'Credit Only Customer who invite'),
array('value'=>'3', 'label'=>'Credit Both Customer')
Form.php file :
class Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form
const SCOPE_DEFAULT = 'default';
const SCOPE_WEBSITES = 'websites';
const SCOPE_STORES = 'stores';
* Config data array
* #var array
protected $_configData;
* Adminhtml config data instance
* #var Mage_Adminhtml_Model_Config_Data
protected $_configDataObject;
* Enter description here...
* #var Varien_Simplexml_Element
protected $_configRoot;
* Enter description here...
* #var Mage_Adminhtml_Model_Config
protected $_configFields;
* Enter description here...
* #var Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form_Fieldset
protected $_defaultFieldsetRenderer;
* Enter description here...
* #var Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form_Field
protected $_defaultFieldRenderer;
* Enter description here...
* #var array
protected $_fieldsets = array();
* Translated scope labels
* #var array
protected $_scopeLabels = array();
* Enter description here...
public function __construct()
$this->_scopeLabels = array(
self::SCOPE_DEFAULT => Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('[GLOBAL]'),
self::SCOPE_WEBSITES => Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('[WEBSITE]'),
self::SCOPE_STORES => Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('[STORE VIEW]'),
* Enter description here...
* #return Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form
protected function _initObjects()
/** #var $_configDataObject Mage_Adminhtml_Model_Config_Data */
$this->_configDataObject = Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/config_data');
$this->_configRoot = $this->_configDataObject->getConfigRoot();
$this->_configData = $this->_configDataObject->load();
$this->_configFields = Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/config');
$this->_defaultFieldsetRenderer = Mage::getBlockSingleton('adminhtml/system_config_form_fieldset');
$this->_defaultFieldRenderer = Mage::getBlockSingleton('adminhtml/system_config_form_field');
return $this;
* Enter description here...
* #return Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form
public function initForm()
$form = new Varien_Data_Form();
$sections = $this->_configFields->getSection(
if (empty($sections)) {
$sections = array();
foreach ($sections as $section) {
/* #var $section Varien_Simplexml_Element */
if (!$this->_canShowField($section)) {
foreach ($section->groups as $groups){
$groups = (array)$groups;
usort($groups, array($this, '_sortForm'));
foreach ($groups as $group){
/* #var $group Varien_Simplexml_Element */
if (!$this->_canShowField($group)) {
$this->_initGroup($form, $group, $section);
return $this;
* Init config group
* #param Varien_Data_Form $form
* #param Varien_Simplexml_Element $group
* #param Varien_Simplexml_Element $section
* #param Varien_Data_Form_Element_Fieldset|null $parentElement
protected function _initGroup($form, $group, $section, $parentElement = null)
if ($group->frontend_model) {
$fieldsetRenderer = Mage::getBlockSingleton((string)$group->frontend_model);
} else {
$fieldsetRenderer = $this->_defaultFieldsetRenderer;
if ($this->_configFields->hasChildren($group, $this->getWebsiteCode(), $this->getStoreCode())) {
$helperName = $this->_configFields->getAttributeModule($section, $group);
$fieldsetConfig = array('legend' => Mage::helper($helperName)->__((string)$group->label));
if (!empty($group->comment)) {
$fieldsetConfig['comment'] = Mage::helper($helperName)->__((string)$group->comment);
if (!empty($group->expanded)) {
$fieldsetConfig['expanded'] = (bool)$group->expanded;
$fieldset = new Varien_Data_Form_Element_Fieldset($fieldsetConfig);
$fieldset->setId($section->getName() . '_' . $group->getName())
if ($parentElement) {
} else {
$this->_prepareFieldOriginalData($fieldset, $group);
$this->_fieldsets[$group->getName()] = $fieldset;
if ($group->clone_fields) {
if ($group->clone_model) {
$cloneModel = Mage::getModel((string)$group->clone_model);
} else {
Mage::throwException($this->__('Config form fieldset clone model required to be able to clone fields'));
foreach ($cloneModel->getPrefixes() as $prefix) {
$this->initFields($fieldset, $group, $section, $prefix['field'], $prefix['label']);
} else {
$this->initFields($fieldset, $group, $section);
* Return dependency block object
* #return Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form_Element_Dependence
protected function _getDependence()
if (!$this->getChild('element_dependense')){
return $this->getChild('element_dependense');
* Init fieldset fields
* #param Varien_Data_Form_Element_Fieldset $fieldset
* #param Varien_Simplexml_Element $group
* #param Varien_Simplexml_Element $section
* #param string $fieldPrefix
* #param string $labelPrefix
* #return Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form
public function initFields($fieldset, $group, $section, $fieldPrefix='', $labelPrefix='')
if (!$this->_configDataObject) {
// Extends for config data
$configDataAdditionalGroups = array();
foreach ($group->fields as $elements) {
$elements = (array)$elements;
// sort either by sort_order or by child node values bypassing the sort_order
if ($group->sort_fields && $group->sort_fields->by) {
$group->sort_fields->direction_desc ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC
} else {
usort($elements, array($this, '_sortForm'));
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if (!$this->_canShowField($element)) {
if ((string)$element->getAttribute('type') == 'group') {
$this->_initGroup($fieldset->getForm(), $element, $section, $fieldset);
* Look for custom defined field path
$path = (string)$element->config_path;
if (empty($path)) {
$path = $section->getName() . '/' . $group->getName() . '/' . $fieldPrefix . $element->getName();
} elseif (strrpos($path, '/') > 0) {
// Extend config data with new section group
$groupPath = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/'));
if (!isset($configDataAdditionalGroups[$groupPath])) {
$this->_configData = $this->_configDataObject->extendConfig(
$configDataAdditionalGroups[$groupPath] = true;
$data = $this->_configDataObject->getConfigDataValue($path, $inherit, $this->_configData);
if ($element->frontend_model) {
$fieldRenderer = Mage::getBlockSingleton((string)$element->frontend_model);
} else {
$fieldRenderer = $this->_defaultFieldRenderer;
$helperName = $this->_configFields->getAttributeModule($section, $group, $element);
$fieldType = (string)$element->frontend_type ? (string)$element->frontend_type : 'text';
$name = 'groups[' . $group->getName() . '][fields][' . $fieldPrefix.$element->getName() . '][value]';
$label = Mage::helper($helperName)->__($labelPrefix) . ' '
. Mage::helper($helperName)->__((string)$element->label);
$hint = (string)$element->hint ? Mage::helper($helperName)->__((string)$element->hint) : '';
if ($element->backend_model) {
$model = Mage::getModel((string)$element->backend_model);
if (!$model instanceof Mage_Core_Model_Config_Data) {
Mage::throwException('Invalid config field backend model: '.(string)$element->backend_model);
$data = $model->getValue();
$comment = $this->_prepareFieldComment($element, $helperName, $data);
$tooltip = $this->_prepareFieldTooltip($element, $helperName);
$id = $section->getName() . '_' . $group->getName() . '_' . $fieldPrefix . $element->getName();
if ($element->depends) {
foreach ($element->depends->children() as $dependent) {
/* #var $dependent Mage_Core_Model_Config_Element */
if (isset($dependent->fieldset)) {
$dependentFieldGroupName = (string)$dependent->fieldset;
if (!isset($this->_fieldsets[$dependentFieldGroupName])) {
$dependentFieldGroupName = $group->getName();
} else {
$dependentFieldGroupName = $group->getName();
$dependentFieldNameValue = $dependent->getName();
$dependentFieldGroup = $dependentFieldGroupName == $group->getName()
? $group
: $this->_fieldsets[$dependentFieldGroupName]->getGroup();
$dependentId = $section->getName()
. '_' . $dependentFieldGroupName
. '_' . $fieldPrefix
. $dependentFieldNameValue;
$shouldBeAddedDependence = true;
$dependentValue = (string)(isset($dependent->value) ? $dependent->value : $dependent);
if (isset($dependent['separator'])) {
$dependentValue = explode((string)$dependent['separator'], $dependentValue);
$dependentFieldName = $fieldPrefix . $dependent->getName();
$dependentField = $dependentFieldGroup->fields->$dependentFieldName;
* If dependent field can't be shown in current scope and real dependent config value
* is not equal to preferred one, then hide dependence fields by adding dependence
* based on not shown field (not rendered field)
if (!$this->_canShowField($dependentField)) {
$dependentFullPath = $section->getName()
. '/' . $dependentFieldGroupName
. '/' . $fieldPrefix
. $dependent->getName();
$dependentValueInStore = Mage::getStoreConfig($dependentFullPath, $this->getStoreCode());
if (is_array($dependentValue)) {
$shouldBeAddedDependence = !in_array($dependentValueInStore, $dependentValue);
} else {
$shouldBeAddedDependence = $dependentValue != $dependentValueInStore;
if ($shouldBeAddedDependence) {
->addFieldMap($id, $id)
->addFieldMap($dependentId, $dependentId)
->addFieldDependence($id, $dependentId, $dependentValue);
$sharedClass = '';
if ($element->shared && $element->config_path) {
$sharedClass = ' shared shared-' . str_replace('/', '-', $element->config_path);
$requiresClass = '';
if ($element->requires) {
$requiresClass = ' requires';
foreach (explode(',', $element->requires) as $groupName) {
$requiresClass .= ' requires-' . $section->getName() . '_' . $groupName;
$field = $fieldset->addField($id, $fieldType, array(
'name' => $name,
'label' => $label,
'comment' => $comment,
'tooltip' => $tooltip,
'hint' => $hint,
'value' => $data,
'inherit' => $inherit,
'class' => $element->frontend_class . $sharedClass . $requiresClass,
'field_config' => $element,
'scope' => $this->getScope(),
'scope_id' => $this->getScopeId(),
'scope_label' => $this->getScopeLabel($element),
'can_use_default_value' => $this->canUseDefaultValue((int)$element->show_in_default),
'can_use_website_value' => $this->canUseWebsiteValue((int)$element->show_in_website),
$this->_prepareFieldOriginalData($field, $element);
if (isset($element->validate)) {
if (isset($element->frontend_type)
&& 'multiselect' === (string)$element->frontend_type
&& isset($element->can_be_empty)
) {
if ($element->source_model) {
// determine callback for the source model
$factoryName = (string)$element->source_model;
$method = false;
if (preg_match('/^([^:]+?)::([^:]+?)$/', $factoryName, $matches)) {
list($factoryName, $method) = array_values($matches);
$sourceModel = Mage::getSingleton($factoryName);
if ($sourceModel instanceof Varien_Object) {
if ($method) {
if ($fieldType == 'multiselect') {
$optionArray = $sourceModel->$method();
} else {
$optionArray = array();
foreach ($sourceModel->$method() as $value => $label) {
$optionArray[] = array('label' => $label, 'value' => $value);
} else {
$optionArray = $sourceModel->toOptionArray($fieldType == 'multiselect');
return $this;
* Return config root node for current scope
* #return Varien_Simplexml_Element
public function getConfigRoot()
if (empty($this->_configRoot)) {
$this->_configRoot = Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/config_data')->getConfigRoot();
return $this->_configRoot;
* Set "original_data" array to the element, composed from nodes with scalar values
* #param Varien_Data_Form_Element_Abstract $field
* #param Varien_Simplexml_Element $xmlElement
protected function _prepareFieldOriginalData($field, $xmlElement)
$originalData = array();
foreach ($xmlElement as $key => $value) {
if (!$value->hasChildren()) {
$originalData[$key] = (string)$value;
* Support models "getCommentText" method for field note generation
* #param Mage_Core_Model_Config_Element $element
* #param string $helper
* #return string
protected function _prepareFieldComment($element, $helper, $currentValue)
$comment = '';
if ($element->comment) {
$commentInfo = $element->comment->asArray();
if (is_array($commentInfo)) {
if (isset($commentInfo['model'])) {
$model = Mage::getModel($commentInfo['model']);
if (method_exists($model, 'getCommentText')) {
$comment = $model->getCommentText($element, $currentValue);
} else {
$comment = Mage::helper($helper)->__($commentInfo);
return $comment;
* Prepare additional comment for field like tooltip
* #param Mage_Core_Model_Config_Element $element
* #param string $helper
* #return string
protected function _prepareFieldTooltip($element, $helper)
if ($element->tooltip) {
return Mage::helper($helper)->__((string)$element->tooltip);
} elseif ($element->tooltip_block) {
return $this->getLayout()->createBlock((string)$element->tooltip_block)->toHtml();
return '';
* Append dependence block at then end of form block
protected function _afterToHtml($html)
if ($this->_getDependence()) {
$html .= $this->_getDependence()->toHtml();
$html = parent::_afterToHtml($html);
return $html;
* Enter description here...
* #param Varien_Simplexml_Element $a
* #param Varien_Simplexml_Element $b
* #return boolean
protected function _sortForm($a, $b)
return (int)$a->sort_order < (int)$b->sort_order ? -1 : ((int)$a->sort_order > (int)$b->sort_order ? 1 : 0);
* Enter description here...
* #param Varien_Simplexml_Element $field
* #return boolean
public function canUseDefaultValue($field)
if ($this->getScope() == self::SCOPE_STORES && $field) {
return true;
if ($this->getScope() == self::SCOPE_WEBSITES && $field) {
return true;
return false;
* Enter description here...
* #param Varien_Simplexml_Element $field
* #return boolean
public function canUseWebsiteValue($field)
if ($this->getScope() == self::SCOPE_STORES && $field) {
return true;
return false;
* Checking field visibility
* #param Varien_Simplexml_Element $field
* #return bool
protected function _canShowField($field)
$ifModuleEnabled = trim((string)$field->if_module_enabled);
if ($ifModuleEnabled && !Mage::helper('Core')->isModuleEnabled($ifModuleEnabled)) {
return false;
switch ($this->getScope()) {
case self::SCOPE_DEFAULT:
return (int)$field->show_in_default;
case self::SCOPE_WEBSITES:
return (int)$field->show_in_website;
case self::SCOPE_STORES:
return (int)$field->show_in_store;
return true;
* Retrieve current scope
* #return string
public function getScope()
$scope = $this->getData('scope');
if (is_null($scope)) {
if ($this->getStoreCode()) {
$scope = self::SCOPE_STORES;
} elseif ($this->getWebsiteCode()) {
$scope = self::SCOPE_WEBSITES;
} else {
$scope = self::SCOPE_DEFAULT;
return $scope;
* Retrieve label for scope
* #param Mage_Core_Model_Config_Element $element
* #return string
public function getScopeLabel($element)
if ($element->show_in_store == 1) {
return $this->_scopeLabels[self::SCOPE_STORES];
} elseif ($element->show_in_website == 1) {
return $this->_scopeLabels[self::SCOPE_WEBSITES];
return $this->_scopeLabels[self::SCOPE_DEFAULT];
* Get current scope code
* #return string
public function getScopeCode()
$scopeCode = $this->getData('scope_code');
if (is_null($scopeCode)) {
if ($this->getStoreCode()) {
$scopeCode = $this->getStoreCode();
} elseif ($this->getWebsiteCode()) {
$scopeCode = $this->getWebsiteCode();
} else {
$scopeCode = '';
return $scopeCode;
* Get current scope code
* #return int|string
public function getScopeId()
$scopeId = $this->getData('scope_id');
if (is_null($scopeId)) {
if ($this->getStoreCode()) {
$scopeId = Mage::app()->getStore($this->getStoreCode())->getId();
} elseif ($this->getWebsiteCode()) {
$scopeId = Mage::app()->getWebsite($this->getWebsiteCode())->getId();
} else {
$scopeId = '';
return $scopeId;
* Enter description here...
* #return array
protected function _getAdditionalElementTypes()
return array(
'export' => Mage::getConfig()->getBlockClassName('adminhtml/system_config_form_field_export'),
'import' => Mage::getConfig()->getBlockClassName('adminhtml/system_config_form_field_import'),
'allowspecific' => Mage::getConfig()
'image' => Mage::getConfig()->getBlockClassName('adminhtml/system_config_form_field_image'),
'file' => Mage::getConfig()->getBlockClassName('adminhtml/system_config_form_field_file')
* Temporary moved those $this->getRequest()->getParam('blabla') from the code accross this block
* to getBlala() methods to be later set from controller with setters
* Enter description here...
* #TODO delete this methods when {^see above^} is done
* #return string
public function getSectionCode()
return $this->getRequest()->getParam('section', '');
* Enter description here...
* #TODO delete this methods when {^see above^} is done
* #return string
public function getWebsiteCode()
return $this->getRequest()->getParam('website', '');
* Enter description here...
* #TODO delete this methods when {^see above^} is done
* #return string
public function getStoreCode()
return $this->getRequest()->getParam('store', '');
Guide me how to resolve this.
Thanks in advance
Since you did not provide any code I can break down the basics.
That error means the object is empty.
If your code looked like this for example.
Then the error is telling you $results is not an instance of an object.

unable to add invoice fee tax in magento order total

I am working on magento 1.7. i am working on payment gateway where i have added invoice fee now i have to add tax of invoice fee in tax group
please anyone help to solve this problem here is following my code i have tried to add tax amount in taxes but still not working may be i am doing something wrong
class ***_******_Model_Quote_TaxTotal
extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Tax
public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
$quote = $address->getQuote();
if (($quote->getId() == null)
|| ($address->getAddressType() != "shipping")
) {
return $this;
$payment = $quote->getPayment();
if (($payment->getMethod() != 'invoice')
&& (!count($quote->getPaymentsCollection()))
) {
return $this;
try {
* Instead of relying on hasMethodInstance which would not always
* work when i.e the order total is reloaded with coupon codes, we
* try to get the instance directly instead.
$methodInstance = $payment->getMethodInstance();
} catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
return $this;
if (!$methodInstance instanceof Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract) {
return $this;
if ($methodInstance->getCode() != 'invoice') {
return $this;
$fee = $methodInstance->getAddressInvoiceFee($address);
if(Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/invoice/tax_class') == '' ){
return $this;
$invoiceFee = $baseInvoiceFee = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/invoice/_fee');
$fee = Mage::helper('invoice')->getInvoiceFeeArray($invoiceFee, $address, null);
if (!is_array($fee)) {
return $this;
$address->setTaxAmount($address->getTaxAmount() + 5454+ $fee['taxamount']);
$address->getBaseTaxAmount() + 5454+ $fee['base_taxamount']
return $this;
and this is config.xml
your code must be following i have following i modified your code
class *****_******_Model_Quote_TaxTotal extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Tax
public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
$collection = $address->getQuote()->getPaymentsCollection();
if ($collection->count() <= 0 || $address->getQuote()->getPayment()->getMethod() == null) {
return $this;
$paymentMethod = $address->getQuote()->getPayment()->getMethodInstance();
if ($paymentMethod->getCode() != 'invoice') {
return $this;
$store = $address->getQuote()->getStore();
$items = $address->getAllItems();
if (!count($items)) {
return $this;
$custTaxClassId = $address->getQuote()->getCustomerTaxClassId();
$taxCalculationModel = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation');
/* #var $taxCalculationModel Mage_Tax_Model_Calculation */
$request = $taxCalculationModel->getRateRequest(
$InvoiceTaxClass = Mage::helper('invoice')->getInvoiceTaxClass($store);
$InvoiceTax = 0;
$InvoiceBaseTax = 0;
if ($InvoiceTaxClass) {
if ($rate = $taxCalculationModel->getRate($request->setProductClassId($InvoiceTaxClass))) {
if (!Mage::helper('invoice')->InvoicePriceIncludesTax()) {
$InvoiceTax = $address->getFeeAmount() * $rate/100;
$InvoiceBaseTax= $address->getBaseFeeAmount() * $rate/100;
} else {
$InvoiceTax = $address->getPaymentTaxAmount();
$InvoiceBaseTax= $address->getBasePaymentTaxAmount();
$InvoiceTax = $store->roundPrice($InvoiceTax);
$InvoiceBaseTax= $store->roundPrice($InvoiceBaseTax);
$address->setTaxAmount($address->getTaxAmount() + $InvoiceTax);
$address->setBaseTaxAmount($address->getBaseTaxAmount() + $InvoiceBaseTax);
if (!Mage::helper('invoice')->InvoicePriceIncludesTax()) {
$address->setGrandTotal($address->getGrandTotal() + $address->getPaymentTaxAmount());
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($address->getBaseGrandTotal() + $address->getBasePaymentTaxAmount());
return $this;
public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
$store = $address->getQuote()->getStore();
* Modify subtotal
if (Mage::getSingleton('tax/config')->displayCartSubtotalBoth($store) ||
Mage::getSingleton('tax/config')->displayCartSubtotalInclTax($store)) {
if ($address->getSubtotalInclTax() > 0) {
$subtotalInclTax = $address->getSubtotalInclTax();
} else {
$subtotalInclTax = $address->getSubtotal()+ $address->getTaxAmount() -
$address->getShippingTaxAmount() - $address->getPaymentTaxAmount();
'code' => 'subtotal',
'title' => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Subtotal'),
'value' => $subtotalInclTax,
'value_incl_tax' => $subtotalInclTax,
'value_excl_tax' => $address->getSubtotal()
return $this;

Magento filter payment method besed on shipping method

I develop observer method in Magento for filter payment methods based on shipping methods. This is my method:
class Devpassion_Paymentfilter_Model_Observer {
public function paymentMethodIsActive(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {
$event = $observer->getEvent();
$method = $event->getMethodInstance();
$result = $event->getResult();
$carriers = Mage::getSingleton('shipping/config')->getActiveCarriers();
foreach ($carriers as $carrier) {
// $carrierCode = $carrier->getId();
if ($carrier->getId() == 'flatrate' ){
if($method->getCode() == 'checkmo' OR $method->getCode() == 'paypal_standard'){
$result->isAvailable = true;
$result->isAvailable = false;
Results of this is that for all shipping method this filter is true. So for all shipping method paypal and money check shows up and all other not.
Please advice me how to set up this condition to filter just for one specific shipping method.
public function paymentMethodIsActive($observer)
* #var $quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote
$quote = $observer->getEvent()->getQuote();
$method = $observer->getEvent()->getMethodInstance();
$result = $observer->getEvent()->getResult();
$shipping_method = $quote->getShippingAddress()->getShippingMethod();
if ($shipping_method == 'flatrate_flatrate' && $method->getCode() == 'checkmo') {
$result->isAvailable = false;

Magento - Add custom attribute to navigation

I have the below code that creates a custom menu in Magento:
* Catalog navigation
class Infortis_Ultimo_Block_Navigation extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
protected $_isAccordion = FALSE;
protected $_categoryInstance = null;
* Current category key
* #var string
protected $_currentCategoryKey;
* Array of level position counters
* #var array
protected $_itemLevelPositions = array();
protected function _construct()
'cache_lifetime' => false,
'cache_tags' => array(Mage_Catalog_Model_Category::CACHE_TAG, Mage_Core_Model_Store_Group::CACHE_TAG),
* Get Key pieces for caching block content
* #return array
public function getCacheKeyInfo()
$shortCacheId = array(
'template' => $this->getTemplate(),
'name' => $this->getNameInLayout(),
$cacheId = $shortCacheId;
$shortCacheId = array_values($shortCacheId);
$shortCacheId = implode('|', $shortCacheId);
$shortCacheId = md5($shortCacheId);
$cacheId['category_path'] = $this->getCurrenCategoryKey();
$cacheId['short_cache_id'] = $shortCacheId;
return $cacheId;
* Get current category key
* #return mixed
public function getCurrenCategoryKey()
if (!$this->_currentCategoryKey) {
$category = Mage::registry('current_category');
if ($category) {
$this->_currentCategoryKey = $category->getPath();
} else {
$this->_currentCategoryKey = Mage::app()->getStore()->getRootCategoryId();
return $this->_currentCategoryKey;
* Get catagories of current store
* #return Varien_Data_Tree_Node_Collection
public function getStoreCategories()
$helper = Mage::helper('catalog/category');
return $helper->getStoreCategories();
* Retrieve child categories of current category
* #return Varien_Data_Tree_Node_Collection
public function getCurrentChildCategories()
$layer = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer');
$category = $layer->getCurrentCategory();
/* #var $category Mage_Catalog_Model_Category */
$categories = $category->getChildrenCategories();
$productCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection');
return $categories;
* Checkin activity of category
* #param Varien_Object $category
* #return bool
public function isCategoryActive($category)
if ($this->getCurrentCategory()) {
return in_array($category->getId(), $this->getCurrentCategory()->getPathIds());
return false;
protected function _getCategoryInstance()
if (is_null($this->_categoryInstance)) {
$this->_categoryInstance = Mage::getModel('catalog/category');
return $this->_categoryInstance;
* Get url for category data
* #param Mage_Catalog_Model_Category $category
* #return string
public function getCategoryUrl($category)
if ($category instanceof Mage_Catalog_Model_Category) {
$url = $category->getUrl();
} else {
$url = $this->_getCategoryInstance()
return $url;
* Return item position representation in menu tree
* #param int $level
* #return string
protected function _getItemPosition($level)
if ($level == 0) {
$zeroLevelPosition = isset($this->_itemLevelPositions[$level]) ? $this->_itemLevelPositions[$level] + 1 : 1;
$this->_itemLevelPositions = array();
$this->_itemLevelPositions[$level] = $zeroLevelPosition;
} elseif (isset($this->_itemLevelPositions[$level])) {
} else {
$this->_itemLevelPositions[$level] = 1;
$position = array();
for($i = 0; $i <= $level; $i++) {
if (isset($this->_itemLevelPositions[$i])) {
$position[] = $this->_itemLevelPositions[$i];
return implode('-', $position);
* Render category to html
* #param Mage_Catalog_Model_Category $category
* #param int Nesting level number
* #param boolean Whether ot not this item is last, affects list item class
* #param boolean Whether ot not this item is first, affects list item class
* #param boolean Whether ot not this item is outermost, affects list item class
* #param string Extra class of outermost list items
* #param string If specified wraps children list in div with this class
* #param boolean Whether ot not to add on* attributes to list item
* #return string
protected function _renderCategoryMenuItemHtml($category, $level = 0, $isLast = false, $isFirst = false,
$isOutermost = false, $outermostItemClass = '', $childrenWrapClass = '', $noEventAttributes = false)
if (!$category->getIsActive()) {
return '';
$html = array();
// get all children
if (Mage::helper('catalog/category_flat')->isEnabled()) {
$children = (array)$category->getChildrenNodes();
$childrenCount = count($children);
} else {
$children = $category->getChildren();
$childrenCount = $children->count();
$hasChildren = ($children && $childrenCount);
// select active children
$activeChildren = array();
foreach ($children as $child) {
if ($child->getIsActive()) {
$activeChildren[] = $child;
$activeChildrenCount = count($activeChildren);
$hasActiveChildren = ($activeChildrenCount > 0);
// prepare list item html classes
$classes = array();
$classes[] = 'level' . $level;
$classes[] = 'nav-' . $this->_getItemPosition($level);
if ($this->isCategoryActive($category)) {
$classes[] = 'active';
$linkClass = '';
if ($isOutermost && $outermostItemClass) {
$classes[] = $outermostItemClass;
$linkClass = ' class="'.$outermostItemClass.'"';
if ($isFirst) {
$classes[] = 'first';
if ($isLast) {
$classes[] = 'last';
if ($hasActiveChildren) {
$classes[] = 'parent';
//NEW: add special class if level == 1 and menu is not an accordion.
if ($this->_isAccordion == FALSE && $level == 1) {
$classes[] = 'item';
// prepare list item attributes
$attributes = array();
if (count($classes) > 0) {
$attributes['class'] = implode(' ', $classes);
if ($hasActiveChildren && !$noEventAttributes) {
$attributes['onmouseover'] = 'toggleMenu(this,1)';
$attributes['onmouseout'] = 'toggleMenu(this,0)';
// assemble list item with attributes
$htmlLi = '<li';
foreach ($attributes as $attrName => $attrValue) {
$htmlLi .= ' ' . $attrName . '="' . str_replace('"', '\"', $attrValue) . '"';
$htmlLi .= '>';
$html[] = $htmlLi;
if ($level == 0 && $hasChildren) {
$html[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0)"'.$linkClass.'>';
$html[] = '<span>' . $this->escapeHtml($category->getName()) . '</span>';
$html[] = '</a>';
else {
$html[] = '<a href="'.$this->getCategoryUrl($category).'"'.$linkClass.'>';
$html[] = '<span>' . $this->escapeHtml($category->getName()) . '</span>';
$html[] = '</a>';
// render children
$htmlChildren = '';
$j = 0;
foreach ($activeChildren as $child) {
$htmlChildren .= $this->_renderCategoryMenuItemHtml(
($level + 1),
($j == $activeChildrenCount - 1),
($j == 0),
if (!empty($htmlChildren)) {
//NEW: add opener if menu is used as accordion.
if ($this->_isAccordion == TRUE)
$html[] = '<span class="opener"> </span>';
if ($childrenWrapClass) {
$html[] = '<div class="' . $childrenWrapClass . '">';
$html[] = '<ul class="level' . $level . '">';
$html[] = $htmlChildren;
$html[] = '</ul>';
if ($childrenWrapClass) {
$html[] = '</div>';
$html[] = '</li>';
$html = implode("\n", $html);
return $html;
* Render category to html
* #deprecated deprecated after 1.4
* #param Mage_Catalog_Model_Category $category
* #param int Nesting level number
* #param boolean Whether ot not this item is last, affects list item class
* #return string
public function drawItem($category, $level = 0, $last = false)
return $this->_renderCategoryMenuItemHtml($category, $level, $last);
* Enter description here...
* #return Mage_Catalog_Model_Category
public function getCurrentCategory()
if (Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')) {
return Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->getCurrentCategory();
return false;
* Enter description here...
* #return string
public function getCurrentCategoryPath()
if ($this->getCurrentCategory()) {
return explode(',', $this->getCurrentCategory()->getPathInStore());
return array();
* Enter description here...
* #param Mage_Catalog_Model_Category $category
* #return string
public function drawOpenCategoryItem($category) {
$html = '';
if (!$category->getIsActive()) {
return $html;
$html.= '<li';
if ($this->isCategoryActive($category)) {
$html.= ' class="active"';
$html.= '>'."\n";
$html.= '<span>'.$this->htmlEscape($category->getName()).'</span>'."\n";
if (in_array($category->getId(), $this->getCurrentCategoryPath())){
$children = $category->getChildren();
$hasChildren = $children && $children->count();
if ($hasChildren) {
$htmlChildren = '';
foreach ($children as $child) {
$htmlChildren.= $this->drawOpenCategoryItem($child);
if (!empty($htmlChildren)) {
$html.= '<ul>'."\n"
$html.= '</li>'."\n";
return $html;
* Render categories menu in HTML
* #param bool Add opener if menu is used as accordion.
* #param int Level number for list item class to start from
* #param string Extra class of outermost list items
* #param string If specified wraps children list in div with this class
* #return string
public function renderCategoriesMenuHtml($isAccordion = FALSE, $level = 0, $outermostItemClass = '', $childrenWrapClass = '')
//NEW: save additional attribute
$this->_isAccordion = $isAccordion;
$activeCategories = array();
foreach ($this->getStoreCategories() as $child) {
if ($child->getIsActive()) {
$activeCategories[] = $child;
$activeCategoriesCount = count($activeCategories);
$hasActiveCategoriesCount = ($activeCategoriesCount > 0);
if (!$hasActiveCategoriesCount) {
return '';
$html = '';
$j = 0;
foreach ($activeCategories as $category) {
$html .= $this->_renderCategoryMenuItemHtml(
($j == $activeCategoriesCount - 1),
($j == 0),
return $html;
I would like to add a custom category attribute (menu_label) to the menu items. I have created the custom category attribute using this tutorial
The attribute shows up fine in admin and I can get it to print out on my normal template files but can't get it to show in this menu.
I thought $this->escapeHtml($category->getMenuLabel()) would have done it but this doesn't output anything.
Any ideas?
You have to consider the fact that Magento is not acting the same with flat categories enable or disable.
I suppose you may be with flat category enabled, in your case, because it should work otherwise.
(Please check in System > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Frontend the field Use Flat Catalog Category. If it is set to Yes, then that is where your problem is.)
To solve it add this to your config.xml in the frontend node:
Then create an Observer.php in the Model folder of your module (the model folder should be declared in your config.xml too, of course).
Here is the observer code:
class Somecompany_Somemodule_Model_Observer {
public function addMenuAttributes(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {
You assumtion is incorrect:
This assumes $category is indeed a Category Model (Mage_Catalog_Model_category) when infact it's not, it's a Node object.
if you look here:
You will notice where the actual catalog model is used to create an array which is passed to the Navigation routine as a Varien_Data_Tree_Node.
You can add in your custom attribute here, and then access it inside the block.
$categoryData = array(
'name' => $category->getName(),
'id' => $nodeId,
'url' => Mage::helper('catalog/category')->getCategoryUrl($category),
'is_active' => $this->_isActiveMenuCategory($category),
'my_attribute' => $category->getData('my_attribute')
You will then be able to access the attribute inside your custom menu block:
