jQuery: How to add and handle the beforeChange event to input element? - jquery-plugins

I have read all the official documentation of jQuery 1.7.2, but I cannot find any detail about the 'beforechange' event (or something like that) which help me control some rules before allowing the element to change its value. Is there any plugins provide this handler?
Thank you so much!

The jQuery api doesnot provide the 'beforechange' event but instead provide great flexibility to write our own custom events. We can define our own custom events and can be triggered when the events is fired.
For example for input elements we can have onkeydown or onkeypress events and when fired we can trigger our custom events to control some rules.
The following link provides information for creating custom events. Its very simple and flexible.


Are GTM event names automatically tracked in GA4?

I'm trying to wrap my head around GTM Tags and how they work in GA4.
For example I have this GTM tag that fires when a button is clicked. This is working and I can see the event fire in the GA4 debug view.
If I did nothing else would I be able to see the event count of map_grid_view without registering a custom dimension? (I know the event parameters would not show)
If i registered click_text and page_path as custom dimensions then re-used those event parameters in other events I created would that data pull automatically into GA4 once i published my GTM container? (Is this approach considered best practice?)
Yes. You don't need to register the event name
Yes. It's a best practice if you can re-use them. Since free version of GA4 only allow us to register 50 custom dimensions and metrics. If the tracking strategy go complicated in the future. The quota is not enough then.

FireMonkey observers

I have two custom controls tDescendant1 and tDescendant2 that are descendants of other custom control tAncestor. tAncestor handle some events as MouseDown, Click, etc. tDescendant1 and tDescendant2 also must handle the Click event, so they, in turn, set the ancestor's OnClick event to its own handler.
I have on the form Descendant1 and Descendant2 (wich are instances of tDescendant1 and tDescendant2 respectively) and I need that when an OnClick event is fired on Descendant1, the underlying tAncestor of Descendant2 be notified.
Can I use observers to accomplish this?
Appreciate any suggestion. Thanks.

What is difference between OnChange and AddOnChange in Dynamics CRM

In CRM 2011, i wrote a function in js and attached that function to OnChange event of a field. When the value changed in LookUpField1, it should update value of another LookUpField2 but it is only updating after saving and loading the form.
Where as if i use addonChange and firing the function, LookUpField2 value is automatically updating when LookUpField1 is changed.
Why is it working with addonChange and not OnChange event of attr?
Apart from programmatically firing a function using addonChange, are there any instances where we need to use addonchange?
I hope i make sense ;) & Thanks in advance!!!
OnChange is the event. addOnChange is the way to add a handler Here's what the documentation says:
OnChange Event
Use the addOnChange, removeOnChange, and fireOnChange
methods and to manage event handlers for the OnChange event.
Please see the following link:

Raphael - How create a custom event

As I wrote I'd like to write a custom event foa a Raphael's element, how can i do?
I just saw that eve(name, scope, varargs) but I didn't understand well, and if properly for creating a custom event.
I'd like understand how to create a my own custom event.

using jquery, if i need to capture dropdown change event, do i need livequery plugin?

I want to have some code run when i change the selection of a dropdown. i see the livequery plugin states that this is needed to support as some browsers don't do it out of the box
Do I really need livequery to capture onchange event of a dropdown that i create dynamically or does the regular live syntax work in all browsers?
live takes advantage of event bubling mechanism so we can attach event handlers to elements which are created dynamically also, it will work as expected since it attaches event to the document element and listens to them. But I believe change event is not bubbled upto the dom tree so it may not work.
from this page, it looks like you need livequery for it to work in IE
No. You should be able to use just the standard jquery api.
for the dynamic elemenets use .live('change', function to capture the event.
