User generated content with images in Wordpress - image

I'm searching for Wordpress plugins to achieve the following scenario.
User A clicks "Add new Restaurant" and fills out the form and submits Restaurant "ACME Food"
Admin in /wp-admin/ opens up the queue and approves "ACME Food" (Version/Revision 1)
User B clicks "Edit ACME Food" and edits the address (custom field).
User gets a feedback message that the update has been received and is Pending
/Wordpress system/ Keeps the "ACME Food" (Version/Revision 1) Published and adds a copy as "ACME Food" (Version/Revision 2) to the queue.
Admin aprooves the "ACME Food" (Version/Revision 2) and it replaces the Version/Revision 1
In addition, I'm looking for Image upload of the foods in that particular Restaurant. So any user can upload their image of the food at ACME Food, which is again added to the queue.
User A and B both may or may not be signed up (I don't want to force them to sign-up).

You could do something along the lines of what you want (but not exactly) with Gravity Forms. It's a paid plugin but well worth it with good support IMO.
I used GF's Post Fields on this site to create a form to allow the public to upload a photo and some text to the website. A draft post is created and the uploaded image is attached. Notification emails are sent. Admins then approve the image (basically to make sure no one's submitted a photo of a dick) and set it to publish.
The following is from the Gravity forms website:
Post Fields are form fields that enable you to capture data that is
then used to create a WordPress Post. These fields make it quick and
easy for you to create forms that allow users to submit content to
your site. The result posts will be set as a Draft and will need to be
published before they are visible.
Post Title
Post Body
Post Excerpt
Post Tags
Post Category
Post Image
Post Custom Field
That's about as close as I can think of as far as a plugin solution goes.
Alternatively... could look at the wp_insert_post function. Here's an example usage from S.O. I haven't tested this code, but from my experience with wp_insert_post it looks about right.


Strapi Bundle/Group Collection-Types

Is it possible to bundle up collection-types in Strapi?
What I mean by this:
For example, our website has a Media&Downloads page. This page consists of several categories (Logos, Poster, Press-Releases etc.)
All of these categories are reflected as own collection-type inside Strapi.
Now one request of the editors' is, that they want all these collection-types regarding certain pages bundled up. Inside Strapi, you would then on the collection-type navigation(left side) only have the "Press & Media" type, and when you click on it, it acts like an accordion and all the real collection-types are being displayed.

Mailchimp: re-confirm subscribers with a one-click button

I have been sent an example of a mailchimp HTML email which allows users to re-express their wish to stay on a mailing list. It just contains a brief message and one big button "Opt In" which users simply have to click once. The code of the button is as follows:
<img src=3D"" height=3D"1" width=3D"1">
(Obviously I've changed the URL and ID parameters for security). I'm trying to work out how the sender has done this. I'm not clear whether the result of hitting this button moves the subscriber onto a new list, flags them in some way, or removes subscribers that haven't clicked the button after some time limit- but any of those would suit our needs.
After a long time searching the net and options within Mailchimp, I still can't work out how to do this?
The most relevant article I can find about "Reconfirming a list" is this, but it seems a very roundabout way of doing it, plus the example email I have received appears to have been sent with Mailchimp which goes against what the article says, PLUS the article's instructions is to provide a link to a signup form rather than an embedded one-click button within the email itself, which is what I want.
A way to track the reconfirmations of your mailing within mailchimp:
Create a new campaign for your old list. Add a button 'Yes I want to continue to be on this list' and 'No thanks, remove me from the list'. The buttons should point to two different urls that undisputedly match the intent (e.g. or; prepare them on your website with whatever message you want to give them.
Send the mail; Mailchimp will track the links clicked for every user (this is by default, check your settings if you might have changed this) (this is actually why I hate to be on mailchimp, but for today it's convenient).
Wait a few days (or just before you want to send your next mailing)
Go to 'Reports' and click on your latest campaign
Click on the numbers clicked link and then do for the 'continue' link: Download the list as CSV; upload this CSV to a new list which is now 'cleaned'
For the 'unsubscribe' button; download the list, open it in your spreadsheet program (Excel, LO Sheet), grab the e-mailadresses and unsubscribe them manually from old list.
You now have two lists: one cleaned with properly confirmed addresses and one with members you're not sure of. You could try again with your next mailing but at a certain point you probably have to discard your old list (actually, EU-focussed organizations already should've already discarded these lists, but if you're a small org you might get away with it (AT YOUR OWN RISK: THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVISE)).
But you may want some additional proof, because you don't have a list of who clicked what when. The risk is that someone someday might dispute his or her intent to be subscribed to your list. And the user dump you made from people who clicked on a link isn't really giving you much information that you can use and say, well at that day you did click on Subscribe. To the rescue is the MailChimp data dump (Click Username > Account > Settings > Manage my data), which actually gives you quite a simple table of timestamps, links and emailadresses. Will this hold in court? I really don't have a clue, it is easy to fake (it would've been better with ip-addresses etc), but at least it gives you some track record. Note that the data in mailchimp itself is not hard to fake, but maybe one day this data is gone, hence keep the MailChimp data dump.
(btw. before you do all this, maybe clean up your list beforehand:
Actually, I quit mailchimp in favor of MailingBoss, but I believe AWeber also does this... they have what's called a "capture email" that is unique to each list... if you connect a button to it by using "mailto" link ... then it opens the users default email client and pre-populates their main email in it. Once they send that email to your capture email, it ads their email to your list. Pretty sweet stuff for mobile users.
Here's a vid on it
I couldn't figure out how to achieve this with MailChimp ...but in regards to the technique you want to use, after reading the MailChimp documentation I believe that the person likely achieved it by simply using segmentation... anyone that clicked the button was segmented and then perhaps only that segment was sent their follow up emails or maybe even the the segment that didn't click the link was manually unsubscribed on the back end...

Orchard CMS - Blog Post Featured Image

I've read the various questions regarding this but couldn't not make any any progress. I'm new to Orchard so maybe I'm doing something incorrectly.
The goal is to show a "featured" image for each post in the Blog Home Page (Summary).
The first thing I did was to add a new content type for Image Gallery, following the directions at the link:
Then I edited the Blog Post Content Definition, adding the new content type Media Library Picker Field that I created in step 1.
Now on each post there is the ability to Add a new Image.
Now I want that selected image to show up on the Blog Summary view & in the individual Blog Post view.
I followed the direction at the link below, by adding the new element - to the placement info file in my theme.
Image not appearing from a Content Part with a Media Picker Field
Still no luck...what I am missing here???
Thanks for the input
Just add a MediaLibraryPickerField directly to the BlogPost Content Type. That's it.
You don't need anything else (no "Image Gallery Content Type" - that would indeed be another Content Type).
The Display Name for the field can be "Featured Image".
The MediaLibraryPickerField can be configured to not allow multiple content items (allow only one). will allow you to decide where you want the field to show, and you already know.
Shape Alternates will allow you to modify the "template", for both Summary and Detail views, if needed.

When an insights metric says "clicked anywhere," what exactly does "anywhere" mean?

The "Page Post: Engagement" metrics mention that they report the number of times people "click anywhere" in your posts, which leaves me wondering if this means the number of times links in your posts are clicked on, or does it also track the number of times any click is registered on any white space, image, text, etc. within a post?
Essentially: how is engagement through clicking "anywhere" defined by Facebook?
For reference:
It means any link included in your page post. Any link inside your post, opening a photo, ... Or any "meta" link generated by Facebook and included in your post: "Like", "Share", "Report", ...
Basically: anything that can be clicked in your post and that will lead to an action.

UI - How I can make users effectively read what my program says?

I have a simple form that searches through the 2000+ issues of a 3rd party webcomic. (Easy, it's like xkcd: http://url/number
That form is as easy as possible, is like this:
What number do you want?
User writes a number, clicks ok, and goes on the 3rd party website on a new tab
Then, my form asks a question: "Did you find that issue memorable? Enter the name here, and we will add it to the "best issues" in home page"
When the user will write the name of the issue, it is added to the database (pending moderation by me)
So, I supposed this design is the easiest and convenient that users can find.
Unfortunately, NONE of the users (maybe a 2% behaved correctly) will actually read what I asked. Some of the issues are offline, and gives a 404. On that issues users will write in the textbox a completely wrong title, and correctly capitalized!
It's like if i would name as "The Great Adventures of Jack Smith"
Users are from around all over the country, with different browsers, and have a different cookie.
I cannot believe that my users will not read what I ask, it is a WHITE PAGE with a button that disappears when clicked and a textbox.... easier than that???
Maybe i should put a checkbox with "I acknowledge that this form is for submitting memorable issues, not for fun"? Oh, who will read that?
Or maybe i could enable the textbox only if the user has effectively clicked the link?
Do your users understand your site/service?
I, for one, don't remember (web-)comics by their issue number, but by their content. When asked what xkcd comic number I would like to see, I'd probably input random numbers like 42, 123 or 666 or something.
After you make me guess for a number you ask me if the associated comic is particularly epic, then you ask me to do some data entry for it to put it on some kind of hall of fame. Honestly I do not understand what the logic is behind inserting titles for non existing comics -- are you sure they don't actually land them on the comic page for "The Great Adventures of Jack Smith"? The 2% of your userbase probably noticed the issue in the URL you generated for them, addressed it and typed in the right title. Or, maybe, they are typing the name of the comic they actually wanted to see instead.
There's a simple way to know. Have your mom use it and do not correct her if she makes mistakes. All mistakes she makes are your fault, not hers.
Without having the text of the labels you have put it's harder for us to second guess what's going wrong than it is for you.
Try it!!
You could try parsing the title of the page and obtaining the title yourself
OR you might want to request the username/handle.
Once the user enters the details and clicks SUBMIT, Show a confirmation page ( preview of how the submission will be listed). Make sure to include the username/handle as the person who submitted it (This brings a sense of responsibility to the guy who submits). Remember to keep a back button to allow the user to go back and make the necessary changes ans submit again.
Allow users to create profiles on ur site (they maybe as simple as stackoverflow's profile system. here's mine for example). Unless he is logged-in, submissions posted as anonyomous. Rest same as above.
NOTE: There might be a slim possibility that, U are be being targetted by spam / captcha bots. Hence the random text entries. still. do implement the above. A better UI never hurt anyone. Right??...
