MusicDeviceMIDIEvent: unknown function on iOS5.1 - core-audio

I am attempting to use MusicSequence to control an instance of AUSampler targeting iOS5.1
The project has references to CoreAudio and AudioToolbox the project compiles and runs, but errors on the call to MusicDeviceMIDIEvent with Bad Access Xcode, 'unknown function' AppCode.
I see that the API has changed and that MusicDeviceMIDIEvent now exists in MusicDevice.h in the AudioUnit framework.
If I try to add a reference to AudioUnit.framework which I understand contains the function I get 'framework not found AudioUnit' and the project fails to build.
Other questions on SE suggest that I should be using CoreAudio and AudioToolbox over AudioUnit.
In addition I can see that the sample code 'LoadPresetDemo' functions without the AudioUnit framework, but I can't see why.
Any advice or pointers would be very much appreciated.

To work with the MusicPlayer API you only need to add the AudioToolBox framework to your project and then import the AudioToolbox.h in your project:
#import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>
If you look at that file you will see that it #includes all the necessary bits for working with AUGraphs etc. If you need to do something additional, like recording or access to the AUGraph output then you will need to import additional frameworks.
I posted a demo project for someone else which uses the MusicPlayer API - you may find that of use.
AudioToolbox is sort of a convenience "Swiss Army Knife for Audio" type thing. If you look in AudioToolbox.h it is linking to MusicPlayer.h and that is linking to some Core Audio + Audio Unit stuff. MusicDeviceMIDIEvent is defined in MusicPlayer.h so if you have included the AudioToolBox Framework in your build settings,
I have the "LoadPresetDemo" example here. For audio it only contains the AudioToolbox and the AVFoundation. As a reality check I removed the AVFoundation link, compiled and fixed the errors which resulted - which all pertain to setting up an Audio Session and output sample rate, etc. then I compiled and ran it in the Simulator and it runs fine. I think Apple included all of that to demo how to handle an audio app entering and leaving the background (see endInterruptionWithFlags method).
Anyway... If you have linked to the AudioToolBox and imported AudioToolbox.h then I have no idea what is going wrong ... ;-)
#include <Availability.h>
#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioFile.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioFileStream.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioFormat.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioQueue.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioServices.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AUGraph.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioConverter.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/ExtendedAudioFile.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/MusicPlayer.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/CAFFile.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioFileComponent.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioUnitUtilities.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AUMIDIController.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/CoreAudioClock.h>
#include <AudioConverter.h>
#include <AudioFile.h>
#include <AudioFileComponent.h>
#include <AudioFileStream.h>
#include <AudioFormat.h>
#include <AudioQueue.h>
#include <AudioUnitUtilities.h>
#include <AUGraph.h>
#include <AUMIDIController.h>
#include <CAFFile.h>
#include <CoreAudioClock.h>
#include <ExtendedAudioFile.h>
#include <MusicPlayer.h>
#include <AudioServices.h>
// MusicPlayer.h
#include <Availability.h>
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h>
#include <AudioUnit/AUComponent.h>
#include <CoreAudioTypes.h>
#include <AUComponent.h>


delay.h: No such file or directory

I wrote a simple code in Atmel Studio 6.1 to blink a LED.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <delay.h>
int main(void)
return (0);
The problem is when I compile the code I get the following error:
delay.h: No such file or directory
I don't think delay.h is not available because it is in this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Atmel Toolchain\AVR8 GCC\Native \
What's actually going on?
You can use this to solve your problem.
#include <util/delay.h>

Including <Eigen/Dense> when using /openmp

I am pretty new user of Eigen and have run into a weird problem. I am adding to a C++ project that uses OpenMP (Visual Studio 2012 compiler, /openmp set). I get a compilation error:
include\eigen\src/Core/products/Parallelizer.h(34): error C3861:
'omp_get_max_threads': identifier not found
I have tried to google around for an answer, but have failed to find a solution. We have another project, not using openmp, where Eigen has been used successfully for a while. Adding /openmp to that project did not trigger the problem. I also tried to disable openmp in Eigen, using the EIGEN_DONT_PARALLELIZE preprocessor directive. The problem persists. All suggestions to solve the problem are more than welcome.
Long comment, not really an answer: Something appears to be broken in your project. I'm using Eigen 3.2.9 as a reference, as you haven't specified which version you're using. In Eigen/Core (133) we have
#if (defined _OPENMP) && (!defined EIGEN_DONT_PARALLELIZE)
#include <omp.h>
So, if you properly defined EIGEN_DONT_PARALLELIZE in your project, EIGEN_HAS_OPENMP shouldn't be defined and omp.h shouldn't be included. Additionally, in Parallelizer.h(30):
*v = m_maxThreads;
*v = omp_get_max_threads();
*v = 1;
So if you had properly defined EIGEN_DONT_PARALLELIZE, you would not be getting the error you are getting.
Regarding the C3861 error, it means that the compiler is not able to find a declaration for omp_get_max_threads (called in Parallelizer.h). As that code is called within a #ifdef EIGEN_HAS_OPENMP as is the line #include <omp.h> in Core, and omp_get_num_threads is only wrapped in an #if defined( __cplusplus) you could add a check in Core or omp.h to make sure that the code is active
// This is in Eigen/Core
static_assert(0, "OMP FILE IS INCLUDED IN CORE...");
#include <omp.h>
// This is in omp.h
static_assert(0, "OMP FILE IS PROPERLY INCLUDED...");
You should get both as errors if omp is loaded correctly.

Clang (omp version) missing map and utility headers

I'm experiencing some sort of issue trying to compile a perfectly (windows+linux tested) mpi+openmp software I wrote my own.
I've managed to install and set to work the omp-adapted version of clang, and it works flawlessly in a simple omp "hello world" I've prepared.
As well I've installed open-mpi via homebrew, and the mpi "hello world" is working as well.
Now there come the issue.
Firstly, not so much confident in clang and openmp working together, I've created a version of my software without openmp calls. This version (MPI-only) of the code has been compiled with no issue.
Now comes my real dilemma.
I've reverted back the omp sections of my code, and tried to compile it with both MPI and openMP flags (mpic++ wrapper with ompclang forced in and -fopenmp flag added). The output of the compiler verbose mode is here below.
fatal error: 'utility' file not found
#include <utility>
fatal error: 'utility' file not found
#include <map>
After this output I tried to compile something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
std::cout<<"Hello World!!!!"<<std::endl;
return 0;
And the output keeps me saying the compiler can't find map, utility AND iostream as well.
It appears to me the problem is the compiler doesn't know where to find the standard c++ libraries.
Can anyone of you tell me how to solve this? Thanks in advance
Have fun,
I've found a good suggestion from this site:
That helped me to solve the issue.
I post the OMP+MPI hello world if anyone ever needs to test them together.
#include <mpi.h>
#include "omp.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Initialize the MPI environment
// Get the number of processes
int world_size;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);
// Get the rank of the process
int world_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
// Get the name of the processor
char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
int name_len;
MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len);
// Print off a hello world message
#pragma omp parallel
printf("Hello from thread %d, nthreads %d,from processor %s, rank %d out of %d processors\n", omp_get_thread_num(), omp_get_num_threads(),processor_name, world_rank, world_size);
// Finalize the MPI environment.
Have fun

Write C DLL for MATLAB

I'm trying to write and compile some C code which I would use frm MATLAB with VS 2012
Here is my header file:
#ifndef _DLLTEST_H_
#define _DLLTEST_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int Add(int a, int b);
And here is implementation:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "nureader.h"
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int Add(int a, int b)
return (a + b);
Compilation goes fine, but when I try to load DLL to MATLAB, I getting a strange error:
>> [a,b] = loadlibrary('nureader.dll', 'nureader.h')
Error using loadlibrary (line 419)
Failed to preprocess the input file.
Output from preprocessor is:nureader.h
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\INCLUDE\eh.h(27) : fatal error C1189: #error : "eh.h
is only for C++!"
Take a look at VS output
fatal error C1189: #error : "eh.h is only for C++!"
You want to write a C library, right? so don't include C++ in it. or compile with G++ but since you're using windows I don't think you have that option...
In any case, track down what includes "eh.h" and try without it. If it builds without it - great, if not - you will need to only isolate the C portion of your program. By looking at the code, you don't seem to need anything more than
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
So try that.

How to link RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW function?

I am not able to link RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW(). This is a simplified version of my program.
#include <WinSock2.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
#include <Windows.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <MSTcpIP.h>
LONG error;
error = RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW(
return S_OK;
And the error I am getting is:
main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW#16
Does anyone know what could be wrong?
"An import library containing the RtlIpv4StringToAddressEx function is not included in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) released for Windows Vista. The RtlIpv4StringToAddressEx function is included in the Ntdll.lib import library included in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). An application could also use the GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress functions to retrieve the function pointer from the Ntdll.dll and call this function."
from the docs.
If there was a lib to pragma comment, it would be Ntdll.lib. To repeat the docs, you can either grab the one from the DDK, or GetProcAddress the sucker.
GetProcAddressing would look like
typedef LONG (NTAPI *pfRtlIpv4StringToAddressEx)(PCWSTR,BOOLEAN,IN_ADDR *,PUSHORT);
pfRtlIpv4StringToAddressEx pRtlIpv4StringToAddressEx = (pfRtlIpv4StringToAddressEx)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll"), "RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW");
error = (*pRtlIpv4StringToAddressEx)(
