MacOSX Bash App Bundle as Sudo - macos

I am working on a simple little mac application which runs a bash script when opened. My problem is, the bash script requires that sudo commands be called! Unfortunately, the app simply crashes when I try to do any sudo commands in the bash.
My app/bundle hierarchy is very simple:
------myapp (the bash script)
That's it.
Seeing as using sudo is obviously not going to work, is there a way for me to make the application ask the user for a password, and then run its bash script AS sudo? Then I could remove the sudo prefixes and everything would theoretically work fine.

It seems that with sandbox, authorization under Mac become difficult (
Maybe you can find some informations here:


Bash script for setting up mac keeps skipping commands or simply prints to the console without executing lines

I've been trying to create a bash script that allows me to transfer my existing dev setup to a brand new macbook.
I set up a bash script which is supposed to automate this process but for some reason when I call the script using curl, it doesnt seem to reliably run the whole thing and I cant figure out why that is. example of commands being printed to the console and note executed
If I were to manually enter each line into the terminal and execute, things work as expected however doing so defeats the purpose of the script.
I'll attach some screenshots of the terminal output so you can see the exact issues I'm facing and at which point it behaves oddly.
I've had to run the script a few times to get it to execute the skipped steps but it would be good to understand why certain steps are getting missed. Here's a link to my gist containing the script. Would appreciate any suggestions for improvements or explantations for the behaviour I'm seeing.
Things I have tried that havent resolved my issue:
Splitting the script into two smaller scripts
Erasing my mac and running the script again (done this several times)
Adding sleep 5 between each command
edit: this is how I'm running the script
sudo curl -Lks | /bin/bash
Thanks in advance
It appears that everything after brew install git is being echoed. That suggests that something in that command is copying its stdin to stdout, so it's processing the rest of the script. Change that line to
brew install git </dev/null
so it won't read the script as its stdin.
Also, you don't need to run curl under sudo. If you need privileges to install the program, you should run bash as the superuser, not curl.
curl -Lks | sudo /bin/bash

interactive shell script for execution of sudo commands

I installed gcc 5.2 with gmp, mpfr and mpc, plus the isl and cloog optimizations, works perfectly. All prefixes are in /usr/local so that I have to sudomy make install's. I had to redo the same install on the computer of a friend, and now, I have to do it on another computer of mine... It's enough, so that I wrote a script. (And broke my "script whatever you have to do twice" rule.) My problem is that at some places of the script I have sudo make install commands, and that I don't want to run my script as admin.
How could I modify my script so that the following happens : before each sudo make install command one is asked to elevate permissions, and if one accepts, one is asked the root password, and then, sudo make install is executed, and after, the next commands are executed with "normal" permissions, until the next sudo make install, etc... ?
(I tagged make but the question is of course independant of it.)
sudo doesn't ask you for the root password, but your own; and it only does this when you haven't sudoed recently enough.
So just put sudo : at the top of the script: then it will ask for the password right away, and after it has been supplied, all the other sudo commands will execute without asking anything.

Applescript for macports repository maintenance

Cannot create a useful script for scheduling the macports update and upgrade weekly e.g..
I tried a tiny script here:
on run {input, parameters}
do shell script "sudo /opt/local/bin/port selfupdate && sudo /opt/local/bin/port upgrade outdated && sudo /opt/local/bin/port clean --all installed" user name "<username>" password "<password>" with administrator privileges
return input
end run
And put this into Automator
Then as it running, the window will be frozen and if anything returns during the run, it shows as an exception message.
Can you write a useful script to get things done?
Thanks for help!
I think you are better off looking into the cron utility, that nowadays must be explicitly enabled. For all what I know, you can also get hold of a utility named Cronnix, to set it up. Your other alternative is to use Launchctl, here there is a friendly user interface named Lingon, that you can buy from the appstore.
There will always be an error log from updating MacPorts, that you should really read. The other thing is that when some packages gets deprecated, or some conflict occurs, then the update command really will require you to interact, by moving stuff aside, so the approach of using something to update Macports isn't as favourable as it may seem.
How about creating a recurring calendar event reminding you to do it? :)
If you are really tenacious about getting this to work, then you'll have to use the do shell script with administrator privileges, and if you don't like the dialog with password, and username, then you can hardcode those into your automator action. You'll then have to let go of sudo, since the ´with administrator privileges` does that for you.
do shell script "your shell script without sudo" user name "hardcodedusername" password "hardcodedpassword" with administrator privileges

Bash script file hangs on execute

I just realized that i cannot execute .sh scripts anymore on my debian.
It used to work fine. All .sh files are +x chmodded and used to work fine.
Suddenly, once i execute: ./ system hangs.
I am able to stop this via ctrl+c, but script never executes.
Steps did so far was to restart my VPS.
Any ideas?
I am pretty sure shell scripts are still working on your machine, because if they weren't, you would not be able to complete any boot cycle.
If I suppose you are facing problems with your homemade scripts, then you should probably check your shebang line (#!/bin/sh for example) to see if anything unusual was used there.
New scripts are using a dispatcher to interpreters:
`#!/usr/bin/env bash` #lends you some flexibility on different systems
`#!/usr/bin/bash` #gives you explicit control on a given system of what executable is called
The difference between “#! /usr/bin/env bash” and “#! /usr/bin/bash”?

terminal sudo command

I'm a complete novice at this (terminal in Mac leopard) and hoping to get an lifeline from the web as I've certainly hit a wall.
I want to run a script as a root in terminal. The script is saved as a text file with a .rtf extension. I've inserted into terminal:
sudo filename.rtf
then I get asked a password which I've typed in (admin password) and pressed enter; then it shows a prompt: sudo: Mac: command not found
I've tried it with the extension hidden but got the same result. Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
You need to first get the script out of the .rtf file and into a plain text file (open it up in TextEdit and select "Make Plain Text" from the format menu, then save it again as
Now you can type
sudo sh
The "magic" sh letters there are because as another responder says, sudo will temporarily elevate you to superuser and run a program. In *nix environments, that would be anything with the executable bit set, meaning that someone's explicitly told the operating system that it's safe to run a file. In your case, your has not been "blessed" in this way, so to run it you need to feed it into a program that knows how to understand it. That program is sh, and it does have the executable bit set. Thinking of it as sudo (sh might make it a bit clearer.
If you plan on running this script a lot, you might want to actually make it executable on its own. This amounts to putting special instructions inside the file that tell the operating system how the file should be run. If you stick #!/bin/sh (this is called a shebang line and tells the OS what to do with your file) on the first line of your script, and then type chmod u+x (this tells the OS that you, and only you, are allowed to execute your file), you'll be able to run the file directly with sudo
sudo is used to execute commands as the root user of the machine.
when you type
sudo [somthing]
the shell grants temporary root privilges and then executes the given "somthing"
assume your script is in bash, you should have done
sudo sh filename.rtf
Also, it's better to save script as plain txt, with an sh extension, so you would execute
sudo sh
first set the script as executable:
chmod +x filename.rtf
Then you can run it like so:
sudo ./filename.rtf
